30 Day Shred Results? Anyone?

Hello everyone! I'm still here! I got my DVD's in the mail from Amazon. Yay! My DD17 is doing this with me. We haven't officially started yet. I still need to get to Target to get some weights. But, we have been doing Spin twice a week, and I've been doing personal training twice a week. I hope I can get the weights today or tomorrow and get right in there. Good luck on your Shred everyone! I like the idea of a before and after pic. I too will be heard screaming all over the globe when I have to put that thing on AND take a picture in it. omg... :scared1:
Hops - I'm really Ashley, so feel free to call me that! I kind of wish I had made my screen name something to do with my real name, but, alas, I did not. My vacation starts the 23rd or 24th (standby traveler, so we'll see!). I'd love to see a size 4 again, but for now I just want my size 6 dress pants to fit again and some new jeans! Currently sitting somewhere between an 8 and 10 for the most part.

I love that you are all doing B&A pics, too. I hope that we all look good enough to confidently share them someday soon!

Tigger - I have Shred and 6 Week 6 Pack on my iPod, and I can't do them anywhere but home because I get so grossly sweaty! I have a set of weights under my desk, though, so I can do a little circuit. Unfortunately there are always people around and I feel like a goon!

Speaking of people around, let me tell you today's challenge. My coworkers want me to go to McDonald's for lunch and then out for happy hour after work today. My family is going to a FISH FRY tonight, so I was planning to eat lightly all day and then do double-Jillian after school to get ready for it. I feel so selfish telling them that I can't, but... REALLY?! If I ate everything that they invited me to eat, I would be such a roly-poly! I'm sure they'll be talking about me tonight at happy hour, but I just can't commit. I feel like you are all pretty dedicated to your own causes, what would you do?

Melinda - How lucky of you to have your DD to do this with! I love my spin classes, too! What gym to you go to? You might want to grab a variety of weights, as you can see that we don't seem contented with just one weight. That's gonna be a spendy Target trip, though, as you will need double!

So, Shredding friends, what states are we representing?:cheer2:

ABDonovan (OP) - Did you get started ever? Sorry to hijack your thread and turn it into an accountability thread! Should we start something new? We hope you stop by!:wizard:

On another note - My office (where I do my JM workouts) is starting to smell like a gym. :headache:

Sorry for the rambling. I just don't feel like WORKING right now!:littleangel::surfweb:
Ashley Nice to meet you. My name's Jhennifer. Or Jhenn. Or Jhenn-Jhenn. Whatever... I respond to them all.

McDonald's I can't do. I just don't do fast food very often at all. MAYBE once a month, if that. Fish Fry though - sign me up! I'd be all over that. Just try to do a healthy portion. DH and I began splitting meals when we go out to eat. Sometimes we do an appetizer, but most of the time, we just get side salads or a soup to go with our "half" meal. As for Happy Hour - it is fun to go out with friends and gab, and if you're in the mood to, why not join them? You have a few choices with that one... not drink and make it known "no, this is just a cranberry juice", don't drink and keep it a secret "this is totally a vodka tonic!" but in reality, it's just tonic water with a lime in it, or keep it to a low cal drink, or limit yourself to only ONE drink. have one margarita, or one light beer. In reality, it's better than 4 margaritas or drinking a 6er by yourself, you know?

I encounter this alcohol dilemma a lot myself. While I'm trying to lose weight, there are some things I am NOT willing ot give up, and one of them is beer. I'm a home brewer, as is my husband, and we are craft beer drinkers. We each drink 5-10 beers a week, and enjoy them. We don't get drunk, we enjoy the taste, the complexities and subtlties (I do't know how to spell that word.) While I know that these are empty calories, I don't really consume other empty calories to add to them. We snack healthy, fruits and veggies, etc. right now our downfall is Girl Scout Cookies. Our daughter is selling and I'm cookie mom for our troop, so they are hard to avoid. Right now, we are only having 1 box open at a time, and I've been being good about them, adn grabbing a yogurt or sugar snap peas instead. I allow myself 1 cookie for dessert, which I think it reasonable, especially since those things are small. I could eat the whole thing in one bite! But I take my time to enjoy and savor it. It's my little reward for getting up before the sun and letting Jillian order my big butt to exercise!

melinda - If you're getting lighter weights and don't want to spend a bunch of money on weights, (I bought 5's last night, and they were almost $12 for the pair. I also have 3's and 8's, and 15's, but like I'm ever gonna use the 15's for something like this - ha! they're more for our free-weight bench), you can try using other things. I have a friend who uses soup cans as 1lb weights. water bottles would work too. But Ashley's right... if you're getting multiple sets of weights for you AND your daughter, that'll add up quickly!

So... little about me - I'm 31. married-ish... not going so well right now. DD is 8. living in Indianapolis - you saw my city on the Superbowl this year, and my project... I work for the company who created what everyone walked on in Superbowl Village. I'm an architectural designer. I was as high as a 10 - and those were tight, but am now down to a comfortable 8, and want to get back to a 4/6.

How about you all? Wanna introduce yourselves?
Jhenn, it's great to meet you! Thanks for your encouraging words regarding happy hours and fish fries! I am usually happy to go to happy hour, but today I just couldn't swing it and the pressure was ON, if you know what I mean. I love wine, cocktails, beer (not as much since going GF), you name it! I don't love when you say "no" and people can't let it rest! I need to go home and do my workout so I can eat some tasty fish and all that goes along with it!:yay:

I am Ashley, and I am almost 30... (Cringe! Only 15 more days!:sad1:) I'm a teacher and in-home tutor. I usually work 50-60 hours per week, but I have been lucky to have a couple of weeks off from job number two as I hop on the workout wagon. Next week should be exciting trying to fit it all in again!:thumbsup2

Who's next?
Hi guys! I did get weights at Target yesterday. I got one set of 3's (they had 3 3lb weights... so I will have to get the other set next time I'm there), 2 sets of 5's, 2 sets of 8's and 1 set of 10's (they had 3 10's as well... so weird). This will definitely get us going!

I'm Melinda and I'm from MN. I am a SAHM to 6 wonderful kids. It keeps me very busy. They are in all sorts of activities and the schedule is just crazy. Today we have a Speech meet that my daughter had to be at school for at 5:00 a.m. because they are headed down to the cities and then we have Chorus dress rehearsal then Basketball playoff games. We will be done by noon, then at 4:00 is the call time for the Chorus concert, with the dinner concert starting at 5:30 and over by 8:00. Somehow in there I have to get my 14 year old to church at 11:30 to practice because she is singing worship this weekend and get her to church by 5:00 tonight to sing. Our church is huge and has a Saturday night service, and two Sunday morning services. My oldest daughter will be back from Speech somewhere around 8:00, so I may have to sneak out of the Chorus concert to go pick her up. Then home to sleep and get up and have DD14 to church at 8:00 a.m. We usually go to the 11:00 service as a family. Lots of driving!!!

I love running. I am slow, but dedicated. I started running nearly 2 years ago (in June), and have done 7 half marathons, three of them Disney races. My next one is April 28.

Nice to see everyone on this thread!
Can you believe it's Sunday already?! Did everyone get to spend some time with Jillian this weekend?

I did Ripped in 30 yesterday and 6 Week 6 Pack today. I also ran today, and it's looking really good for meeting my 5k goal on Saturday!

Melinda - Your weekend makes me realize how much more time I have than if I had kids! I work two jobs, but your schedule... :worship: It's good to find more MN people here on the Dis. Which race are you doing on 4/28?

Anybody have any ideas for plateau busting? I seem to be stuck. This week I will adhere strictly to my plan, but I also plan to make a few little changes. That said, which changes are the most important ones to make?

I'm off to the gym. I'm just going to enjoy a little time in the hot tub to end my weekend.:cloud9: (This week is conferences/report card week:eek:, so I know I won't be getting too much R&R.)

Thanks for allowing me to check in with you! :goodvibes
I was planning on spending time with Jillian but I was so sore that I could hardly walk. I did some elliptical work yesterday morning. I plan on doing elliptical and Jillian tomorrow.

One of my favorite plateau busting workouts is Leslie Sansone's 4 Fast miles. She does 5 intervals during the workout that really help! I get sweating really hard at this point.

Gotta keep my calories under control this week and stay focused during next weekend as well. No plans for next weekend besides church so I should be good. I will treat myself to a drink but that's it! I want to try and lose 5 pounds this coming week. If I stay focused and get in all my workouts it will be easy. Thighs are still sore but it's very doable. Weekend weight drops right off me. I have everything I need to make it happen so there is no reason that it shouldn't happen!

TTFN :tigger:
I did my Jillian 30DS on Sat, but I skipped Sunday. I did do it this morning though. It felt a lot harder this morning. I don't know if it's because I skipped it yesterday, or because it's just Monday morning.

for the one I skipped, I plan ot make up for it by doing a double one day this week. I will do my regular morning workouts, and then do one in the evening as well. I'm thinking Tues or Wed.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm now 7 workouts in, and I feel totally unprepared to move to level 2. I just switched over to 5 lb weights from 3 lbs, and I've done 2 whole days with them, but man, those anterior arm raises with the side lunge - my arms can't do that whole thing with 5 lbs.
Are you guys able to keep up or are you still taking breaks like I am? (I'm taking 5 second breaks, but still, breaks are breaks, kwim?) Does this mean I'm not ready to move to level 2 yet - therefore lengthening my 30 day shred to more like a 45 day shred?

In other news, my jeans aren't tight right out of the dryer :-)
Oh Monday, we meet again...

This week will be the hardest week to stay on track up until I leave on the 23rd or 24th. I have parent-teacher conferences on Tues & Thursday, job #2 until 9 pm Wednesday, a concert Friday and the 5k + a food-filled card club on Saturday... I'm already tired! Sorry for that everyone who read it!

I put that plateau in my crosshairs and stayed diligent all day. Woke up with J-Mike, healthy and portioned dining, well-hydrated, and bedtime weight circuit. I went and got a manicure, too, but I don't think that was worth anything for my current cause.

Jhenn - I take short rest breaks on certain moves that challenge me, but I still level up. I figure part of the program is the absence of muscle memory.

Glad to hear of Jhenn's tight jean success and to find tigger's motivating plan for the week!

Keep being awesome!:cutie:
30 Day Shred: day 8/9. I did my 8th workout this morning (having skipped Sunday). I think I'll do my 9th tonight, and then 10th in the morning. I am not sore anywhere anymore, although my shoulders are shaky for about an hour after the workout. I have done 3 full workouts with the 5 lb weights, and I'm glad I did. They make me feel that burn, which lets me know I'm actually getting something out of this torture I'm putting myself through.

Getting out of bed an extra 40 mins early is still difficult for me - I am NOT an early riser by any stretch of the imagination. Heck, I've never even come CLOSE to seeing Rope Drop at any of the parks - ha! Even though I wanted to make it to one this last trip, I think the closest we got was getting out of the hotel room by 10. So… yeah, I’m not a morning person, but getting my workout out of the way first thing has been key for me. I don’t have time to make up excuses to myself about they I can’t do it, or what other stuffI have to do instead. I’m getting out of bed that early specifically TO DO THE WORKOUT! And I do feel better after I do it. Like I started my day off right, and like I’ve already accomplished something. 

This morning, I was able to keep up with everything except in circuit 1’s cardio. I had to take 2 5 second breaks. I don’t know why… maybe because I wasn’t warmed up enough? But the other 2 circuits, I was able to keep going with, even though it was hard, I still kept going.

My favorite move in level 1 is the chest flys, by far. They are a good time for me to relax (lay down) and do the moves, which aren’t challenging for me, even with the 5 lbs. Maybe I should try them with 8’s? My least favorite move is the butt kicks. Maybe I’m doing them wrong, but they just feel like running in place to me. I also dislike the anterior raise/side lunges. No matter what weight I use, my shoulders just don’t like that movement. Maybe I need to work those muscles more? And I never feel like my butt is sticking out far enough when I do those. And while we’re talking about it… during those front-back lunges, the ones we do with the bicep curls… what leg do you feel that more in, your front leg or back leg? I feel it in the calf and quad of my back leg, which makes me think I’m doing the move wrong?

And I love her line “The neck isn’t invited to this party.” Ha ha ha!

How about you guys? What are your favorite and/or least favorite moves in level 1? Is anyone else going up to level 2 this week? I think I’ll be moving up on Thurs, starting level 2 with 3 lb weights.

Ashley - whew - just reading your schedule is making me tired! Keep on keepin' on and stick with your goals. You have just a few more weeks until your trip, and just keep thinking about how prepared you're gonna be to wear a swimsuit during the trip if you stick with it. (I need that kind of motivation when I'm going for a goal like that!) Keep your eyes on the prize, my dear!

Melinda - Kudos to you! I don't know how you keep up your schedule all the time with your kids. As we know, moms never get down time ;-) I think it's great that you're taking time for yourself to take care of yourself (working out) and that your daughter is doing it with you. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my 1 kid and keeping my marriage together!
Hi --
I'm a little late to the game but I've decided to jump on the 30 Day Shred bandwagon! I just ordered my DVD and I can't wait for it to arrive. I also just started WW and I'm trying to get healthy for spring/summer.

Just wanted to drop by and introduce myself!

Hope everyone is having great results on the 30 day shred!
Day 9: Did my 9th workout last night (to make up for the one I missed on Sunday). I was supposed to do my 10th this morning, but overslept. oops. I still made it to work on time though.

During the 9th workout, I was able to keep up in circuits 2 and 3. I had to take breaks during circuit 1, and then MIL called right at the end of circuit 1, so I took a 10 min break while I talked on the phone with her. At the end of the call, I started circuit 2 and totally had my mind in the workout.

Mentally having my mind in the workout makes a big difference for me. When I don't feel like doing the workout, I feel like I just go through the motions, and I don't end up feeling like I got a good workout. Does that make sense? It's not like I'm slacking off more or doing them wrong, I just think it's all mental. But the past few days, I've been using my workout time to selfishly escape the present chaos of my life (working hard on my marriage, my dad's recently diagnosed with Alzheimers and it's startling how far he's declined in a very short amount of time, or we're all realizing how much he's been compensating for it, and he stopped compensating at the diagnosis?), so I'm trying to keep my mind only on the workouts when doing them. It's a good distraction, if only for 20 mins. Does anyone else have that same thoughts, about mentally working through the workouts?
KAA - Glad you're joining in the Shredding/Ripping fun!

Jhenn - It sounds like you have a lot going on these days.:hug: You're doing a great job getting your workout in. If it were me, I'd probably sit on my couch and enjoy a bag of potato chips and a pint of ice cream, so...:rolleyes1 If you ever need to vent, we're here to hear it!

I remember the side lunges with front raises in 30 DS. Thank goodness that she didn't include them in any of the four workouts of Ripped in 30. Perhaps that's why I was able to stick with it for four weeks? :confused3

The plank jacks and mountain climbers and plank moguls and all those other cardio intervals that involve planks are my downfall. They're getting better for me, though.

My plateau seems to be moving ever-so-slightly. Down .2 pounds today after being on the up side for a couple days in a row.:woohoo: Unfortunately I took that to mean that I could eat chocolate dipped coconut macaroons and mini M&Ms today, so I have to figure that out. I hate when I sabotage my progress!:mad:

I didn't wake up early this morning. My alarm went off at 5:40 and I thought to myself, "WHY?" and my answer didn't sound very good so I said, "See you at 6:30, world." I don't know if I'll get it in today, but maybe my body needs a rest?? Here's the closet-nerd thing, though. I have a chart that I put stickers on when I get my workouts in to count down the last 4 weeks before my trip. This will be the first time that I don't get all three stickers. I will probably work out just because I don't want to have that blemish on my beautiful chart! Is that terrible? :cool2:
I LOVE that you put up a chart. I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to blemish the chart - it would be a good motivator for me as well! It's great that you found something that works for you.

thanks for the kind words of encouragement and the hugs. I'm dealing with things with my parents I didn't expect to happen until much later, not when I'm only 31. That's one of the things that is making it so hard for me right now - my dad just turned 62 last month. This is the time that he should be enjoying his retirement, travelling with my mom, etc. And then I look at them and it's doubly heartbreaking - they look at each other with so much love, knowing full well what's ahead of them and ready to face it together (they have been married for almost 40 years, and both had full careers in the healthcare industry, so they know the cruelty the years will bring with this Alzheimer's diagnosis). And then I look at them and think to myself, Am I looking at my future? Will I eventually get this too? Will I have a loving husband by my side? How will my daughter cope with it? (she's an only child, and even though we're not very close, right now, my sister and I are leaning on each other a lot.) So, it brings into mind the crumbling state of my marriage and if I really want to try to save it, or let it take it's course, divorce, and be on my own, with the possibility of beginning another family in the future?

This is the stuff that clogs my mind all day and night, and these are the exact thoughts that I'm so eager to leave behind when I'm working out. Right now, it seems to be the only time I can turn it off, and I'm surprised by how much I look forward to it, even if it brings a lot of hard work and sweating.

Sorry for getting off track there... Thanks for listening.

ETA: I forgot - the past 2 days, my upper back has hurt when doing jumping jacks and jump rope, things like that. It hurts near the top of my sports bra. Anyone else having that? not acute pain, but soreness. If it was in my lower back, I'd crack it, you know? Anyone?
I just completed my first workout and all I can say is HOLY MOLE! I actually go to the gym but jeez this was different. Immediately upon completion, I popped 800 mg of ibuprofen and jumped in a bath of Epsom Salts. This is going to be tough!
KAA - Welcome aboard! Yes, you WILL be sore for the next few days. I felt it mostly in my legs. Stairs (especially going down them) were not my friends. I did, however, feel better when I worked out and for a few hours afterward, so keep doing the workouts! I'm only 10 days in, and although I'm not seeing any differences on the scale (if anything it went up for a few days!), I'm already seeing a difference in how clothes are fitting. :-) Just those little things like less muffin-top, or how it's not a struggle to button a pair of pants that used to be tight. It is encouraging and keeps me giving up my 20mins day after day.

I did my day 10 this evening, and I think that the back pain I was talking about has to do with my muscles. I think they are just sore in muscles I didn't know I had and that I have a hard time stretching.

Speaking of stretching - the pre-workout and especially post workout stretches in level 1 were annoyingly inadequate for me. I did completely different/more stretches after the workout. I hope level 2 brings different warm up and cool down stretching.

I start Level 2 tomorrow! I'm excited but scared, too. I don't want to be sore again! ha!

OK - one more thing (I'm chatty Cathy today, apparently!) Does anyone else have a hard time getting to the menu where you choose your level? I bought my DVD at Walmart and you have to wait until these little videos play to get to the next menu screen. Every dang morning, I have to listen to Jillian explain the 321 system, yada, yada, yada. I wish I could just do Fastplay like in Disney DVDs or something!

Keep it up everybody!!! :thumbsup2
Good Morning!!

Jhenn - Oh my goodness! I can't believe everything that you are coping with right now. Truly, when it rains, it pours! DBF and I have been together for almost six years, and while I am sometimes sad about not being married yet, I'm also relieved that we aren't having "married people problems" yet. I hear every day how difficult marriage is, and I hope that you and DH can work together to get the most out of life and marriage. My dad is just a little bit older than yours, and that's why I'm going to WDW this month. I just am realizing that the time spent with my parents is becoming more and more valuable. Taking days without pay isn't great for anybody, but I don't think I will ever regret it. My prayers go out to you and your whole family, your daughter, too! (I teach 2nd grade, and I have seen how fearful children get when things just "aren't quite right" in one way or another.) I'm glad that you're able to enjoy a quiet mind while you work out.:hug::goodvibes

Oh, the 30 Day Shred DVD. I hated trying to get to the right place. I would do it on my computer a lot because it gave me a little bit more flexibility for skipping over stuff. Usually I would just pause it at the end of the workout so the next time I started I could just rewind without ever starting the disc over. Now I just buy the workouts on iTunes. So much easier.

The stretching always seems sufficient for me for then, but I will sometimes stretch more in the shower or foam roll later in the day. The foam roller is great for relieving tension! Sometimes I'll just lay with it going down my spine and open my arms up to the side. It looks a little bit like I'm being crucified, but it feels so good!

How was Workout 2?

KAA - The first days are the hardest. I always start with three days in a row and after that I don't feel crazy-sore anymore. I've never done an epsom salt bath, but I have bought them. I just don't know what to do? How much? What exactly do they do?? Please teach me! (Will they make me skinnier or less bloated?:rolleyes1)

I got my stickers yesterday, but I didn't finish the workout. I haven't taken a rest day, so I took the closest thing to a rest day as I could with Jillian. I committed to one circuit, and if I couldn't muster the energy to do more than that, I could quit and still get my sticker. It was a good test to see if I was actually tired or just too lazy to strap on a sports bra. It turns out that I was actually tired, so I quit the workout and ate dinner.

I'm reaching that time of the month when I can't lay off the chocolate, SO this should be an interesting couple of days... 5k Saturday! Does 3 miles earn you an all-you-can-eat chocolate buffet?
Ashley - if you do this race, you can eat all the chocolate you want! http://www.hotchocolate15k.com/

In lieu of a foam roller, I have a "the Stick". it's a self massage-y thing. Many runners use them. I really like it, and I really don't think I would have gotten through the first 3 days after my first half marathon without it! I used it the first few days of the 30DS, on my quads when they were SO sore! It hurt to roll out the muscles, but it hurt sooo good!

Workout 2 was ok. It wasn't as challenging as I'd thought it would be, but when I was done with it, man was I sweating. This workout is quite a bit more jarring than level 1, so that wasn't as great for my back. There were a lot of jumping type moves, and anything with the word plank in it is not enjoyable to me. This workout had more oblique moves, which I liked, because I need to work off my love handles - ha! One of them was very jumpy though, so it was not as pleasant for me to do.

I think my back pain has to do with my muscles, and I think they'll be better if I roll them out. I'm going to try it with my Stick tonight (just found some techniques to do it online - I love Google!). If that doesn't do it, I'll probably get myself a foam roller and ask for advice on that from you, Ashley!

KAA - How are you feeling this morning? Did the Ibuprofen and Epsom Salt bath help? I've always wondered about Epsom Salt baths too. Can you shed some more light on that for us please?

Tigger & Melinda - How's it going with you???

ETA: Jillian's sports bra in level 2 is a disaster. There's more jumping, and one less sports bra than level one, I just kept thinking "omg, Jillians ****s are gonna pop out of that thing and whack her in the face!" See... so now you all will want to get to level 2 so you can laugh as she bounces all around too! ha ha ha Oh the things that amuse my demented little mind!
Epsom Salt Bath is a little trick I learned about while training for a half-marathon. Any time you over-exert yourself -- it can be spring gardening or working out or anything where you use muscles that you don't normally use then just run yourself a nice hot or warm bubble bath and toss in a cup or more of Epsom salts. Sometimes, I use the entire box. Swish the water around until they dissolve and then soak for at least 20-30 minutes. The longer the better.

My DH and I swear by it -- and he did the Goofy last year -- the half -marathon followed by the full-marathon the next day.

I can't promise it will make you less bloated or skinnier - God, I wish. I would own stock in Epsom Salt - if there is such thing as Epsom Salt stock.

I was a little sore today. Nothing major at all -- which I attribute to the Epsom Salts. The workout wasn't any easier today but I did go up from 1 lb weights yesterday to 3 lb weights today. So, we will see how tomorrow goes.....
Hey Hops&Dreams!

I just did the 30 Day Shred for the 4th time! It's getting easier. I 've been doing it every other day though I plan on doing it tomorrow at some point. I have also done the elliptical today and gave 2 hours of massages at work. Looking to have somewhat of a loss this week! My clothes felt a little better today.

One of my friends and I are trying to lose 5% of our body weight in 16 days! We are having a family weekend at her house. Both of us are going to cut down on what we drink the next two weekends and keep up the workouts.We inspire each other and share our frustrations!

I'm on the BL challenge here on the boards too! It's great place to learn new things! Check it out and join in the fun!

My husband just headed down to do the elliptical while the kids play Wipeout. I need to eat something else as my calorie count along with my workouts is really low!

have a great night! I will try to post more on here. Just getting back in the swing of things with work and just plain getting organized!

TTFN :tigger:


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