3 days too long?


Proud Redhead
Jan 1, 2001
We will be arriving at HRH noon on a Thursday and leaving Monday morning. We have a 12 and 14 year old. Do you think this will be too much Universal, or will be want to go spend on day at Disney?

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We were there in Jan with our kids 11 and 14. They would have no problem going for three days, even more.

When we go to Universal in August we plan to arrive mid day on a Saturday, lounge around the hotel that day, and go to the parks Sunday and Monday. We are going to plan on Universal on Tuesday, but will keep it flexible. We'll buy 3 day tickets and if we've had enough of Universal we'll head to Disney a day early.
That is one day per park and one day to go back and do all the favs. We did 3 days on our last visit but we are devoting 4 days to IOA/US on our next visit.
Thanks for everyone's input. I guess I won't have to worry about keeping everyone entertained. I do want to go and take a look at the new Animal Kingdom Lodge. Sounds pretty neat!

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Keep in mind that as it stands now you won't be able to get into the Animal Kingdom Lodge unless you are staying there or have a reservation in one of the restaurants (must hold with a credit card with a 24 hour cancellation policy).
That's a bummer! We looked around at the Wilderness Lodge and that made us book there for the next time we were in WDW. Really wanted to see the place but not eat there.

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I'd say you'd need about 1 1/2 days at each park to really see it all and drink it in...it should be the perfect amount of time to thoroughly enjoy yourselves, plus even take in a bit of Citywalk at night.


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