150 Club...care to join???

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Tera - Congrats on the loss, stay with it.

Welcome all the new faces, I hope you find the same motivation that I have in having somewhere to go to get the extra support I need, and to share my success as it comes.

Todays success was a drank my water, I struggle with this, and today I drank 68 oz. I found that today I was less hungry and had more energy to exercise this evening.

Evening to all and WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS!! :wave:

You are now part of a wonderful :cool1: team that support each other through thick and thin!!

Did not have the best day today. My subbing assignment got switched this am and I couldn't get my exercise in.

Then this evening I have been taking care of DD who has been sick for the last 2 days and TODAY is her birthday (17) princess: what a way to spend your birthday. She did not even want to open presents. Bad cold and now she just threw up:(:(

Taking tomorrow off so I can be with her and if necessary take her to the doctor. Will make time for exercise!!

Also had popcorn after 730......bad me!!

Thanks for listening.......TOM came to visit so I am not in the best mood.

Just want my girl to feel better.

Have a magical Disney Day!! :earboy2:
Regina...WAY TO GO on the water!!! That's a biggie! We know we need to drink it but most the time I bet most of us don't get it in. And you exercised, too!!!! :cutie: Think 150's thoughts and you'll be passing through in no time!!!

Awww...Chrismiss!! I'm soo sorry your daughter had a not so great birthday...butcha know...I think knowing she's got a mom whose as attentive and nurturing as you are is really all she needed...there's always more time to party...I hope she's feeling better soon....so what...your day got a little mixed up..we're all going to have those...don't let it worry you...you just take care of that sweet daughter...and keep washing your hands! ::yes:: We can't have you getting under the weather, too! :)

Kaye!! Thanks so much for posting that link!!! I'm thrilled to know that at 195 I'm no longer OBESE...just pleasantly overweight!!! And at 159 I'll be NORMAL!!! Now don't go trying to tell anyone that knows me that I'm NORMAL...they'll never believe you! :)


Thanks Tara:):)

I needed alittle emotional boost.

Have a magical Disney Day!!:)
Count me in! I'll be thrilled with being in the 150's, tho I need and hope to go lower - at least 144 to be at top end of WW goal. My Dr. says 135/140 max.

I first joined WW in late Jan 2003, lost 37 lbs - made it to 162.2 and then life fell apart and I fell off program. I restarted several times but just couldn't do it. I restarted in Jan for the LAST time at 185.6 and have lost 8 lbs.

I've a wedding in FL 7/2 that I need to get into clothes for and just need to lose for health.

Thanks all for the support. I am definitely one who can't do this alone!!

Morning losers! HA! Just had to do that! :teeth: I am rebounding from my disappointing weekend and the momentum is headed to the positive.

chrismiss there is nothing worse than a sick child I hope she is better today. She'll feel better just from the "mother love" :sunny: that's better than chicken noodle soup.

goldcupmom welcome aboard! And congrats on making this the LAST time you start again! You can do it! We are all behind you! Those 8 pounds lost are pounds you never have to think about again!

150 HERE WE COME :cheer2: :cheer2:
I'm just checking in with guys. Today is one of those "blah" days for me. I had to force myself to take a rest day from my work outs because I'm so sore and I just feel off, I'm sure some of you regular exercisers probably can relate.

The scale is up 3 pounds for no good reason this morning. I do feel a lot of water retention and have been eating later at night than I'd like so that might have something to do with it. Sorry for the whiny post. I'm going to go and think of 5 things that I have to be happy about/grateful for and work on my attitude!

Have a great day gals and I'll check back later. :)
Good morning 150ers!

Yesterday was a disappointment for me. I weighed in and I only lost 1 pound!!! :( The reason that bothers me is because I had kicked up my workouts a few notches and thought for sure that I would see a greater loss than 1 pound! :confused3 I guess I should be happy that it isn't a gain though. ;)

Linda~ Sending big hugs your way, girl! I know that your daughter so appreciates her mom taking extra special care of her when she is sick. :grouphug: I bet she'll be ready to celebrate her birthday soon! :bday:

Tara~ Sending some prayers your way for an offer on your home. How did that go? Any good news to share with us? Thank you so much for being such an encouragement to all of us! Your posts are always full of :sunny: !

Have a great day everyone! Remember, you CAN do it!!! :cheer2:
Thanks for the welcome Tara :)
That is such a great idea to have a challenge with your husband. I think I'll have to try that as well ::yes:: .
Nottinghamshire is in the Midlands of England. We live close to where Robin Hood was surposed to live :teeth: .

chrismiss56, Happy Birthday to your DD, I hope she is feeling better soon.
What a cute moniker!!! I think we need to create a gold cup or trophy award that says 150's and mail it to each member who makes it to the 150's! You can keep it for as long as it takes another member to make it then you mail it to them...How does that sound??? Tangent attack...I get sidetracked easily! :) Welcome!!! Tiggerkeeper is right...this is the LAST time you'll see the 180's, the 170's AND the 160's!!! We're gonna hold ya to it! And you've got plenty of time before that wedding...so let's get at those pounds! :)

Tiggerkeeper..I LOVE your attitude...and I sooo needed it today! Had a 6 hour drive today...I'm beat...but I did avoid sugar and most carbs..except for the breading on my chicken fingers...still haven't heard on our house and the builder in the state we're supposed to be living in is pressuring me to close or he'll market it....we put SOOOO much into that house and I hate feeling pressure..we just can't handle two mortgage payments..SELL HOUSE SELL!!! (Meaning ours in TN, not AL!)

Zeraspride!!! I firmly believe you need a good solid day or two off a week when you're regularly exercising...listen to your body..when you're too tired it's telling you to rest...also just because you're not exercising try and keep your water intake up there...it's easy to miss out when you're not craving it after a big workout. And blast those scales!! I was up 2 pounds and had no carbs/plenty of water and really sticking to my guns...but I'm sure there'll be a whoosh tomorrow...I think I've had too many salty foods. But your scale is most likely reflecting a blip...I had lots of those when exercising regularly...your muscles demand things at different times and today it's demanding water....it'll let it go soon!!!

TOY STORY DUO!!! AAAAGHHHH!!! I WON'T HAVE IT!!!!! A P..P..P..POUND is HUMONGOUS!!! My husband's doctor had a sample of how much a pound of fat is and it looks bigger than a mountain of 4 butter sticks...it was all lumpy and gross. YOU NO LONGER HAVE THAT ONE!!!!! And your awesome workouts have undoubtedly tricked your body into thinking it's training for a marathon so some weeks it may try to reserve some energy...once it knows this is a habit and not a month out of the year phenomenon...the weight will steadily come down...just don't let your discouragment turn into cravings...that's my hardest...I talk myself into sabotaging myself "Gee...Tara you were sooo good on your diet...so disciplined...and you only lost a pound...you deserve a cookie!" :) YOU DESERVE A BIG PAT ON THE BACK and HURRAH for one pound gone!!!!

Sadeeyore...I didn't realize it was called Nottinghamshire...I went to Nottingham and walked the grounds of the castle ruins...even went to Sherwood Forest and that little museum they have there...that was one of my favorite areas. We're taking our kids there for their first trip abroad and trying to plan what all we can see in 10 days...not much I bet! :) When we both make it to 150's by then..you can guarantee I'll ring you up!!! Stay strong and I hope the sun starts shining for you soon and all those pretty flowers get into bloom...that always sparks my energy up! :)

Off to try and figure out some way to exercise! :) Can't find my WATP tape (guess I packed it up) and there's no way I'm getting back in that car after a 6 hour drive by myself listening to AM radio! :)

ONWARDS & DOWNWARDS!!! Let me know about the trophy..I'm serious...I'll buy it myself and snap a picture of it so you all will want to keep it at your house!! :)

Hi Everyone :wave2: How are my fellow members today? From those of you who exercise daily or pretty often what is it that inspires you? What gets you off the couch and out the door to the gym or down your street for a walk or on to the machine in the corner of your bedroom? I am struggling SO much with the exercise. I have the food plan down pretty well and am doing great but know I could really amp up the loss and get to the 150's sooner if I'd just stick to my exercise program. I have a long term goal of running a 5K in November but now can only run 1 mile so I'm a LONG way from that goal. I feel like I have tried everything. Made notes for myself reminding me to get my exercise in and how much it helps, etc., layed out my running clothes so they are waiting for me when I get home, joined a gym so the weather can't be an excuse, made a plan of what I'll do what days. I seem to be all raring to go until 4:30 when it's time to leave work and in the 5 minutes it takes me to get home my get up and go disappears and I make tons of excuses and next thing you know I'm on the internet, cooking dinner, watching TV - anything but where I want to be EXERCISING. So help me out everyone - motivate me! :teeth:
I'm in as well. I would really like to get down to 135 but I will take 150 any day! :cool1:
kayeandjim00 - I work out just about everyday. I find it to be such a stress releaser. Also, even when I don't feel like it, I "just do it". It has literally become part of my dail routine. I get up an extra 30-40 minutes early to get in a work out and make it a priority. I think that's my "secret". I don't eat breakfast, take a shower or do anything else (even on the weekends) until I work out. I know I can wear smaller sizes because of my daily work outs than I could if I was just doing a healthy eating plan. I weigh 185 pounds and am 5'-3/4" and wear a size 12. I didn't think I'd be in this size until I was at least 160 pounds or so. That's definitely a motivator. Plus, I do believe I can eat a little bit more since I exercise everyday and not be as strict as I would normally have to be because of the daily exercise. I hope something I said helps you out. I know it's not easy to get started but once you make it a part of your regular routine, you won't allow yourself to miss a work out!
You're no longer out in the wilderness any longer...you're in an exclusive group that will cheer you down to the 150's!!! Then I hope some groups will form some 130 clubs to catch all of you shrinking ladies! :) We'd love for you to stay here regardless so we can celebrate you hitting goal no matter where it is!!! :) So what about losing weight do you love????

Kaye...Zeraspride is soooo right! We have to somehow make it a priority..it's taken me 2 weeks to get my eating where it should be but I, too, have found all the reasons to avoid exercise....when I know I could do it. AND WAIT A SECOND...DID I HEAR YOU LAMENTING only being able to run a mile????? Girl, I could NEVER RUN A MILE!!! THAT IS HUGE!!! You should be sooo happy!!! Is it possible for you to get up early and make it the first thing you knock off your list like Zera? I'm going to try and start tomorrow...how about let's commit to working out in the am 3 days this week and see if you like it better than evening after work...the only video I have is ABS of STEEL...but I guess I could jog in place before and after...so how about it...I'm in!!!

Let's get these pounds off!!!

Mornin all!! :flower:

Weighed in this am and lost 2 pounds!! :worship: :worship:

With all the yummy leftovers we have had in the house from Cheesecake Factory (don't even like cheesecake) I am grateful for any loss. But then again I am ALWAYS grateful for any loss. :banana: :banana:

Off to Indiana University to visit my older DD - overnight stay and I get to see the national touring company of 42nd street!! :cool1:

Younger DD is going back to school - feeling better. Thanks for all the support and good wishes. Hoping she can enjoy a belated birthday this weekend. I am bringing her sister home with me for a weekend stay.

Ok staying commited will be tough but will give it my college try.

No exercise today or tomorrow except for walking.

Talk to you soon.

Have a magical Disney Day!! :earboy2:
Hi Tara
Nottingham is the actual city. The surrounding towns and villages in the county of Nottingham is called Nottinghamshire. We are about 18 miles from Nottingham.
When you come over don't forget to ring :teeth: , would love to meet ::yes:: .
CHRISMISS!!! 2 POUNDS is a BANNER DAY!!!! :banana: :banana: BRAVO! BRAVISSIMO!! You'll do fine going to pick up daughter...just remember to drink your water and tell her what a great losing week you had and she'll keep you in check with any poor food choices...It'll be great to have them all together this weekend...instead of munching on Superbowl snacks...go out and have a girls shopping trip to buy you an inspiration outfit! :) And let THEM pick it out! :)

As for me...I've lost .5 pounds since my last official weigh in...that's 1.5 pounds less than what I had down for me on our members list..so now I only have 35.5 pounds to go!!! :) This was a hard week for me...added in carbs and had a stressful go of it with life (dog's surgery, two kids with strep, 2 showings on the house waiting to sell) but I've got to realize life happens whether I'm losing or gaining...just want to be on the losing side for the next 5 months!


P.S....oh and let me know if you're weigh ins are your weekly submission...I weigh everyday but only count my Thursday weigh ins...some of you have mentioned a gain or a loss but I'm not sure if it's your weekly and I should post it for you.

Even if we have a gain, we'll be inspired by the efforts of all of us that will help us get to a losing week.

The enemy made its way into the house last night! :earseek: The chocolate chocolate chip muffins are here in a tupperware box on the counter in the kitchen! And I just fought them down and grabbed an index card and in BIG BOLD BLACK letters wrote 150! then I taped it to the lid of the offending box. The muffins belong to my willowy 17 yo DD. Whew, that was close!

I joined the TOM club yesterday day, oh joy :Pinkbounc ! At my age it is better than the alternative! :teeth:

Tara yippee on that 1.5 down and gone never to be seen again! With all that stress you did great!!

chrissmiss I hope you have a great visit with your DD! Hey 2 pounds down that is fab.....bu.......lus!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Wilderness welcome aboard and hope to see you around!! :flower:

Okay 150 Club Get to work!! :cheer2: :grouphug: :cheer2:
Tiggerkeeper!!! YOU DID GREAT!!!! I remember when my husband (dear isn't he) brought home an 8 pack of giant Cinnabon rolls from a business trip (the only Cinnabon near us is at the airport)....I served each of the kids one for breakfast and threw that nasty box in the garbage!!! I could have smeared it on my husband's pillow! :)

STAY STRONG... NO MUFFINS NO!!! YOU WILL NOT SABOTAGE TIGGERKEEPER!!! And if they become too much of a temptation...tell your willowy dd that you'd like to have a muffin eating contest between her and her sister and you'll videotape it.

GREAT JOB ON RESISTING TEMPTATION!!! I went to Costco today and the kids were hungry..theyhad pizza and a cinnamon sugar pretzel (wHOAH CARB OVERLOAD)...I admit I did lick the cinnamon off my fingers after I split it and had 4 pepperoni's but I didn't have a bite of anything! :)

Hi 150 club members,

I'm checking for the day. The scale is not being kind to me today but that's okay. My official weigh in day is Sunday so I know there will be fluxuations during the week . . . Hi, name is Lisa, and I'm a scale addict!

Tara - congrats on your 1.5 pound loss! That is just awesome!

chrismis - 2 pounds is a wonderful loss!! We are so proud of you!

wilderness - welcome to the club!

Tiggerkeeper - what a great job you did in resisting those muffins. I hope you don't mind if I borrow your technique. Some mornings it's harder than others for me to get up and work out (even though I do force myself) but I think seeing 150 on my Firm execise box will give me the motivation I need to work out minus the grumbling! I also might put a sticker that says 150 on the container of no sugar ice cream in my freezer!
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