13 year old boy but very mature


<font color=blue>My daughters introduced me to R-r
Sep 11, 2001
What is there for them to do on a Disney Cruise so they don't get bored? :confused3 Our neighbors want to go on a cruise and we are diehard Disney cruisers but they aren't into Disney like we are. Their son doesn't want to go off with kids and wants to stay with the adults. I am trying to convince him that he won't be bored but we've only cruised with no kids so I don't feel educated enough on this part of the cruise. Any help would be sooooooooo appreciated.
We cruised in Nov 2006 with our 13 year old son. He loved the cruise, he enjoyed the Stack very much, probably not as good for 16 and 17 year olds. Many kids his age and they all got to know each other, and had fun.
My teens adored the Stack but also enjoyed time spent with us at the shows and walking around the ports - but if you ask them all what the best part was - they will all state the STACK!
My 13 year old is very mature too, but he is also very social. Sometimes he wants to stay with the adult simply because he enjoys being part of our conversations more than those of other boys (some his age are VERY into their Nintendo systems, and he could care less about that stuff). He really enjoyed the Stack (make sure this young guy goes to the 411 meeting there on the first night of the cruise to get to meet some of the other teens- it helps break the ice).
Thanks everyone for your help. What exactly are some of the activities at the Stack?
My 13-year-old did not like the Stack. First, some of the activities he wanted to do like the hot tub or the fitness activity were only for older kids. Very few kids ate at the Stack so he ended up having lunch with only 2 other kids the day of our Palo brunch. Mostly he went there to watch football games. (He did like the Gender Wars game -- trivia boys vs. girls).

He spent more time in Ocean Quest, which I didn't like as much since it was mostly playing video games.

But he mainly hung out with us and we did family activities and when we wanted to be alone, he went to OQ
DD loved The Stack. There is a loose programming schedule, but it is like 3 things per day. There is a themed party each night--basically, this is music and hanging out. Dance if you want to. There are video games, video cameras where they film themselves, dancing (no, you don't have to), a long list of "possible activities, ask CM for supplies" that includes games, crafts, etc. They also have times on the sports deck, one session in the fitness center, etc.

Yes, go to the 411 meeting on the first night--they will hear all the activities, but also all the rules. One of the security guys talks with them, etc. And they meet each other and have fun.

They have scavenger hunts, boys vs girls activities, etc. They are well supervised. DD has sailed 3 times as a teen. We've only had a problem once, and that was a 16 year old "hitting on" my 13....and accusing her of racism when she wasn't interested. The staff handled it very well, and there were no problems as soon as it was reported to them.


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