11/19-11/21 Chewed out Tour


<font color=red>Proud Redhead<br><font color=peach
Sep 18, 2003
Why the 'Chewed Out' title? Last Weds the big boss sent me a scathing email and copied my boss, his boss and Human Resources. So I didn't want to spend the weekend laying awake thinking about the reprimand so after work Friday I loaded up the kids and we were honored with the rare accompaniment of my wife. My wife is off on workman's comp time for an accident that smashed her wrist.
Since it was last minute I used Hotwire and got a 4* to show up in WDW but nothing in Universal/Seaworld. After checking the icon I knew that the WDW hotel was Wyndham Palace Resort and Spa across from Downtown Disney. I had never stayed there and was a little apprehensive because we have stayed in a couple different rooms at Wyndham Orlando on I-Drive and the rooms were not much more than a standard motel and Hotwire gave them 3*s. But since there wasn't much else I reserved Fri. and Sat. at Wyndham Palace.
Right after lunch on Friday my boss called me in and said that the big boss wanted to call me on the carpet in person to chew away. We took the long walk to his office and my boss said that he would back me. I was a wreck! It was Friday so I was wearing a HRH Hawaiian shirt with big bright guitars on it . The shirt was so loud I wondered if I would be able to hear Mr. Big yelling at me? When we got to his office my boss started off telling Mr. Big that he wouldn't be caught dead wearing my shirt! (Thanks for the support, Butthead!). Mr. Big tells us to sit down which meant that this was going to take a while. He lays into me and the biggest beef he has is with what I said in an email. I thought "Thank God he is not a Disser!" It ended with him telling me to never put anything in an email that I wouldn't say on a crowded elevator. Jeez, I'm glad that's over.
We take off for Orlando and I-75 and I-4 are virtual parking lots. We should have walked! What usually takes 3 hours took over 5. As we are walking into Wyndham my wife takes a dive on the concrete. My son turn around when he heard the thump and he said she scrambled to her feet like nothing happened. I was checking in when my daughter comes over and tells me about it. The kids were huddled around my weeping wife in the middle of the lobby. I told the check in clerk that she fell and I would be right back. I go over to see a nice little strawberry on one knee and her good arm is starting to swell. I send them to the bathroom to clean up and return to the front desk. The check in girl has called Security who comes over and asks what happened. I tell him that they are in the bathroom and he stays at my side while I check in. They give us a room on the Presidential Level that requires access with the room key and a certain bank of elevators. The Security Guard (dressed like MIB) and I go looking for my family. We find them looking at the aquarium at the adjoining Outback Steakhouse. My wife is all embarrassed but she goes back out front to show the guy where it happened. I assured him that we wouldn't sue for more than a million which seemed to ease his fears.
So we head up to the room. In the elevator I stick the key into the slot that reads Pres. Level and 26 lights up. We find the room and its pretty nice but when we go on to the balcony our jaws drop. The view is spectacular from the Swan and Dolphin, Epcot, Grand Floridian, Contemporary, to Space Mt. I think that Cindy's Castle was behind the Contemporary. It was really nice and then I looked down. The 26th floor is really up there! I turned into Richard Grere in Pretty Woman. I was trying to recover from the vertigo when we get a knock on the door from Mr. Security who has a Dr. bag full of stuff (ice bags, antiseptics, band aids, etc.) that he puts on the wife. He just barely gets done when the fireworks goes off at Epcot. That was pretty cool! Before we go to sleep I tell my wife that I need to push her down every time we go to check in.
About midnight our neighbors come home to the adjoining room. You could hear them as if they were in our bathroom and they were working on a serious drunk. DW said she thought they were gay by the way they were arguing. They left shortly and I fell asleep until the bars closed and the ambiguously drunk duo returned. We were awake most of the night with these losers and the noises they made were gross. At 3 they ordered room service and at 3:45 I gave up and just got up and took a hot bath.
I woke the family up at 6 to do the bathroom routine and we went to breakfast at Steak and Shake by about 7:30. We got to the parking garage at 8 and it was open. King Kong 107 is pretty close to home by now. I'm hoping to get a plaque on my space.
We make the trek to USO with DW kind of hobbling and DS playing guide dog. We get to the turnstiles and we are about 20 people back in line. Jim recognizes me and gets on the microphone and starts giving me a ration of undeserved crap! He does let up. He encourages others to make fun of "the guy in the blue shirt, Yeah you!" Everyone in line turns around and is laughing at my expense for 10 minutes.
The park opens at 8:45 and we start with Shrek. In line I have a little fun by asking the kids if this was a ride and if it went upside down. And as always happens a lady turned and told me "No, its a show." I thank her and my DD snickers. On the way walking in I say, "I'm a Donkey driving a carriage, its dark and our horses are wearing sunglasses. Cut to the chase Donkey, Cut to the chase!" My helpful lady realizes she'd been played. Inside I point out to my DW the bed of nails on the ceiling and warn her not stand in the "splash zone." We sit in the front row and it was kind of fun since DW didn't remember anything. Not even the spiders.
Exiting Shrek we send the kids off to Mummy and tell them to meet us at MIB. DW and I take a trip down memory lane through Central Park and reminisced how we used to buy coffee and sit on "our" bench. They took the benches out quite a while ago. We stopped to watch a couple of squirrels playing. We got to MIB and sat in back of a family that were virgins. DW got 10,500 and I told her she could do better by just holding the trigger down for the whole ride. She got up to 165,00 before the kids arrived but she wasn't having any fun and wanted to move on. We proceeded to ET. ET pronounced the names we gave them very well. We walked over to Jaws. It was a walk on but the skipper packed us in like sardines. The couple on the end didn't want to move over because the seat was wet. Everything on the ride worked well after refurbishment. DS won a basketball and a stuffed Rottweiler in the Midway.
We squeezed into Earthquake in the last minute and rode. The fuel truck that's supposed to slide down and explode didn't slide.
We took photos in front of the big Christmas tree across from the Mummy. DW had a ball shopping in Twister's Aftermath to add to her chicken collection. We snuck into the back of Jimmy and got a family photo with Spongebob and walked down and waited at the velvet ropes for the first show at Horror Make Up. We sat right in front of Eddie's curtain next to a loudmouth jerk who with his 10 y.o.+/- son were hollering out lines to Alex and Mark. It was embarrassing sitting next to him. DS said later that I should have whispered a threat to shut him up. Leaving the park we stopped to get DW's photo for AP. We had to redo DS's and DD's because the magnetics were gone. DW made a nasty face so the whole family would be gangstas.
We ate lunch at Margaritaville and the notable is DD's chicken fingers that we all liked. DD played the game on the wall and got the little ring on a string on the hook and you would have thought she had won the World Series! No one at our table saw it so she had a lady at another table verify and the lady was as tickled as DD. We returned to the hotel for a nap since the drunks had kept us up the night before. We were so tired that we didn't leave until Sunday morning.
Sunday's breakfast was at the mainstay McDonald's on Sandlake and I-drive. I attacked the Simpson's pinball machine again and had to purposely lose so we could go to USO by opening.
We were at IOA turnstiles by 8:30 and the kids sprinted to the Hulk at opening. They rode in the front seat and had the whole train to themselves. They rode Dr. Doom by themselves as well. We all went to Spiderman and I recognized Robyn who used to work at MIB. DW screamed at the drop. We went on to JP and rode the Pteranadon Flyers. DW was scared and mad as a hornet that I had talked her into riding. She refused the River Adventure as she and DD went to the restroom. As I was waiting at the entrance a family of Indians were looking quizzically the entrance and I told them they had to ride. They asked if it was a ride and I said yes, "Splash Mt." as I shrugged and smiled to the attendant. The kids made it to the entrance and we let them go ahead of us so they could have the boat to themselves. We had our own boat and I waved at Alex in the control room. The kids sat in front and I sat in the last seat. We did the photo op like precision swimmers and had a few laughs. The Indian family was soaked and their little girl was crying. I felt bad for making them ride.
We went on to DD where the kids rode it 3 times. We stopped and signed up at Mytho's for 11:30 and went on to Seuss Landing. We rode CITH, One Fish, Two Fish, the Carosuessel and took photos with the Grinch before we headed back to the Lost Continent. We still had time to kill before lunch so we went into shops that we had never been in before. We walked the Midway and DS made a basket and chose a stuffed snake and threw a sand bag at some milk bottles and won a large wizard dressed Scooby Doo. That made him 4 for 4 at the games of chance.
We were the first ones called at Mytho's. I had always called it Me those but was corrected by the waitress. We had the best window seat. The kids confessed to me that they really didn't like the pizza there after I've reported on the Dis several times! DD had chicken fingers from the kids menu and DS had a cheeseburger. DW and I had steaks. Mmmmm! We capped it off with that banana fudge brownie ice cream thing. Mmmm. We were stuffed. We walked back towards JP and the park was getting full and of course Dad got to carry the damn stuffed animals! We stopped for photos with Olive Oyl, Capt. America and DS wanted to get one with Storm but some Purple and yellow guy crowded his way into the picture even after I said, "loose the fruit." waving him off. DS said he said "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." I don't know where we put it but we stopped Artic Express for funnel cakes and ice cream.
I-4 was a parking lot westbound Sunday afternoon.
We had fun and was able to forget about getting chewed out. I hate to go back to work though!
Way funny! Sorry you got chewed out by your boss, but what a great way to forget about it.

Loved your Shrek story and your amibigously drunk duo tale.

Mike and I had the hardest time playing that game at Margaritaville. Neither one of us got it. Well, actually, Mike thinks I did, but I cheated. ;)
Sounds like the best way to deal with getting chewed out great report thanks for sharing:jester:
I got a So-So evaluation on Friday from my boss even though I won the best worker for the year in our organization of about 500 people. I guess that wasn't good enough. Going to FLA Saturday can't wait.
I got a "Outstanding" evaluation from my boss and on our way to get chewed by the big boss he reminded me of that. The big boss was just hot that I told the truth. He'll get over it. Have fun on your Florida trip. The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful!
:cool1: Sounds Like a great trip!The truth does hurt sometimes! :rolleyes: Hope your wife is doing better princess: So what did you think of the wyndham spa and resort?
We just returned from another Orlando trip and I will do a trip report when the dust settles at work. Wyndham Spa and Resort was good, Don, because of the room we were given on the Presidential level. Bad things were the noise from the hall and adjacent room was not muffled at all and the tub had had a sliding door removed and no one scraped the adhesive off of the tub or walls. Location is good and pool area was real nice. On our most recent trip we stayed at a new resort south of WDW on I-4 called Omni Resort at Championgate as well as the Peabody and Crown Plaza Universal. My son said Omni was the best place that he has stayed in Orlando and that includes all of the Disney deluxes, all of the Universal on-sites, and all of the other 4 plus star hotels and resorts. The Omni opened in October so it could be the "new" that made a difference. I'll expound in my trip report.
Hi ya MF! Another trip? Geez man enough already I'm in need of some catch up! :charac2:

I wanna hear all about what ya thought of Crowne Plaza, I stayed there a night one trip too. Did ya see the ducks march at the Peabody? What about "ice"? The Omni sounds impressive, wanna hear about that one too! Get cracking, please puckerup: Expound away.
Jeez, Jess! I gained too many expounds! New Year's Reso has to include stop eating! In prep for our vacation I started walking the 4 miles to work. The only problem was I didn't wear the same shoes on vacation. Duh! Not quite as bad as Seahag's hubby wearing brand new shoes but close!
CPU was great. We have stayed there twice. The first time we were upgraded to a junior suite which has a refridgerator, king and a queen couch. This time we got 2 queens and they gave us club priviledges. They have a nice club.
Bob almost got beat up trying to get photos of the stupid ducks at the Peabody! It was a mob scene with people in back yelling for others (Bob) to get out of the way.
Jess, I have to tell you about Bob's accident at T2-3D that ended with 7 stitches. As soon as I get a little caught up at work I'll get busy on the trip report.
Happy New Year!
Oh, I cant wait this sure sounds like a great story! Poor Bob :crowded: I hope he got some good pics anyway! Okay and not only did Bob have a duck run in but he also had to get stitches during this same trip? :crazy2: So does Bob wanna go there again anytime soon? Patiently awaiting the gory details.

Happy New Year to you too!
:earseek: 4 Miles a day!!!!!!!! Thanks for the wsr info.! :earboy2: Looks like im counting down in single digits now.After reading highlanders post i think i will make some phone call and make sure i have a hotel room that weekend..Scary!!!!!!!!!Looking foward to reading more on your trip!
Great trip report!! I enjoyed reading it!! I was actually getting nervous when you were called into your supervisors office!! Glad everything worked out and you were able to enjoy your time at Universal!! :)

Thanks for sharing your report with us! :)


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