1-5-02 Magical Cruise Part 4


Performed live, on stage aboard The Magic. Lucky
Jun 5, 2000
Thursday..Day at Sea

Started as the rest...breakfast at Tops, pool, Rainforest, relaxing
and people watching by the pool. Jim went to one of the series
on What Is Coming Up For Disney...lots of new things..but didn't hear anything about a 14 day cruise!!!

I caved in and went to the last night of Bingo..and once again..didn't win anything..NO MORE BINGO...............

The show was Disney Dreams and it was spectacular as always.
We decided to be trusting parents and leave Natalie in the cabin
while Jim and I went to the show. She had seen it earlier with
the Club Kids. So, reluctantly we left her with instructions not to
answer the door and be ready to go to pin trading at 7:30...so
off we went..leaving our "baby" by herself. She had checked herself out of the Club twice and met us where she was suppose
to and when..so we tried once more...and she did great. I probably wasn't as in-tuned to DD as ususal....but things worked out.

We went to Family Dancing in Studio Seas and had a great time watching the kids dance and Jim "dipping" Natalie...now her new

Dinner was at Parrot Cay...which on this cruise..turned out to be
our favorite(except for Palo's) of course. It was Lobster night.
Our wonderful server, Vlado, decided I should have both
lobster and filet mignon.....so I did!!!! Who was I to argue with
him!!!!!!!!!!! We also celebrated Natalie's birthday and she
had a cake, they sang to her and MacLean presented her with a
Happy Birthday pin. I had bought her a DCL mug, a cute little
cruise dress and a DCL coloring book in Mickey's Mates so she
would have something to open(she had already opened all the ones I brought from home).

Lillia had made another towel animal..but I can't remember what
we turned in and dreamed of Castaway Cay.....

The day started out as beautiful as all the rest. I was up early
and watched from the verandah as CC came into view. We all
got up and went up on deck to watch the ship turn and back
in and line up on a dime..at the dock. While we were having
breakfast at Tops and finished our coffee..waiting for the all
ashore....Natalie came running over saying people were getting
off the ship...I said...nah....its just the crew....NO NO NO she
said...come look.....sure enough...people with towels over the
shoulders and in their arms were walking to the tram. We
left the ship and Jim and Natalie ran to get lounges under an
umbrella(no sun for this beach family), while I mailed post
cards. As soon as Natalie saw me walking to them...she was
ready to go get her hair braided. Which we did. There seem
to be more braiders than last year..we didn't have to wait
and were done in like 20 minutes..she only had 4 braids done.

Our friends from Arizona found us and the dear sweet people that
they are...took Natalie for her first snorkeling. She had a great time...I wasn't sure she'd put her face in the water...and Jessica
(our friend)said she wasn't sure either..but she did and they had a great time. Jessica and Natalie were then freezing...and leaving
poor Chad(Jessica's dh) still in the water...we all left him to have
lunch!!!! Lunch at Cookies was fabulous. They have the best
hamburgers and cookies and banana bread. DH liked the ribs
and the fruit salad was great too.

Chad and Jessica left to go to the adult beach and I wanted to
go back to the ship to begin packing. Leaving Jim and Natalie
to fend for themselves. Well, he didn't bother to tell me until
we got home..that Natalie wandered away from him....and he
had to get the lifeguards to find her. We were "beached" right
behind the first lifeguard chair and she had wandered down to
the thing out in the water...can't remember the name of it...but
the thing with the net you climb on. She wasn't in the water..
just walking along watching people and looking for shells and
didn't realize how far she had gone. The lifeguards told Jim
not to worry...it happened all the time and they hadn't lost anyone yet!!!!!!!!!! Well, I guess that's ok..unless its your

By the time I got everything packed..they were back. She
had a quick shower...and went to the Club to practice for the
program. We went to the program and I always cry...I don't
know why...I guess it's just seeing your child having so much
fun and doing things she doesn't normally do. Anyway..all
the kids were soooo cute and were so in awe of Mickey coming
out and being on stage with them.

We left Nat in the club and went for a final Rainforest. It was
shear heaven as usual and all too soon...time to go back to the
cabin. We showered in the RF so Jim wanted to go to the show..
I was too pooped and he went by himself. After the show he
went to Pin Trading and got the final pin, we collected Natalie
and went to our last dinner with our guys.

We had their tip money in thank you cards(idea by Barb) with phone cards(idea by me). Mark, our assistant server had looked
all over the dining room on Thursday night for a certain color
crayon for Natalie and had told us that at the beginning of the
year(I don't know if thats a calendar year or when they start
their rotation) Disney furnishes them with a box of crayons for
the kids at their tables. After that box is all gone..they have
to provide their own crayons. So, as the evening wore on...
we had a little devious plan for these two great guys.....we
were always the last to leave the dining room anyway...so
everyone was leaving and giving them their envelopes....we
called them both over and I told them.."They didn't leave us
any tip envelopes, so here's your money". Jim reached in
his pocket and handed them each a ten dollar bill!!!!!!!!! I
wish you all could have seen their faces..I wish I'd caught it
on film..but that would have given it away... and then we both screamed...."TO BUY CRAYONS"......and then everyone around us was laughing and clapping, and they were blushing and laughing too. Then we gave them their real tips, made some pictures and sadly left the dining room for the last time this trip.

Lillia had made Natalie a monkey hanging from a hanger...with
Jims sunglasses on...so cute.

By the time I woke up the next morning...we were docked at
Port. We said good by to Lillia, went to breakfast, said good
by to our guys and were off the ship and back in Orlando by

We spent the weekend in ORL. Jim took Natalie to a little play
park on I Drive, I shopped at Downtown Dis for goodies for
the goodie bags for Nat's upcoming birthday party, we went to dinner at The Rainforest Cafe and were home in Hilton Head by late Sunday night. The perfect ending to a perfect trip.

For my last chapter...I will do some highlights and I have
some thoughts(and actions on my part)on a subject that is dear to some DIS Board readers and posters hearts.....LOUNGE CHAIR SAVING....tomorrow.

Good night.


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