When in doubt, feed the bear....but not that!!!Day 6- Last day blues

I just checked the website, and the Sat and Sun are already gone for GCV.

I am glad I :surfweb: :lmao:
So great that you got the reservation. Your stalking paid off. It is so stressful waiting on that window to open. Sounds like a great month!!!!!
So great that you got the reservation. Your stalking paid off. It is so stressful waiting on that window to open. Sounds like a great month!!!!!

What made it worse was that the site was down for maintenance until almost 3pm. :scared1:

Made most of my day a real nailbiter.
I've read other reports that the pizza from the window at Via Napoli is not as good as what's served inside....have you ever eaten inside to be able to compare?

I have not eaten inside .... yet...always on the list. I have heard the same thing and it really wasn't bad, it just wasn't great.

I've read the same thing, so I am hoping to get into the 'real deal' this summer and try out the stuff everyone raves about. I've made the Via Napoli ADR, so I hope we decide to keep it.

Very cool on that California deal. :cool2: :thumbsup2
Yay for finally getting what you wanted. I know all the websites have been wonky this last week.
I've read the same thing, so I am hoping to get into the 'real deal' this summer and try out the stuff everyone raves about. I've made the Via Napoli ADR, so I hope we decide to keep it.

I have heard good things about Via Napoli. Hopefully that ARD will be made for me at some time.

Very cool on that California deal. :cool2: :thumbsup2

Best news is so far the flight is free from my rewards cards. Working on getting the return flight covered as well. All I need are the DL tickets. I don't think getting the premier pass will work out better than the DVC AP and sep DL tickets.

Yay for finally getting what you wanted. I know all the websites have been wonky this last week.

I am glad it worked out. I had a plan B but the points work out the best since they add no cost to the trip. :thumbsup2
Ellen is great if ...

- you need to kill an hour and you are hot or cold.
- you had quite a few drinks at F&W and need to sleep it off
- You feet hurt and you need to get off them for an hour
- your FP for soarin' or TT is at least an hour away
- your ARD is at least an hour away and you want to distract yourself from your hunger
- You are trying to wait out a Florida rainstorm
I'll have to keep all of these in mind and if enough of them apply, we might just give Ellen another chance. Working around the "new" FP rules is going to create some touring adjustment I'm guessing.... :headache:

I have DL from Sept 27 - Oct 1- then Vegas from Oct 1-5 for a conference.

I come home and work for a week and then hit WDW Oct 14- 19.

Now of course I have to get all the vacation approved but it should be no problem. Taking 2 weeks together was hard but having a week in between should have me caught up before I go back out again. :goodvibes
You sure you can get all caught back up in a week? I mean, sitting with your feet dangling in a pool all day can leave you way behind if you miss a week!!! :rolleyes1

j/k you Pat! You know I love ya!!! :hug: (I wish my droid had one of these smilies.....) ;)

Now I better get to work. I have a breakfast to plan....... :rolleyes:
I'll have to keep all of these in mind and if enough of them apply, we might just give Ellen another chance. Working around the "new" FP rules is going to create some touring adjustment I'm guessing.... :headache:

I am curious to see how that will all play out too.

You sure you can get all caught back up in a week? I mean, sitting with your feet dangling in a pool all day can leave you way behind if you miss a week!!! :rolleyes1

I think last time I was out I was really busy Monday Morning.... then I was caught up. :rolleyes: Payroll is one of the time dependant things and I can get it done right before I leave both times. Programs I will have to see how that plays out.

j/k you Pat! You know I love ya!!! :hug: (I wish my droid had one of these smilies.....) ;)

Now I better get to work. I have a breakfast to plan....... :rolleyes:

I've read the same thing, so I am hoping to get into the 'real deal' this summer and try out the stuff everyone raves about. I've made the Via Napoli ADR, so I hope we decide to keep it.

And just when is that reservation Mother Dear? And when were you going to tell me about it.
Congratulations on the CGV!! (or whatever it's called! LOL)!
And just when is that reservation Mother Dear? And when were you going to tell me about it.

Not until I knew I could pay for it. If I didn't end up having the money, I would have quietly cancelled it.

I also booked us again for Plaza. Maybe I can cover Via and we can do separate checks on Plaza? We'll see, since my income tax was so not what I needed it to be. :sad2: I've just heard everybody rave about the pizza at Via Napoli, so I would really like to give it a try eventually.

We'll look up the ADR's I have made this weekend. I think I made another one, too. It seems like I booked a Cape May dinner, maybe, since we've only done breakfast. I know getting them all in is just a wish, but there is no harm in booking and dreaming and cancelling what we have to.

Who knew she had time to read other reports???
She barely gets on ours! :upsidedow
I think I made another one, too. It seems like I booked a Cape May dinner, maybe, since we've only done breakfast. I know getting them all in is just a wish, but there is no harm in booking and dreaming and cancelling what we have to.

Cape dinner prices went up!!! :eek: That is what I booked in Dec for DDP. Between WCC, CM and O'hana It was worth my money almost just on those 3 dinners.

Who knew she had time to read other reports???
She barely gets on ours! :upsidedow

I think she is more up to dae than you know. ;) Enjoy your show today.

::yes:: Been thinking the same thing...great minds think alike!

They do.

I last left you after a long wait for a bus from EPCOT to SSR. Parks were crowded and we had some things to attend to.

I wanted to get mugs, and the packages we sent to the room should be at Artist point by now.

I convinced Chris to come with me since they were his packages.:rolleyes:

I grabbed he camera and set off.



The map that I consulted yesterday that only confused me.


Back by the pool.







We pick up his packages. One of the CMs had trouble finding one of them. Apparently I did not push down hard on the slip so it was hard to read.
Somehow I managed NOT to take any pictures inside the store or Artist point. :headache:

I did find this pin.


I bought my mugs and we headed back. I filled my mug for the trip back and made Chris carry his packages.

The CMs in China did a great job wrapping the sword.

It was in a long box and wrapped with Disney bags and even one was made into a handle. I never did take a picture but maybe it will show up later.

After a short rest, we opted to head out. Since we noticed yesterday that buses took way longer than during a slower season we left the room about 3:45pm.

At the busstop.


Again Chris and discussed options. I always have several. Maybe it is noncommittal on my part but I think it is weighing my options.

We were going from SSR to WL. We had to transfer but we had choices.
Playing bus roulette, a MK bus was the best option. A DTD was second. The other busses would take us out of our way.

Look here comes a


Where was it headimg heading???

Here’s a hint


We opted for a boat to WL.

Go ahead say it ….






Mine. Mine. Mine

As we pass the CR and BLT.



As we were looking at the view we saw a truck pull up and leave this


My best guess was that it was for fireworks for tonight and the next night.

After a few more minutes I was seeing this.


This time it took us about 45 minutes of travel time, an hour total since we waited at SSR for a bus for about 15 minutes.

We walked around a bit and checked in to WCC.



There was a PP set up by the tree so we had some pictures taken.





I can’t remember what the PP guy was saying but he was cracking us up.

We were called to our table and drink orders were taken.

Flashback to Sept 10- Chris had a regular and then a “large” Coke. He finished both but had to practically run to the restroom to “process” all that soda. We tried to leave and got as far as Ft. Wilderness where he proceeded to spend an hour in the bathroom.

Well Chris had a beef with the large Coke.

He was going to try to win this time.

So Drink orders were-


a Large Coke for Chris


And a Northwestern Sunset for me.

Northwestern Sunset - Bacardi Silver, Parrot Bay Coconut Rum, and Pineapple Juice with a splash of Cranberry $8.50

More Coming up!


Dinner for both of us.


Yes I know I have fries and potatoes. I marked Allergy on the reservation and well it actually caused me some problems.

I think all the other options either did not appeal to me or had stuff in them I was trying to avoid.

There were waiter and waitress hijinks.


This waitress sat down and was just making herself at home with that family. Not taking their order or anything just sitting and chatting.
We had to call for ketchup. Since we ate so early the first call was made a few minutes earlier. There was no ketchup out so they had to get it from the back. Chris had to line them up- we were 1 short of a case. I guess the first table was still using their ketchup.


We did the Hokey Pokey


Hobby Horse races, but it was stressed not to run.


It started out nice


And then they got excited.


After I finished my drink, the waiter asked if I wanted a drink that would be included on the DDP. I asked for a strawberry milkshake.

The chef came back out and told I couldn’t have it because it has soy in it.


I would think a milkshake would have milk in it.
I was denied.

I was glad I found out what was in it but since none of it kills me I should be able to decide if I want to have it or not.

I could have a smoothie which for some reason I would think would have more of a chance for soy. But No.

Here is my smoothie



Chris had


I had to fight a bit for this dessert


The chef came out and explained that the crust could have some nuts. It was made in the same facility as items with nuts. That was fine but I really had to convince him. Now I don't see any crust.... so where was this potential allergen???

After the bear has his fill he gets sleepy


Chris walked instead of a mad dash to the restroom this time but ultimately left a little.


As I was waiting for Chris to get back, another waiter was at a nearby table and suddenly I see him taking a kid about 12 or so IN a chair and pulling him away from his table and sliding him across the wood floor and adding him to the table to our left. Here that kid is at a table full of strangers. At that age I might have been mortified. He took it in stride. :lmao:

Every time I go here I have a choke on your drink moment. That was it this time.

After dinner we walked around a bit just to be sure dinner stayed where it was supposed to after all that soda.









At some point Chris decided to go back to the room. He was full and just wasn’t feeling it. I believe he took a bus to DTD and then back to the room.
I had another mission.

Something on the must see list.

But not here.
Thank you for all those great resort pictures! I've never really seen pictures of SSR...it's never really drawn me, but after you seeing your pictures it looks very nice.

:rotfl:To the pigeon pics... espeically the one with all the droppings on the awning :eek:

WL does look beautiful all decked out for the Holidays, this TR is really convincing me that WDW during the holidays is a must do... maybe just once!

Your food at WCC looks great we have never been there and thinking about going on this trip. I really want to see all the shenanigans in person ;). What exactly are you allergic too??? I can't believe they denied you a milkshake and yes who would have thought there would be soy in it ?!?!?
Wow, a huge swim meet and still time for three updates!!! Guess I better get on my next update...... :guilty:

I don't know why so many people dislike SSR. I think it is a wonderful resort! :banana:

Great pictures of Mom and Son! And a really neat pin! Wish I had gotten some Holiday pins this year........ :rolleyes1

BTW........Mine, Mine, Mine!!!


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