Welcome To The Caribbean, Love ~ Updated 5-27 P52

I am so glad that MJS said yes with force. You need a vacation and time to just get away with your boys and your Nana. :goodvibes I can not wait to get to Basin and pick up some of that wonderful stuff. Even my dh is excited about that as he loved Basin the one time we have been (at the Mall of America). I am going to swing by the GF Spa to see about that wonderful scent you are talking about. It sounds like a great scent to use to remind me of our trip.

I think you'd love it, if you like a good citrus scent.

'It will go well!' HAHA... I hope they find nothing major. There are always a few 'small' findings. :goodvibes

Yeah, I'm not worried about small findings.

It's big ones that scare me! :scared1:
You're having a chat about finances. And you turn to him and say, "Honey? If we buy the house, do you really think we should go to Disney in May?"

And he turns to you, looks you dead in the eye, and rather forcefully says, "Yes."

Well, then. :lmao:

I think it can pretty much be agreed that we need this vacation. And I hate to use the word need when describing something that's really not a "necessity" but honestly, we need this vacation. It's time. And it's about needing to get away for a bit, partake in some of that Disney magic, and honor my mom all at the same time.

Quite frankly, I think she's looking down on me and saying, what on earth is taking you so long? :rotfl2:

Let me tell you, though.

I know we need to go back to Disney World.

How do I know this? Besides the fact that I've started talking about it every time I see Nana? The fact that when I'm running in the morning and need to dig deep to do that last few minutes of my training, I think to myself as a sort of mantra, "Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow."

No, it's really even simpler than that.

I'm down to my last bar of soap from Basin.

And, I'm running out of my favorite moisturizing lotion ever, from the Grand Floridian Spa which has a citrus smell that cannot be recreated and no matter how cold, and let me tell you, we were in the negative temps today, it is outside, can always transport me right back to Florida.

That's how I know it's time to go back.

Because I need to stock up on toiletries.


Well if ever there was a reason, I guess that's it!!:lmao:

In the spa at the Grand Flo, they have a signature scent, which is not part of whatever spa line they're promoting at the time, but the GF's own spa scent. It's a wonderful citrus smell, and it comes in shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer...not sure what else, but needless to say I love it!

I sense a trip to the Grand Floridian in my not-too-distant future...
Isn't it wonderful that you can share it with your mom like that? My mom was so about Disney, and family, and time together...and sometimes we'd drive each other nuts on vacation, but in the end we'd always have a great time. :thumbsup2

It really is. My mom couldn't afford Disney when my brother and I were young, so it is really magical for all of us to be able to share taking my kids so often now.

I think part of my laid back is a whole life thing now. I just don't really stress about stuff anymore. I've learned the hard way that life is too short.

For example, this week I've got a home inspection on Thursday, if all goes well, meeting with the mortgage broker on Friday or Saturday, my sister and husband are coming in to town and taking Nemo skiing for the first time on Saturday, and Squirt's baptism is Sunday.

Normally, that would throw me into a tizzy. Now, I've learned that's just life. It's a ride and you go with it. :thumbsup2

I'm trying to get to that place, but it is a work in progress. I'm not the control freak I was just a few years ago, our own speedbumps in life pretty well knocked that out of me, but I still have my moments where I'm absolutely freaking out - mostly internally/privately - about stuff that just doesn't matter that much in the big picture.

Yay! Someone else who knows how I feel about that whole bedroom thing!!!

You know what the hardest part is? Deciding how to decorate!!! :lmao:

You're telling me! We moved into my dream home in July of 2009 and I still haven't gotten all the decorating done. It doesn't help that I'm completely unwilling to put vacationing on hold for a few years to beef up the renovations budget. :laughing:
I sense a trip to the Grand Floridian in my not-too-distant future...

Survey says...yes!!! :lmao:

It really is. My mom couldn't afford Disney when my brother and I were young, so it is really magical for all of us to be able to share taking my kids so often now.


I'm trying to get to that place, but it is a work in progress. I'm not the control freak I was just a few years ago, our own speedbumps in life pretty well knocked that out of me, but I still have my moments where I'm absolutely freaking out - mostly internally/privately - about stuff that just doesn't matter that much in the big picture.

You know what, I'm a work in a progress, too. I've had some major stressors this week and I'm not doing so hot today. Feeling a little cranky and having a hard time being positive, but I know eventually I'll figure out what to do, and pull myself up by those bootstraps and move on. :thumbsup2

You're telling me! We moved into my dream home in July of 2009 and I still haven't gotten all the decorating done. It doesn't help that I'm completely unwilling to put vacationing on hold for a few years to beef up the renovations budget. :laughing:

Yes, vacationing on hold is not something I think I could do either. :lmao:
Too funny!!!!

But sounds like a perfectly legit reason to me. ::yes:: Glad your Jack agrees.

(and I so understand about "needing" a vacation - I think we all do! :hug:)
Um, let's see........toiletries.........ummm, yep! Sounds like a perfectly GREAT reasont to go back to me! ;) Hee heee heeeeee!!!

It reminds me of something Megan said the other day......

We always gather and hold onto our Mickey shampoos to use here at home whenever she wants, and we just finished our last bottle of shampoo the other day. Megan says, "It is a good thing we are going back to Mickey's House soon Mommy, because we REALLY need some more Mickey Shampoo!" A good thing indeed! ;)
Too funny!!!!

But sounds like a perfectly legit reason to me. ::yes:: Glad your Jack agrees.

(and I so understand about "needing" a vacation - I think we all do! :hug:)

Thanks! :goodvibes

Um, let's see........toiletries.........ummm, yep! Sounds like a perfectly GREAT reasont to go back to me! ;) Hee heee heeeeee!!!

It reminds me of something Megan said the other day......

We always gather and hold onto our Mickey shampoos to use here at home whenever she wants, and we just finished our last bottle of shampoo the other day. Megan says, "It is a good thing we are going back to Mickey's House soon Mommy, because we REALLY need some more Mickey Shampoo!" A good thing indeed! ;)

Oh, that's so sweet.

My mother and I would always collect that Mickey soap as well. I just was remarking to Nana that I ran out, and she went into her bathroom and got six bars for me. :lmao:

I do love a good scent. Here is a little pixiedust: for tomorrow.

Dust must have worked, update coming!

Btw, so excited for your trip!!! :goodvibes
You like all those P's?

I thought that was a fun title.

Anyway, a little something extra for your early Saturday morning, when reasonable, I should not be up. I am, however, and have already done the initial pass through of the apartment. All that remains is a good vacuum and our laundry. :woohoo:

Why am I up so early today?

Well, Nemo has a bit of an adventure. My sister and her husband are taking him skiing for the very first time! She's booked a private lesson for the three of them since it'll be her husband's first time as well. It's so exciting, and I'm a little nervous as well. I'm sure they'll have a great time.

Now, tomorrow is another big day in the TK household because Squirt is being baptized. I had a really hard time planning this, and what we decided is not to hold a reception now. It's just too soon for me without my mom, and it's been a hard week thinking of having her here in spirit, not in the flesh. Long story short, we will hold a large birthday party for Squirt in the summer (for those who don't know, he's a July baby) and just celebrate the baptism then. I let all our family / close friends now of the mass and ceremony, in case they wanted to attend. Everyone has been very understanding about the whole thing, and it's just wonderful.

And to think that when we hold said big shindig for little Squirt it'll be at OUR NEW HOUSE!!!! :scared1::scared1::scared1:

The inspection went well. There were some minor issues, and some big ones, but nothing that can't be fixed or requested. We'll see what they say and how they respond to our requests, and then we'll move forward.

It's exciting.

And scary.

All at the same time.

Did you know that they don't charge any extra for Disney paint? It's just a version of the Behr paint colors, and it's the same. Oh, did I have a field day at Home Depot yesterday. :lmao:

The task is overwhelming and exciting all at once. There's not one room in that house that doesn't need to be painted.

Now, I may be an artist, but when you give me a whole house as a canvas, holy carp!!!

On a side note, the seller's hot water heater broke this week, and they just replaced it, so that'll be brand new. Unfortunately, it soaked the carpet in the basement. Their insurance is only covering replacement in one of the rooms, because it saturated the padding underneath.

Well...there is no padding underneath the carpet in the family room. :confused3 :lmao:

Honestly? Really?

Not mad at the seller's, just find it absolutely funny how the insurance company can say, hey this one is soaked, but this one doesn't have padding, so even though you can get some mold and mildew growing here, too bad.

Anyway, we'd thought about replacing it, so now we'll just have to. No big deal, I'm not worried. MJS is super handy, and a lot of the repairs we found on the inspection are things that he can do himself if the sellers say no, so that's a good thing.

But now on to the truly terrifying...

the absolute worst...

the thing I most hate about this whole process...


And moving. :eek:
I bet Nemo will have a blast skiing today, and I just know that Squirt's baptism will be lovely tomorrow!

Yep, packing is the WORST thing ever! I swear, I don't ever want to move again just because I hate packing so much! All that disarray! :eek:

So, what colors are you thinking of for the new house? Do share! :goodvibes
I hope Nemp has a wonderful day skiing!
And I'm sure Squirt's baptism will be beautiful :goodvibes
I love your idea of having a big birthday bash and holding off on the reception. Are you going to have a Disney-themed party?

Good luck with the packing and moving. While it isn't fun, it's a great opportunity to really go through everything and get rid of things you don't need. It's like a cleansing.

Are you doing the moving yourself? Or using a moving company? When I moved in 2008, I used a company that was excellent and reasonably priced. I believe they are availabe in your neck of the woods also. I can pass on the name and number if you want to get an estimate.
#1. Congrats on Squirt's baptism! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending my blessings on to you all! I know your Mom will be smiling down from heaven on such a wonderful day.

#2. Please share the decorating ideas....you all know how we love to help visualize together!

#3. I LOVE THE PACKING AND THE UNPACKING!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I know, I am a weirdo, but that is one of my FAVORITE parts! I am such an organizational freak, that I will make diagrams of the new rooms, and start sketching out where everything will go, labeling all cabinets/drawers/closets with the details of what they will contain, create charts and labeling systems for the boxes (color-coded of course) to help the movers know where everything is going to go.........yeah, I take it a little to the extreme! Ha ha ha haaaaaaa! You know I would come do that for you if I could! :)
Lucky for you I'm up early myself this morning (I am waiting for them to deliver our new washing machine...yep, mine broke down in the middle of a load Thursday night).

I bet that Nemo is going to have a blast skiing. I'm a chicken and never done it, but love watching others.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow during Squirt's baptism...and just remember that your mom is "truly" there with you.

I can't wait to hear what kind of Disney paint you pick out.

Oh....and still waiting for you to pop in and say hello.
I bet Nemo will have a blast skiing today, and I just know that Squirt's baptism will be lovely tomorrow!

Thank you!

Yep, packing is the WORST thing ever! I swear, I don't ever want to move again just because I hate packing so much! All that disarray! :eek:

Yuck. Yuck yuck. I agree.

So, what colors are you thinking of for the new house? Do share! :goodvibes

I'll have to do a whole separate chapter. When I say every room, I really mean every room. :lmao: However, I'd love to share and bounce ideas. :goodvibes

Are you going to have a Disney-themed party?

Is the sky blue? ;)

Good luck with the packing and moving. While it isn't fun, it's a great opportunity to really go through everything and get rid of things you don't need. It's like a cleansing.

I have a friend who is the queen of de-cluttering, and I am so tapping her expertise for cleaning out!

Are you doing the moving yourself? Or using a moving company? When I moved in 2008, I used a company that was excellent and reasonably priced. I believe they are availabe in your neck of the woods also. I can pass on the name and number if you want to get an estimate.

We are suckers who do it ourselves.

I plan on plying the male members of my family with pizza from my FIL's restaurant (New York pizza, the good stuff) and lots of beer. :lmao:

If you want, though, I'd take that info on Facebook. I'd be curious to see what it costs to have it professionally done.

#1. Congrats on Squirt's baptism! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending my blessings on to you all! I know your Mom will be smiling down from heaven on such a wonderful day.

Thank you! I know she'll be with me, too. One of my friends said to me, this is really the first big thing you've had to plan without her, and that's true.

#2. Please share the decorating ideas....you all know how we love to help visualize together!

I definitely will. I totally need to talk paint colors with MJS and just haven't had time, there's so much going on.

#3. I LOVE THE PACKING AND THE UNPACKING!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I know, I am a weirdo, but that is one of my FAVORITE parts! I am such an organizational freak, that I will make diagrams of the new rooms, and start sketching out where everything will go, labeling all cabinets/drawers/closets with the details of what they will contain, create charts and labeling systems for the boxes (color-coded of course) to help the movers know where everything is going to go.........yeah, I take it a little to the extreme! Ha ha ha haaaaaaa! You know I would come do that for you if I could! :)

I wish you lived closer!!!

I'm definitely going to have a sketch of where to put things that way no one has to stop me ask, you know? Makes it easier.

Lucky for you I'm up early myself this morning (I am waiting for them to deliver our new washing machine...yep, mine broke down in the middle of a load Thursday night).

Ah, one of the many joys of home ownership.

I bet that Nemo is going to have a blast skiing. I'm a chicken and never done it, but love watching others.

I'm a chicken and I've done it twice. :lmao: I was, however, much younger, and I don't know if you'd get me out there now.

I will be thinking of you tomorrow during Squirt's baptism...and just remember that your mom is "truly" there with you.

Thank you. :hug:

I can't wait to hear what kind of Disney paint you pick out.

I think that'll be one of my next posts.

Oh....and still waiting for you to pop in and say hello.

Dang it! I knew I was forgetting something. :sad2:
Somehow I have missed the whole buying of a house thing! Congrats!!!!
OOOH...hope Nemo had fun skiing today!!! Sounds like a lot of fun, except for the snow part!!! LOL!!!!

YAY for a good inspection!!! New water heaters are always nice, ours was replaced in our new house right before we bought it too!!!! And painting...that should be fun LOL!!! I painted almost every room in our house before we rented it so I'm pretty much done painting for a long while LOL!!!

Hope you have a good baptism, a big celebration during the summer sounds perfect!!

OY packing, don't even get me started! I still have a few boxes that I have just stuffed into an unused room LOL!!!
I'm excited for Nemo to ski today! I can not wait until we can teach Claire to ski. I should say I can't wait for an instructor to teach her to ski!

I hope all of your important requests are honored by the sellers and that you can keep this process moving!

We ended up tearing all the carpet out of our house when we moved in. We thought we could get by with a cleaning, but it was not so. We tore everything out and put pergo in the basement area and wood on all the other floors. With Claire and 2 dogs, the wood and pergo are so EASY to keep clean!

Enjoy Squirt's baptism tomorrow. What a very special day.
All this time living in New England and I've never even tried skiing. I think I just know I'll be too much of a klutz! Can't wait to hear what Nemo thinks!

Please share what Disney paint colors you are considering for the house! Packing is BY FAR the worst part. Followed closely by unpacking. :rolleyes: But it will all be worth it!!

Best wishes for the baptism tomorrow! :goodvibes


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