The Side effects of the AP-Trip#6 Oct 10 Final thoughts and some TMI

Hi Pat! I'm coming out of lurking to say how much I've been enjoying your Trip Report - I can't wait to read more! Your report is providing fuel to the fire for my desire to buy APs during our next trip. DH and I visited DWD this May and Dec and I hope to do the same next year. Thanks to your FABULOUS F&W pics I think I have DH sold on a F&W-specific trip, too! :thumbsup2
I've never noticed that lifeguard card in TSM, but I can see how you'd be drawn to it!
I think by my pictures it did take about 30 minutes. I did look back at the time stamps on the pictures and exiting IG at 6:50pm and the first picture of the F! screens are at 7:37. I really think F! was not on my radar until the boat captain said something so I figured I would go for it.

Those boats are really slow... I think depending where you are in Epcot, it might be a lot faster to take the bus from the front entrance to DHS. But it is great to have both options! :thumbsup2

I think that Lifeguard card is from either Old Maid or maybe a version of Go Fish? My mother gave a German version of old Maid once, but the old maid was a Black pig? I know she translated it but I will not attempt the translation :laughing:

I find it funny since that is my line of work and I feel representated by Disney now. :laughing:

The game is called "Schwarzer Peter" in German which means black Peter (as in the name). :goodvibes

I was tempted not to go back but 1) I don't normally just leave things. 2) the bag was from that years Ultra swim meet where I officiated and it was the 25th year so I felt I wanted to keep the bag as a memory of officiating over Michael Phelps.

That bag definitely sounds like it is worth keeping! :thumbsup2
Hi Pat! I'm coming out of lurking to say how much I've been enjoying your Trip Report - I can't wait to read more! Your report is providing fuel to the fire for my desire to buy APs during our next trip. DH and I visited DWD this May and Dec and I hope to do the same next year. Thanks to your FABULOUS F&W pics I think I have DH sold on a F&W-specific trip, too! :thumbsup2


Thanks for the compliment.

As you will see the AP's can lead to some side effects. :rolleyes:

I see you are staying at CSR in Dec. If you are over in the Casitas side you can get some really beautiful sunrise pictures. In Dec the sunrise is late so it is possible without waking up at 5 am.

I have grown to :lovestruc F&W.
I've never noticed that lifeguard card in TSM, but I can see how you'd be drawn to it!

It is on the wall in the stand by queue next to Candyland. A couple of card make a tent and it is on the inside of the right side card.
I do agree that I would probably be one to notice it where others might not.
Those boats are really slow... I think depending where you are in Epcot, it might be a lot faster to take the bus from the front entrance to DHS. But it is great to have both options! :thumbsup2
I think I only discovered the bus from DHS to EPCOT on a later trip since it by the Charter buses.
I did have a situation where I had to make the choice between bus or boat and ended up walking.:headache: I was surprised that the walk was not really that bad, and I beat the boat. By about 30 seconds.

The game is called "Schwarzer Peter" in German which means black Peter (as in the name). :goodvibes

I knew I would butcher spelling Schwarzer. They were rectangular cards much smaller that a regular US deck of cards and about 1/2 as wide.

That bag definitely sounds like it is worth keeping! :thumbsup2

I came to the same conclusion as I rushed back to get it. :goodvibes
:yay: I'm glad you made it to Fantasmic. I love that show. I also love DHS at night, plus you got to ride all the great rides. It sounds like the perfect ending to a day!
:yay: I'm glad you made it to Fantasmic. I love that show. I also love DHS at night, plus you got to ride all the great rides. It sounds like the perfect ending to a day!

It was a great night.

I think she should make it her new avatar! Whatcha think PR??

That is a great idea!! :idea: I do have another picture in mind for the holidays though.
A bit of an exciting day yesterday. As some of you know I have some allergies. Tree, weeds, grasses are not my friend and flying and stinging critters are worse. I also found out I have some food allergies on top of all that.
All that being said, no one thing will kill me. :laughing: However I always refer to it as climbing a mountain, every allergen I am exposed to is one step up that mountain. If I am exposed to many in a short amount of time, then the trip up that mountain is quicker. The last allergen ( the straw that breaks the camel's back) is the one that sends me over the cliff at the top of the mountain.

The journey continued on Veteran's day. I was supposed to get my venom shots, which I get every 6 weeks. In short I forgot, no worries I could get them Friday but um, I remembered on the way home and too late to get to the office.
I go in Monday and they tell me I can get my shots but your punishment, if you will is, to drop down a portion of the dose and repeat the full dose a week later. I am never late for these shots and the nurse confirmed that. They are amazed that I keep records like that.
No worries. I recieve shots on 15th and I went back on the 22nd for the regualr dose.

When the nurse gives me the first one and immediately asks " Do you always get red this quick?" I knew I was in for it. I receive 3 shots all together and go about my day. The shot area was red and inflamed but I have had that before, so I take a Benedryl at night and watch what I eat for the next couple of days so I don't add to the mess.

Tuesday, the spot was still inflamed but everything seemed fine. I go get a salad for lunch and choose the custom salad so I can make my own and avoid potential allergens.

Get back to my office and finish my salad ( I eat at my desk most days). As I finish I feel my lips tingle. Uh Oh. I look at my arms and I can see them starting to turn reddish. Of course I have no Benadyl in my purse, but this is happening pretty quick. Quicker than other times. I call the allergy office and ask if I should just go to Urgent car or can they treat this at the office.

The response was " Well, we can get you an appoointment at 4pm at the office on the other side of town." (no fast car to take me there) Um No. I think I will just go to Urgent care. I could have gone down to the CVS for Benadryl but I think at by this point I knew that was not the best solution. It would keep the reaction at bay but I needed to nuke it.

I check in at Urgent care and wait. :confused: It was not busy but at least I was out in the waiting room and if it got worse quick I could get someone fast. I was triaged and put in a room. Why would they put someone in a room with the door closed for what seemed like an eternity with an allergic reaction? :eek: I thought maybe I should lay down on the floor so when they came in I might get my point across but I thought better of it ( and really did not want to get on the floor:laughing:)

The PA comes in agrees that I am indeed having an allergic reaction. I have no idea why I always feel like that in itself is a victory. I know I am allergic and I know what it feels like. Plus I have seen my DD go through this may times. Too much experience with this. :sad2: I hate playing 20 questions with the "medical professionals". I always say " They only practice medicine.":laughing:

A nurse comes in. This was funny. She comes in and looks over at me. We exchange greetings and she is begins to set up the IV pole. She stops and looks at me again. She looks back to continue what she is doing. A few seconds later, she looks back at me and says" You are the one having an allergic reaction right?" I confirm that and she says " Oh good, I idn't think I was in the wrong room." :eek: But you see, I don't look like someone having an allergic reaction, no breathing problems, no panic, no obvious visible swelling.

In fact the only thing I see is that my skin turns darker than normal. I have olive skin so I don't turn red, I turn brown. Thank goodness the triage nurse was African american and the PA was hispanic. :laughing: They got it.

The nurse starts the IV and pushed the drugs in.

I learned something new as well. Pepcid, yes the antacid, also helps block the allergic reaction like Benadryl but without the drowsiness. I really think one of the reasons they did not give me the Benadryl was because I drove myself and told them I was going back to work. :laughing:

About 2 hours later I was on my way and over to the CVS to pick up a Rx and some Pepcid.

I did go back to work but I thought I had to officiate a swim that afternoon so it was time to get to the pool. I get there and meet the coach who just laughs at me. The meet is next week.:laughing: I knew that, it is the 30th and it is only the 23rd. Why did that not connect? Blame the allergy brain.

Well, I get home and realize that I had also forgotten to take the allergy medicine I take every day.:headache: I never forget that either.

All in all, I am fine. I go into work today at 1pm and then get home around 8. After that I am officially off until Monday.

Sorry about the long dissertation about my woes. I am trying to get my 4 park day started. I felt like I need to get that out. Keep that experience under you cap because it does come up again at some point. :teacher:
My Monday was filled with challenge. This was the day I picked to cross something off my to-do list.
I have come close in the past, but have never accomplished this feat.
What was I going to set out to do ????

4 parks in one day. One problem. I needed to remember I was there to attend a conference and even though sessions did not start until Wed afternoon, the pre-conference classes started Tuesday. So much needed to be done to get the show on the road so to speak. I volunteer at the conference and my fees to attend get waived. In short I am their slave for the week. I let them know I was coming in early and if they needed me I could come by early. Why did I do that? LOL
Before I left, I had the email that asked me to swing by CSR on Monday at 2pm. I figure I would at least check in and then be on my way. Either way, I had to plan the 4 parks in one day around this minor issue. Would this prevent me from reaching my goal?

I was up early

Which park was going to be first? The one with morning EMH of course.

Arriving at the park about 7:45 am I had time to look around.


We were let in for the “traditional” opening show. I can never figure out how they choose where to do the opening show.



I head left to Africa and manage to take some pictures as I walk through a pretty empty Africa.







Wouldn’t this be a great spot to have a DJ and a dance party. ;)


A hidden Mickey

I picked up a fastpass for later. And hopped on to ride.

As you know the animal sighting are always different. One thing I can count on is a picture of the backside of one or more animals.:laughing:

A little quiet this morning.


More expert photos. :rotfl2:

The monkey was out.:cool1:



The Lion :lmao: with his head up.

Since it was still early I rode twice.

This time the front side of cattle.












By the time I rode the second time it seemed that the animals were "stage ready". Maybe no one told them it was AM EMH.:confused3

It was time to take a train ride.


Of course I had to stop for the garbage can. :laughing:

The giant mural was one of goals. Many Many hidden Mickeys.
How many can you spot?

An easy one.;)











Time for a trip to the restroom.






I took pictures of tiles but apparently did not see the poop facts.
Another item for another time;)

Who are the vets working on today?



A close up of our patient today.




A couple of our favorite characters.



From the other side. :)


It was time to go back to Harambe. It was 10:40am. 1park down 3 to go




I went out to the busses and headed to

Arriving in DHS- I had not yet made Bo a must see. So when I got in the park I took pctures of these instead.


Time check.

1st stop


Kind of a late return time. - HMMMM do I make it back?

Time to see VoLM

I guess I had to make a pit stop first .







This was another time where being alone had its perks. I got the absolute last seat in the theater, top right side. Not the greatest seat but I did not have to wait fo the next show. :thumbsup2



I wandered in to the Animation studio via the gift shop.
This caught my eye. Who remembers the A,B ,C ,D,E tickets? Come on show your age!



So sorry for the horrible quality, I guess I did not have the camera on the right setting to shoot through glass and did not use the macro feature.:sad2:

A quick look at an incredible character.

Time for a quick quiz.
If I like to stay in and read books I am

But if I want to go out and party I am

I guess it depends on my mood.;)

A drive by for the characters of UP and Mickey



Out and down the street for a fast ride on RnR
I used the stand by line


Paused as I walked down the street to catch the antics of these guys.



I think this cop was trying to stop traffic and was amazed at this girl disobedience.:lmao:


It was approaching 1pm and I needed to eat. I was still on QSDP so where is the best place to use a QS credit? Pepper Market of course.
Out to the busses.



Hmmmm- this may be interesting.


Some pictures of the view while I wait for the bus. Park #2 down but I still had that FP for TSM. I had to remember to stop back to use it.


:laughing: You are not surprised by now are you?

I arrive about 1:30 and soak in the theming that is CSR. my first picture off the bus is this.




Now to get lunch!!!
I head to Pepper market.



My lunch will be the Quesadilla

And a lovely piece of strawberry short cake

After lunch I walk down to the convention center. One thing about the CSR convention center is that it is big. I thought I walked far in the parks. I walk about 2 miles to get to the Speaker’s lounge which would become home base for the volunteers as well as the Speakers.



Even hidden Mickeys

I guess I was in a rush. ;)

I was assigned to help with some unpacking, making badges, and checking in the speakers that were arriving.

I will leave you here while I am working.:)
Wow, I am impressed by your plans!! :scared1: And you managed to get two parks done before lunch! :thumbsup2

Sorry about your allergies! What a nuisance! I am sure that the doctors just have to go through all the steps because they don't know that you know. But I can relate to how annoying it is when you feel like they don't believe you. I have some allergies, but never had a strong reaction. But I have allergy pills in all my handbags for just this case.

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday! :goodvibes
Our little elephants.
Brooklynn has had her picture made there so many times, and now Bella is joining in. It will be fun to look back on them as they grow up.

That was one of the reason I even took that picture. Even though I had no kids with me at that time it reminded me of all the pictures of Brooklyn. :goodvibes

Pssssst - inside the stalls. :rolleyes1

Oh I have correct that oversight. I am wondering if I just did not have one in my stall or I did not take a picture of it. If there were other peopl in the bathroom at the time i may have not wanted to use the camera in stall to avoid some odd looks. :rolleyes1

Wow, I am impressed by your plans!! :scared1: And you managed to get two parks done before lunch! :thumbsup2

Sorry about your allergies! What a nuisance! I am sure that the doctors just have to go through all the steps because they don't know that you know. But I can relate to how annoying it is when you feel like they don't believe you. I have some allergies, but never had a strong reaction. But I have allergy pills in all my handbags for just this case.

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday! :goodvibes

I have frequently done 3 parks so I figured why not 4. I think MeMom did the same on her summer trip one year.
Being alone had it advantages. :thumbsup2

My allergies are just so odd. Most of the time I am Okay and have really no issues. I think Iwas just at a time where the allergens were builing up and the shot 2 weeks in a row did not help matters. i usually keep an arsenal of drugs in my bag but I must have pulled out all the expired stuff. :confused3
In this case I knew Benadryl would only take the edge off. I needed something stronger.
In fact this morning I am still seeing some effect from the shots. I feel fine but I know the strong drugs did nto even get it all. Oh well the prednisone Rx should kick the rest out.


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