So cliche - Starting back on Jan 1

Ashley - what part of Minnesota are you in? We're coming through Albert Lea and coming across on 90! I am finalizing plans tonight and booking hotels tonight/tomorrow. Planning this trip takes a LOT more time & research than a WDW trip. Maybe because it's my first time and there's no place like the DIS for a trip like this!

So.. I'm still doing ok eating wise, although I'm not officially tracking. I'm going to get back to officially tracking after our trip. Also, I just ordered a new pair of running shoes, so I hope to get back into that - starting with C25K - when it gets warmer out!

How are you girls doing? Hangin' in there?

What's new on the hernia front, OhMom?
Hops - the kitchen looks amazing! Fantastic job! Good job on the eating front!

OhMom - Glad you had a nice trip! Hope you are doing well after the hernia surgery!

LittleMissMickey - Good job on the loss and the logging!

Even though I've been exercising and eating better my loss has completely sputtered to a halt this month it seems. Only 2 pounds so far for the month. :sad: I'm still running/elliptical-ing/and walking with some strength training thrown in for good measure. I think though to give myself a hopeful bump that I need, I will start Jillian's 30 Day Shred starting Monday to see if that will help get me below 200 by my goal. It's a lot to ask to lose 9 pounds in a month but I am *hoping* for at least a whoosh soon anyway. My goal was to get below 200 by my next physical with my doctor which is the 24th of April. I know now that it may not be feasable but if I can get as close as I possibly can I will be happy with that.

Well Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all are having a good week and will have an even better weekend!
OhMom - glad that the trip was great! I was scared the hernia was going to give you problems and put a damper on it, but I'm glad it all worked out. mmm. bloody mary's. And veggies are included!

:blush: ok i was fibbing a bit and trying to talk myself through it. the hernia really did affect my trip but i just plugged away, took my meds and perservered. i could barely tolerate eating much at all. but like i said, live off the land and drank my veggies. i'm glad we went, i look forward to going back with our friends and feeling GREAT next time.

and your counters look AWESOME!!! it feels so good to accomplish such a beautiful change i'm sure!

and the road trip sounds amazing...i thought we'd take our girls out west for a vacation and never did...kinda wish we had

OhMom - Glad you had a nice trip! Hope you are doing well after the hernia surgery!

Even though I've been exercising and eating better my loss has completely sputtered to a halt this month it seems. Only 2 pounds so far for the month. :sad: I'm still running/elliptical-ing/and walking with some strength training thrown in for good measure. I think though to give myself a hopeful bump that I need, I will start Jillian's 30 Day Shred starting Monday to see if that will help get me below 200 by my goal. It's a lot to ask to lose 9 pounds in a month but I am *hoping* for at least a whoosh soon anyway. My goal was to get below 200 by my next physical with my doctor which is the 24th of April. I know now that it may not be feasable but if I can get as close as I possibly can I will be happy with that.

:hug: i can totally relate to times where you are doing the right things and the body just doesn't cooperate. i just try to keep reminding myself the metabolism will kick in, the good habits and routine will bring the results. it's like the body gets stubborn and refuses to accept the healthy habits are here to stay and it should respond accordingly. keep on keepin on and it WILL come! :wizard::wizard: for it to come quickly!!

ok here's my was tuesday and i got home wed. i'm really doing pretty good. as good as i could hope for's been easier that my fall surgery by far. i'm sore and swollen and shuffling is my speed. but that's ok. my Mom who has been through all my surgeries with me said i look 110% better after this one then any other i've had. she even asked me yesterday if I felt like what a healthy person might be going through with a surgery, and i was like yes! i do! to get through it stable and not at death's door sure helps! :thumbsup2 when i got weighed in for pre-op i was down 6 lbs from what i weighed at the beginning of the that's good. Mom keeps telling me my belly is deflating from the Cushings/pregnant looking belly i've had for almost 3 that is encouraging. My jeans were just starting to get a little loose, not enough to go down a size but loose. i get frustrated b/c it's such a small baby tiny step in the long road of losing that i need to haul. then it's overwhelming. so i'm trying to keep my portions in check since i'm not moving about much, and in three weeks i should be able to start easing back into things i hope! i am allowed to walk, but i'm not ready to venture outside yet, it's cold and snowy and the block is too far to walk..but hey maybe next week i'll try it.
ok here's my was tuesday and i got home wed. i'm really doing pretty good. as good as i could hope for's been easier that my fall surgery by far. i'm sore and swollen and shuffling is my speed. but that's ok. my Mom who has been through all my surgeries with me said i look 110% better after this one then any other i've had. she even asked me yesterday if I felt like what a healthy person might be going through with a surgery, and i was like yes! i do! to get through it stable and not at death's door sure helps! :thumbsup2 when i got weighed in for pre-op i was down 6 lbs from what i weighed at the beginning of the that's good. Mom keeps telling me my belly is deflating from the Cushings/pregnant looking belly i've had for almost 3 that is encouraging. My jeans were just starting to get a little loose, not enough to go down a size but loose. i get frustrated b/c it's such a small baby tiny step in the long road of losing that i need to haul. then it's overwhelming. so i'm trying to keep my portions in check since i'm not moving about much, and in three weeks i should be able to start easing back into things i hope! i am allowed to walk, but i'm not ready to venture outside yet, it's cold and snowy and the block is too far to walk..but hey maybe next week i'll try it.

I'm glad the surgery went ok and hopefully you will continue to heal quickly and completely!
where's everyone?

I'm currently in South Dakota, eating my heart out!!! We're on vacation, then the day after we get back, it's Dh's birthday, then it's bak to the straight and narrow. I even ordered new running shoes so I can start back with c25k next week.

But right now, we're eating our for every single meal. Dh and I are being reasonable and splitting a meal just about every time. Dd's pigging out!!!

Today, were driving through MN on our way to Wisconsin. (Ill wave to you, Little Miss Mickey!). Our trip out west was SO wonderful, I was sad to leave it.

How is your recovery going, OhMom?

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where's everyone?

I'm here! Been having a blah week so far. I think I was getting a bit burnt out. I gave myself 2 days "on break" and now I'm back on plan as of today. I've heard that you can get into a slump of sorts when you near the 40 pound loss mark and this must be it. :sad:

Blogged about it and vented away. But I'm happy to say that I'm definitely in a much better mind set today!
Hey Everybody! :wave2:

Glad to see you all checking in. I have been doing pretty well, but I haven't been Jillian-ing. I have, however, been running!

ohMom - I'm sorry to hear that your trip was more challenging than you let on. How is recovery going?

Hops - Hi!!! I hope that the boring drive across southern MN was okay for you... Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. I didn't even think about it until now, but I spent a day this summer in Indy... found a little wine bar and now I'm in love with that city!

Desiree - I checked out your blog, and it makes me want to get my own going. What a perfect place to be able to vent frustrations and document your journey! You'll bust through this!

So, developments over here:
1. Trying to beat a carb addiction. This is proving to be a challenge. I'm learning that I need to go absolutely cold-turkey and show my temptations who's boss.
2. Running 11.5 miles of a marathon relay with my brother and another friend the first weekend in June.
3. Riding in the MS150 (150 miles from Duluth, MN to the Twin Cities) the second weekend in June.

I'm hoping that these challenges are what I need to face in order to learn to be true to myself and meet my goals.

Thanks for reining us back in ohMom! It sounds like we all needed it.

Happy Sunday!:laundy:
ok... For me, this year has been a bunch of starts and stops. I'm quitting, letting life get in the way, and not being wise with my time. I am wasting too much time on FB, chatting to people who don't really matter, etc... I’m letting things slip. Not only fitness-wise, but I’ve fond myself slipping in other parts of my life as well… letting DD stay up late on a school night when I know it won’t bode well for her focus the next day, letting her indulge in a second serving of Fro-Yo, indulging myself in a second snack at the ball game (because it’s Mother’s Day and I deserve it!), letting myself crawl into bed at 9 with a sink full of dirty dishes, telling myself that it’s so I can spend time with DH…. I’m telling little white lies to myself to make myself feel better! Then, yesterday morning, I forgot my phone on my dresser and realized it as we were walking out the door to take DD to school on my way to the office. So, I ran up the stairs to grab it and I was winded when I got to the top. WINDED. From running up one flight of stairs. I started thinking about what that meant, where I went so wrong. Then I ran across this story:

THAT was the wake-up call I needed.

It's time to refocus on my life, my family, myself.

I did some research this morning, and after looking around for about an hour, I decided - to hell with all that, I just need to START. So, I'm keeping it simple and recommitting to what I have and what I know. I don't need the latest gimmick, I need to DO. So, tonight when I get home, I will do some sort of physical activity for about a half hour. It might be Jillian Michaels 30DS, it might be Core Secrets 25 min full body workout. It might be c25k... heck, it might just be walking around the softball diamonds while DD is at practice! I’d love to be ablet o commit to a plan and stick with that for 30 days, but right now, even that seems daunting for me. Which is scary, because just a year ago, I was running 6 miles without batting an eye. I’m scared and disappointed by how far I’ve let myself fall, how I let everything slide. But I want to make a change, and that’s the first step, right? Today is a new day, and I will do something different than I did yesterday. It might not be my goal, but it will be toward my goal, and that’s better than nothing.

Ok…thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

I think you can do it. 30 minutes for 30 days really isn't all that much and you just have to make the time for yourself! Walking around the softball fields is an EXCELLENT idea!

I've been faltering a bit this past week. What sucks is that as of last week's weigh in, I'm .8th of a pound away from being below 200. Stress (almost 19 year old daughter is driving me BONKERS, trying to refinance home) and just being so busy at work that I can't keep my head above water it seems and TOM threw me for a complete loop last week. But this week is off to a better start at least. Yes, I still have to continue gathering paperwork for the refinance, I'm still dealing with DD (and trust me the first "d" does not stand for dear!) but my #1 priority right this second is that I do SOMETHING as soon as I get home. Even if it's for 30 minutes.
Anyone still out there? I've been running every other day consistently for 4 weeks now. I started back with the couch to 5k program. I spent 2 weeks in week 2 so I didn't feel like I was dying at the end of the run segments, but I'm at the point that I'm actually looking FORWARD to my next run!

I think I'm just at the point where I'm not doing it solely for the weightless results, but now I look forward to the stress relief aspect of it even more than the other stuff (increased energy, overall health). Last night, I was actually enjoying stretching out my sore muscles!

DH threw his back out again this past weekend for the 3rd time. He realizes that if he would just lose the weight he wouldn't be in as much trouble with his back, and coaching dd's softball team wouldn't be such a struggle either. I think he is seeing me drag my butt out of bed every other day this month and going out for a run, setting goals, signing up for a race... I hope he thinks about it and it inspires him to do something too.

How about you guys? What's new?!?

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Hey there Hops! I'm still around too! Just keeping on plugging on!

Hopefully your DH will start seeing all the improvements you have been making and get motivated too! I'm kinda hoping my dh will do the same actually.

I just hit ONEderland last week! So that brings me to 46 pound loss so far! Just seeing a 1 on the scale instead of a 2 has been huge with my motivation! I'm back to running regularly again too so hoping I can start increasing my distance soon.
Desiree - Congratulations - welcome to ONEderland! What an accomplishment! Great to hear that you're back to running too. For me, I never knew how much I missed it! Do you feel that way too?

46 lbs overall - that's terriffic!!! My SIL just reached the 50lbs lost mark - it took her over a year! I think she doesn't have the same drive you do. I hope that the weightloss is giving you more confidence. I know that when she lost before, hitting a new "decade" was a mini boost for her, but hitting a new "century" was the push she needed to make the rest of the changes she needed. Another huge boost was shopping in the regular section rather than the plus section. She didn't think she could do it, but when she did - WOW! She was so excited. It took a really bad break-up (long, drawn out, first heartbreak) to get her back into bad habits. Over 5 years later, she's finally starting to lose the results of that scum-bag. (and wouldn't ya know, he's tried to pop back into her life when he heard she was losing again?!? This time she had the strength to tell him to get lost!)
Thank you so much!!! I love it here so much that I never want to go back! :thumbsup2

The weight loss really is giving me more confidence! And even though I'm not quite yet in a size Large, I'm LOVING all the selections that I can fit into now. Even though my pants are in a size 18, it's so nice to be mostly in the "normal" people sections! So much more cute clothes live there!

Tell your sis that I said Congratulations! 50 pounds is phenomenal! And that is awesome that she had the confidence to tell her ex to get lost! That is wonderful!

I definitely feel so much better running again. I can kick myself for stopping. I just love how I feel after. The dull ache in my legs tells me that I've been working them hard! Love that!

Is your DH feeling any better?
desiree-- that is FANTASTIC!! your weight loss!!

hops and dreams -- you are doing most excellent with your running!!!

i'm hanging in and plugging away..i'm down 15 lbs from my highest and i'm walking pretty consistently 3 times a week now with a long walk on the weekend. my mileage is not impressive yet...but i'm getting there. 4 weeks until walking in the world and that motivates me!
desiree-- that is FANTASTIC!! your weight loss!!

hops and dreams -- you are doing most excellent with your running!!!

i'm hanging in and plugging away..i'm down 15 lbs from my highest and i'm walking pretty consistently 3 times a week now with a long walk on the weekend. my mileage is not impressive yet...but i'm getting there. 4 weeks until walking in the world and that motivates me!

OhMom you are doing great! 15 pounds! And the prospect of a Disney trip on the horizon is sure to motivate! Hope you have a wonderful time. Where are you staying?
OhMom - 4 weeks until you're in WDW?!?! I'm SO jealous! Great that you're building up your walking tolerance now - You'll sure get some miles in on vacation! I wore a pedometer on our last trip and we averaged 7 or 8 miles a day, with our most being over 11 miles! (One of our Epcot days).

I'd love to go back this year - especially since we're celebrating our 10th anniversary and DD's Golden Birthday in the same week in December! - but I don't think it's in the cards. We've been invited to 3 weddings over Christmas/New Years, all in different countries of the world. Don't know which one we'll attend, if any. :confused3 I'm still holding out hope for Ireland! But DH did say something about going back to WDW. And my dad expressed an interest in one last family vaca with me and my sister and our families. But I don't know how feasible that is with my dad's Alzheimers. Maybe Jan or Feb????

Dh's back is still not 100% but it is better. He started eating better last week, but we kind of ruined it over the weekend - We had people over on Fri and Sat - we grilled burgers and ate too much! It was SO delicious. But our digestive systems were not used to the rich foods and we paid for our indulgences with uncomfortable bellies all day yesterday. We're back on the straight and narrow for the work week, but with a short week because of the holiday and plenty of date nights (DD is away at Bible Camp, then at Grandma's until Sunday!), we'll probably just do it to ourselves again.

I did run my 2nd run of c25k's week 4. It has been the toughest week so far. I didn't feel like I was prepared for week 3, so I did 2 weeks of week 2. I think maybe I should have done that again before week 4??? It's a 3 minute run, walk break, then a 5 minute run. I felt like I was going to die the first time i did it, and at the end of that run, I ended up walking through part of the run segments. Yesterday, I walked through part of the last 5 minute run segment only... I hope that means my body is acclimating to the challenges I'm setting forth for it and rising to meet them? Tomorrow, I have what's supposed to be my last run in week 4, but I think I'll probably do another week at this level, to make sure I have mastered it before moving on.

I signed up for a 5k - the first that I plan to completely run. I've completely run others but I did not train and was not prepared, and paid dearly (with feeling terrible right after and being so sore for days!). So this one, I'm doing right! I have until August 24th to prepare! As of right now, with running/walking, I'm doing 2.5 miles in about 30 mins. :-)

I did discover that my ipod nano has nike + on it. I ran with that running yesterday to track my distance and time. Now I have to figure out how to track that info on my computer. Ugh, I am so not a techie anymore!
I would definitely repeat some weeks when you don't feel like you're comfortable enough to move on. I think I ended up having to repeat 2 different weeks (Week 3 and Week 5).

Since I did complete the C25K program in January, I had totally slacked with running. But I picked it up again doing a modified C25K about a month ago. I'm proud to say that I ran a little over 2 miles ( in around 36 minutes) this morning! I'm still slow but I did it without any run breaks! A nice little nsv to start Monday with!

Y'all, I would LOVE to plan a trip soon. I'm just about going through Disney withdrawls it's so bad. <sigh> Maybe next year.
Hi there, Molly, Jhenn, and Desiree (and anybody else who may be lurking!)!!!!

It's so good to see that you are still here! I tried typing a response before the 4th, but my iPad decided not to cooperate. So here I am again!

Congratulations of each of your successes! Molly - when is your trip? Where are you planning to stay? We're going at Christmas and staying at BCV. I'm so excited to be able to run the resort loop. Maybe I'll set a time goal for that or something. Or maybe just a new swimsuit goal...

Your tales of running and C25k are making me think that I need to get out for one tomorrow. My friend invited me to meet her at the track, so maybe I'll go for that. I had been planning to go swim laps in the evening, since it's bee so hot, but maybe I need the run. I started my summer vacation out with a bang and did 11 miles of a marathon relay and a 150 mile bike ride the following weekend. Since those two events I've been pretty hit-or-miss.

I do have my own little success to post. Two years ago I lost 15 pounds. Since then my weight has fluctuated up and down ten pounds, but I haven't gone past that 15 pound mark. Once I get back down to it, I celebrate or cut loose or something, and it bounces back up. Well... This morning I hit 16.6 pounds down from starting weight! I am so excited! As I mentioned, I've not been very consistent with a workout or training program, but I have been practicing accountability with my food choices. I am so excited! Finally my goal of losing "those last ten pounds" seems doable!

Thanks for giving me a place to share, and I look forward to checking in with you guys tomorrow!

Way to keep those resolutions!
Hi there, Molly, Jhenn, and Desiree (and anybody else who may be lurking!)!!!!

It's so good to see that you are still here! I tried typing a response before the 4th, but my iPad decided not to cooperate. So here I am again!

Congratulations of each of your successes! Molly - when is your trip? Where are you planning to stay? We're going at Christmas and staying at BCV. I'm so excited to be able to run the resort loop. Maybe I'll set a time goal for that or something. Or maybe just a new swimsuit goal...

Your tales of running and C25k are making me think that I need to get out for one tomorrow. My friend invited me to meet her at the track, so maybe I'll go for that. I had been planning to go swim laps in the evening, since it's bee so hot, but maybe I need the run. I started my summer vacation out with a bang and did 11 miles of a marathon relay and a 150 mile bike ride the following weekend. Since those two events I've been pretty hit-or-miss.

I do have my own little success to post. Two years ago I lost 15 pounds. Since then my weight has fluctuated up and down ten pounds, but I haven't gone past that 15 pound mark. Once I get back down to it, I celebrate or cut loose or something, and it bounces back up. Well... This morning I hit 16.6 pounds down from starting weight! I am so excited! As I mentioned, I've not been very consistent with a workout or training program, but I have been practicing accountability with my food choices. I am so excited! Finally my goal of losing "those last ten pounds" seems doable!

Thanks for giving me a place to share, and I look forward to checking in with you guys tomorrow!

Way to keep those resolutions!

A huge congrats on losing those 16 pounds! That is awesome!!!!


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