October 19, 2002 Cruisers, Never ending.......

At least the sun is out today. It has been so dark lately.

Sandy: I usually just sit in the chair until the doc comes in. Those tables are uncomfortable for any length of time.

Kaleigh is in a lot of pain today. It makes me so sad that I can't help. The pharmacist said it would take 3-4 days for the prevacid to start working. She made it to PSR last night. It wasn't easy. She has softball tonight. The distraction and doing something she loves helps to take her mind off her tummy for a little while. She does her best to push it into the back of her mind. School here has been difficult. We do as much as we can. We are pretty much caught up though.

We have a Christmas party Saturday morning. I am hoping she will start to feel better by then.
Never easy lately for me. So, I was using heat on my back last night and when I went to bed I realized I BURNED my back. I didn't even feel it burninng. My back is better but just burned. I am ready to give up!! I have a bandaid on my leg from the dermatologist. One on my hand that I cut. Burned back. What next, LOL.

I so agree with you Denine. Keeping Kaleigh busy helps make it better.
Missing my DISfamily. Todays terrible news makes think of all those in my life that means so much to me. That includes all of you. God bless all those involved in CT. It's so hard to understand how anyone could take the lives these beautiful young children and adults.
It's been a few days since I have posted. I haven't felt like it and we have been busy. I hate coming on here just to keep saying the same thing. Kaleigh's cough is getting better, but she is still in a lot of pain with the gastritis. It takes quite a while to heal.

We had our Christmas with Santa party Saturday morning. Yesterday we spent the whole day making cookies. I have more to make today.

I have not told Kaleigh about the shootings. I am hoping to keep the news from her as long as possible. We don't watch the news and I have been hiding the front section of the paper after I read it. Luckily no one talked about it at the party. She has no need to know and she would be so upset if she did find out. It just breaks my heart.

Looking foward to Christmas next week and going to see John and Jud. I just hope Kaleigh's tummy stops hurting so much so she can enjoy herself.
Good morning. Had a busy weekend, lots of cookies, but it was fun. Friday I baked cookies for a party, Saturday I baked cookies with my bff and her family and then went to a cookie exchange Christmas cookie party. I made spiced apple cider caramel cookies that were good (much better when they were warm and chewy!). Then Sunday was the Broncos game, cleaning, laundry and Chris attempting to fix the water pressure for our shower. What he did helped a little but not much. I guess we will have to get a plumber to come over. If the Broncos win the next 2 games we will be the second seed which means I will have 2 more games to work!!!
OK NOW I'M GETTING TICKED!!!! I have TRIED to type a response and 4TIMES my post vanished!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more try and then I'm done!!!
This is our extremely busy time of year! We have a Christmas concert Tuesday (Garry's) Wednesday (Makenzie's) and Thursday (Brooke's) and then we can collapse! With a busy weekend that past, it will be nice to take things slow, or slower!!! Big Garry took vacation next week so we will have time to relax!! AnnaMarie will be visiting for a few days (without the dogs OR Josh who will be with his family and then going back to NC to work then will come back and get her) so at least we will have a chance to see her. Found it odd that for their "first christmas" they aren't going to be together.... whatever...not my problem... just weird!

Denine, we took the opposite approach to telling the kids about what happened Friday. We figured it was better coming from us and not "hiding" it from them was better then them finding out from their friends, church, tv, internet, etc... Some people around here have signs in their yards, some stores have comments about it, so we figured since they are with their friends a lot of the time, we wanted to tell them instead of their friends and get wrong information. We didn't go into very specifics but we sat them down when they got home from school and told them that a very sick individual went to an elementary school and shot some people and unfortunately some of those who were shot were students. Even though the first responders (they know that term from Garry) got there quickly that those people who were shot didn't make it and are now our guardian angels in Heaven. We let them ask questions and let them talk about how it made them feel and just listened to them. All three wanted to know why, which is something we couldn't answer. But we did tell them that some of these sickos want to try and make us "scared" to do anything (go to the movies, school, malls, etc......)but we can't let them win! We need to be aware of our surroundings and go on with our lives! I really think we adults took it worse then the kids. Garry then talked to the kids about the safety of our schools and that the schools have drills and procedures that they have worked with the police department and the staff, just like at this school and that is why most of the children went home to their families. Let me tell you, the safety procedures they have at the high school where Makenzie is is OUTSTANDING!!! When I went to the school to pick up the homework for Makenzie when we went to disney, it was like going through fort knox! I had to be buzzed into the school, before I made it 3 feet there was a man at at a table asking me to print, sign my name, reason for being in the school, make and model of my car and license plate number and then gave me a pass to take with me to the office. Before I left him, he was radioing my name, what I was wearing and what hallway I was walking down. I was stopped at every hallway to make sure I had a pass and the radio "broadcast of me" went to the police officers on duty there, all the offices, all hall monitors, and to several teachers on each floor who have radios in their rooms/offices. I was VERY impressed!!! Garry did have input as to this procedure, but he never really told me about it. All the schools have video cameras at all doors and buzzer systems to get into the schools. Sandy Hook had these systems in place too, but something is better then nothing. Those teachers who followed procedures and locked their doors, had the children "hid" in the specific area of the classroom... the students knew what to do, it is just unfortunate that the classrooms he got to first, didn't have time to respond. All of my kids schools do their "lock down" drills once a month, sometimes 2. Unfortunately there are sickos EVERYWHERE and no one is truly safe anywhere (not even in your house you hear about home invasions all the time), BUT if you make yourself aware of your surroundings and keep your eyes open, and TRUST your instincts.... WE win NOT THEM!!!! And please do not take this as an attack on anyone(s) or how they parent, this is just MY opinion and what I think is best for my kids. Which isn't always the best for others. Also, part of my "teacher" comes out too!;)

Making Christmas cookies the rest of the time this week.

Heidi, I'm sure you can count the game against us Browns as a win!!! ;)

Sandy, :) I will listen to my big sis, but she is wrong. ;)

Well gotta run!
Have a great day!

Will be back later!

JULIE, you are in BIG trouble. RESPECT your elders, :rotfl2:. This is the last time however that I will use that term, :lmao:. Wanna fight? It is kind of weird about not spending Christmas together. Whatever, but I hope for her sake that everything is good in paradise.

Man, I agreed with Stacey about not telling the kids about the shootings. Then I read your post Julie. I now see all sides of it.:confused3 I guess a parent has to know THEIR kids and know what's right for them. Columbine happened when my niece and nephew were in a feeder elementary school to Columbine. We were to sign in and out but nobody did and actually no one ever stopped me. The desk was hardly ever manned. I bet it is NOW! Sound like your school is doing awesome!

Merry Christmas to us :rolleyes:. Our big TV in our basement died. Soooo, we went to Best Buy and bought us a new TV. YIKES, expensive!! I told Ted that if we were even thinking about buying a new tv that Christmas is the time. We saved 900.00. Then we are Premier customers so we got all kinds of goodies and savings. The guy really knew where and how to save. We even got a FREE 3D Blu Ray player. We had stopped in the morning and decided to think about it. Went back this afternoon and had a different guy that was more than williing to seek out the freebies. Majorly thankful! Heidi, it comes on Thurs so we will need to have a movie night soon. I bought Titanic 3D. I wanted to see it in the theater and didn't get to. It was on sale for 19.00 and normally 35.00 so I decided that would have been the price of tickets so we bought it.

Denine, don't feel bad about saying the same thing. I think we all want to know how Kaleigh is doing. It just isn't fair that it takes so long. I heard on Live with Kelly and Michael that Hillary Clinton passed out due to a nasty bug that is going around all over the country. Guess she was dehydrated and got a concussion from the fall. Be careful with Kaleigh. I'm sure her immune system is down right now. I hate to see her catch the nasty stomach bug on top of it all.

Heidi, guess you've been busy. I'm bummed that Chris didn't fix the shower after all. It's got to be majorly frustrating. Too bad the previous owner didn't disclose it. Your cookies and Tammy's maple pecan cookies were my favorite. I managed to lose 2.25 pounds from Sat morning till this morning. :cheer2: I WANT FIREBALL WHISKEY. That stuff is amazing!!!!
And so it continues... Called the doc yesterday, she changed her tummy pill and wanted her to have a CAT scan and see a GI doc. The day continued on and Kaleigh was just in so much pain. I finally broke down and called the 24 hour nurse for an impartial opinion about taking her to the ER. She agreed that we should take her in case it is somthing else. So guess where we spent last evening? They took blood, put in an IV for fluids and meds. They did a CAT scan. They did a urinalysis. Now they are saying it is a bladder infection with retention. I am not buying it hook line and sinker. Nothing else significant showed up on the CAT scan. It is a diagnosis of convenience. Her white count was slightly elevated which means she is fighting something. There were some white cells in her urine which shouldn't have been. So now it is Bactrim for 3 days and follow up with her doctor today. I am just having a hard time believeing that she was in so much pain because of a mild infection. Poor kid and us. Last night was very hard on her.
Julie - I do see your point in telling the kiddos. What did Brooke say about it? How old is she? I think with Joey it was good for my sister not to tell her because she is such a worrier and she would be terrified to go to school ever again. I think she gets her worrying from my DD Emily. I'm shocked Emily will still go to movies, but when I took her she would not stop looking at the door so I don't think she really watches the movies anymore. Both of them are always about the what if's and when. Sounds like the HS has awesome plans in place. My girls school is not like that at all, they are very open and anyone can walk in. I do know Joey and Tyler's school is a little better but still not as secure as that school. Hopefully with recent events they will be stricter. My HS was very strict and that was before Columbine happened.

Mom - Yay, glad you lost some pounds...it was Fireball that burned it off. I might have fireball left at home that I can bring to you!!!!
Denine - I'm sorry you guys and Kaleigh had to spend your evening at the ER. I hope the medicine makes her feel better. :(
Denine, I bet you have just had it with doctors. I just don't get it......

Ted went up skiing today so I had the day to myself. I went shopping this morning and this afternoon I have a hair appointment for another keritan treatment. I find it odd that I like the results at a plush hair salon but LOVE the results at Ulta, of all places. I'm glad I tried it.

Expecting 4-8" of snow tonight into tomorrow. FINALLY! Right now it's sunny and mild temps.

Heidi, I found Nemo 3D to give to Stacey as a family gift.
Good Morning
Sitting her shaking from the cold. Still have jammies on because I havent gotten ready for work yet. School is cancel although we havent gotten any snow. Not sure if its in anticipation for todays snow or because of the wind. All I know is it is stinkin cold!

Read some of the post about telling the kids about the shooting. We have decided not to tell Ethan either until forced. Although if and when he is told I really like the way you and Garry handled it Julie. With your kids being older there is just no way to keep the truth from them.

Sandy & Heidi: When I heard what happened I immeditely thought about you guys. I knew it would be especially hard for you to re-live the horror again. So even though you didn't know it I was praying for you and all the other Columbine families. :grouphug:

Denine: Poor little Kaleigh hope she gets better soon. Got your Christmas card she is adorable. LOVE the red hair.

Oh I almost forgot!!! We are booked on a Oct 2013 CRUISE!!!! I am SUPER EXCITED we have not been on a Disney Cruise since 2004. Jason , Michelle and Alana, Tiffany, Missy Ethan and Kara are all booked too. Plus some of our friends. SOOO EXCITED. I think we are really going to get to go this time!!!:rotfl:
Sandy & Heidi: When I heard what happened I immeditely thought about you guys. I knew it would be especially hard for you to re-live the horror again. So even though you didn't know it I was praying for you and all the other Columbine families. :grouphug:
You are so sweet to think of us, thank you. :grouphug:
Awww Barb, you are so sweet to think of us and pray as well. I see you booked a CRUISE!! Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I didn't realize it's been that long for you.

I'm sitting here watching White Christmas cuddled under a blanket freezing. Ted is snow plowing for the City.
Saw your post Denine on FB. Kaleigh must not be improving. What's the next plan of attack?

Last night I ended up watching a portion of the first season of Eight is Enough. I've always loved that show. I bought it on Amazon earlier this year when it first came out. I fouund out that season 2 just became available in Nov so I ordered it last night. Merry Christmas to me :)
Kaleigh started on a new med yesterday. It is supposed to releive spasms. So far it hasn't helped. We are to call the doctor on Monday if there is no improvement. I have an appointment with the GI doc for 1-8. In order to get in sooner, Kaleigh's doctor has to send them info and then they will decide if she needs to be seen sooner. Nice, huh?

We haven't canceled our trip yet, but right now, if Kaleigh isn't any better we are going to skip the DC portion and just go to Judy's. We are keeping our options open right now.

Supposed to get snow today and tomorrow. I hope it fizzles. I have 2 more batches of cookies to make today and 1 tomorrow. We have Christmas with my family on Sunday at my parents and then we are hosting Christmas for Jerry's family on Christmas. We are trying to keep life as normal as possible, but it hasn't been easy with Kaleigh feeling so rotten.
Poor Kaleigh. I couldn't imagine having to be in pain and feel so miserable for so long. I hope they can get her in earlier than 1/8. Hopefully she will be able to enjoy Christmas.
Good Morning!
Ahhh how I love Fridays. Last minute stuff to do to get ready for Christmas. We have about 30 people coming for Christmas. I am pretty excited. Been years since I have spent Christmas with my parents. We are having a Griswold Family Christmas. Lots of games and everyone has to wear an ugly Christmas shirt. Got to get my done today. Finally bought a good camera. I got an expensive :scared1:
Canon. I have wanted a camera for so long and finally decided to do it.

Now I know my baby is all grown up. Tiffany has joined the disboards :rotfl::rotfl:
She is SOO EXCITED about the cruise. She booked her own room and is paying for it herself. She wants to talk cruise every second I am with her :rotfl2:

Denine- Wish Kaleigh was feeling better. That has got to be so wearing on you and Jerry.

Shopping, Cleaning and Jaymee comes today!!! :cool1::cool1:Shopping and Cookies tomorrow and a family soup and making cookies on Sunday. Busy Busy Busy weekend.

Humm isn't today the day the world was suppose to end? :scratchin


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