Mini-trip TR ~ Emma's First trip, My first MNSSHP and F&W! LOOKING AHEAD!

Day 1 ~ Friday, October 2, 2009

I got home from Back to School Night around 10pm and went right to bed, after making sure everything was all set for the morning, of course. I was actually quite surprised at how easily I fell asleep that night. I remember the first trip Tom and I took together, it had been 3 years since my last trip and I probably slept a total of 30 mins that night. Not sure if it was the exhaustion from the start of the school year, the fact that we're going more often now, the fact that we just went 2 months ago...or a combination of them all. If this makes sense, I was actually happy and disappointed at the same time. Happy, obviously, that I wouldn't wake up exhausted, but sad that the thrill seemed to be gone. I was no longer "too excited to sleep!"

Sooo, the alarm went off promptly at 5:00am. I stayed in bed for about 10 mins and by that time I WAS excited so I got up and checked all the bags one more time. I think I may have even posted on this thread, but I don't remember!

We decided to go with a new car company this time because I think we got totally ripped off last time! It was something like $90 to get to the airport, where they used to be like $50...and the way back was around $65 so we totally got screwed! This time I used a taxi company and they were only $32! MUCH better! Well, I looked out the window around 5:25 and saw the car was there.

As soon as we got on our way, I texted my sister to see where she was at. She had stayed at my parent's house the night before and my dad was driving them to the airport. I thought for SURE we'd be ahead of them but she texted back that they were already at the airport!! This is also when she informed me that they've upgraded to first class. They fell for that "do you want to upgrade to first class for only $70" or some crap that they try to sell you when you check in. Keep in mind, these are the people who at one point cancelled this trip because they "are so broke." Whatever!

For the first time ever, we did curb-side check in. The man who took our bag got us all checked in and we were about to leave when he stressed, "I'm gonna take good car of your bag, sir!" with a smile on his face. "Uhh, okay thanks." Again, he repeats, almost in a "is there something wrong with this guy" way...."I"m gonna take good care of your bag, SIR!" Ohhh, he wants a tip! Well Tom gave him one and we were on our way in!

Security was a breeze, as it always is at this time of the morning and we made our way to our gate where we met our travel companions!

(Sorry there are so few pictures so far but from this point on, no more rambling!!! It will be pictures GALORE!)

Now Emma usually goes to bed late and gets up late so she was quite confused to, first of all, be awake, secondly be in a strange place and then all of a sudden, seeing Aunt Nik!

(I apologize for the terrible quality of this picture!)

Shortly, we boarded. It was still kind of dark when we got on the plane but it was pretty cool seeing the sun rise over NYC.



The flight was fantastic because this was the first time no one was sitting in the third seat! So Tom and I got the whole row to ourselves. At one point, I got up to go to the bathroom, waited about 10 mins for someone to get out and just as it was my turn, the fasten seatbelt light came on! Ugh! The flight became pretty rough, which was not good on my blatter OR my stomach. I started feeling a little sick. So Tom played UNO with me to keep my mind off my stomach. After a while, I couldn't wait anymore so I just got up to pee completey disregarding the "fasten seatbelt" light! Sorry! Nature called!

Some more pics from the flight...


We landed and the waiting game started.....

Now just a little info about ME. I am probably one of the most impatient people in the world. I HATE waiting around....and I move FAST! Now I KNOW that with a baby there are times that you have to stop and do what she needs but what I didn't realize is that my sister and her husband are NOT fast like we are! I got my first incling of this at the airport. We even went ahead to the ME counter because I couldn't wait for them anymore. I don't even know what they were doing!!

So Tom and I got on that monorail and we got our first sight of what was to come! I was excited!!!


OH, by the way...the long sleeves? Yeah, it was 40 degrees with we left Newark that morning. Lucky for me, I had a tank under the shirt AND shorts in my carry-on! :thumbsup2

So we sat in the little waiting area by the ME counter waiting for them. NEVER did I think anyone would sit in those chairs...what's the point?

*Remember, I'm not really complaining about THEM, I know this is totally MY problem.*

My sister had to go to the ME counter because of the shady TA they booked through but it was quick and we got in line for CBR.


I've never seen the line so long but once it started moving, we got on the bus quickly and it left right away. Jamie and Justin sat in front of us and we had the TV right about us so they passed Emma to me (which I was thrilled about) and we spent the ride to CBR eating some yogurt bites and watching the video.




*A little side note about Emma. She LOVES TV and is a Noggin girl. Just recently, my sister started putting on the Disney channel for her and she LOVES it, especially Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She lights up when she hears Mickey's voice. It's the cutest.

Another thing to know about her, she's not really talking yet. She says mama, dada, of course, but nothing else really.....except Donald Duck!! I'm not even kidding, the only thing she knows how to say is Donald Duck!! We don't even know what she got it from but one day my sister was changing her and starting sing the Micky Mouse know, "Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. Mickey Mouse!" and Emma answers "Donald Duck!" Now all you need to do is "Mickey Mouse!" and she responds! Of course, it sounds more like "Donl Duh" but whatever, it's still cute! So we were singing that on the way, too!

Now Jamie was supposed to be in a preferred room but, again, because of the TA, they messed it up. So when we checked in, I gave the CM a list of a few buildings I would like to be in, starting with Jamaica 45. She said she could up us there so I turned to my sister (who was next in line) and told her "Jamaica 45!" The cm heard me and asked if we were travelling together. I"m not sure WHAT she was doing from that point on but she was clicking, walking off, talking to other CMs, all the while my sister was checking in too.

After what seemed to be hours, (did I say I was impatient?) we were all checked in and they had found a room for Jamie and Justin in Jamaica 45, too! Our room was not ready...but my sister's was. :confused3 Uhhh,, hello! We checked in first? Whatever, I didn't really care. They needed it more that us at this point and at least we could drop our things in their room.

So we went outside to wait for the internal bus to Jamaica!


I apologize for being so wordy!! I don't know what's the matter with me! I guess because it was so recent, I remember so many details! I can't believe this was only a week ago!

Up Next: Getting our rooms, MORE waiting...and a little bit of DHS.
LOVE IT! Great start. I do not think that you were too wordy! Love the details!

Emma is a little doll. I love her earrings! So excited to see your rooms!

I have always wondered about that...if we go to WDW lots...will the excitement wear off? I am happy you wrote about it. I am sure it all comes back to you when you get there!
Oh great start, thanks!! Lovin it so far:thumbsup2 and you're definitely not too wordy, the more descriptive the better, and the more pictures even better! Don't leave one of them out, especially those cutie pics of Emma.:) And I am just as inpatient, I know exactly how you felt. Can't wait for more...
Yay, I'm so glad you've started! I loved your last TR, can't wait to read this one!
Great start! I'm like you. I hate waiting after people.

Emma's a cutie cutie :)
Great start! Looking forward to reading more. Emma is such a doll! :cutie:
LOVE IT! Great start. I do not think that you were too wordy! Love the details!

Emma is a little doll. I love her earrings! So excited to see your rooms!

I have always wondered about that...if we go to WDW lots...will the excitement wear off? I am happy you wrote about it. I am sure it all comes back to you when you get there!

I mean, it was just such a different kind of trip at such a different time so I don't think the excitement REALLY wore off, it was just a weird feeling....

Oh great start, thanks!! Lovin it so far:thumbsup2 and you're definitely not too wordy, the more descriptive the better, and the more pictures even better! Don't leave one of them out, especially those cutie pics of Emma.:) And I am just as inpatient, I know exactly how you felt. Can't wait for more...

Oh don't you worry...I will not leave out ANY picures!

Yay, I'm so glad you've started! I loved your last TR, can't wait to read this one!


Great start! I'm like you. I hate waiting after people.

Emma's a cutie cutie :)

Isn't she?! Just wait!

Great start! Looking forward to reading more. Emma is such a doll! :cutie:

Thanks! :)
Hey Nikki.

Just wanted to let you know that we are planning on July 2010 instead of Christmas 2010 now.

And I'm in the process of trying to be certified in Florida.

I'll let you know how all this goes.

If we are going in July, then a PTR will be here soon.
Hey Nikki.

Just wanted to let you know that we are planning on July 2010 instead of Christmas 2010 now.

And I'm in the process of trying to be certified in Florida.

I'll let you know how all this goes.

If we are going in July, then a PTR will be here soon.

NO way! How do you do that? I'd LOVE to move to Florida!
Hi Nikki!
Love your trip so far! Emma has grown so much even since your wedding pictures! I love the sheer joy on her face as she is looking at Eeyore:cloud9:
So darn cute! I just love little ones loving Disney at that age.
My boys are bigger now and it isn't quite the same. In fact, DS 16 looks at Cinderella in a decidedly different way now:eek: But I still remember him getting a big kiss from Minnie Mouse on his 4th birthday!:laughing:
Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
We're traveling with my will-be 8 month old niece next month. And I'm curious how you did your trip with your 14 month old niece.

Enjoying your report so far!!!! :thumbsup2
Hi Nikki!
Love your trip so far! Emma has grown so much even since your wedding pictures! I love the sheer joy on her face as she is looking at Eeyore:cloud9:
So darn cute! I just love little ones loving Disney at that age.
My boys are bigger now and it isn't quite the same. In fact, DS 16 looks at Cinderella in a decidedly different way now:eek: But I still remember him getting a big kiss from Minnie Mouse on his 4th birthday!:laughing:
Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

I know! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow!

We're traveling with my will-be 8 month old niece next month. And I'm curious how you did your trip with your 14 month old niece.

Enjoying your report so far!!!! :thumbsup2

Oh you're going to have a blast with her! Although, there is a HUGE difference between Emma 8 months and Emma 14 months! Hope the TR helps, though!
Day 1 ~ October 2, 2009

We got on the internal resort bus and decided to just get off at Old Port Royal to see how the walk from there to Jamaica was. Not bad at all!

It was a relief to get into my sister's room, drop our bags and change into our shorts!! Emma was happy to have a new place to explore...starting with the door stop.




After we were all ready, we went back to Old Port Royal and J & J wanted to have lunch. :confused3 At that point, I thought they were just messing with us. We only had a little time at MGM because Tom and I had dinner reservations at 'Ohana. (Remember, I got them just a few days before leaving?!) By now it was probably 11:30. WE are used to getting to the resort, dropping our stuff and just going. No...we had to have lunch. HELLOOOOO, there is lunch AT the park! But it was okay. I kept telling myself this trip was NOT going to be what we're used to so I really wasn't THAT bothered by it....

After lunch, we went to the gift shop. Justin bought shorts and we met up with Mike and Christy. Then we had to go BACK to the room so Justin could change. By this point, I was getting a little stressed but didn't say anything. What could I do? And it's a good thing I really don't care about DHS....

By around 1:00, we were finally at the bus stop. Emma thought it was a good time for a nap.

We were all excited to be getting on our first Disney bus of the trip!




The first thing we had to do when we got in the park was get Emma a hat. So cute!

Everyone was pretty indecisive, which is another problem with a large group so we decided to go down towards TOT and RnRC.




We got FPs for TOT and then Justin, Mike and I rode RnRC. I got to sit in the very first row! It was pretty awesome!

Then Tom and I rode TOT but didnt' even need out FPs.

After that, we met back up with the group and Emma was having a blast OUT of her stroller, playing with the straps. Hey, she just learned to walk a few months ago...she did NOT want to be strapped it!


She was pretty mad when it was time to go and she had to be tied down.


BUT she saw something she liked, pointed to it and, of course, Mama bought it for her! And she was happy again!



At that point, all Tom wanted to do was get to the Star Tours store so we could get out of there. We caught a little of the parade on our way out...



We were on our way back to CBR by 3:00.

Up Next: The race to 'Ohana and MNSSHP!!!
Yay more TR! :goodvibes lovely photos of the Studios.. I could take a million photos of ToT.. it always looks so spooky! :rotfl:

I know what you mean about going with other people and not doing wdw your own way... I had to wear my big sunglasses ALOT in July with DBF's family.. so they wouldn't see me rolling my eyes at their indecisiveness/complaining, etc!! :rolleyes: lol

Looking forward to 'Ohana & MNSSHP.... :wizard:

Emma princess: x
Yay, am loving everything so far. Emma is sooo cute. More please :)
Yay! Great update!:woohoo:

Lovely to see CBR - we really enjoyed staying there last year!

Emma is sooooo cute!:love:
I would be stressed/anxious too w/a group like that. DH and I are the same way, we just want to drop our stuff and go right to the parks! On our trip next month my parents and aunt are coming to Epcot with us just for the day. I already know it's not going to be the same pace we're used to but it will still be fun! :thumbsup2


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