Marching Our Way to a Healthy Lifestyle ~ March 2016 WISH Challenge

@piglet1979 Is she dyslexic? This sounds so much like me when I was younger only math was an issue too because numbers are worse for me than letters. I had an IEP (individual education plan) till I was in the 6th grade, and worked with my school to get out of it. So she can work through this no problem. As a mom you can worry, but this doesn't have to be horrible at all!

Thank you! I was on an IEP for the same issues my daughter has. I worked hard to get off of my IEP too. I do not think she is Dyslexic because she is reading the words fine. She is just retaining what she is reading. We are working with her at home to read a chapter or a few pages and then we ask her questions. I know she finally just get there but as a mom it is hard to hear. I think I cried at the first few years of conferences. The teachers she has are amazing and she has done so much better then the beginning of the school year. Her teacher kept telling me to focus on the growth she has done and not over a test.
@SarahDisney Thank You!. This week will be much better. Even though we have a baby shower at work I will still get a work out in and burn off the little bit of cake I have today. I am ready for the week. I should be able to get out with the kids to play too. We are supposed to hit 70 degrees this week. Yeah!!!!
I don't share my story because I'm still kind of reconciling the parts of it. I talked about it in the running thread a little bit, but that's the closest I've come.

When I decided to work on my health it was a very casual decision. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and it took about 9/10 months for me to realize that I have to give this process 100%. I've felt like I've been at the beginning of this process for a year now which can be amazingly frustrating. I've dealt with a lot of high stress situations in the last year between my personal life and work. Getting out of bed some days is a huge issue for me never mind making sure I eat properly, and go for my training runs. The last few days I've been basically paralyzed by anxiety and fear because big change is coming and this month is going to be terrible until it does. It'll be bad even right after it does as well. I guess my ability to crawl out of that time and time again is how I can inspire. I'm finally making progress with myself which is amazing, and I'm making progress with my running too. Now I just need to get my food in on this success party.

I'm so bad with my feelings and talking about them, but I know a lot of us have opened up about depression issues and have come through that. I see that, and that inspires me. All of you guys always have my support and ear whenever you need it.

I think a lot of people (myself included at times) don't realize how hard this actually is. It's really hard to commit 100% to taking care of your health, and I think that it can be frustrating to get to that point.
I know you've struggled a lot with various things, and you're still struggling, but it's awesome to see you check in here, share your struggles as much as you're comfortable, and work towards your goals. I think it's definitely inspiring seeing you work hard to come back from all of your struggles.

:-/ I don't feel like I've accomplished enough to be inspiring by any stretch. But as someone else said before, I feel like this group is an inspiration for me for sure! Just hearing about day to day challenges and how everyone strives to over come and be a healthier person from it really helps me feel not alone in the journey.

I think that's one of those things that I didn't realize until it happened to me - you don't have to accomplish anything to be an inspiration. You just have to try.
For me ... I've never had a lot of friends who understood why I was struggling so hard to get healthy. It bummed me out and made me not want to try sometimes. But seeing people come here, share with this group that they're trying, and admit when things go wrong - that's what inspires me.
Even if you don't think you can be an inspiration ... you can be. Anyone can be an inspiration just by trying to do better.

I am happy to report I did lose 1 pound last week, which I am okay with, because I exercised less than I hoped due to my cold. So I am down 16.67%

Congrats on making some progress despite everything you have going on!

I feel like my weight loss journey is something sort of just for me. There is not a lot in my life that is mine alone, so its sort of my "me" project. I don't think of it as inspirational, so I have never thought of it as something sharing to inspire others. The one thing I can say, is that my taking up running, and doing half marathons got a few other people to do it. Mostly, because I think they knew if I could do it, they could do it. My sister says I inspire her, but I think that is backwards, because she asked me to do the PHM with her, not the other way around:)

I definitely get that this journey can be a personal thing. But I think the cool thing about human nature is that we can be inspired by the personal journeys that others have. And if can also go back and forth - the same people who inspired you can later be inspired by your progress. Maybe your sister inspired you to do your first PHM, but your continued running has inspired her to continue. It's kinda cool if you think about it - people influencing other people to take care of themselves just by revealing bits and pieces of their own journey.

I am looking forward to taking on this weeks challenge @SarahDisney, great idea. The weather should cooperate nicely, we are expecting a high of 70 here in my part of MA on Wednesday. Yay! I did a really tough weight workout today, so I will not run tomorrow, my legs are too cooked. I'll make sure to post of picture of my favorite run area, I wish I had one from a few weeks ago. I run by a reservoir, and there is a pair of swans that return every winter. Makes my run to see them. I have a swan thing;)

I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. Swans are so beautiful (and so is running by water ... I'm a big water fan).

I'm not sure much of my story is very inspiring yet. I've been trying to lose weight since I was in junior high and have never been at a very healthy weight.

I think just trying can be inspiring - even if you're not doing as well as you would like sometimes, you just keep trying, which shows perseverance!

If I had to pick something, it would be my running. I started about 2 and half years ago. I tried the couch to 5k program and when I started I could just barely make the last few 30 second runs and my miles were between 18-19 minutes a piece. Now I can run (well, jog) 10-16 minutes at a time and my miles are consistently under 16 minutes. I had been 15 minute and under miles for a while, but then I got lazy for a couple weeks. Today I had a really hard time with my 10 mile run, but I'm hopeful that when my body readjust to running for long periods of time my mile times will improve again.

I love reading about running journeys! A lot of people are afraid to start running, but reading stories like this always makes me happy because it shows that you weren't afraid to try and you're constantly improving!
PROGRESS UPDATE: WEEK 1 – March 7th, 2016

The results are in - here are our progress reports for the first week of March!

@4Mickeys - 13.63%
@5xdisneyfans - 24%
@courtneybeth - 100%
@CruisingKate - 25%
@donac - 22%
@Dr Gunnie - 29%

@dsnyfn1022 - 54%
@DVCFan1994 - 16.67%
@dylans mommy - 50%
@Flossbolna - 30%
@flvy - 10%
@JacknSally - 0%
@Lady Marie - 10%
@LindseyJo22 - 20%
@mamattorney - 38%
@MochaDrinker - 45%
@Oneanne - 1% / 14.8%
@piglet1979 - 0%

@pjlla - 27.50%
@PoohBelle - 0%
@SarahDisney - 26%
@ski_mom - 15%

Congrats to all those who have made progress towards their goal! For those who are struggling, know that we believe in you and you still have lots of time to make great progress!

If you don’t see your name on the list, that means either you didn’t get me a progress report or (equally likely), I missed it. If you want your progress on this list, let me know and I’ll edit the post and get you in there!
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You guys are all so amazing. I love that over the months we've grown closer so that you're like my weight loss / fitness family :love:

@courtneybeth, I am sorry that your family is throwing so much crap at you! They ought to be so proud of you getting that degree! I know we all are! Your energy and dedication to everything you do, from weight loss to running all these races is truly inspiring!

Thank you. It's been tough to process through the last week and a half - but you are so right. I feel all of the love from everyone - so screw 'em if they don't want to show up.

:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear about your family Courtney - there is just no feeling like being let down by family and it is natural to want your parents to be proud of you and be there to share in celebrating this big achievement. You have your lovely Hubby there cheering you on you are lucky in that respect. Sometimes families can just suck. Be proud of yourself for graduating, I will be proud of you also - I graduated 3 years ago - so not so long and I remember that feeling. Can I ask what degree you studied in?

MBA - masters of business administration. This was a huge ordeal for me since I am a "fail" when it comes to math and I was apprehensive about applying originally. Blew my GMAT exam and got in without any financial assistance. But I rose above the adversity and finished with a 3.75 GPA. I think that's pretty good :)

First of all......:hug:, :hug:, :hug: I am SO sorry to hear you are going through this personal crisis. Nothing I can say or do to make it better, I'm sure, but PLEASE be assured that I am praying for you. Wishing we could hold a big WISH party for you!! Hold your head high at your graduation, be proud of your accomplishments, and know that you are loved.

Aww thank you. I'm going to do that. I'll be smiley just for you. :flower:

I don't think there's much I can say here other than that you're awesome and I'm sorry that your family doesn't see that.
It's totally understandable why you're struggling right now. But it's awesome that you have friends who want to celebrate with you, and I know we're all super excited to see pictures from your graduation!! And I kinda want to see pictures from this Hobbit restaurant too ... not that I'm a LOTR fan, but I'm super curious about this place.
@courtneybeth :grouphug: I am so sorry to hear about that knowing from here all the hard work that's gone into your degree and the excitement that has been mounting for your graduation. I echo everyone else who says we are proud and think you're amazing!
(Also, I'm with @SarahDisney and would be quite interested to see pictures of this Hobbit place as well. That sounds fun!)

Here's some of the photos from the restaurant: (and here's the actual site: )
cellar.jpg o (1).jpg o.jpg

It's a dinner served as a three act play - you start with appetizers in the wine cellar then head upstairs to the fine dining room where they serve one meal per night. Kind of reminds me of Victoria and Albert's for about 1/4 of the cost.

@courtneybeth, families really suck sometimes. It is horrible your family spoke to you that way. We are super proud of you. Finishing your MBA is a ton of work, and the fact you did that while working on your running is amazing. Enjoy your celebration, you deserve it. Sometimes families are not worth the trouble, and friends become a better "family" for us. And congratulations on the PR! Awesome:)

This WISH group has become a great support family and my friend Jason and his wife (I met Jason in the grad program) have become like a big bro and sis to me. So really it feels like I'm better off without my parents. Some people just don't want to be held accountable for their actions, you know?
What part of your journey to a healthier life do you feel can inspire others? What do you do to share this inspiration? Do you share your story at Weight Watchers meetings or on a blog? Do you try to inspire friends and family to follow in your footsteps and begin their own healthy journey? If you’re not currently doing anything to inspire others, have you thought about taking that step and sharing your journey?

I think the overall story has inspired people I interact with on a daily basis - coworkers, friends, and facebook friends. They've watched my progress over the last 18 months and ask me what motivated me and what caused me to do this. And I tell the story: saw a picture of myself in June 2014 and was surprised at how fat I was at Jason and Laura's wedding, immediately made changes in my life through weight watchers and exercising, and I reached my initial goal weight in December of last year. Now I'm on phase two - 70 pounds down and now working on toning my body and keeping up the exercise by running 18-20 half marathons this year (and a slew of 5K and 10K races too).

I do not encourage others to follow in my footsteps but I think the story speaks for itself and they reach the logical conclusion: if it worked for her, why can't it work for me. I have friends now wanting to run 5K races. I have had coworkers join WW and MFP to watch calories. And I just had a coworker start personal training after she's seen how strength training has helped my muscles improve so that I can take minutes off my run time (16 minutes in just a month for a half marathon, and 3 minutes in a month for a 5K).

Knowing that I am now a size 26 premium denim jean (size 4) and a size small in shirts/sweaters... really makes me thankful for where I am at today. I am feeling healthier and more confident about myself. And I'm sure Nordstrom loves my story because they're reaping the rewards of me not having clothes for the appropriate season!
I am keeping my journey very private. This is my time to work on myself. Some people feel that I have not really retired since I also started teaching at the local college. People are not understanding that this what I wanted this phase of my life to be. Since people are not understanding me I decided to go on this journey with just you people.

My replies will be short this week since it is tech week for the show and one of my costumers is sick. She is doing what she can. She just spent the weekend making the most beautiful hats for the major ladies of the town.

Have a happy and healthy day

@donac I would love to see some of the finished product, if you can post pictures! It sounds like quite an amazing production! Good luck with the final preparations.
Question of the Day – Monday, March 7th:

What part of your journey to a healthier life do you feel can inspire others? What do you do to share this inspiration? Do you share your story at Weight Watchers meetings or on a blog? Do you try to inspire friends and family to follow in your footsteps and begin their own healthy journey? If you’re not currently doing anything to inspire others, have you thought about taking that step and sharing your journey?

This will sound incredibly negative, and upon re-reading it sounds like I'm throwing myself a really big pity party, or like I have anything against the monthly threads or the participants in them, but PLEASE know that I REALLY don't mean it to... I love you guys!

I'm honestly not sharing my journey with anyone anymore. I've tried a couple of times in years past to blog about it, but always stopped shortly after starting because I just didn't have a story worth telling. I barely participate in these threads anymore. I just don't really feel like I have any story to share. I haven't made any substantial progress - yes, I lost 30lbs last year, but I've put it all back on, so what difference does it make. I don't really have answers for the QOTDs because they don't relate to me - nothing at all against any month's thread, I'm just not eating well, I'm not exercising, I'm not a runner, I don't do Weight Watchers, and I don't have great successes to share, so I don't ever really have anything to contribute. I don't log my food because I'm embarrassed by what I eat. I don't wear my Fitbit or join challenges because I'm embarrassed by how little I move during the day. I love reading about everyone's success and will ALWAYS 100% support all of my friends here, but right now I just feel like I'm in the bleachers cheering others on, and I'm not really sure how to get out. Basically I'm not trying to inspire anyone else because I just don't feel like I have any reason to do so.

Again, that reads very negatively, I know. I don't mean to come off that way. This whole weight-loss thing is just very frustrating for me right now (I know I am not alone in that by any means). It makes it even worse that I've never DONE anything to lose weight that has worked, so I don't know what to do. It's not a matter of "Oh, I just need to get back to doing this and the weight will come back off". When I lost the weight last summer, it just kind of started melting off. I was eating like crap and not exercising at all, but it just started happening. So now it's not melting, and I really don't know where to even begin because I don't know what works for me, because it feels like nothing works. But then I get caught in this downward spiral of "I don't know what to do to lose the weight, so I'm just going to eat everything because I'm upset that I'm gaining weight"... and then I gain more weight. And then I see everyone else doing AMAZING and posting great numbers, and I eat more because I'm upset that I'm not doing as well as others. But that makes me gain more weight. And then I eat more because I'm upset that I gained. :laughing:

Anyway, I'm thankful for you guys and this forum, no matter where I am in my own journey! You guys are definitely inspirational. :cheer2:
I feel like today's QOTD might be starting down a road that people don't really want to go down, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean this to start trouble or anything. But I truly believe that everyone has something to share and everyone can be inspirational. Every time you fall and pick yourself up, that's an amazing inspiration for those who fall and have trouble picking themselves back up. Even if you keep falling down and don't pick yourself up, the fact that you're willing to share those failures is incredible and can encourage others to ask for help.
I think that if this journey is something that you feel is for you alone and you don't want to share it, that's fine - some people don't feel a need to share everything, which is not a bad thing. But I don't think anyone should be afraid to share. Even if your story is one of constant failures and an inability to "figure it out," people can benefit from hearing about it.

I'm rambling a bit, but the bottom line is this - if you don't want to share your journey, I understand that. But if you're afraid to share your journey ... please know that there are people out there who can benefit from your example, and if you ever feel comfortable sharing, we want to hear all about it.

I'll be back with replies later, I just feel bad because I'm afraid I might have upset some people with this question, and I wanted you to know that absolutely was not my intention. I'm sorry, guys :(
Weekly Challenge – Week 1:

We’re introducing something new this month – weekly challenges! Every Friday I’ll post a challenge, and you’ll have until the following Thursday to answer the challenge. Challenges are about sharing with your fellow participants and bringing everyone closer to your favorite parts of living a healthy lifestyle.

This Week’s Challenge:
Are you a walker/runner? Show us some pictures of your favorite walking or running path!
Not a walker or runner? Show us pictures of one of your favorite spots – whether it’s somewhere you go to exercise or just somewhere you enjoy sitting and thinking!
If you can, spend 30 minutes in your favorite spot or path this week, then come back and tell us what you did! If you can’t make it to your special spot, spend 30 minutes exercising while imagining that you’re in your special spot. Tell us what you imagined you were doing there!

Challenge Due Date: Thursday, March 10th
Walk Inspiration.jpg

I'm usually walking in my neighborhood: Sunday morning there were blues skies over my house so I bundled up and got out for a walk. Took this snap of lovely spring blossoms and blue skies a couple blocks away... a couple blocks after that I got to the point where I could see to the west and the sky was black with a rain squall blowing in... barely made it back to the house. The whole day was like that - rain/sun/rain/sun. I ended up doing most of my steps in the mall.
Summing It Up Sunday – Sunday, March 6th:

Summing it up Sunday is our way to end the week reflecting on the challenges and progress of the last week.


The Headless Horseman is a very popular part of the Boo-To-You parade … but let’s not lose our heads over this challenge! We’re almost a week into the March challenge, so it’s time to evaluate how we’re doing so far.

Since we’re still talking Halloween, let’s talk about the things that scared us in our healthy journey this week.

What is one thing that scared you this week? Was it a misstep or off plan day? Was there a new challenge that you were scared to take on?
Please tell us about your scary moment of the week, how you reacted to it, how it affected your day, and how you overcame that scare.

Don’t forget – progress updates are due by 5 AM (Disney World time) tomorrow. If you haven’t already posted or sent me your progress update, please get it in by then. The first progress update will (hopefully) be posted tomorrow morning.
Thank you!

I think the only thing that bothered me this week is that I kept feeling like I was off program, even though I was right on with my eating and step counts. Towards the end of the week it occurred to me that it might because my new habits aren't feeling new any more, they feel like just what I do.
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Question of the Day – Monday, March 7th:

Week 2 is here, and this week we’re celebrating the Pixar Play Parade at Disney California Adventure!


This parade, which debuted in 2008 (and went on hiatus for a short period during the major construction at DCA), features floats and characters based on Disney –Pixar films, including Monsters, Inc., The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life, Toy Story, and Cars.


It doesn’t take a special uniform to become a Superhero – anyone can be a healthy superhero just by doing their best to take control of their eating and exercise habits. In addition to saving the world (and themselves) superheroes have a very important job – inspiring others to be super!

What part of your journey to a healthier life do you feel can inspire others? What do you do to share this inspiration? Do you share your story at Weight Watchers meetings or on a blog? Do you try to inspire friends and family to follow in your footsteps and begin their own healthy journey? If you’re not currently doing anything to inspire others, have you thought about taking that step and sharing your journey?

Thanks to all those who shared their week 1 progress - the progress update should be posted within the next few hours!

Well, I guess if I can offer any inspiration it might be that at my advanced age, cough, cough, I'm still doing it. I'm active on WW Connect and offer support there. Also, I was talking with my hairdresser this past weekend and answered some of her WW questions and she's ready to sign up.
Anyway, I'm thankful for you guys and this forum, no matter where I am in my own journey! You guys are definitely inspirational. :cheer2:

Your post made me sad, only because I feel like you need someone to support and cheer you on. I want to be that person for you - if you'd let me!

::hugs:: Don't ever feel embarrassed for what you did or didn't do in this journey. What you're doing is FOR YOU and therefore you just should log and exercise what you can. As long as you stay within the calories you'll be fine. Heck, you could eat a Happy Meal AND a Pizza Hut personal pizza and still be under your calorie goal for the day (I did that on Monday of last week - not ashamed in the least).

What can I do for you to help you keep going on the path of success? :hug:
I feel like today's QOTD might be starting down a road that people don't really want to go down, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean this to start trouble or anything. But I truly believe that everyone has something to share and everyone can be inspirational. Every time you fall and pick yourself up, that's an amazing inspiration for those who fall and have trouble picking themselves back up. Even if you keep falling down and don't pick yourself up, the fact that you're willing to share those failures is incredible and can encourage others to ask for help.

Don't panic, Sarah. I don't think anyone feels this way. Sometimes the questions may hit a little too close to home and may make us uncomfortable, but that's no way a reflection of you or your awesomeness as a hostess this month. Participation is voluntary so some may or may not choose to participate. I wouldn't take it personally - you're doing a great job this month and I've enjoyed the questions and challenges you've posted thus far!
I feel like today's QOTD might be starting down a road that people don't really want to go down, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean this to start trouble or anything. But I truly believe that everyone has something to share and everyone can be inspirational. Every time you fall and pick yourself up, that's an amazing inspiration for those who fall and have trouble picking themselves back up. Even if you keep falling down and don't pick yourself up, the fact that you're willing to share those failures is incredible and can encourage others to ask for help.

I think that if this journey is something that you feel is for you alone and you don't want to share it, that's fine - some people don't feel a need to share everything, which is not a bad thing. But I don't think anyone should be afraid to share. Even if your story is one of constant failures and an inability to "figure it out," people can benefit from hearing about it.

I'm rambling a bit, but the bottom line is this - if you don't want to share your journey, I understand that. But if you're afraid to share your journey ... please know that there are people out there who can benefit from your example, and if you ever feel comfortable sharing, we want to hear all about it.

I'll be back with replies later, I just feel bad because I'm afraid I might have upset some people with this question, and I wanted you to know that absolutely was not my intention. I'm sorry, guys :(

I'm really sorry if my response contributed to your post! Know that, for me personally at least, I was actually grateful for your question today. I feel like I'm not pulling my weight (no pun intended) in these groups this year and your question allowed me to really put into words, for the first time, where I'm at, and I feel like I owed you guys that, because I've been a team with so many of you for so long now and then just kind of disappeared because it was bringing me down and I feel really alone in my struggles right now.

You're doing an awesome job this month! Thank you for stepping up and being such a great leader for all of us. :hug: The first thing I do when I wake up is check for a QOTD!
Question of the Day – Monday, March 7th:

Week 2 is here, and this week we’re celebrating the Pixar Play Parade at Disney California Adventure!


This parade, which debuted in 2008 (and went on hiatus for a short period during the major construction at DCA), features floats and characters based on Disney –Pixar films, including Monsters, Inc., The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life, Toy Story, and Cars.


It doesn’t take a special uniform to become a Superhero – anyone can be a healthy superhero just by doing their best to take control of their eating and exercise habits. In addition to saving the world (and themselves) superheroes have a very important job – inspiring others to be super!

What part of your journey to a healthier life do you feel can inspire others? What do you do to share this inspiration? Do you share your story at Weight Watchers meetings or on a blog? Do you try to inspire friends and family to follow in your footsteps and begin their own healthy journey? If you’re not currently doing anything to inspire others, have you thought about taking that step and sharing your journey?

Thanks to all those who shared their week 1 progress - the progress update should be posted within the next few hours!
Wow- there's a lot going on with this thread, I'm going to have to check in more often. Don't have time to reply specifically to everyone, but I did read it all.

My journey, like many others' has been personal and quiet. I haven't really advertised that I'm trying to lose weight and be healthier. In the past, when I've not been in a good place, I've been turned off when people talk about their diets and exercise routines when they aren't asked about it. Not here in this thread - we all come here to talk about our journeys and to listen to others'. But when you are just ordering lunch or dinner and someone talks about how they only eat free range chicken, grass fed beef or an all organic, gluten free, preservative free, artificial color free diet and how they do hot yoga or whatever the latest craze class is at the club and how it's the greatest thing ever (you know these people, I'm sure). Ugh. I don't know; it makes me uninspired I guess, like I want to run out and eat exactly the opposite of them just because. So, on that note, I don't share anything about my eating habits or exercise habits unless specifically asked.

Just recently, people are starting to notice my weightloss (or at least enough to mention it). I think it's a combination of things - first, if you see someone every day, you don't really notice the changes as much, so the people I see every day often jump to "did you color your hair differently?" or else can't quite figure out what's changed. The other part is it's getting a little nicer around here and so layers of clothing are starting to come off and be more streamlined. So people who haven't seen me since October without my puffy winter coat absolutely are noticing. I had a mom asking me all kinds of questions today (I hadn't seen her in months) - how are you doing it, what's working for you, etc. I don't really have a method to my madness, but I think that in itself can be inspirational. Just being "everyday" active (getting my steps) and trying to eat balanced meals every day. Nothing crazy or impossible to follow. I guess I have been watching my carbohydrates, but I wouldn't call myself low carb, so I don't usually say anything about that.

I don't blog, and I don't share unless asked. I think I would need more permanence before I would feel "qualified" to be a true inspiration. Like may others I have gained and lost over the years (though I've never lost this much before), been happy with how I looked, been unhappy with how I looked. And while I am currently successfully losing weight, the true test is if I can reach my goal and maintain it over time. Only then will I feel comfortable in saying - Look at me, I'm a weightloss success story, you can be one too!
Don't panic, Sarah. I don't think anyone feels this way. Sometimes the questions may hit a little too close to home and may make us uncomfortable, but that's no way a reflection of you or your awesomeness as a hostess this month. Participation is voluntary so some may or may not choose to participate. I wouldn't take it personally - you're doing a great job this month and I've enjoyed the questions and challenges you've posted thus far!

Thank you, sweet friend! Though I definitely didn't mean to make anyone sad. I truly appreciate your "person" offer!

@SarahDisney, I agree with @courtneybeth. Sometimes the questions do hit close to home - but that's a good thing, and never something to apologize for. This whole journey is close to home, and if we're unwilling to take a real solid look at ourselves and our habits then how can we ever expect to make any progress? So don't ever apologize for asking us questions that make us think - that's what I always try to do with the threads I host, because I want and use these threads as real tools, not just another webpage to kill time on. And like Courtney said, it's always optional! If it's too close to home, we can just say we were too busy to answer that day and forget to come back to it. :laughing:
@JacknSally So this was me the middle of last year. I was up against someone else who was thriving and doing amazing things. I felt needlessly competitive and wilted. I got so frustrated by myself and why I couldn't just get my head together and get it done. I was embarrassed by my supposed failures and it was just the worst feeling ever. So when you say you're not alone, you're not AT ALL! I think you're lovely and wonderful, and eventually things will click for you. Just don't put so much pressure on yourself that's where it starts to go south super quickly.


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