I Don't Know, I Don't Speak Wind!!

Happy Thanksgiving Dis Town!​

Memom, I hope you are enjoying the parade this morning as you prepare for you feast on Sunday.
I saw that Jill and crew are on their way to Kentucky, will they be spending 3 whole days with MIL? :scared:

I can't wait to see pictures of your Thanksgiving feast with everyone!
The girls look adorable with their bug eyes! :goodvibes I wish you guys could have seen my 2 aunts watching It's Tough To Be A Bug when we were on our trip - they were hysterical They were shouting and screaming and laughing so hard! My auntie in her 70's was amazed by the "little fella" butterfly at the beginning and asked me "can you see him too or is he just for me?" When the bugs leave the theatre first (from under your hiney!), she screamed bloody murder and grabbed my leg so hard she left a bruise! :rotfl:

I would have enjoyed laughing at that scenario! ::yes:: Not the bruise part, of course...


That gave me a giggle - bought back funny memories of our trip to WDW 2 years ago - it was so hot (we dont get that sort of heat over here) and our first day in the Magic Kingdom - I thought I was going to pass out in the heat so my mother was pouring cold water over my head. You can imagine the looks we got :rotfl: I could just see people thinking whats that woman doing to that poor girl in the wheelchair :rotfl2:

Even worse though - for some reason the rest of the family were lining up to have a go - whats up with that :confused3

Anyway - gave me a giggle.

A bit early but I just want to wish you and everyone else in DIStown a Happy Thanksgiving and to say how thankful I am to have found you all - living my Disney dreams through you all over there.

Have a good break (sorry bit long winded)

Thanks for the Thanksgiving greeting! So glad we can help entertain you while you are so far from your Disney 'home' while you are between trips. :)

Yep, what Anita said!!! We are eating at O'hana too, but at 6:30!! :thumbsup2

I've never sent that "Dino" license plate thing either!! :confused3

I agree!! Too bad you can't come on down!!! :(

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!!:)

We cannot come down. Saving our pennies for next year, though. :thumbsup2 You can send me a helping or two of the 'Ohana bread pudding, though, as a consolation. :goodvibes

Not sure how long the license plate thing has been there. I have seen one other picture of it before, but I think it hasn't been too long ago.

It's Tough to Be A Bug creeped me out the first time I went on it...and I never went back!!! :laughing: Those signs are cute though!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope you all have a great day! :goodvibes

It's not something we do every time, but Brooklynn seems to like it, so whenever she says something about it or when we need a filler, we go see it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

Happy Thanksgiving Dis Town!​

Memom, I hope you are enjoying the parade this morning as you prepare for you feast on Sunday.
I saw that Jill and crew are on their way to Kentucky, will they be spending 3 whole days with MIL? :scared:

I can't wait to see pictures of your Thanksgiving feast with everyone!

Yeah, that trip is going about as we expected already. :rotfl2:

You know what, I didn't even turn the parade on. I didn't have any of my kids to watch it with, for one thing. I started doing some stuff in the kitchen, and I was listening to Disney music, so I just kept that going. I have checked into FB regularly throughout the morning to see pictures. I saw Brook's Mickey balloon picture.

Our Thanksgiving feast will be completely nontraditional. I told Jill to pick a Disney restaurant as our theme, since everyone would be tired of holiday food. She couldn't think of anything off the top of her very tired brain, so I thought about Whispering Canyon, which is one of Trent's favorites. I sent her a text to say which one we would be doing, and she said the telepathy had kicked in again, as that is the one she thought of when she had time to think. It fits the 'warmth' mood we need for this holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of Distown...I am thankful I came out of lurkdom this year :)

We are you glad you did, too. It's always fun to get to know new friends. I hope you get to meet some of the DIStown gang on some of your friends. They are all very nice neighbors.

And to all of DIStown - we wish you a wonderful weekend filled with family, friends, fun, and delicious food! Have fun making new memories. We send prayers for safe travels wherever you go. Thank you for your very special friendships!
Haven't posted in awhile, but I've been here reading and enjoying your trip and pictures. I miss WDW! :sad1: I did get to get a quick trip in to DL as I picked up my DD at the Amtrack station in Anaheim (she could've come all the way to San Diego, but this gave me an excuse to get a trip to DL in :rolleyes1). But as much as I love DL, I don't get the relaxing, vacation feel that I get when I'm at WDW. Guess I need to find a way to get back there!

Hope that everyone in DisTown has a fabulous day!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Distown!
Such a cute picture!! I was looking to click "like"!!!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving as well!!
Happy Thanksgiving DIStown

Hope your day was wonderful, friend!

Haven't posted in awhile, but I've been here reading and enjoying your trip and pictures. I miss WDW! :sad1: I did get to get a quick trip in to DL as I picked up my DD at the Amtrack station in Anaheim (she could've come all the way to San Diego, but this gave me an excuse to get a trip to DL in :rolleyes1). But as much as I love DL, I don't get the relaxing, vacation feel that I get when I'm at WDW. Guess I need to find a way to get back there!

Hope that everyone in DisTown has a fabulous day!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Any excuse to make a Disney trip is good. We would have done the same. ::yes::


Happy Thanksgiving, Distown!

I love Sophie's look - Let's get this picture stuff over and get on with the food! :laughing:

Such a cute picture!! I was looking to click "like"!!!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving as well!!

We look for the LIKE button here, and we look for a smiley chart on Facebook. :upsidedow


Before we see the parade, here are a few tree pictures that were somehow out of place in the line-up.










A cast member enjoying her job, or at least pretending she does for our sake.


























We very much enjoy this parade. The cast members really get a work out as they sing and dance and maneuver those puppets. At this time of year (as I write this months later than these pictures), you can see the Jingle Jungle verson, which is even cooler. :thumbsup2

Have a nice Black Friday, all. Stay safe in the crazy traffic!
Great parade pictures MeMom. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
What a lovely picture of those 3 sweet girls! Hope you are having a wonderful thanksgiving weekend!
what a lovely Thanksgiving picture of the girls!

The parade ones aren't too shabby either :goodvibes

I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.
We still haven't tried It's Tough to Be a Bug with Henry...I think he'd like it now and think it was funny. He's all into yucky things. ;) It's a cute show, it'll have to go on the must do list for the next trip!

And the parade is right there with it. We haven't watched it in several trips and it's my favorite! (aside from Spectromagic) So much fun! I can hear the music as I type this.

Beautiful picture of the girls - I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Great parade pictures MeMom. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.

The kids were all off with others on Thanksgiving Day, so it was very quiet here. I did some cleaning and enjoyed some Christmas movies. We will have our meal together tomorrow, so I still have my fun to look forward to! :)

What a lovely picture of those 3 sweet girls! Hope you are having a wonderful thanksgiving weekend!

It has been nice. Yesterday, I did some errands and got to visit with Dawn (Punkin), Seth, and Dawn's mom for a few minutes. It was nice to see them. I have a picture of Seth I will put up when I put up pictures from our unofficial Thanksgiving meal tomorrow.

what a lovely Thanksgiving picture of the girls!

The parade ones aren't too shabby either :goodvibes

I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.

Thanks! Hope you and yours are enjoying your long weekend, too!

We still haven't tried It's Tough to Be a Bug with Henry...I think he'd like it now and think it was funny. He's all into yucky things. ;) It's a cute show, it'll have to go on the must do list for the next trip!

And the parade is right there with it. We haven't watched it in several trips and it's my favorite! (aside from Spectromagic) So much fun! I can hear the music as I type this.

Beautiful picture of the girls - I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

I'd say as long as you prepare him and let him know that the bugs are going to be large and loud and fake, he'll do okay.

We are so looking forward to seeing Spectro again! :dance3: It was good to see MSEP as a throwback to times long ago, but for us, it could have been a 'one and done', and we would have been happy. For us, we love to hear that Spectro music coming our way! Too bad they couldn't keep both parades, as I know some ae huge MSEP fans, and run them on different nights. Then everyone would be happy!

And while we're talking parades, they need to bring back Stars and Motorcars!!! :cheer2:
Forgot these last two parade pictures. Oops!



Now on to other places.

Brooklynn does not pass up the opportunity to have a picture made on this bench. Bella is thinking about that big claw!


You have to look at ceilings, walls, floors, and display shelves in Animal Kingdom shops. They did not miss a chance to theme these places!









I thought about getting some of this this for Drew. He would have accepted the Mickeyness of it to get to the flavored coffees.



I hesitated, though. I will need your suggestions on whether any of this is worth getting or not, since I am not a coffee drinker. Good gift, or not?

Brooklynn checking out pins.









A cast member entertaining Bella - and probably trying to sell us another stuffed animal. ;)


One last pin picture, and then we were on our way again.

Enjoying your AK pictures - especially the parade - we've never watched the AK parade! :headache: Hoping to change that in April.

I hope everyone in DIStown had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
I hope you gave a great meal with your family tomorrow.

I enjoyed your journey through AK. It looks like Bella was really enjoying the parade.
Love the parade pictures! It is such a fun and lively parade!

I hope all of you American Dis-friends had a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice long weekend! :goodvibes
Love the claw picture of the girls! So fun to see how they each approach it at their ages. As to the coffee...well for me, a coffee drinker, and given the Disney isn't known for its coffee I'd probably pass. I do love the mega that match that series though! I hope you had a wonderful meal together.
Enjoying your AK pictures - especially the parade - we've never watched the AK parade! :headache: Hoping to change that in April.

I hope everyone in DIStown had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Same to you, Amy, and your guys! Hope you enjoyed a nice holiday break.

I hope you do get a chance to see the parade. The cast members always seem to have a good time with it, and you get to see some different characters.

I hope you gave a great meal with your family tomorrow.

I enjoyed your journey through AK. It looks like Bella was really enjoying the parade.

Our 'visit' to Whispering Canyon was nice. I will try to load and put up pictures tonight.

Bella enjoys life! Period. She is in for anything, any time, anywhere, and she is hapy doing it. :lovestruc Add some Disney magic, and her world gets gets beyond happy.

Love the parade pictures! It is such a fun and lively parade!

I hope all of you American Dis-friends had a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice long weekend! :goodvibes

Thanks. It will be HARD to go back to work today, but the good thing is, just a few more weeks until another - and even longer - break!!! :banana:

Love the claw picture of the girls! So fun to see how they each approach it at their ages. As to the coffee...well for me, a coffee drinker, and given the Disney isn't known for its coffee I'd probably pass. I do love the mega that match that series though! I hope you had a wonderful meal together.

I did bring him back a pack of hot chocolate tins one time a long time ago. He liked those. When the Starbucks aspect comes into play, if they sell their products to go, I will be safe in bringing him back some of those. I won't even have to worry about it having a Mickey on it, either, so he will be happy all the way around. Cofee + no Mickey = good souvenir for Drew. :thumbsup2

We enjoyed our meal together. Pictures tonight.


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