December 7, 2013 - Winter Fantasy Cruise

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happy you had a good trip! My youngest grandson turns 1 on Thursday! I can hardly believe it!
Hope your cold goes away quickly! I'm coming up on my vacation! ::yes::

Awesome have a great time.....

So excited! Tomorrow is my day to do online check-in! :hyper:
Our first time staying at Boardwalk, going to the dark side for a few days to see Harry Potter...all great and wonderful things!

But right now, I have to say, the BEST thing is I walk out the door here on Friday the 3rd and I don't come back until the 20th!!!! :banana::banana:

I also have seen the reviews for the newly renovated Boardwalk Bakery and have decided that I won't be eating dessert at any dinners, and grabbing something from the bakery on our way to the room each night! :lmao:

Hey vacations are all about not eating good and eating stuff that is bad for enjoy....:goodvibes
Ok, so update on Wally's back......

He went and had a epidural steroid injection this afternoon in his lower spine. So we are hoping that this will help with his inflammed nerves...they are normally a series of 3 injections, however, if the first and or the second one works, then he does not need to go keeping our fingers crossed. He should know better by tomorrow or thursday if the shot is working, they said it could take up to 3 days before he notices any difference.

Well back to work tomorrow:eek: Why do vacations go so fast????

Have a good evening all

and thanks for the well wishes....

Ok, so update on Wally's back......

He went and had a epidural steroid injection this afternoon in his lower spine. So we are hoping that this will help with his inflammed nerves...they are normally a series of 3 injections, however, if the first and or the second one works, then he does not need to go keeping our fingers crossed. He should know better by tomorrow or thursday if the shot is working, they said it could take up to 3 days before he notices any difference.

Well back to work tomorrow:eek: Why do vacations go so fast????

Have a good evening all

and thanks for the well wishes....


Sending pixie dust that the shots help him!! I'm sitting in Dave's recliner with th heating pad in my leg. Strained muscles or something. Got to get it better, only a week from our vacay!
Sending pixie dust that the shots help him!! I'm sitting in Dave's recliner with th heating pad in my leg. Strained muscles or something. Got to get it better, only a week from our vacay!

I know, you need to be in shape to keep up with the little ones.....I wonder why little kids have all the energy???

Well back at work, as usually nothing seems to change, its like I never left :confused3....You think things would just be better when you come back....Oh well!!

Have a good one

First, more pixie dust to Dixielady!

Speaking of being in shape, I just passed my first goal of losing 30 pounds! This should definitely help with my apnea, to say nothing about looking better.

It's nice to have some great weather out right now.
First, more pixie dust to Dixielady!

Speaking of being in shape, I just passed my first goal of losing 30 pounds! This should definitely help with my apnea, to say nothing about looking better.

It's nice to have some great weather out right now.

Awesome on the weight loss.....that is a big goal....I know its so hard to lose weight....congrats...
Denise--Glad you had a good visit with your fam. Hope you shake that cold quickly. :sick:

Stephanie--Have a wonderful time on your vacay--but based on where you'll be that should be easy! :tinker:

DonaldQuackers--Congratulations on making a super goal--30 lbs. is awesome.:thumbsup2

While the rest of the country warms up, it's still pretty chilly here in Alaska! This is the Miracle's maiden voyage to this area. It's not Disney but we're still having a great time :yay: Planning to take the bus to Mendenhall Glacier later today. :drive:
Denise--Glad you had a good visit with your fam. Hope you shake that cold quickly. :sick:

Stephanie--Have a wonderful time on your vacay--but based on where you'll be that should be easy! :tinker:

DonaldQuackers--Congratulations on making a super goal--30 lbs. is awesome.:thumbsup2

While the rest of the country warms up, it's still pretty chilly here in Alaska! This is the Miracle's maiden voyage to this area. It's not Disney but we're still having a great time :yay: Planning to take the bus to Mendenhall Glacier later today. :drive:

glad your having a good time......I need to win the BIG lottery and retire and travel, that's what I would love to do....

busy day at work, glad tomorrow is Friday.....

Have a good evening all

Ok, so update on Wally's back......

He went and had a epidural steroid injection this afternoon in his lower spine. So we are hoping that this will help with his inflammed nerves...they are normally a series of 3 injections, however, if the first and or the second one works, then he does not need to go keeping our fingers crossed. He should know better by tomorrow or thursday if the shot is working, they said it could take up to 3 days before he notices any difference.

Well back to work tomorrow:eek: Why do vacations go so fast????

Have a good evening all

and thanks for the well wishes....


Fingers, toes and eyes crossed all goes well for him. Oodles of pixie dust for you both.
First, more pixie dust to Dixielady!

Speaking of being in shape, I just passed my first goal of losing 30 pounds! This should definitely help with my apnea, to say nothing about looking better.

It's nice to have some great weather out right now.

I'll have to convert that to kilograms but congratulations :cheer2: :grouphug: pixiedust:

So my ears are still plugged/muffled it is driving me crazy...I can hardly I am scheduled to see an ENT doctor at lunch time today. All I have to say is, he better be able to do something for this....

will update with more news..:)


So my ears are still plugged/muffled it is driving me crazy...I can hardly I am scheduled to see an ENT doctor at lunch time today. All I have to say is, he better be able to do something for this....

will update with more news..:)


I hope the doctor can do something for you!

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First, more pixie dust to Dixielady!

Speaking of being in shape, I just passed my first goal of losing 30 pounds! This should definitely help with my apnea, to say nothing about looking better.

It's nice to have some great weather out right now.

Yay That's awesome!!! congrats on the weight loss!
I need to get serious...well, I've been serious, but I get discouraged.
Well, I'm on leave!!! Yay!! :cheer2:
I walked out of the building today with a grin that made the guards smile! I see them every day, we speak every day, but they could tell today was special and without me saying a word asked me when I was coming back to work! :rotfl:

A few days at home before we leave on Wednesday!! Love it!
Well, I'm on leave!!! Yay!! :cheer2:
I walked out of the building today with a grin that made the guards smile! I see them every day, we speak every day, but they could tell today was special and without me saying a word asked me when I was coming back to work! :rotfl:

A few days at home before we leave on Wednesday!! Love it!

That is just the best feeling...knowing you don't need to be back for a week or two.

I'm sure you will have a fantastic time....

So my appointment with the ENT...have fluid behind my ear..he couldn't do anything about it....when I finally got back to work, the same way I left I decided to hold my nose and blow...I was finally able to make it pop a little, so I can finally hear better still there some but at least everything isn't so that's my exciting new....:thumbsup2

So what exciting plans does anyone have for the weekend?

We are going to try and mow the lawn and start some yard work....

have a good one all
That is just the best feeling...knowing you don't need to be back for a week or two.

I'm sure you will have a fantastic time....

So my appointment with the ENT...have fluid behind my ear..he couldn't do anything about it....when I finally got back to work, the same way I left I decided to hold my nose and blow...I was finally able to make it pop a little, so I can finally hear better still there some but at least everything isn't so that's my exciting new....:thumbsup2

So what exciting plans does anyone have for the weekend?

We are going to try and mow the lawn and start some yard work....

have a good one all

Ugh! Not much to do but hope it dries up soon.

We ran around all day today, running errands and buying my littlest man his birthday cake and present for tomorrow's 'party'. Gonna blow up the bounce house for the cousins. Grilling some hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, beans and CAKE! :stir:
have a great rest of the day!
Ugh! Not much to do but hope it dries up soon.

We ran around all day today, running errands and buying my littlest man his birthday cake and present for tomorrow's 'party'. Gonna blow up the bounce house for the cousins. Grilling some hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, beans and CAKE! :stir:
have a great rest of the day!

Have a good time tomorrow....I'm sure you will..:goodvibes

Well we got the lawn done today....really in some places it was a good foot took us a good 2.5 hours of getting it cut and edged. But its done now we just need to get some weed and feed on it...lot of weeds from the drought last summer.

Have a good evening

Have a good time tomorrow....I'm sure you will..:goodvibes

Well we got the lawn done today....really in some places it was a good foot took us a good 2.5 hours of getting it cut and edged. But its done now we just need to get some weed and feed on it...lot of weeds from the drought last summer.

Have a good evening


We did that last weekend...just about killed us but DANG, the yard looks nice! LOL. It's a lot of work, that's for sure!
Congrats on getting it done and taken care of!
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