As a non coffee drinker what am I missing?

Do not like coffee or tea (hot or iced). I drink a can of Sundrop for my morning caffeine.
Now, I am amused on these boards when I see complaints about the coffee at the parks or on the ships. The LAST thing I am doing on VACATION is drinking coffee......that's part of my WORK routine.

You don't get caffeine withdrawal headaches? If I don't have at least 1 cup by 9am, I am a monster because of the headache. It's not pretty.
This is exactly what I thought - you can't be regularly consuming much caffeine if you can "quit anytime you want to". Vacations can actually be very problematic when you get off normal routines. I've had long travel days where I wasn't able keep "topped up" and was actually awakened in the night by the crushing headache. It's super weird to have to get up, brew a cup of hotel room coffee and chug it as a "sleep-aid". :upsidedow
Vanilla iced coffee with a splash of cream, please. It's by far my biggest addiction. I started out drinking the really sweet drinks, but now prefer plain old coffee with a bit of flavor& cream.
You don't get caffeine withdrawal headaches? If I don't have at least 1 cup by 9am, I am a monster because of the headache. It's not pretty.

Yes! My entire family (including my kids from the time they were about 3&4) look for coffee options in the parks for me in order to avoid those caffeine headaches. Mama's happy = everyone's happy!
Yes! My entire family (including my kids from the time they were about 3&4) look for coffee options in the parks for me in order to avoid those caffeine headaches. Mama's happy = everyone's happy!
Haha! I am an early riser anyway, and I'm usually one of the first people in the food court trying to fill up my mug.
My blood type is coffee. I prefer illy espresso...good crema is a must. I can't function without the smell and taste.
Does red bull count as my coffee? :D
Nope. Red Bull, especially blueberry, is for mixing with water to make it (water) taste better. ;)

DH loved the smell of coffee and chocolate covered coffee beans, but hated drinking it. At least, until he had really good coffee in Europe. The beans and machine can make all the difference in the world.
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Honestly I think I like the flavored creamer more than the actual coffee haha. I could never drink plain old black coffee. I do love frapps and cappuccinos but that has flavor in it lol
I love coffee, and I just started eating low carb so I don't use sugar and I still love it. I don't think you are missing anything OP, its an aquired taste and if you don't like it, you don't like it.
This is exactly what I thought - you can't be regularly consuming much caffeine if you can "quit anytime you want to". Vacations can actually be very problematic when you get off normal routines. I've had long travel days where I wasn't able keep "topped up" and was actually awakened in the night by the crushing headache. It's super weird to have to get up, brew a cup of hotel room coffee and chug it as a "sleep-aid". :upsidedow
I'm probably drinking enough cola on vacation to offset any caffeine addiction. Cola is something I don't drink a lot of when I am not on vacation. During the winter I typically drink 4 cups of coffee a day. During the summer, 1 cup when I get up at 2 am is usually all I can take, otherwise I get too warm. I perspire VERY easily and very heavily if I get too warm. I have been known to make an iced coffee once in a while if I hit the wall.
I am amused at some of my co-workers who walk in with a foo foo coffee at 9 am, and then down several cups in their first hour at work to "wake up", often more than the entire 3 am shift drinks!
This is exactly what I thought - you can't be regularly consuming much caffeine if you can "quit anytime you want to". Vacations can actually be very problematic when you get off normal routines. I've had long travel days where I wasn't able keep "topped up" and was actually awakened in the night by the crushing headache. It's super weird to have to get up, brew a cup of hotel room coffee and chug it as a "sleep-aid". :upsidedow

I'm going to assume the PP drinks decaf. Or there's no way he could stop over vacation if her drinks it as part of his regular work day.

I'm not a coffee drinker but have the same issue with diet coke.
This is exactly what I thought - you can't be regularly consuming much caffeine if you can "quit anytime you want to". Vacations can actually be very problematic when you get off normal routines. I've had long travel days where I wasn't able keep "topped up" and was actually awakened in the night by the crushing headache. It's super weird to have to get up, brew a cup of hotel room coffee and chug it as a "sleep-aid". :upsidedow

I used to have problems on business trips to Mexico & finally figured out it was the lack of caffeine in the yellow soda they had at the plants I frequented. I'd get to feeling real bad (and the only time I ever have headaches) & have a miserable day. But, a Dr Pepper at supper & I was fine. Started grabbing a Mt Dew each morning before crossing the border - problem solved :)
I used to have problems on business trips to Mexico & finally figured out it was the lack of caffeine in the yellow soda they had at the plants I frequented. I'd get to feeling real bad (and the only time I ever have headaches) & have a miserable day. But, a Dr Pepper at supper & I was fine. Started grabbing a Mt Dew each morning before crossing the border - problem solved :)

Yep - monkey's on your back for sure. :chewy: But it only takes one time of figuring it out to make sure it never happens again. I can barely stand to swallow Coke or Pepsi but I have been know to use them for "medicinal" purposes when I know I won't be able to access a cuppa joe.
I'm going to assume the PP drinks decaf. Or there's no way he could stop over vacation if her drinks it as part of his regular work day.

I'm not a coffee drinker but have the same issue with diet coke.

Nope, not decaf. And newsroom coffee tends to be pretty thick. No big deal to stop on vacation. But everyone's body is different I guess.
As a child, I drank cafe au lait with my grandmother--a small amount of coffee and lots of milk and sugar.

Didn't care for the taste of coffee and didn't drink it until about 3 years ago when I began to crave coffee. Now I drink a large vanilla and caramel international foods frou frou cup with half and half every night before bed. It's part of my routine and relaxes me for sleep.

In the morning I start my day with a Barqs root beer.
I don't think you are missing out on anything. With me, it's an addiction. People ask me all the time if a coffee is good and I'm the last one you'd want to ask. I drink any regular coffee (not flavored) as long as it doesn't look and taste like burnt oil. I am not a fan of Starbucks coffee.
As a child, I drank cafe au lait with my grandmother--a small amount of coffee and lots of milk and sugar.
Me too! I felt soooo grown up.

I was a VERY active child, but caffeine makes me "normal". I think, grandma was ahead of her time. ;)


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