BL Summer Challenge 2009

Thank you all so much for the support and prayers for my mom and our family. I am trying to take the advice to heart and take care of myself too. My mom's not doing too well. She didn't get that much relief from when they drained the fluid on sunday, and she's so weak. We will meet with the surgeon in the morning, and he may be able to put a catheter in the lung to drain the fluid as the cancer makes it, and that will be the most helpful. She is really amazing me how brave and strong she is. We talked today about hospice, and as soon as she is ready we will bring her home with hospice. My sister's also a nurse and she lives with her, I figure we can bring an air mattress and camp out there too, and she can be with her family. It's still so unbelieveable, but we all seem to be in agreement and she just wants to be home.
So, on the taking care of myself part, I got up again today and did a watp tape, and spent the day at the hospital. I also took the week off, and will readdress at the end of the week and take more time as needed. I am lucky to have a lot of sick time built up, and can use the fmla policy as I need to, up to 12 weeks off in a year. Eating wise, skipped lunch today and had snackwells cookies, not good but low points, but tonight I will eat a good dinner, I promise.

Jessi- I work in endoscopy, and like dona said the prep is definitely the hardest part, and you will be amazed when it's all over. You will definitely lose weight that day!! Good luck.

Dona- good luck to you on friday. It is so nerve wracking to have surgery, but I'm sure everything will be fine, and you'll be home with your foot up knitting those socks before you know it. A friend of mine likes to knit socks too, and when I used to knit, I never tried socks, but liked the mittens on the round needles.

It sounds like everyone is doing great this week. Keep up the great work!!
(thanks to Dare2Dream! She is the inspiration for the post!)

Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars for Week 5 of our BL Summer Challenge!

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – (can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes)
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know ahead of time :goodvibes
-I don't follow the BL TV version of handling gains. All losses are the simple formula of: (last week - this week) divided by last week

First some stats

not reporting in for 3 weeks ---- for the 3rd week in a row, its 3 people gone:sad1: (they are dropped from the stats, but welcome back at anytime!)
not reporting in for 2 weeks ----2
not reporting in for 1 week -----5
new recruits this week----------1 :woohoo:
weigh ins this week-------------25

Summer Between BL Challenge Week 1
weekly total group loss for week #5 = 26.4 pounds:cool1:
Total group loss for the challenge so far = 143.1 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost this week 0.59%

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me.

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 5? I was going to change things up this week and report anybody who lost 1% or more, and it turns out that's 10 people, so once again I'll list the Top 10 Losers! :woohoo:
(That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl:)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 5 Superstars!!

#10-1.12%- Corrinak
#9- 1.13% - robinb
#8-1.16% - PrincessBride6205
#7-1.23% - sdchickie
#6-1.35% - 50sjayne
#5-1.38% - Worfiedoodles
#4-1.43% - Julianna07
#3-2.06% - SpaceMtnFan
#2-2.52% - bobnjenn0828

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge :cheer2:
Week 5 Biggest Loser!!

#1-3.02%-uptown girl44party:

How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations uptown girl44!!! Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser.

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version[IMG]

or use
followed by [IMG]

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!
I will start by saying a big sorry for not being on the boards yesterday. The computer was doing so well for almost a week and it had a hiccup yesterday. I worked on it for almost two hours before I got it back up and running. I then had to call Dell about the laptop battery and of course was told the warranty had expired and I would need to purchase a new one...needless to say, by the time all of that was finished I was ready for some non-computer time.

So here we go...I have tried to pick up everything and hope I haven't missed anything.

Just a quick check in, because I know I do much better when I check in. My weekend started with trip to the er with my mom on friday night, so I didn't get much sleep and went back up yesterday. She was admitted and is having a procedure today to drain the fluid around her lung, and tomorrow another procedure to hopefully prevent it from building up again. I feel so helpless. I did think of you here yesterday because friday i had posted that I was going to get up both days this weekend and to a wapt video, but I didn't get to it yesterday, so today I just did a one hour video to make up for yesterday. It does help relieve some stress, but some mornings I just can't get motivated. Considering all, my eating wasn't too bad yesterday, and starting out today with a healthy bkfst.

So sorry to hear about your mom...saying prayers for you all.

Corinnak - love your last post about how you will stay on track during family visit. Do you have favorite blogs or sites for your healthy "brainwashing?"

QOTD - What is one thing that you can change this week to help you towards a loss on WI day?
Well, this week is going to be a challenge. I found out on Friday at work that I am going out of town AGAIN for this week. My goal is to fit in exercise and limit portions since I'll be eating out every meal. I was out of town for the week preceding 2 weigh-ins ago and gained 0.5 pounds. If I can maintain I'll be okay, and if I can even lose 0.2 pounds I'll be happy. Of course more would be great, but I'm trying to be a realist so that I'm not super disappointed at the next WI.

Traveling can be tough but it sounds like you have a good plan in place for this trip.

QOTD: I can actually count points, although I have a feeling I will be down this week just because of everything going on.

We started moving little things in today and I go back on Wednesday for a few days to meet delivery people and get things clean. The previous occupants did a really good job with the vacuuming and thank God we didn't have a bunch of trash or other nonsense left behind, but the sinks and bathtubs are looking icky, particularly the kitchen sink. We also discovered today that they took the fridge, which in the contract was supposed to stay! On Tuesday I have to have a fun colonoscopy and endoscopy so tomorrow no food.

Okay, confession time here: I'm kind of excited for weigh in, because I'm pretty sure that the colonoscopy prep alone will result in weight loss (not to mention eating restrictions today and all the moving around!) It's the one bright spot in this whole big mess! Is that cheating?

A loss is a loss in my opinion, no matter how you get there;), granted that wouldn't be the option that I would chose each week but you have no choice for this week so take it!!

No it is not cheating.

Good Monday morning. ONly 2 1/2 more days of school. Today is normal but tomorrow is a marathon. We have to be in at regular time but graduation is not until 4:30 and who knows how long this new principal is going to speak. Our old one was known for nice meaningful but SHORT speechs. It will be over a 12 hour day for me tomorrow.

Lots to do before Friday. I still haven't cleaned the house. I really have to get some clothes together for the next two weeks so I can get dressed easily but I don't know what is going to fit over the bandage. I also have to get some more yarn and some books to read and set up some more embroidery. I did clean my needlework basket out so that there are somethings I can work on and it is right next to the lamp that I like to use. See I am thinking of the important things.

I guess I am nervous about this entire thing even though I know it is simple procedure. My stomach is throwing off too much acid and I am miserable.(my doctor gave me a prescription for this that I will get filled today) Then to top it off I am not sleeping well. The last two nights I have been up every hour on the hour.

Kathy I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I can't imagine what you are going through. You and your mom are in my prayers.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Eeyores Butterfly I have had a colonsoscopy and an endoscopy at the same time. The prep is the worst part of the entire thing. You will do fine. Just have some reading material for the bathroom tonight. This is going to sound strange but if you don't have air conditioning then bring in a portable fan. I got very hot and sweaty during the prep. The procedure is a breeze. You will do great. I hope they can figure out what is causing you all the problems you have been having. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck

Will be sending prayers your way for your surgery on Friday. It is always tough getting prepared for something like that knowing that you are going to be out of commission for a little while. Sounds like you have some fun projects to work on while you are resting and recovering!!

Morning all! Just a quick jump on here to see how everyone is doing. I hope everyone had a nice Father's Day. DH was super surprised about the tv we bought him.

I did reasonably well eating at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding over the weekend. I did indulge in a margarita at the wedding and I drank my toasting champagne (as well as the champagne that they poured for my 13 y/o DD!!), I so kind of broke my "no alcohol plege" to myself, but I resisted the appletini the DSIL offered to buy me Friday night and I stuck with seltzer with lemon other than that one margarita!

Friday night's salmon dinner was nice. I had half of the portion (about 4 oz) and I did eat the rice salad because there was no other side. But it was brown rice. And the salad appetizer was really nice. I ate all of mine and finished DD's. I had about 3 large bites of the mud pie dessert and then pushed it away (it was a HUGE portion). I finished my night with herbal tea.

Saturday morning's breakfast buffet was tough, but I ordered scrambled Egg Beaters and only ate about 1/3 of the portion they brought. I did indulge in about a heaping tablespoon of hash (it was yummy) and half of a small oatmeal muffin.

Lunch was some pre-dressed salads from Panera Bread (buffet at the bride's house). Not sure how to count it, but it was yummy! I also had seltzer and a half of a cookie.

At the reception I ate one appetizer (a mini crab cake) and the previously mentioned margarita. I ate the salad, half of the HUGE chicken breast I was served (after I removed the skin and gravy) and skipped the stuffing and cranberry sauce. I drank seltzer for the remainder of the night. I skipped the wedding cake, but I did eat a mini cheesecake bite that was delicious. I avoided the munchies at our midnight stop at McD on the 3 hour ride home and stuck with seltzer.

Yesterday was fairly easy eating.....OOOPS... gotta run. BBlater............P

I'm back for just a minute. Anyhow... Aunt Flo arrived in the house yesterday, so that probably accounts for most of the gain I had Friday. Hopefully next Friday will show a loss. Yesterday I was able to stay on plan all day (I skipped the chocolate briocche DD made for DH yesterday for breakfast.... but it looked so good!) I plan to keep up with my exercise and hopefully increase it to at least 60 minute three days this week. I did get in a 90 minute workout Saturday morning at the hotel (65 min on the treadmill and 25 minutes of free weights), but I skipped yesterday and only got in 30 minutes this morning.

Thanks for bearing with me this long!......................P

Sounds to me like you did well with your could have been no portion control and then you would have felt miserable afterwards. Keep up the great work this week with your exercise and get plenty of water in and I bet you'll be fine.

mornin' everyone -- where do these summer days go by? dona- you are just finishing up the school year?

kathy -- my prayers with you and your mom
dona -- prayers for you too

i didn't w/i this week, just couldn't bring myself to do so --

tammy -- i'm holding you too that 3 of 30 this week!

i'll admit my boards time has been spent lately reading on the resorts/restaurant/parks board for our upcoming trip. also playing bejeweld blitz on FB which is entirely toooo addicting!

pjlla -- wow! you are amazing with your ability to stick to a plan in a tempting environment!

No formal exercise yesterday but we did work up in the garden after dh got home. We need to stake up the tomatoes, pick some squash and tend to some grass. By the time we were finished the sweat was rolling. All of the bending and squatting is being felt this morning;)

I hear ya on bejeweld too, need to start setting a timer at the computer:confused3.

Hi everybody!!

I haven't been able to get on the computer very much this past week. So much for things slowing down when school got out:lmao:. Now instead we are out in the yard working and starting to plan for our house that we are going to build next year. Which actually is a lot of fun. I am really excited. We are contracting it ourselves and doing some of the work!!

I am going to try to do better about checking the boards because I have noticed how much motivation is available here. It is much easire to stay OP!
I am going to try to go back and catch up.

I am finally able to run on my ankle so I am getting back into the exercise routine slowly. We restarted the C25K and boy is that 60 seconds of running easier this time around than last time:cool1:

Today we are off to Alabama Adventures - it is a small amusement park and waterpark near Birmingham. This is the first time this summer I have had to put on a bathing suit. Hopefully by October when we go to Disney I will need a new one!! I have had this one for about 6 years now!!

Hope everyone has a great week:banana::banana:

How exciting to be planning your house for next year, what a great past time that would be. I hear ya on the slowing down, we haven't seen it here yet either and I sure am waiting on it.

Good morning! I should have answered Friday's QOTD and planned better. I did some things right and some things wrong and some things were completely out of my control.

* I ate lunch at home on Saturday instead of going out. I had a nice salad with tofu and left over grilled chicken.
* My DD had a pizza pool party on Saturday night. I knew that I would NOT be able to stop with only 2 pieces of pizza even if it was Domino's (yuck) so I stopped at Culver's instead and got a grilled chicken sandwich and ate 1/2 of the bag of fries.
* I went to a pot luck on Sunday and split the hugemongous serving of (OMG so GOOD!) strawberry ice cream dessert on graham cracker crust with my friend. I tried to make good choices with low fat protein (like garbanzo bean salad) and lots of veggies.
* On Sunday night my DH wanted Italian sausage for Father's Day, so I selected turkey sausage and made him onions, peppers and sausage and served it over fresh whole wheat pasta.

* I had wine or beer with every dinner this weekend.
* I had some sloppy joe without the bun at the pot luck.
* I didn't really think ahead for the Culver's trip and chose something I *thought* would be "good". It wasn't.

Out of my control
* Exactly how many calories were in the pot luck items.
* I ased for a grilled chicken sandwich at Culver's and then asked what came on it. I was told lettuce and tomato. I asked for some light ranch so I wouldn't eat a dry sandwich. In reality, they gave me a FRIED chicken sandwich and it had MAYO on it. It turned out that the fried chicken was only 1 point more than the grilled chicken :confused3. I still wasted points on the mayo but I didn't use the dressing.

There are always going to be those out of your control things that come along...what we do with them is where the difference comes in. You could have easily added the ranch but chose not to so that is a positive. Try focusing on the good things and analyze the not so good so that it will help you next time.

Hi gang It has been a Busy Busy weekend . I spent fathers day with my Dad. We went to his Church yesterday, then We had dinner and watched Golf all afternoon. Last week I was off on Vacation spending time with my girlfriend. We went to the on Baseball Game last tuesday to see the Columbus (Ohio) Clippers play the Rochester Red Wings. The Clippers won 10-3Before the game My Girlfriend and I ate at A place in the Stadium called City Barbeque, It was Buck-ABone Night at the Game. We ate 8 rib bones a piece with Baked beans and Potato Salad and washed it down with Pepsi. I had to walk it off the next day because I fely guilty eating too much at the Game but overall I manage to keep up My walking regiment by walking 3 days last week at a local park. Well its back to work today . Have a great Monday :thumbsup2

WTG on your walking, sounds like you had a great weekend!!

Jessi - its not cheating, its finding the silver lining! Can you contact the realtor to complain about them taking the fridge? They should either bring it back or give you some money.

Dona - what kind of needlework do you do? Have you had this kind of surgery before?

It sounds like lots of people have been having busy. I entered in all my food for the weekend, and I've used up all my weekly points, and my activity points, and still in the negative. So that's good motivation to get some more exercising done this week. I might have over-estimated food on Saturday, but its better for me to guess too many points. I looked at my trend and I haven't really lost anything in the last month, just gaining and losing the same couple pounds. This week, I want to kick my own butt into gear and get back to the losing trend. I'm down 20lbs since January, but this is not where I want to be. It does feel good to be wearing jeans I bought 2 years ago, and then couldn't fit into but, I want them to end up being too big. I think my problem, is that I reached the point that the clothes in my drawers which I hadn't been wearing for a couple years, all started fitting again, and some things were getting badly too big, so I got too comfortable about where I'm at now, and quit concentrating on the end goal. Sorry for the long ramble, putting my thoughts down, helps me get motivated!

Results will be posted tonight, but I'm on west coast, so the eastern folks, probably won't see them until tomorrow.

Your statement about getting comfortable hit home for me this morning...I think that is where I am at right at the moment. I hadn't really thought about why I was in a stall other than not really exercising but I think you hit on something for me. Thanks!!

Just thought I'd post a last chance for those who haven't sent in last week's weigh-in. If you can get it to me today, you'll still be in the results posting. If you get it in after, its fine too, you just won't get your name in the Top Losers Post.

I know some people have been travelling, and just plain busy with other issues, so please just consider this a friendly reminder for those who have just plain forgot to PM it:goodvibes.

Missing in action are:

So sorry weight keeper...the coach didn't get her WI to you on time. It wouldn't have changed anything since I maintained this week but I will do better this week. I did just send it to you though.

Thank you all so much for the support and prayers for my mom and our family. I am trying to take the advice to heart and take care of myself too. My mom's not doing too well. She didn't get that much relief from when they drained the fluid on sunday, and she's so weak. We will meet with the surgeon in the morning, and he may be able to put a catheter in the lung to drain the fluid as the cancer makes it, and that will be the most helpful. She is really amazing me how brave and strong she is. We talked today about hospice, and as soon as she is ready we will bring her home with hospice. My sister's also a nurse and she lives with her, I figure we can bring an air mattress and camp out there too, and she can be with her family. It's still so unbelieveable, but we all seem to be in agreement and she just wants to be home.
So, on the taking care of myself part, I got up again today and did a watp tape, and spent the day at the hospital. I also took the week off, and will readdress at the end of the week and take more time as needed. I am lucky to have a lot of sick time built up, and can use the fmla policy as I need to, up to 12 weeks off in a year. Eating wise, skipped lunch today and had snackwells cookies, not good but low points, but tonight I will eat a good dinner, I promise.

It sounds like everyone is doing great this week. Keep up the great work!!

Really sorry to hear what you all are going through but looking on the positive side as you said, you've got the time to take off to be with your mom and help as necessary. Will continue praying for her and your family, looking after a sick parent is so difficult and will wear you down. It is hard to do but remember to take care of yourself as well.

(thanks to Dare2Dream! She is the inspiration for the post!)

Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars for Week 5 of our BL Summer Challenge!

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – (can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes)
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know ahead of time :goodvibes
-I don't follow the BL TV version of handling gains. All losses are the simple formula of: (last week - this week) divided by last week

First some stats

not reporting in for 3 weeks ---- for the 3rd week in a row, its 3 people gone:sad1: (they are dropped from the stats, but welcome back at anytime!)
not reporting in for 2 weeks ----2
not reporting in for 1 week -----5
new recruits this week----------1 :woohoo:
weigh ins this week-------------25

Summer Between BL Challenge Week 1
weekly total group loss for week #5 = 26.4 pounds:cool1:
Total group loss for the challenge so far = 143.1 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost this week 0.59%

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me.

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 5? I was going to change things up this week and report anybody who lost 1% or more, and it turns out that's 10 people, so once again I'll list the Top 10 Losers! :woohoo:
(That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl:)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Week 5 Superstars!!

#10-1.12%- Corrinak
#9- 1.13% - robinb
#8-1.16% - PrincessBride6205
#7-1.23% - sdchickie
#6-1.35% - 50sjayne
#5-1.38% - Worfiedoodles
#4-1.43% - Julianna07
#3-2.06% - SpaceMtnFan
#2-2.52% - bobnjenn0828

and now

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge :cheer2:
Week 5 Biggest Loser!!

#1-3.02%-uptown girl44party:

How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations uptown girl44!!! Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser.

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version[IMG]

or use
followed by [IMG]

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great![/QUOTE]

WTG all you superstars this week, you did awesome!!
I will start by saying a big sorry for not being on the boards yesterday. The computer was doing so well for almost a week and it had a hiccup yesterday. I worked on it for almost two hours before I got it back up and running. I then had to call Dell about the laptop battery and of course was told the warranty had expired and I would need to purchase a new one...needless to say, by the time all of that was finished I was ready for some non-computer time.

Tammy NC I feel you pain I had two PC's die on me 1 year apart soo don't feel bad. Hopefuly I will have a Laptop very soon . Hang in there
Shannon.... I am so sorry I forgot to PM my weight on Friday! That is so not like me! Even when the news is bad, I still always post! I PM'd you so I will be caught up for next week.

Things are crazy busy for me this week. I am still subbing in Kindergarten. The kids will "graduate" tomorrow, then I will help with classroom clean up for the rest of the week. DD graduates 8th grade on Thursday and my folks will be coming up that day to attend and for a short visit. DD's big graduation party is Friday and I am feeling SO unprepared. It hasn't stopped raining in FOREVER, so I am not sure when I will ever finish getting the yard ready. I still have two unspread bags of mulch and the grass is as high as a wheat field in August! Hopefully it will dry out enough today or tomorrow to mow... then I can concentrate on Thursday (for the few hours I have) and Friday afternoon on getting the tables, chairs, and tents set up and food prep. I am doing this alone, as DH is away for work until Thursday night.

I bought a new workout DVD yesterday. I bought the Leslie Sansone Walking Away the Pounds- 5 workouts on one DVD. I tried the 2 mile/30 minute walk this morning. It was not nearly enough of a work out. I never felt like I was really out of breath and I barely broke a sweat. I will try the next level up tonight or tomorrow morning. I suppose it would be a good workout to do when I just have a few minutes and I don't want to get to be a yucky sweaty mess.

Off to practice for our Kindergarten ceremony!..............P
Its another day, another opportunity to stay on target. I have to go buy some groceries today, and get some more of the fresh fruit and veggies in the house. When I have raw veggies to snack on I do best, so I made sure to get up a few minutes earlier to cut up some red pepper, carrots and cucumber for lunch.

Home is exciting. I get a craft room again! :cool1: A couple months ago we moved our DD's into one room, and the empty bedroom ended up as a 2nd toy room/junk room combo, so this weekend, we cleane out the main toy room, and yesterday DH and the girls got the spare room cleaned out and started moving my craft stuff in. It should be a lot nicer to have mine and the girls crafts having a home :thumbsup2.

And I was a good girl last night, and when I picked up fast food for DH and DD's, I didn't get anything for myself and instead heated up a WW dinner for me. Last Friday, we had McD and I told DH that was it for me for fast food for 2 weeks, and I'm sticking to it. Its a good jump start for me, and then I can go back to having it occasionally.
How is everyone doing today? I have our errands finished and dinner about 1/2 finished except for baking so I'm doing good with time today. I'm heading down to the elliptical for 15 minutes when I finish this post.

I did have a filling to come out after lunch so a call to the dentist needs to be made today as well which almost makes me sick to my tummy.

I forgot to post a QOTD first thing this morning, sorry about that.

QOTD - What is your favorite time of year to visit WDW or DL?

Mine would be around the Christmas time...seeing all the beautiful decorations really gets you in the spirit.
Well, the tests are done and I never want to do that again. Coming out of the anesthesia is awful. If that is what it feels like to be drunk, I never want to be drunk. I really just don't want to ever repeat this experience.

The only obvious problems was some stomach irritation, so that's good news as colon cancer runs very heavily in my family on my maternal side. They apparently did a ton of biopsies though to check for Celiac so I am waiting for the results on that.
QOTD answer:
Favourite time of year - I really enjoyed the Haunted Mansion with Nightmare Before Christmas overlay, so I'd go back during that time to DL. For WDW I really enjoyed the food & wine festival so I'd go back at that time.

Jessi - I hope you get over the anaesthesia soon. And it sounds like the results look positive. I didn't realize that's how they test for Celiac's. A friend of mine has that, and has felt a lot better after she was diagnosed and started eating foods that work for her.:flower3:
A great big congratulations to uptown girl44 and all the losers this week! Keep up the good work everyone! :thumbsup2

Kathy, a great big :grouphug: to you and your Mom and your whole family. You are in such a hard place right now. I know that your Mom will be happy to be home and sleep in her own bed again without those nurses waking her up. :goodvibes Hospice will have a lot of resources for you all, too. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

TammyNC, sorry to hear about your computer problems. They are so frustrating! :badpc:

Shannon, your craft room sounds like fun. You know you'll have to make everyone in your family hand made gifts for Christmas now that you have your own craft room -- just kidding. :rotfl:

Pamela, you may have to flap your arms around and go up a level for Leslie Sansone or do her tape every few days when you need to take it down a notch. I like Leslie but sometimes her perkiness gets to me and I think I need Jillian barking at me again. ;)

I did do my workouts like I said for the past couple of days so the writing and doing it worked! (Thanks, Kathy!) :cool1: I'll be glad when exercising is a habit!

Jessi, I'm glad that your tests are over and they keep ruling things out for you. I hope that they find out what is going on so you can feel better soon. :flower3:

QOTD - What is your favorite time of year to visit WDW or DL?

I love Halloween and Christmas at Disneyland but I am not so fond of the crowds at that time.

I've only been to WDW in January. That is a nice time to go crowd wise but you do trade off missing some headliners due to rehabs and not very reliable swimming weather. We are going to WDW at Christmas this year -- it is a bit scary. :scared1: I know it will be crowded and am planning accordingly. I got to book my airfare today so it was a fun day! :santa:

Have a great day, losers!
Hi all -- And thanks Lisah0711 for the warm welcome.

I am been trying to lose weight for a while now.

I joined a gym (Planet Fitness) about 6 weeks and then talked my DD into also joining (2 weeks ago). As of last week Friday, I have lost about 8 pounds and still want to drop another 35-40 pounds.

So who do I send my weight loss/gain to? It's done on Friday, right? I also need to send a starting weight too?

Does the Summer Weight Loss Challenge have an end date?

Its another day, another opportunity to stay on target. I have to go buy some groceries today, and get some more of the fresh fruit and veggies in the house. When I have raw veggies to snack on I do best, so I made sure to get up a few minutes earlier to cut up some red pepper, carrots and cucumber for lunch.

Home is exciting. I get a craft room again! :cool1: A couple months ago we moved our DD's into one room, and the empty bedroom ended up as a 2nd toy room/junk room combo, so this weekend, we cleane out the main toy room, and yesterday DH and the girls got the spare room cleaned out and started moving my craft stuff in. It should be a lot nicer to have mine and the girls crafts having a home :thumbsup2.

And I was a good girl last night, and when I picked up fast food for DH and DD's, I didn't get anything for myself and instead heated up a WW dinner for me. Last Friday, we had McD and I told DH that was it for me for fast food for 2 weeks, and I'm sticking to it. Its a good jump start for me, and then I can go back to having it occasionally.

Congrats on the craftroom and on the good choices that you are making!:thumbsup2

Well, the tests are done and I never want to do that again. Coming out of the anesthesia is awful. If that is what it feels like to be drunk, I never want to be drunk. I really just don't want to ever repeat this experience.

The only obvious problems was some stomach irritation, so that's good news as colon cancer runs very heavily in my family on my maternal side. They apparently did a ton of biopsies though to check for Celiac so I am waiting for the results on that.

Glad to hear that you made it through ok...I remember when my ds was one and they had to put him out for a biopsy...I couldn't be with him when he was coming out of the dh had to do was awful!

As for the QOTD....tough choice....for DL I really enjoy late september/early the past it has been warm at that time but not too crowded, though I hear that is changing some. At DW I enjoyed the weather in may...I liked september too but hated the "love bugs" November wasn't bad there ....oh goodness, I guess I wouldn't mind any time! It's Disney!

I have been doing well food and exersize wise. I haven't been on the boards lately because I was angry that I had done so well last week and had a small GAIN to show for it. I am over my hissy now and back and raring to go....but beware that if the scale shows another gain this week....well, let's just say :mad:

My dd turned 1 today so I was able to sign the kids up for child care at the gym. They seemed to really enjoy fact, my ds4 didn't want to leave! I had to promise him we would be back soon!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi all -- And thanks Lisah0711 for the warm welcome.

I am been trying to lose weight for a while now.

I joined a gym (Planet Fitness) about 6 weeks and then talked my DD into also joining (2 weeks ago). As of last week Friday, I have lost about 8 pounds and still want to drop another 35-40 pounds.

So who do I send my weight loss/gain to? It's done on Friday, right? I also need to send a starting weight too?

Does the Summer Weight Loss Challenge have an end date?


:welcome: I see you found the answer, since you've already PM'd me your starting weight. And ::yes:: , yes, Friday is WI day, but as long as you send it in sometime over the weekend, it works. I don't post to top losers until Monday or Tuesday.
I think the last weigh-in is Aug 14th.

My dd turned 1 today so I was able to sign the kids up for child care at the gym. They seemed to really enjoy fact, my ds4 didn't want to leave! I had to promise him we would be back soon!

Hope everyone has a great day!


That's a great motivator to go to the gym, your ds can remind you he wants to go play there! ::yes::
Well, the tests are done and I never want to do that again. Coming out of the anesthesia is awful. If that is what it feels like to be drunk, I never want to be drunk. I really just don't want to ever repeat this experience.

The only obvious problems was some stomach irritation, so that's good news as colon cancer runs very heavily in my family on my maternal side. They apparently did a ton of biopsies though to check for Celiac so I am waiting for the results on that.

Glad to hear you got through it and hope that you get over the anesthesia soon. I haven't had that test but had shoulder surgery last year and hated the feeling of waking up from it. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for the results.

TammyNC, sorry to hear about your computer problems. They are so frustrating! :badpc:

I've only been to WDW in January. That is a nice time to go crowd wise but you do trade off missing some headliners due to rehabs and not very reliable swimming weather. We are going to WDW at Christmas this year -- it is a bit scary. :scared1: I know it will be crowded and am planning accordingly. I got to book my airfare today so it was a fun day! :santa:

Have a great day, losers!

You hit the nail on the head with the computer smashing far yesterday and today seem to be doing fine. I am already starting a laptop search and considering moving over to a Mac Book. If anyone has any positive/negatives they would like to share, I would love to hear them.

Yeah on booking plane tickets, how exciting...I can't wait to book our ADR's but that still isn't until August.

Hi all -- And thanks Lisah0711 for the warm welcome.

I am been trying to lose weight for a while now.

I joined a gym (Planet Fitness) about 6 weeks and then talked my DD into also joining (2 weeks ago). As of last week Friday, I have lost about 8 pounds and still want to drop another 35-40 pounds.

So who do I send my weight loss/gain to? It's done on Friday, right? I also need to send a starting weight too?

Does the Summer Weight Loss Challenge have an end date?


Welcome to our group, I think you will find it to be a great place. It is a wonderful place for encouragement, a place to vent when necessary, etc.

I have been doing well food and exersize wise. I haven't been on the boards lately because I was angry that I had done so well last week and had a small GAIN to show for it. I am over my hissy now and back and raring to go....but beware that if the scale shows another gain this week....well, let's just say :mad:Sarah

Sending lots of pixiedust: for a loss this week, if I hear your yell in NC, I'll know something wasn't right. Stay positive and know that if you continue to stay on track you will have a loss. Sometimes our body just doesn't want to cooperate on the scales.

I don't have much on the calendar for the day thankfully, ready for kind of a down day.

I hope everyone has a great one, stay positive and focused!!

QOTD: Let's do another Disney related today...If Disney were to get rid of any of their current rides or attractions which one would you miss the most.

I would probably miss Pirates, it is such a great place to go when it is hot out and the feet are tired and we are needing a little break.
Good day everyone, I haven't posted is a while and this has not been a good thing for me. so my goal this week is to post something everyday. When I go MIA, it's usually cause I'm off the wagon. And I really need to stay ON the wagon. I had a gain last WI which I expected as we had spent the weekend in Monterey. But I did not expect the gain that I had.

QOTD - What is your favorite time of year to visit WDW or DL?

Christmas is my favorite. Even with the crowds. We go to DL about once a month so going on rides is secondary to the overall theme. I love the fireworks on cool/cold evenings. Since I live where the average temp is the mid 70's, I like the nights where I can wear my MM mittens and have hot chocolate and watch the fireworks. I LOVE the fireworks. And for some reason they always make me cry.

QOTD: Let's do another Disney related today...If Disney were to get rid of any of their current rides or attractions which one would you miss the most.

Peter Pan and Pirates. PP is my favorite, but I don't ride it very often, cause the lines are always so long. Pirates, just cause it's the classic. It is a must do every trip. I think I would also miss the train. I like the down time of "A Grand Circle Tour Around Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom".
QOTD: Let's do another Disney related today...If Disney were to get rid of any of their current rides or attractions which one would you miss the most.

It would be the train around the park. Our family always rides the train around the park for our first ride of the trip in both DL and WDW.

Venetia - good to you posting again! next time you go MIA I'm going to try and remember to PM you and hunt you down! :goodvibes:goodvibes
Well I'm back from my family visit to N.C. and I weigh in today - so please send me some positive wishes! I tried so hard to stay on plan and did go off a bit - but I also walked/jogged over 3 miles, and had two days of swimming laps as well as swimming with the great-nieces on my back - I was exhausted the next day to say the least!

I am SO motivated to do the gym and eat correctly now - until I cruise - I really want to fit into that medium size sundress I just got from DISNEY! My DH got a matching shirt and it's cute!!!

Have a great rest of the week all!
I understand that whole "stay away too long" thing. If I keep off the bathroom scale, I gain weight and ignore it. I really need to hit the scale every day or two just to keep myself honest.

QOTD - What is your favorite time of year to visit WDW or DL?

Favorite time - has got to be during the holidays when the parks are decorated and the holiday music is everywhere.

QOTD: Let's do another Disney related today...If Disney were to get rid of any of their current rides or attractions which one would you miss the most.

I would definitely miss Carousel of Progress. It is to me "Walt Disney". I feel his presence everytime I go on it.


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