You're Livin' the Dream, Mater Boy! *Aug 2010*(WE'RE HOME and HAD A GREAT TRIP!!!!)

Good luck to your DH with the job. It would be a bummer to have to push it back but hey, Disney will always be there. Keep us posted!

Yay for the kids starting t-ball! My sisters and I all played when we were little and our dad would usually be our coach. We love watching our old home videos of our games. :laughing:

Congrats on finishing C25K!
Busy times for you! I hope DH gets the job if you feel it is a good fit for your family and the offer is good. Hopefully being up front about the vacation would make them understand. Good luck selling your camper.

You asked if I am doing the C25K program. I am but I have hit a bit of snag. I am having pain in my right calf when I run right now. Not sure if it is an old injury flaring up or something new. I am going to push through the next week or so and then if it is still bothering me, I will go to the doctor--yuck! I am hoping to do a 5k in October so I have time to work through it but it is annoying.

Good luck to your DH with the job. It would be a bummer to have to push it back but hey, Disney will always be there. Keep us posted!

Yay for the kids starting t-ball! My sisters and I all played when we were little and our dad would usually be our coach. We love watching our old home videos of our games. :laughing:

Congrats on finishing C25K!

Thanks Sarah! The kids have just been LOVING T-ball this year - McQueen is pretty good and ready to move up to the next league, and Mater loves it although he runs around mostly clueless but smiling the whole time! So glad they're having fun!

Busy times for you! I hope DH gets the job if you feel it is a good fit for your family and the offer is good. Hopefully being up front about the vacation would make them understand. Good luck selling your camper.

You asked if I am doing the C25K program. I am but I have hit a bit of snag. I am having pain in my right calf when I run right now. Not sure if it is an old injury flaring up or something new. I am going to push through the next week or so and then if it is still bothering me, I will go to the doctor--yuck! I am hoping to do a 5k in October so I have time to work through it but it is annoying.


Thanks! I'm so happy to be done. I've started a 10K training program now. Have to go out for a 4 mile run tonight :scared1:.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your calf - hopefully it will improve for you, or the doctor may have some advice. I know in the beginning I had to ice my legs a lot - like after every run and then once on my off days. But as I did more and got stronger the icing has lessened, and now I don't do it at all, even thought I maybe should be. :rolleyes1

Still waitng to hear about the job situation. Honestly I'm not 100% sure that the job is the absolute best fit - but it really never is completely perfect. Dh's has found what we thought we perfect jobs that are far away (further than we want to move) and so this one has the benefit of being nearby, but is a bit of a career change for him. So we'll see - I'm a big believer in "what is meant to happen will happen".

:banana: Congratulations, It is awesome that you completed the Couch to 5K challenge! Where did you learn about it? I would be interested as well.

Any news on the job front? I hope it works out for DH and you.

Too funny about Mater and the ballgame! I remember those days. Jeremy had to move up this year and it is so competitive at that league (even for 8 years old). It almost takes the fun out of baseball.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!

Ours was nice - we went up to our camper - it was a beautiful weekend, we had great weather. We were a bit LAZY and just completely relaxed on Saturday - it was warm and comfortable and we kicked back in our anti-gravity chairs and I almost dozed off! We got up to go get ice cream from the campground store and took the kids on a hay wagon ride that they have there - Mater was asking for weeks when he could take a "tractor ride" so we had promised him that we'd go.

On Sunday we got up and went into town for a flea market - that did not go well since Mater hates to walk and we don't own a stroller anymore. He moaned and pouted the entire time, Dan carried him on his shoulders for most of it, but he was just in a grumpy mood, I think he was tired. After the flea market we got some lunch and went back to the campground and headed to the beach! It was HOT but the water was really nice - we all went out and took the kids out in their lifejackets. I was very happy since McQueen kind of hates to swim, but he wanted to go out and he did great - wasn't scared at all and even wanted to stay out and swim. After we got done he said "I like swimming mom! It's fun!" which was awesome because after 2 failed swim classes we couldn't even get him in the water last year. I'm looking forward to going back and getting him out there again.

All in all it was a good weekend! How was yours?

:banana: Congratulations, It is awesome that you completed the Couch to 5K challenge! Where did you learn about it? I would be interested as well.

Any news on the job front? I hope it works out for DH and you.

Too funny about Mater and the ballgame! I remember those days. Jeremy had to move up this year and it is so competitive at that league (even for 8 years old). It almost takes the fun out of baseball.


Hi Erika!

I actually heard about it here on the DIS! I joined over on the WISH board a few months back, and one of the ladies on there recommended it, I was walking at the time and was thinking about starting running. There are several websites out there with various programs (they are similar, but slightly different training intervals) but the site I used is (I believe it links over to the training schedule on - otherwise PM me your email and I can email you the schedule and link and stuff. It is a really good program, defenitely recommend it. There is also a C25K thread on the WISH forum if you want to read up a little more on it.

No news yet on the job - just kind of waiting.

I have loved having the kids in T-Ball - it is just SO darn CUTE! There are some tiny kids out there - our league is 4-5-6 year olds. They do offer machine-pitched for 6 year olds, but we kept McQueen on T this year so he and Mater could be on the same team. Both leagues are on Tuesday nights and Dan has board meetings those nights, so I usually go alone and can't be in 2 places at 1 time! When McQueen moves up he'll play on Thursdays so then we'll have baseball 2 nights a week. I hope it doesn't get too competitive - they have so much fun playing I'd hate to see them lose that excitement!

okay, I'm back working on my AUTOGRAPH BOOKS!!! :thumbsup2 Yes, it's been a while. I was doing some scrapbooking yesterday and pulled them out to look at them and remind myself where I was at.

This morning I made a front title plage for each book:

What I wanted to do was make a list here of what characters I have pages done for, and see if anyone had suggestions of other character pages that are "must-dos" - characters we'll most likely see and probably need a page for. I will be leaving about 15 extra pages at the back of each book, so any other characters can sign on those blanks and I'll have to decorate up the page when we get home.

Here is that I have done:

Chip n Dale
Handy Manny
Einsteins - Annie, June, Leo, Quincy

I am planning to make pages for:

One thing I struggle a bit with is that there are some characters that my kids don't know - like they've never seen Peter Pan or Aladdin. So there are some movies that I need to rent before our trip (Aladdin for sure). I don't think they've seen 101 Dalmations either, although we have a book so they know the story. Monsters Inc is another one we have not seen in a few years, they wouldn't really know it. So, unless we can watch these before we go, they may not want to go by these characters anyway.

So is there anyone you think I'm missing??? Thanks so much for any suggestions!!

Unless you plan on waiting in line for some of the princesses or fairies, your list looks good to me. The green army men are usually out, but I don't know if they sign autographs? :confused3
Unless you plan on waiting in line for some of the princesses or fairies, your list looks good to me. The green army men are usually out, but I don't know if they sign autographs? :confused3

:rotfl: Yeah...don't think the princessess and fairies will be happening! :rotfl: I asked McQueen if he wanted to meet the princesses and he made the most repulsed grimace and said "NO! Those are for GIRRRRLLLS!!! He wouldn't even watch Princess and the Frog becuase it had a princess in it - I thought he'd like the animals but he had zero interest. Unless it has four wheel drive or is covered in mud, he's not interested.

I guess it makes it a lot easier going with just boys - don't have to wait through all the princess stuff and fairies. I like Minnie, so I'll be happy just seeing her!
This morning I went out and ran my first 5K! It was really fun and it was a really good run. I registered for it about 3 weeks ago and we got up and headed out the door by 6:30am to get there - it was in a town about 45 minutes away.

We got there about 7:20, I checked in and got my bib and ankle bracelet for timing. I was really nervous but excited at the same time! We headed over to the bathrooms, took a few pictures:


And what would a 5K in Wisconsin be without a Cow t-shirt :rotfl::

Then we went to find a spot for Dan to sit with the boys. While we were walking, we ran into a neighbor of ours! I was actually not that surprised to see him, him and his wife run a lot. They had BIKED the 45 miles there to then RUN the race and then BIKE back home! They are very hardcore. But only the wife was running since her husband had an injury, so Dan had someone to sit by and talk to while we were out running, so that was nice. Kids had brought some toys and trucks to play with, so as soon as they found some dirt along the curb to play in, they were set! :laughing:

Once the family was settled I went over, warmed up and stretched a bit, then made my way up to the starting line, some kids sang the Star Spangled Banner, then we were off:


The course was nice - pretty flat, kind of wound through some neighborhoods, along a short gravel trail, then down the main street in town, then back to the fairgrounds where it started/ended. I could tell I was going a bit faster than my usual runs, some people were really bookin' it - I was being passed by elderly folks and little kids all around!! But I didn't care, I just kept plugging away and passed the 1 mile mark at 9:30 minutes...I was happy. Second mile I passed at just under 20 minutes, and the last mile I did start getting tired, but just kept going, and slowed down my pace a little bit.

I rounded the corner that headed us back to the fairground, and could see the finish line. I switched my mp3 player over to my favorite running song that I listen to, and started to kick it into gear! The song I was listening to is "Let's See How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20 - love that song, and although the words to the song aren't particularly inspirational, it has great music, is very upbeat and the parts where they sing "let's see how far we've come" I find really motivating.

As I approached the finish line I could see Dan and the kids, and they were clapping and cheering for me!


So I finally made it to the finish line at 31:38, and I was SO happy to be done!!! I grabbed some water and headed over to find the family. I was greeted with hugs and high-fives!! Dan snapped this pic as I was huffing and puffing for breath!!


After I was done we hung out for a bit, got a couple pieces of bagel and I splurged on a chocolate chip cookie!!! :goodvibes I figured I deserved it. They started posting the stats and I came in at number 201 out of 492 run/walkers. I was really happy with my time, it is the fastest I've run that distance before and I think pretty good for a beginning runner.

After that we headed home, Dan was very proud of me and told me over and over that he was so happy for me. I think he even started to tear up a little when he saw me finish - it was very sweet.:lovestruc After all that happened earlier this year with the tumor and surgery and stuff he knew this was a big accomplishment for me and he was very happy. I feel great and so glad I did it. Here, even hours later now, I'm still grinning away. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
KAREN!!! AWESOME JOB ON THE 5K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great accomplishment!!! The autograph book cover looks great! You do such an awesome job!!!!

:banana::banana::banana:Way to go! That is such a great accomplishment! I am so proud for you.

I :love: the autograph book. You did an awesome job.

I don't know if you have checked this site out before but I have used it our last two trips. It is very accurate and can help you with any other characters you might want to add.

Just joining in. Getting caught up on your PTR.
Hi flamestarrdust! Thanks for joining in! Maybe we'll run into one another at POP!

KAREN!!! AWESOME JOB ON THE 5K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great accomplishment!!! The autograph book cover looks great! You do such an awesome job!!!!

Thanks Beth! It was fun and I'm glad I did it. My sights are set on a 10K in July now..:scared1:


:banana::banana::banana:Way to go! That is such a great accomplishment! I am so proud for you.

I :love: the autograph book. You did an awesome job.

I don't know if you have checked this site out before but I have used it our last two trips. It is very accurate and can help you with any other characters you might want to add.


Thanks Erika! Thanks for the link - I have been out there a couple times before, but never really paid attention to the character info out there, so I'll have to go and read through...don't want miss anyone!!
Hi Karen!

Finally made it back to your PTR...I have been behind for a while it seems! ;)

Congrats on the 5K!!! :banana:

TBall is so cute....those little guys. :lovestruc

Good Luck to DH on the job!

Great job on the autograph books as usual...cant wait to see the finished books! :goodvibes

I know that they have added 'Lotso' to the characters at HS..he's the pink bear thing from the new toy story 3 movie. (I didnt think you had him)
Hi Karen!

Finally made it back to your PTR...I have been behind for a while it seems! ;)

Congrats on the 5K!!! :banana:

TBall is so cute....those little guys. :lovestruc

Good Luck to DH on the job!

Great job on the autograph books as usual...cant wait to see the finished books! :goodvibes

I know that they have added 'Lotso' to the characters at HS..he's the pink bear thing from the new toy story 3 movie. (I didnt think you had him)

Hi Heather! Thanks - the 5K was fun.

Thanks for the tip on Lotso - we're planning to see the movie before we go, so I'll have to add him! I'm hoping to have these books done this week!!! :thumbsup2
Okay, I need some help. I am almost 2 months away from my trip and I have A LOT to get done and there is a lot of things that I have not given much thought to. So I have decided to make myself a To Do List, since I tend to work very well off of lists.

Here is my current list of To-Do's. And if anyone can think of thing's I'm missing, please let me know!!

JUNE To-Do's:
1. Pay balance on trip. I have a couple weeks until we're at the 45 Day mark, but I want to pay it next Monday, June 21st.
2. Pre-order PhotoPass Cd - will also do on the 21st.
3. Finish Autograph Books. Plan to add the last few character pages and have them done in about 2 weeks. Due Date = June 30th.
4. Make a Count Down Calendar. I have a fun idea, I just need to get the supplies to see if it is doable. Due Date - June 30th.

JULY To-Do's:
1. Purchase Iron-On transfers for T-shirts. Do in July.
2. Purchase T's for kids and Adults. Do in July.
3. Make T's. Due Date = July 31
4. Get a few more goodie bag items (since I only have like 1 things for each of them). Due Date = July 31
5. Get 2 new Camera batteries. (mine are 5+ years old and barely hold their charge anymore). Due Date = July 31
6. Work on and create Packing List (have downloaded a couple, just need to review, edit, and I'm sure add things) Due Date = July 31

1. Figure out what suitcases we're taking and if I need to borrow any from family. Get Xtra suitacases here if we need them. Due Aug 15.
2. Confirm all park hours, parade and show times. Due Aug 15.
3. Print all Confirmations, Flight Info, Character Meal Info., Itininery. Due Aug. 15.
4. Call to stop newspaper and mail delivery. Aug 16.
6. PACK PACK PACK Aug. 16-17-18-19!!!

Since we will be gone at an out-of-town wedding the weekend prior to our trip, I will the have 4 days to prior to leaving to really pack and get organized. I have a feeling those 4 days will be chaos!!!! But good chaos...exciting chaos.

So this can't be all....what else am I missing that I need to get on my To Do List??? HELP!!! :laughing:

WOW! Well another week has flown by here and I don't know where the time has gone!!! We got a little bit of bad news and a little bit of good news.

The bad news is that that job DH applied for did not work out. He isn't terribly disappointed since he didn't really have his heart set on it, so in the end it's not THAT bad of news. However, it leads directly to the....

GOOD NEWS! That the trip is still on as planned!!!!:dance3:

We are all relieved and now I feel like I can finally start finalizing things! I'm so glad we found out today about the job because on my newly created TO-DO List, I am to pay the trip off on Monday morning. And this weekend we hit the 2 month mark - so things will start happening rather quickly now I think. I really need to start working down that list!!!

I am completely drained and sore right now though - I just got back tonight at 9pm from a 4 mile run and I've run 12 miles this week and have a 6 mile long run coming up on Saturday. This morning, after much though and a bit of self-doubt the last few days, I signed myself up for a 10K run in 3 weeks. I'm excited but also a bit apprehensive. It will be a challenge for me, that's for sure.

Anyone going to see Toy Story 3 this weekend??? We are thinking about it - if it's a rainy weekend we'll take the kids, otherwise we're heading up camping! The weatherman says it will be nice this weekend but it's been raining here for almost 2 weeks straight, so I woudn't be surprised if it rains again!!!!:headache:

I am so proud of you----a 10K! :thumbsup2That is great motivation!

Sorry to hear about the job but glad that you still get to go to Disney.

You are right---time will start to fly. I have so much to still get done!

:cool1:2 MONTHS!!!!:cool1:

Yesterday we hit our 2 month mark!!! I was so excited.

Today I feel like I made some progress on a few things - this morning I ran a few errands and got the supplies to make my countdown calendar. I'm going to make a 30 day countdown calendar, so I do have some extra time but want to get started on it. I'm excited to have the supplies here get started on it - it'll be a bit tricky to do since I don't want the kids to see it until it's done, so I'll have to work on it a few nights after they're asleep. I'll post pix as soon as I have it done!

I also looked at iron-on transfers at Hobby Lobby but was not impressed with them, so I'll go over to Michaels. I saw a link on here a while back for a site that sells transfers, but I can't recall what it was - something with the name Amy in it or something like that? Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Also today I'm going to pay off the trip and buy my PhotoPass CD!! Lots to do today and I'm so looking forward to getting some of this stuff done and organized!

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