You Guys Part of the Family? You've Got the Magic In Your Eyes!!->Updated 10/19x3!!!!

I think we will be at DHS at the same time! :cool1: We are just going to be there in the evening to catch Fantasmic and the Osborne Lights. I wanted to get those two things out of the way so we can do rides and shows on our full DHS day.

As for restaurants, I've never eaten anywhere on the Boardwalk. We are going to try Cape May Cafe this time but I don't think they are open for lunch. My favorite restaurant in DHS is Mama Melrose. It's probably not the best Italian restaurant in WDW but I love the atmosphere.

Some of those masks are beautiful and some are just creepy! :rotfl: I'm not sure if I've ever been in that store. Probably not since I think I would remember it.

I am definitely going to do Pick a Pearl this time. Just not sure if I'm going to get a ring or the Cinderella necklace.

You do need to spend some more time in Morocco. It's my favorite pavilion. Some of the stores towards the back are fun to go in and I love the atmosphere and the music they play. Also, if you ever get a chance to sit and listen to Mo Rockin', they play some great music.

That's awesome!! Haha, I think I'm just going to stick to a CS meal that day, I dunno, I just can't decide haha. I definitely agree,some of the masks are awesome, and some fo them are just plain creepy. Morocco is one that I'm glad we really explored, I hadn't seen so much of it before!

Those masks in Italy are gorgeous. I got a similar kind of mask when I went to see a Cirque du Soleil show a few years ago.

I think Morocco is the most beautiful pavilion and a hidden gem!

That's great!! I'm considering getting one next time...who knows.... haha It's so pretty!

Congats on your dance compition. Your dresses are so pretty. I'm one of those lurkers out there and I'm trying to comment more :)

Thank you!! I'm glad you're coming out to say hello!

Ahhh how am I so late coming in on this??
Still can't believe we missed each other by a day!

Your mum pulls the cutest excited faces ever!!

And your ballroom costumes are gorgeous! So glad the comp went well!

I'm so excited for you that you have your next trip planned, I have no idea when I'll make it back next which is such a sucky feeling.

OK back I go to catch up!

Hahaha, Who knows!? That's so crazy, I hate when trips just miss each other. I once had a friend from school overlap my trip by a day and I didn't know til I was in the airport on the way home. Ugh. Hahaha, she's hilarious in some of these pics! Thank you so much, it was absolutely amazing!!

I seriously got homesick, I had no official trip planned, and one possible one for Feb, and just can't imagine that, so I was all "eff it, I'm going"
I love it when people offer to take your picture in WDW too. It's so nice.

The Finding Nemo queue is the bane of my existence. I love that ride, but man....seriously. It's like all of the expectations were to have this uber-popular ride and then....nothing.


I've never heard those jokes before at Turtle Talk! That's hysterical.

Hahahahaha, your YAYAYAYA *muppet dance* totally gave me an image of Kermit doing his crazy "yahhhh" whenever he introduced people on the Muppet Show.....I think I'm going to bust out my Muppet Show DVD's right now....

Well, of course Donald is MY favorite too! Who doesn't love an angry duck? For real...

I love your Goofy picture. You're like "yup, I'm goofy but I'm still cute...."

"Oh yes....I don't know...." Hahahahahahaha. Sorry, Three Cabelleros was and is my favorite. "Have you been to Bahia Donald?"

Unlike you, I do get my love of tequila from my Mom.

Woo hoo! Sorry....I got excited again about your November trip. I promise...I will get you some Cocoa Puffs.

I have a mask from Italy that I bought on a trip when I was 10 years old. It's still hanging in my room. Not as elaborate as they are now, but I remember being in absolute love with it.
On our way out of Morocco, we made sure to stop for some more photopass pictures, I mean, if you’ve already paid for it, you may as well get your money’s worth, right?!



Naturally, our next stop in World Showcase was France, and of course, it was time for another drink, the godly Grand Marnier Slushies!! YUUUUM!



Clearly, just the sight of them were slightly confusing us. Ha! But really, they are the greatest drinks I’ve ever had, so if you haven’t had one, make sure to have one on our next trip! We kinda just took the time wandering around and explored back there while drinking our slushies. My Mom noticed that a lot of the cm’s in the France pavilion weren’t as friendly as other places, and maybe that’s why DLRP got such bad reviews (from what she had heard, things weren’t as awesome over there) Who knows?!

The United Kingdom took some time to explore, and we wandered through all the shops, and Mom definitely got distracted by the Beatles stuff in that last shop, which is completely understandable! I also found a lovely present for Tyler (from April, for those of you who remember).


When we got out of the shop, I noticed that Alice was out, and quickly went over to jump in line, she’s always a great person to meet!


We talked about tea parties, and how she never actually gets any tea at parties, but it’s a leap year this year, so there are actually 365 unbirthdays this year to drink tea! Yay! She was super cute, and one of the best I’ve seen recently!


Mom went up after (as there was no photopass to take pictures we had to split up) and decided that she would dance with her, so that their pic would be different. She definitely caught her off guard, that’s for sure, and I think it’s safe to say those drinks were kicking in haha!


The next and closest character wouldn’t be out for a little bit, so we went to explore the Banff gift shop…errr…I mean…Canada pavilion. Lawl. Seriously, that’s all it is, Canada sure isn’t much. We had a good laugh as we wandered through, and then headed back to Mary Poppin’s line! Mom said it was too bad that Bert wasn’t out, as she really liked him, and I mentioned that he was out all the time in California, but characters are trickier to find over there, haha.


While I chatted with her, she actually brought up Bert, saying that he was over at Mr “something’s” house, and were probably on the ceiling by now, and would be quite the hassle to get him down. Although, it was always harder when the children were with them, as they really get really into it.

I also had her sign a post card for Debbie, my theatre mom back home, and she actually wrote a little note, which made me happy, as none of the other characters did. Yay to her!


Mary was very kind to comment on my Mother’s “sun bonnet” and said it was a good protection from the sun, and a good idea to wear! Mary was very cute, a huge improvement from some of the ones I have met!


Since we still had too much time before lunch, we decided to swing back to go meet Belle! (Moreso, I suggested it, and Mom was willing to do whatever haha)



Dear World Showcase, please stop being so dang beautiful! Love, Katt. We didn’t have to wait very long to meet Belle either, the Beast was coming out shortly, but they were forming 2 separate lines, so those who didn’t care for him could get through quicker and they wouldn’t have to cut off the line, yay!


Clearly, I’m excited! Haha, I did like it when pp people would take more than the standard posing picture, I definitely noticed some interesting things in terms of photopass pics this time!



Belle also commented my Mom’s hat, and Mom said it was kind of being a hassle with the wind and it continuously kept blowing off her head. She asked if it was just the two of us, no beasts came along, and we told her no. She said that her Beast was running late, with the wind, it takes forever to comb out all of his hair!



Mom was really feeling the effects of the heat/alcohol/sun…whichever you may like. See, she’s clearly not the one I get my love of heat & humidity from, she wasn’t a huge fan of how hot it was getting already, so we ducked into the back of club cool to take a break. I caught up on my trip journal, filled up my water bottle, while Mom took a bathroom break as we geared up for lunch!

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH So as I posted this, I was all "I should double check the Disney site to see if I can get the Le Cellier ADR that I wanted for my November trip, and I GOT IT!!! I've been checking every day for the past few weeks and finally got it! YAAAAAY

It was time for lunch! Yay! I had been looking forward to eating here before I had even gotten the ADR’s thought of! It always has such amazing reviews, and I was super excited, so naturally, when I got the deluxe dining plan, I had to make a reservation! In case you’re confused on where we were going, I’ll give ya a little hint!


It’s Le Cellier! I did think it was a little funny to go to Florida and go to a place where we can eat many, many different types of cuisines, and we choose the one that’s where we’re from…yup…that’s how good of reviews I’ve heard. I also work at the dinner theatre with a friend of mine that worked on the International Representative Program, and worked at Le Cellier for a year. Every time I come back from a trip, he asks if I have been there yet, so obviously it had to happen. I was originally going to book a dinner, but after noticing it was 2 credits for dinner, and only 1 for lunch, and you could get the same food at lunch, why waste 2 credits each?! Lunch it is! We arrived a little bit early and checked in right at 2:00pm, even though our reservation wasn’t until 2:50, we just wanted to wait somewhere inside and not in the sun haha.

We chatted with a bit of the CM’s around the podium and just took our nice relaxing break to relax and wait for them to call us. It didn’t take very long before we were into the main dining room and seated quickly, we had a nice little table for two right at the bottom of the ramp right at the entrance to the dining room. Our server, Tamara was over right away, explaining the menu, and the dining plan and what was included for us, and then dropped off a drink menu and gave us some time to decide. I’m pretty sure I just got a water, not sure about my Mom.



I seriously had a major “fitblr” time on this trip (fitblr is a fitness type blog on tumblr, a fitness community of supporters and tips and tricks haha) where every time someone asked what I wanted to drink, and I would say just water, they’d always push, saying I could get a smoothie, pop, juice, but really, I only really ever drink water, and that’s how I Anyways, rant over. Our lovely server brought over the bread,


And we ordered a cup of: The Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup (made with moosehead beer and bacon)



Now, let me tell you, this soup is the absolute greatest soup of life that you will ever eat. Oh. My. GAAAWWWDDD. Tamara suggested when she dropped off the bread that we save some of the pretzel bread to dip into it, and oh dear sweet baby Jesus in a tuxedo shirt, it was the greatest decision ever. (Interrupting this drool worthy meal to say: the pretzel bread…yeah…we now have it at the dinner theatre I work at, I just died….) The soup was super creamy, thick, but not super heavy, and it was a lot better to dunk the breadsticks in there and then kinda eat the soup that way. Mom and I were happy we went with the cup to share, it definitely would have been too much had we ordered a bowl. The pretzel bread was the winner of the breads as well, the sourdough was a little hard, and not the greatest.

Tamara came back and took our dinner order while we were eating the soup, we both got the:

Wild Mushroom Filet Mignon (Le Cellier Signature Dish served with Wild Mushroom Risotto and White Truffle Butter Sauce). I ordered mine without the risotto, as I was trying to stay away from anything heavy cream (hello lactose intolerant) and any kinda heavy carbs (just for health) so I got mine with green beans instead! Om nom. I love veggies! Here’s mine:


And Mom’s!



I’ll tell ya now, I’ve edited some of these photos to try and make the light look better, but it’s just photo bucket edit-ed, so it’s not the greatest haha! Verdict on the food: it’s absolutely amazing! Dear baby Jesus! If you ever get the chance to eat at Le Cellier, just DO IT! The meat was super moist, flavorful, savory, rich, and delicious, the sauce and mushrooms were amazing, and the green beans were actually really good! I was worried they’d taste gross and frozen, and I’m not even much of a green bean fan, but they were great. I tried a little bit of the risotto, and was glad I switched to the beans, I’m just not the biggest fan of rice or rice stuff haha.

The filet was definitely the greatest that I’ve ever eaten, and we definitely had to ask if it was actually Canadian (specifically Alberta, where we’re from) beef, so we asked the server. She said that if you eat at dinner, it is Alberta Beef, but not at lunch. Oh well, it was still absolutely to die for!!

Tamara came back to check on us periodically throughout our meal, and when it was time, brought our desserts out! I got the “Chocolate Moose” and my Mom got the Nanaimo bar!



Now, I can’t find the Nanaimo bar on the Le Cellier menu, so it must have been a special of the day or something. Usually it’s part of the chocolate trio plate, but Mom got just it. Apparently, there also are no actual, Nanaimo bars in the states….WHAT?! They’re one of the greatest desserts in the world, so this was very surprising to me, I did realize that there’s a town in Canada called Nanaimo, and that’s probably where they came from. Apparently the chefs at Le Cellier (who are not Canadian) had quite the trouble creating the dessert, and had to go off of things like google, and trusting the rest of the Le Cellier staff haha!

Now, onto the reviews: the mousse was super light and delicious, the outside of it was like the “dirt” part of “worms and dirt” the part that’s not the pudding. It was great! I also thought it was super cute that the antlers of the moose were little maple leaf’s of chocolate! Adorbs!

The Nanaimo bar was also super tasty, it had a great flavor, and tasted like what a Nanaimo bar would taste like, and had the custard-ey flavor it should have. Good job chefs!

Overall, Le Cellier was an amazing experience! We would definitely go back, any day, that’s for sure. I’m super glad it was on the DDP, as it would have cost us $82.00 if we were paying OOP, but it cost us $20.00 for the soup and the tip! Yay! Tamara was great, she was very informative, and friendly. She definitely had a princess feel to her, just the way she carried and presented herself that way, who knows, maybe that’s what she really wanted to do down in Disney.

I give Le Cellier a 5/5, the food was amazing, the atmosphere was great, our server was awesome, and it was just amazing!! With our bill paid, we thanked Tamara once again, and headed out of the restaurant and back into the heat. Over lunch, I asked Mom if she’d be down to park hopping, as we’d done everything at Epcot already, and I had a hankering to see my castle (…and let’s be serious….some certain characters) over at Magic Kingdom. So after we left Canada, we stopped for some quick photopasses, and headed towards the MONORAIL!! YAY! Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas!



Le Cell sounds awesome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your meal there. We waited too long and are now stuck with the 2 credit option, so it's been bumped back down toward the bottom of the list again.

Yay for getting your Nov ressie!
That photo of your mum and Alice dancing is adorable!

Your excited face is awesome! It must have been something super exciting!!

Yay for your Nov Le Cellier ressie! You are going to have such an awesome time! I want to go straight back and enjoy all the christmassness! Silly bank account says no- always the party pooper!

Yumm the moose/mousse is making me hungry!
Mmmm, must try the Grand Marnier Slushie!!

I love all of your pictures with the characters. I don't wait in line for characters because I'm a bit shy and don't really know what to say to them most of the time. It's usually pretty awkward so I just avoid the whole situation.

I can't wait to try Le Cellier. It's our first ADR in a few weeks!
Joining in! :lovestruc

Love it so far! You and your madre are adorable! :love:

Yay! Glad you're here. Thank you! We really did have an amazing time!!

I love it when people offer to take your picture in WDW too. It's so nice.

The Finding Nemo queue is the bane of my existence. I love that ride, but man....seriously. It's like all of the expectations were to have this uber-popular ride and then....nothing.


I've never heard those jokes before at Turtle Talk! That's hysterical.

Hahahahaha, your YAYAYAYA *muppet dance* totally gave me an image of Kermit doing his crazy "yahhhh" whenever he introduced people on the Muppet Show.....I think I'm going to bust out my Muppet Show DVD's right now....

Well, of course Donald is MY favorite too! Who doesn't love an angry duck? For real...

I love your Goofy picture. You're like "yup, I'm goofy but I'm still cute...."

"Oh yes....I don't know...." Hahahahahahaha. Sorry, Three Cabelleros was and is my favorite. "Have you been to Bahia Donald?"

Unlike you, I do get my love of tequila from my Mom.

Woo hoo! Sorry....I got excited again about your November trip. I promise...I will get you some Cocoa Puffs.

I have a mask from Italy that I bought on a trip when I was 10 years old. It's still hanging in my room. Not as elaborate as they are now, but I remember being in absolute love with it.

Ugh, so awesome! I've had it happen a couple places down in Oz, but I was traveling alone, so it made more sense haha. I find it definitely happens a lot more in Disney.

Hhaha, it just DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Seriously. It's like they expected it to be this HUGE crowded ride, but it just never is. Makes no sense :confused3

Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you got that, I hope you think of that every time that you read ayayayayyaya in the TR. Such as this:


Baha, And later you'll see the "I'm goofy and I'm just 100% ridiculous and dorky" photos...they happen...more-so around Paige haha.

I'M SO EXCITED!! Especially since getting the Le Cellier ADR, I get more excited every time I think about it. UGH.

The masks are so pretty! If I had remembered that as part of my competition was a masquerade ball I would have gotten one to wear haha, oh well, next year!
Le Cell sounds awesome! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your meal there. We waited too long and are now stuck with the 2 credit option, so it's been bumped back down toward the bottom of the list again.

Yay for getting your Nov ressie!

Go for lunch!! It's only one credit that way!! It was seriously the greatest meal I've ever had, especially on Disney property, the only thing that comes close to rivaling it was the Beef at Ariel's Grotto in DLR! (That beef was REALLY good, just the rest of the meal was just okay)


That photo of your mum and Alice dancing is adorable!

Your excited face is awesome! It must have been something super exciting!!

Yay for your Nov Le Cellier ressie! You are going to have such an awesome time! I want to go straight back and enjoy all the christmassness! Silly bank account says no- always the party pooper!

Yumm the moose/mousse is making me hungry!

Hahaha, it's so cute, Alice was so caught off by it!! Baha, I was just happy to be meeting a princess I guess? She was a perfect Belle!

ASDADJSNFDJND SO pumped!! I do wish I had someone coming with me, but at the same time am totally okay going solo, it's going to be such an awesome time! Bahah, bank account rules suck!
Mom and I arrived at Magic Kingdom in no time, and I just took in a big sigh of relief…Magic Kingdom is just the best, and there is just absolutely nothing better than walking down Main Street.



*sigh* Isn’t it gorgeous? Hahaha. My Mom said that it was definitely a sight to see, but the castle in Disneyland would always be hers. It was the one she grew up with, seeing in black and white on tv, and then when she saw it in person, that was her moment, but this, this was amazing too. Oh well, at least we won’t be fighting over castles! Ha! We started out towards Adventureland, but Dream Along with Mickey was starting, so I suggested stopping to watch it.





Dreams Come True! This show as always held a special spot in my heart, but honestly, after this trip, it’s become even more than just “something special”. It’s now added to my dream list of jobs haha. For those of you who are un aware, the entire time during this trip (and currently still) I was waiting for a reply from Disney. They were accepting electronic submissions for girls to “be friends” with some of their princesses and fairies, and I put my stuff in to apply, and still hadn’t heard back, so of course, it’s all about waiting to see if my dream would come true!





I love the way that each of the princesses and princes get their own little bit in the show too, they each get their own special attention, and it’s the classics! Snow White & Aurora are pretty much pushed aside now a days, like they don’t even get to greet all day, and Snow White was the one that started it all!







Also, I think that Aurora had a little bit of a Regina George look to her going on today…baha! Maybe these girls just seem less popular because their movies haven’t come out recently, and parents haven’t really been showing the old movies to their kids? I dunno, maybe the re-release of Cinderella will help that. Then again, the kids might not know the difference between Cindy and Barbie…. *eye roll*



God, this part pulls on my heart strings so much, every damn time! I swear, Mickey and Minnie are just perfect! The whole “you’ve always been a princess to me!” YES Mickey, THAT is how you treat a woman. Ugh, so much love. If you watch them during this part, they’re always super lovey and “kissing” and super cute. I also adore that all the princesses and princes bow to Mickey and Minnie as they walk past.






As you can tell, I was definitely having fun with my new camera during the shows, it took a little bit of time to get used to the different settings, but I think I was doing pretty well. Also, next time you see the show, take a look at Aurora’s shoes! She’s got pretty new pink ones! Yay.
“Well that was soooome dream” “Kinda mushy if you ask me” Oh Donald…too cute.










I don’t know about you, but Donald dressed up as Captain Hook should just always happen, just look at how adorable he is! He’s tooo cute!!! UGH. I would love a stuffed Donald that looked like that!


Also, something that boggles my mind…why don’t they have Wendy out anymore?! It’s clear that they still have enough “friends” of hers to make it happen, I mean, she’s in this show, the daytime parade, the Halloween parade, and she’s popular. I just don’t get why they don’t have her out with Peter all the time? Mind boggled. Also, raise your hand if you’d rather have the “face character” Captain hook & Smee out for meet & greets, rather than the masked ones they actually put out….




Isn’t it a little unfair that Captain Hook has such a big sword and Peter only has a dagger? Someone has as bit of an unfair advantage here…yet he still manages to lose….




Oh dear….what is that mysterious ticking noise?





Just look at him! Donald’s all “whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, who’s this chick think she is, taking all the dreams away?!” *rolls up sleeves, gets ready to take on the baddest of all of them”



Dreams Come True! Dreams come true! Seriously, this is the most tear inducing part of this show, because everyone’s chanting, I get seriously into it, haha. It’s all about making what you believe become a reality, and that you can overcome all the evilness in the world if you just believe! UGH! Feels!
Dreams do come true!!





I won’t lie, I love these dresses! If I lived in the Florida area, I would be at like, EVERY MNSSHP, and dressed up different at each one. One of them, I’d definitely go as one of these dancers, and definitely go as one of the Move It Shake it Girls too…just too awesome. You never see anyone who dresses up as them, it’s always Princesses, or other popular characters. Boo, show the dancers some love too!



Gee, when you find the dream inside your heart, anything is possible!!






It also makes me happy that they bring everyone back for the finale, obviously, tying everything together!







Seriously, the choreography level of this show is not very hard at all, but it ends up looking really well, and I mean, I’d rather watch really crisp, clean, and neat dancing that’s easier than some harder stuff that’s messy!




All in all, yes it is very safe to say that I love this show, and that I took a bazillion photos on this trip…start preparing yourself NOW for FOTLK, I kid you not. BAHA! I really took the time on this trip to try and get more pictures of the dancers/movers/performers, I mean, everyone has already seen a million pictures of Mickey or Cinderella, but what about these guys, who do a heck of a lot of work in a day, and there isn’t a whole lot of ways to show them that you appreciate it haha. That, and obviously being a dancer myself, I’m into it! Yay!

Cinderella's Prince Charming looks like a friend of Gaston from the first New Fantasyland previews they had in early October.
ASDADJSNFDJND SO pumped!! I do wish I had someone coming with me, but at the same time am totally okay going solo, it's going to be such an awesome time! Bahah, bank account rules suck!

Ahhhh so jealous!! You are so lucky!!! Is it expensive to fly from there?
We are just tooooo far away down here!

I love that show! I always notice the dancers, and I love their costumes.
Although they always make me think of ice skating!

Your new camera is taking some amazing pics!
It looks like Wendy's shoes and dress are new too!
I would definitely like to see more Wendy in the parks. She is my absolute favorite Disney character!!

Such great pictures!!

We are at Disney now and saw the FotLK today. I knew it was a good show but I forgot how really fabulous it is. So much energy!!!
Cinderella's Prince Charming looks like a friend of Gaston from the first New Fantasyland previews they had in early October.

Ah! That's awesome!!

Ahhhh so jealous!! You are so lucky!!! Is it expensive to fly from there?
We are just tooooo far away down here!

I love that show! I always notice the dancers, and I love their costumes.
Although they always make me think of ice skating!

Your new camera is taking some amazing pics!

It varies a bunch, but usually it's around $400.00, I've found flights for less, and sometimes it's up to $700.00 but I've never paid that much! Baha, yeah, it's pricey from where you are!

Ha! So true! I love the dresses haha

It looks like Wendy's shoes and dress are new too!
I would definitely like to see more Wendy in the parks. She is my absolute favorite Disney character!!

Such great pictures!!

We are at Disney now and saw the FotLK today. I knew it was a good show but I forgot how really fabulous it is. So much energy!!!

That's awesome! Ugh, I really wish she was out, and I find that characters can just have more fun when there's 2 of them in 1 meet & greet, (like Ariel & Eric example) there's more playing and they're usually more chatty, so it'd be great to see her & Peter out!

Thanks!! UGH, FOTLK, seriously the most amazing thing in the WOOOORLD. So much love.
Loved all the pictures from the Castle show. I've never stopped to watch it, might have to change that in a few weeks!

I have to say that friend of Peter Pan is very yummy! Kind of reminds me of a young Keanu Reeves.
Loved all the pictures from the Castle show. I've never stopped to watch it, might have to change that in a few weeks!

I have to say that friend of Peter Pan is very yummy! Kind of reminds me of a young Keanu Reeves.

Thanks!! It is a pretty cute show, I mean, if you've got the time, it's worth it to stop!


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