You CAN Get Into New Site -- Public Area

Where are the floor plans? photos? Accomodations and amenities? recreation details?

When my login to the new site failed, I was dumped into the public portion of the site. I could have sworn the "old" public portion of the DVC site showed the floorplans, photos, recreation details, etc.

Where are they now? Will I have to wait until I get in the member side? That would be a bummer cuz the old public site was full of info I could direct my guests to.

Kelley...I was not able to find those things either. :confused:

As far as I can tell, the public portion of the site is very thin on any kind of looks like a very glitzy package with the primary goal of getting someone to order the video, or view the tour on line.

I can't imagine why they spent that much money on the site to provide so little information.

The only thing I can think of (and hope for) is the re-work of the site was focused on the Members Only area, making it more useful and setting it up for future activities like point tracking or reservations.

We can only hope. :)
Originally posted by KelNottAt
Where are the floor plans? photos? Accomodations and amenities? recreation details?


That's all still there. Click on a choice of resort and on the left-hand side it give you all those options. If you pick accomodations, it brings up a list and has a place in the text to click and get the floor plans (now called Room Layout). The Virtual Tour brings up options along the bottome of the top-screen. Click on the little pictures and it brings up bing interactive options -- like the pool at SSR.

I apologize that for some the reason my DVC link is going first to the general Disney Site and requires selecting DVC under the Vacation options. I have no idea why it is bouncing like that.
Apologies Kelley & Granny ---

I don't think the site is any where near being completed. :( I found all the info on the SSR section and assumed all the resorts would be the same. They aren't. I haven't checked them all but I see that VWL does not have the basic floorplan etc., and does not have a virtual tour. Vero has the tour but not the basics....looks like it's still very much a "work in progress". In the meantime, you could direct guests to the regular resort section to find the information. (Check those first though to be sure they have everything.)

It's kind of odd that a media company has so much trouble with their websites. :rolleyes: just knew that I only clicked on the VWL section, didn't you? :p

I think they set the deadline a little too aggressively and it is definitely a work-in-process.

But I do like the music they play for each resort! :)
Originally posted by Granny
But I do like the music they play for each resort! :)

LOL! I was disappointed in the Vero music. Just doesn't seem to be the right "fit". But, that's the least of the problems on the site.
Yes, I think it is available for all the sites. OKW info came up including room layout.
LOL! I was disappointed in the Vero music. Just doesn't seem to be the right "fit"
I noticed this too----didn't seem the best suited for Vero. Almost sounded like it would fit with BWV better, but I do like the existing music they have with BWV.

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