You bet your aft we had a good time! A Wonder trip report Update 12/30 p.59-611

Pirate night!

After a nice snack and nap it was time to get ready for pirate night. When we got back to the room, pirate bandanas were waiting for us. That's such a nice Disney touch and a cool souvenir.

Joshua was very reluctant to wear pirate attire so earlier in the day, we ran down and bought him some Goofy pirate ears. Perfect! I however was excited to dress up. I never get to do things like this.

:blush: After squeezing myself into a once looser fitting pirate dress, this was the result. I am glad pirate night was the second night because honestly after 4 days of eating and drinking, I never would have fit into my dress. LOL!


Pirate selfie on our way to check out the ship. We had some time before dinner and Joshua was really wanting to play shuffleboard.


This is when we played shuffleboard Pam....Joshua really got a kick out of it. We played one practice game and two real games. He won both times. His aim was good.


It was a gorgeous evening on the water:


Joshua wanted to check out the sports deck again. He's a soccer fanatic! He gave me his ears before he played. He's in the red/crimson shirt. I found a chair to kick back in:


How cute is the logo?! I'd love lounge chairs like these.


Finally after some time it was time to head to dinner but not without noticing this gorgeous sunset. Sunset on the water never gets old. Maybe I should work on one of the ships?!


Dinner was at Parrot Cay. Pam had got both Joshua and I light up jewelry which was so fun. We wore it proudly!

We arrived to dinner before out tablemates:


It was funny because Joshua had sat at the end of the table the night before so I think that's why the kids' menu is there. He was getting to know the kids at our table a little better so decided to scoot in. Patience Iago.....

Mom, what are you taking another photo?


Because I can so smile kid!


Pam took the above photo so :thanks: Pam!

Ozzy and Arjay were on it and drinks and bread were served before we knew it. Love good service!

Our tablemates arrived minus one. The parent was MIA. The ACSO reported that the parent had too much to drink and was passed out. Um....ok. Whatever. They said she had a *good day*. This alerted me for two reasons. One, even if parent was passed out, why would you tell almost total strangers. Tell us parent is sick, anything really. And two, it was said so matter of fact, this clearly wasn't the first time it's happened. This is when I started to feel bad for tween. Tween was a little over the top as far as needing attention but this started to explain why. Absentee parents make for attention seeking kids. Working in mental health is a curse and a blessing.

Tween and friend of tween were kind and friendly to Joshua and he enjoyed their company. AC seemed a little off, medicated maybe, couldn't quite tell. ACSO had had a few drinks. No judgement there. I like to imbibe. The plot thickens......

I had heard very mixed reviews on both Parrot Cay and the pirate night menu. I was impressed by both. It's a good time. My advice to any newbies reading this, don't skip pirate night dinner. Find out for yourself. :goodvibes






Joshua ordered the non-alcoholic Drink of the Day. I ordered something with rum per usual. A Mai Tai I believe.


For appetizers, Joshua ordered Black Beard's Jumbo Crab Cake and loved it:


I ordered the corn chowder from the kids' menu which was delicious but required lots of pepper:


For my entree I ordered Jack Sparrow's BBQ marinated Beef Short Ribs at the suggestion of Ozzy. Sorry the pic is blurry. It was delicious but fairly fatty.


And Joshua ordered the Treasure of the Seas Grilled Shrimp and Seared Scallops over pasta. Shocking I know. He devoured it.


During dinner AC was looking very green. AC said it was because of the waves, the ship was rocking. I don't know that I believed that as AC arrived looking and sounding a little slurry. I offered AC and ACSO to allow tween and friend of tween to stay and finish dinner with us. This was my second clue that the dynamics were definitely off with this bunch. Joshua was happy they stayed and they seemed to have fun. Good kids. I feel very badly for tween and hope they get out before its too late. More to come on this....

We enjoyed dinner and the chatter was plentiful. :grouphug:

After dinner but before dessert the dancing part of dinner ensued. Arjay got Joshua to join in. Miracle!



Because of the pirate dessert and our drinks, we were too full to enjoy dessert. We wanted to save what room we had left for homemade crepes!

I'm going to pause here and allow Pam to catch up with her version of dinner. She's on her cruise now, lucky duck!

To be continued.......

What an interesting update.

Firstly, you look incredible in your pirate get-up. LOVE it!

I also love the look of the Pirate dinner and it sounds like a fun evening.

But AC and ACSO......yikes. I have a feeling that this is not going to turn out good.
Love the pirate gear!

Yep, table mates are starting to sound ominous.....
What a HOTTIE Pirate you are girlfriend! :thumbsup2 Great job on all the pirate attire- I am so glad you went to Pirate night. People who have never been skip it? That's too bad- I skip it know because I have been a pirate so many times that now I don't wanna be a pirate (Catch the Seinfeld reference?)- I'd rather go to Palo or Remy instead. But newbies MUST go! Way too much fun to miss-

So glad Joshua was joining in with stuff. Although I know you must have really loved all that Mommy and Me time you were getting- I know I treasure it when it happens around here, most definitely.

So on the mixology- I have done it twice, once on the Dream, once the Fantasy, both times we all mixed all the drinks- we took turns doing it. In the martini class and the Italian Cocktails class (on the Fantasy- it is EXCELLENT) they were pre-mixed. So- I think you need to go on one of those ships next time. :thumbsup2 I will be curious to see if how mixology goes for us when we are on the Wonder this summer (if we do it). Mixing or non mixing. A mystery I can't wait to solve! :laughing: It is so nice you got to hang with all the women you were chatting with pre-cruise. I love that part. :love:

Can't wait to hear what happens at dinner tomorrow night! YIKES! I feel bad for the tween, too- :sad1:
Hot pirate mama! Nice!

Like others have said, the tablemates are sounding ominous...some foreshadowing perhaps.

Enjoy your TR, very well done!
You do make one hot pirate momma! Josh is so cute in his pirate Goofy ears! Eeek on the tablemate drama. I really do feel sorry for the kids.

Looks like a great day/night so far!

Jill in CO
What an interesting update.

Firstly, you look incredible in your pirate get-up. LOVE it!

I also love the look of the Pirate dinner and it sounds like a fun evening.

But AC and ACSO......yikes. I have a feeling that this is not going to turn out good.

Thanks! :goodvibes I felt like a chunky monkey so thanks fr the kind words. I am not kidding when I say that 2 days later, I would;t have been able to squeeze into it. So. Much. Food.

Pirate night really is so much fun. It's festive.

::yes:: The table mate saga gets much more intense for sure. Not with us persay but for them.​

This post made me so excited. I have my pirate night outfit all planned out! :thumbsup2

:banana: Tell me about your costume. I loved getting into it.​

Love the pirate gear!

Yep, table mates are starting to sound ominous.....


Ominous indeed.​

What a HOTTIE Pirate you are girlfriend! :thumbsup2 Great job on all the pirate attire- I am so glad you went to Pirate night. People who have never been skip it? That's too bad- I skip it know because I have been a pirate so many times that now I don't wanna be a pirate (Catch the Seinfeld reference?)- I'd rather go to Palo or Remy instead. But newbies MUST go! Way too much fun to miss-

Thanks girl! Loved being a wench for the night. ;)

:thumbsup2 I totally get skipping if you've been but sometimes I think this board does a little bit of a disservice because newbies, like myself, may not be willing to try something or attend something based on multi-cruisers having been there, done that sorta thing. You dig what I'm saying?​

So glad Joshua was joining in with stuff. Although I know you must have really loved all that Mommy and Me time you were getting- I know I treasure it when it happens around here, most definitely.

The cruise ended up being a great mix of mommy/son time and friend time for each of us.​

So on the mixology- I have done it twice, once on the Dream, once the Fantasy, both times we all mixed all the drinks- we took turns doing it. In the martini class and the Italian Cocktails class (on the Fantasy- it is EXCELLENT) they were pre-mixed. So- I think you need to go on one of those ships next time. :thumbsup2 I will be curious to see if how mixology goes for us when we are on the Wonder this summer (if we do it). Mixing or non mixing. A mystery I can't wait to solve! :laughing: It is so nice you got to hang with all the women you were chatting with pre-cruise. I love that part. :love:

Hanging with the ladies was the best part. It was nice to know I could relax, chat, get a little buzz, and that Joshua was safe. Cruises cannot be beat for the containment factor. I would totally do a Mixology again no matter what ship. I'd love to cruise the Magic next. The bigger ships scare me. :laughing:

Can't wait to hear what happens at dinner tomorrow night! YIKES! I feel bad for the tween, too- :sad1:

Their insanity bleeds way into dinner, the next day, CC, the ship. :scared1:

Hot pirate mama! Nice!

Like others have said, the tablemates are sounding ominous...some foreshadowing perhaps.

Enjoy your TR, very well done!


You do make one hot pirate momma! Josh is so cute in his pirate Goofy ears! Eeek on the tablemate drama. I really do feel sorry for the kids.

Looks like a great day/night so far!

Jill in CO

You guys are too kind. :goodvibes Loved the Ears too. I know he'll wear them again to the parks which I love.​
My goodness thats a hot Pirate

Great TR i have the Wonder booked for December and I am really enjoying the TR with all the pics of this beautiful ship....and that beautiful Pirate too
Your writing style is awesome, love your sense of humor! :rotfl2:
I can't wait for another update, I wanna know what happens with the table mates, they sound like an interesting group! :scared:
You need to go on another cruise though, like soon. I'm dreading the day this report ends, so another trip must be taken promptly so I will have something to read! :upsidedow
Ah, yes, the plot thickens. Sorry for the poor tween. People really should have to get a license to have a child. There are so many wonderful parents out there, but so many who should never have stepped into that role. It will be interesting to hear what happens the next night.

I love your Pirate costume. Perhaps we should actually try a Pirate night. We've always skipped it because Fran has not felt quite up to being "piratey". Also I've heard a rumor that they are going to discontinue Pirate night and change it to Star Wars night. With the new movie coming out, perhaps they are trying to capitalize on that. I'll have to see how the "rumors" from the mill that they are coming from turn out. Then I'll know whether or not to trust future rumors.

I'm so glad that you and Joshua had such a great time together and with Pam. I'm not sure how many days she has a WDW after the cruise. I think she is staying at the BCV for a few days.
I'm loving the dual trip report! I'll be sad when it's over :(. Can't wait to hear more on these table mates.
My goodness thats a hot Pirate

Great TR i have the Wonder booked for December and I am really enjoying the TR with all the pics of this beautiful ship....and that beautiful Pirate too

:blush: Thank you. I agree, the Wonder is gorgeous. I can't believe its as old as it is.​

Your writing style is awesome, love your sense of humor! :rotfl2:
I can't wait for another update, I wanna know what happens with the table mates, they sound like an interesting group! :scared:
You need to go on another cruise though, like soon. I'm dreading the day this report ends, so another trip must be taken promptly so I will have something to read! :upsidedow

I like that idea! DCL just sent me a 10% off to rebook by June 4. I need to figure out the cancelation policy. I wish they'd bring back a west coast cruise.​

Ah, yes, the plot thickens. Sorry for the poor tween. People really should have to get a license to have a child. There are so many wonderful parents out there, but so many who should never have stepped into that role. It will be interesting to hear what happens the next night.

Agree 100%. Parent was okay, nice but fractured. I mean, we are all fractured to some degree but the dynamics were super off with this crew. Therapist hat OFF! :rotfl:

I love your Pirate costume. Perhaps we should actually try a Pirate night. We've always skipped it because Fran has not felt quite up to being "piratey". Also I've heard a rumor that they are going to discontinue Pirate night and change it to Star Wars night. With the new movie coming out, perhaps they are trying to capitalize on that. I'll have to see how the "rumors" from the mill that they are coming from turn out. Then I'll know whether or not to trust future rumors.

You've never done pirate night, not even the dinner? What do you do instead? Star Wars night would be fun too. Costumes will be a little more difficult but I like the idea. You really should give pirate night a try on your next cruise.​

I'm so glad that you and Joshua had such a great time together and with Pam. I'm not sure how many days she has a WDW after the cruise. I think she is staying at the BCV for a few days.

I'm not sure either. I can't even imagine how much fun they're having. SO jealous!​

I'm loving the dual trip report! I'll be sad when it's over :(. Can't wait to hear more on these table mates.

:thanks: Its fun to write. Pam will be back soon. I may update the pirate party part before she gets back. :goodvibes
:blush: Thank you. I agree, the Wonder is gorgeous. I can't believe its as old as it is.
I like that idea! DCL just sent me a 10% off to rebook by June 4. I need to figure out the cancelation policy. I wish they'd bring back a west coast cruise.​


You can cancel a cruise up until the date when the finale payment is due. Usually 75-100 days out depending on the cruise. You also can move the booking once and still keep the discount.
You've never done pirate night, not even the dinner? What do you do instead? Star Wars night would be fun too. Costumes will be a little more difficult but I like the idea. You really should give pirate night a try on your next cruise.​

We've gone to Palo on the two cruises we've taken since they started Pirate Night. Fran was really sick on the first one we took (still dealing withot the major leg wound and wound graft), and by the second one she was almost ready to be released, but still not released for water sports.

Having open wounds on both trips, she didn't feel up to doing a Pirate party. Maybe in Oct/Nov we will.
Rumor on the DCL board is that fall 2015 itineraries will be released next week. Supposedly something surprising!

Jill in CO
You can cancel a cruise up until the date when the finale payment is due. Usually 75-100 days out depending on the cruise. You also can move the booking once and still keep the discount.

Cancel without penalty? And keep the discount? :thumbsup2 Hmmm.....​

We've gone to Palo on the two cruises we've taken since they started Pirate Night. Fran was really sick on the first one we took (still dealing withot the major leg wound and wound graft), and by the second one she was almost ready to be released, but still not released for water sports.

Having open wounds on both trips, she didn't feel up to doing a Pirate party. Maybe in Oct/Nov we will.

Oh yes, I know she was so ill. :( Maybe try the pirate dinner and dessert buffet and skip the party. Hopefully she'll be 100% for your next cruise. :goodvibes

Rumor on the DCL board is that fall 2015 itineraries will be released next week. Supposedly something surprising!

Jill in CO

I saw your FB!!! :woohoo: West coast girl! I'd love a Mexican Riviera cruise. Michael loves Mexico. We could drive to the port. It would save us a bundle. Ellen was pricing some cruises for me but the timing was bad ($). I've now got my 10% off and if its somewhere good, we may be booking. Next week Monday or next week Friday? :hyper:
I saw your FB!!! :woohoo: West coast girl! I'd love a Mexican Riviera cruise. Michael loves Mexico. We could drive to the port. It would save us a bundle. Ellen was pricing some cruises for me but the timing was bad ($). I've now got my 10% off and if its somewhere good, we may be booking. Next week Monday or next week Friday? :hyper:

I'm pretty sure DCL's Facebook page had a post today saying it would be Monday. Or at least they strongly implied it!


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