Yikes! DS's Bus Got In An Accident!


Aug 7, 2000
Luckily it was just a fender bender, but nothing like giving me a heart attack!
Coincidentally, DH happened to be home at pick up time today because we had a meeting. He went out to the bus stop, while I stayed in with other DS's therapist. After a while they werent back and I got concerned. I guess another bus that drives by here stopped and told the parents waiting the bus got in an accident, so DH had to go pick up DS. Seems like everyone is fine, but hearing that your kids bus got in an accident is like a nightmare come true. The funny part is the bus was so early this morning that the kids all missed it. It does come back down this way once it turns around so the driver stopped on his way back to pick them up. What a day with this bus service! :rolleyes:
Very scary!!! Glad to know that no one was hurt though!
That's very scary. I'm so glad your son wasn't injured.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} Glad everyone is ok!
I'm glad your son and everyone else was okay. :)


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