Yes, We're Satisfied With Our Care! October 2015 TR **NEW 8/21 Final Thoughts

Yeah, I kind of wondered how he'd handle it. Even if he likes dinosaurs that could be a little bit intimidating.

It was all because in the preshow they show you the ride vehicle and he took one look at that and started to get scared and said the car was toooo wobbly. :rotfl2: and that I needed to get him out of here. It was one of those things that he just wasn't convinced we were not going to ride it until we got outside. Like I was going to force him on or something. He just kept saying I want to get out of here, I want to get out of here. I was trying to calm him down and explain that we had to wait for the CM to escort us out. It just wasn't happening fast enough for him. I'm just glad we were not in line to get in the time rover before he decided not to ride and would have had to walk through the rover to get out. :rotfl:
It was all because in the preshow they show you the ride vehicle and he took one look at that and started to get scared and said the car was toooo wobbly. :rotfl2: and that I needed to get him out of here. It was one of those things that he just wasn't convinced we were not going to ride it until we got outside. Like I was going to force him on or something. He just kept saying I want to get out of here, I want to get out of here. I was trying to calm him down and explain that we had to wait for the CM to escort us out. It just wasn't happening fast enough for him. I'm just glad we were not in line to get in the time rover before he decided not to ride and would have had to walk through the rover to get out. :rotfl:
Well, I guess if the car at Test Track is too fast for him, then it would make sense that car for Dinosaur is too wobbly! :rotfl2:
How adorable is your DD!! Loved the pics with Minnie & Minnie - esp the one with Minnie holding your son's hand :love: Such cute kids!! I love that you got a chance to go on EE too! Whenever I read TR's where parents do the baby swap, I wish I was a Fairy Godmother and could be there to magically watch little ones so parents could enjoy rides together (but alas I haven't been granted my magical wand!)
Love the picture of the Tree of Life! We've never gotten close enough to really explore it.

Did DS like It's Tough To Be A Bug? I keep debating on taking the boys on it. I can't decide if they will love it because they like bugs or be completely terrified.

Cute picture with Mickey and Minnie. DD's face is too funny! So much confusion.

I'm with DS on Dinosaur. One and done for me. It was way too rough and had a weird smell the entire time. But it sounds like you had a fun ride on EE and a little me time - always nice!!
Cute outfit on DD for her AK morning!

Well, DS made it to the pre-show part of Dinosaur, at least! Baby steps, right?

Front row on EE is my favorite! I love that you got yourself an ice cream before rejoining the husband and kids. Gotta take advantage of the solo time when you can...
Super cute! What a happy girl!

What?! I had no idea this was here! Does it do anything?

Even smiling in her sleep...adorable!


Love all the pretty safari pictures!

Aw, bummer on the change of plans! Glad you got a ride and Mickey bar in between feedings, though.

She was pretty happy on that trip! I was glad to be able to catch a few of her little smiles.

I thought I had failed to be observant on past trips and missed this, but you were not the only one to seem surprised. Maybe it is new?? I don't think it did anything!

It was quite a bit of action on the safari! It took everyone by surprise when they took off running across the road.

I know DH was really disappointed because he has been looking forward to taking DS on that ride for ages. But I know it's scary to me, and I'm an adult who knows none of it is real!! lol I can't even imagine what it's like in his little brain trying to process it all.

I loved seeing all your pics on Instagram! Can't wait to read the TR :)

Love all the close ups of the Tree of Life- so much beautiful detail!

Great safari pics! It's always special when you get to see the cheetahs or the lions!

PP got some great interaction photos of you guys with Mickey & Minnie!

Aww I'm sorry DS chickened out on Dinosaur :( Hopefully another trip he will be ready!

Thanks!! Glad you enjoyed them. It was a great trip!!

The Tree of Life is my second favorite park icon after the Castle, of course. It is truly incredible all of the detail they managed to put in there!

I love seeing the big cats up in action! They are my favorite part of the safari.

I was really happy with the Photopass pictures from that meet, and the amount of time Mickey & Minnie took with us! It didn't feel like some of the other meets where they shoo you in and out.

I was more bummed for DH because he had really been looking forward to taking DS on this now that he is 40".

Cute, and glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't buckle the stroller buckles lol

Love these pics!! The tree of life is gorgeous. On our next long trip (sometime next year) I plan to spend a slow paced day at AK and really soak in details.

So sweet with her looking at mickey!

You guys didn't get rider swaps for stuff? Bummer Paxton didn't want to ride although it is pretty scary (not sure how I got Aria to agree to a second ride in May lol)

Lol! That had to change for May! She was ALL over the place, so the straps were a must! But it was definitely nice for that trip to just stick her in and not really have to worry about her going anywhere. Those were the days...

We ended up spending a lot more time at AK in February, which was nice because sometimes I think we just get too hot and end up calling it day early. When the weather was cooler and when we were right there at AKL it was easy to pop over for even just a little while. It ended up becoming a favorite of DS's! He loves all the activities they have for him to do there, like the boneyard and Wilderness Explorers, and the Lion Guard thing they had in February.

No telling what she was thinking!! lol But it ended up making for a sweet picture.

We did usually do rider swap, but this is not a ride I was interested in doing. I tried to convince DH to let the CM know what had happened and see if they would let him use his FP anyway, but he didn't want to. He had been looking forward to riding it with DS more than he had been looking forward to the actual ride!

Is Dug's collar new? I don't think I have ever seen it before

I love how your DD is smiling while she sleeps!

I don't think I have ever seen more than one cheetah out on the Safari - I think I assumed they only had one, so that was cool you saw that!

great meet with Mickey and Minnie!

Well, your DD has gotten further than me as we have never ridden Dinosaur - always has a wait and other rides had higher priority and just no one else in the family has expressed interest ... and now I think it will be down for maintenance during our July trip. Oh well, at least I've done Indy at DLR!

I love the boneyard area!

You know, I'm not really sure! I had never noticed it before but I thought that was just from me failing to pay attention.

It is one of the sweetest things! She doesn't do it much anymore, so I'm glad I got a few pictures of it on this trip.

I think I had been on the Safari at least 5 or 6 times before I even knew there were cheetahs on there. It's crazy how well they can hide!

Indiana Jones is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Dinosaur, so you got the better end of the deal if you are only able to do one of them! The video of the ride vehicle freaked him out so much that he didn't make it past that point!

For a play area, it is REALLY well done. I love that the dig site is nice and shaded so it's not like you're baking in the sun while you try to figure out how you're going to pry your kid away from it. lol
I can relate. I'm way behind on the Dis. I'm glad you're all feeling better.

Great picture!

I didn't either. I think it was our last visit to AK when the driver pointed them out off in the distance under a tree that I first realized they were even there.

Yeah, I kind of wondered how he'd handle it. Even if he likes dinosaurs that could be a little bit intimidating.

We spent a weekend at the beach with a bunch of my family and I was hoping I'd have a little time to sneak away and catch up on TRs but...NO INTERNET!

Yeah, what's up with that?? It seems like they do so much for the other animals to keep them out in the foreground, but the cheetahs are always chilling way back far away from the trail under some trees??

I was never optimistic, but DH had him pretty pumped up, so I thought at best, he'd ride it and hate it. I didn't think he wouldn't get past the preshow! But it's been a long time since I have done the attraction myself, so I totally forgot what they show you before you board the vehicle.

Love the picture of the Tree of Life! We've never gotten close enough to really explore it.

Did DS like It's Tough To Be A Bug? I keep debating on taking the boys on it. I can't decide if they will love it because they like bugs or be completely terrified.

Cute picture with Mickey and Minnie. DD's face is too funny! So much confusion.

I'm with DS on Dinosaur. One and done for me. It was way too rough and had a weird smell the entire time. But it sounds like you had a fun ride on EE and a little me time - always nice!!

It's worth checking out if you're ever just taking your time around AK. It's so cool to see all of the different animals carved into it. I can't wait to check out the Awakening show on our adults only trip this summer!

He did like it! I hate it personally because I don't like bugs and I don't like hearing things moving around in the dark, which part of the show is. Part of it did make him a little nervous, and he has only seen the movie once a long time ago, so he wasn't really familiar with the characters either. But he has asked to do it since, so he didn't hate it.

Haha I would LOVE to know what was going through her little mind during that meet!!

UGH, I hate Dinosaur!! It's jerky, and I find it pretty scary!! I definitely prefer the kind of thrills on Everest over Dinosaur anyday!

Cute outfit on DD for her AK morning!

Well, DS made it to the pre-show part of Dinosaur, at least! Baby steps, right?

Front row on EE is my favorite! I love that you got yourself an ice cream before rejoining the husband and kids. Gotta take advantage of the solo time when you can...

Thanks!! I actually remember picking it out at the store and saying to DH, "This would be perfect for AK!"

Haha! Yes, baby steps!!

The absolute best thing I can think of to do with 5 minutes alone is enjoy a Mickey bar!!!
How adorable is your DD!! Loved the pics with Minnie & Minnie - esp the one with Minnie holding your son's hand :love: Such cute kids!! I love that you got a chance to go on EE too! Whenever I read TR's where parents do the baby swap, I wish I was a Fairy Godmother and could be there to magically watch little ones so parents could enjoy rides together (but alas I haven't been granted my magical wand!)

Thank you!! It was such a fun meet! I would love to know what was going through her mind seeing Mickey & Minnie coming towards her. lol

That would be a great service for Disney to provide to parent swappers!! DH and I are really looking forward to our long weekend adults only trip in July because we will finally get to ride things together again. It was nice in February traveling with so much family because it gave us a few opportunities to ride just the two of us, or to ride together with DS.
Day 7 Continued: Friday October 23rd

When I left off, DD and I were headed to Baby Care while DH and DS had some more fun in Dinoland. First stop was a spin on Triceratops Spin.

They met me at Baby Care as DD and I were finishing up, and we went over to Africa to catch the 3 pm showing of Festival of the Lion King. It was our first time seeing it in the new theater!

DD made it almost all the way through the show, but her and I ended up having to sneak out towards the end because she was getting fussy. DH and DS met us at the stroller, and we decided we were about ready to head out for the day. We were hot and tired by that point!

We stopped for a couple of Photopass pics on the way out. There was one by the entrance to the bridge to Africa, and then down the pathway to the left of the bridge we saw Terk was out meeting! DS didn’t want to meet Terk, but DD and I did. First, some with our camera.

This photographer pulled DS off to the side for a couple closeups of him that came out super cute!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
I was impressed with how well he did the surprised faces!

And one of DD.

Terk loved DD!

Oct 07-157
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-159
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
I stopped in Starbucks to get a big cup of ice water, which turned out to be the best decision! The plastic cups are so much sturdier there than the paper ones you get at the quick service places. When I came out, I found a sweet surprise! All day, we had passed by that character spot next to Starbucks and seen Br’er Rabbit out meeting, and all day I had been asking DS to meet him with me, but he didn’t want to. And despite how much I wanted my picture with him since Splash Mountain is my favorite ride in all of WDW (I was even wearing a Splash shirt that day!), the line was just always a little too long for me to feel like waiting by myself while DH and DS went to do something else. Well, when I came out of Starbucks, DS and DH were in line to meet him, and it had been DS’s idea! Br'er Rabbit loved my shirt, of course!

Oct 07-162
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-164
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-166
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-167
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
And the Photopass versions…

Continued in next post...
Day 7 Continued: Friday October 23rd

Then it was really REALLY time to go.

Oct 07-168
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-169
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-170
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Somehow, someway, we ended up scrapping the plan to go back to the resort and call it a very early night. Instead, we found ourselves here.

Oct 07-171
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Not a bad place to be, I think! But we didn’t have any big plans, just wanted to hang out for a bit. The first thing we did was head to a FP+ kiosk and see what was available. Not much, as it turned out, but not surprising. We picked up Spaceship Earth for 5:40 pm, then went to have dinner at Electric Umbrella. I tried to get DD to eat while we were there, but she was just not having it! I don’t know if she was just too hot and tired or what, but she fell asleep right after.

After dinner, we went over to Innoventions to play and check out the Visa meet & greet.

Oct 07-172
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-173
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

The line wasn’t long at all for the meet, so in just a few minutes, we were meeting Pluto & Minnie!

Oct 07-175
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-178
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-181
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oct 07-184
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Photopass versions!

After a fun meet, we were ready to use our FPs to ride Spaceship Earth, one of our favorites!

Continued in next post...
Day 7 Continued: Friday October 23rd

I think in my November TR I mentioned playing the 3D game after SE where you drop body parts from a conveyor belt to the body, and here we are playing.

Oct 07-216
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
So far, heading to Epcot had been a great choice! However, this is were the night takes a bit of a turn...

UP NEXT: Where the heck did you go?!
It has been forever, but I'm finally joining in very late. Cant wait to catch up :). Also wanted to say it was nice meeting you guys in Feb. I was one of the random people that ran into ya at AKL with my two boys. Once we got back we had to move into inlaws (we sold our house) and then a month and a half later move into our new home needless to say with all that and taking care of our two little guys we've been busy. Hope you guys had a great time on the rest of your trip.
Love the selfie of DH & DS, so cute!

Great pics of FOTLK! I'm sorry you had to miss the end though.

You got some great PP pics and what a surprise meeting Terk!

Br'er Rabbit! How cool!! I'm glad DS was willing to finally meet him. Great pics!

So funny that you guys ended up going to Epcot instead of back to the resort! Sounds like it was a great time and I love the Visa Spot pictures!
looks like a pretty fun time at Animal Kingdom - even if "leaving" too quite some time! Glad you got your meet in with Bre'r Rabbit - and those are some great solo photopass pics of your son!

Really like this one:

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
I was impressed with how well he did the surprised faces!

Seemed like a good time at EPCOT as well - gotta love a ride on SSE!

Sorry to hear things turned south though!
Fun afternoon at AK! I agree - that park always seems so "hot" to me and it wears me out more than the other 3.

Glad you got a chance to see FOTLK. I love that show and Jake actually sat through it this past trip!

I love that you ended up at Epcot "accidentally" fun! SSE is one of my favorite rides so I love all of the pictures. We love playing those games after too. The boys love the energy shuffleboard and racing games but I've never seen that 3D one. I'll have to look for it next time!

Uh oh...hope things turn out ok that night!
What a cute photo!!!!

Thank you!

It has been forever, but I'm finally joining in very late. Cant wait to catch up :). Also wanted to say it was nice meeting you guys in Feb. I was one of the random people that ran into ya at AKL with my two boys. Once we got back we had to move into inlaws (we sold our house) and then a month and a half later move into our new home needless to say with all that and taking care of our two little guys we've been busy. Hope you guys had a great time on the rest of your trip.

Great to have you along!! I'm SO glad you saw us & said hi in February. It was wonderful to meet you too after interacting for so long here on the boards!

WOW! Sounds like you have had quite the busy few months! And with 2 kids, I can only imagine. I'm terribly behind on my TRs too, but this will be the first weekend in awhile we don't have a lot going on, so I'm hoping I can start catching up. We had a great trip! In fact, I'm working on getting some typed up ahead so I can get the TR started, and just wrote about our impromptu meetup! Hope y'all enjoyed the rest of your trip as well.

Love the selfie of DH & DS, so cute!

Great pics of FOTLK! I'm sorry you had to miss the end though.

You got some great PP pics and what a surprise meeting Terk!

Br'er Rabbit! How cool!! I'm glad DS was willing to finally meet him. Great pics!

So funny that you guys ended up going to Epcot instead of back to the resort! Sounds like it was a great time and I love the Visa Spot pictures!

It kind of sucked having to duck out of the show before the end, but at least I have seen it plenty of times before so I didn't miss much. And it was the only time we had to do that, thankfully!

We got really lucky with the random character meets that day. I was pretty impressed with the character selection at AK that trip! Seeing Br'er Rabbit was AWESOME since I have never gotten pictures with any of the Br'ers before. I remember seeing Br'er Bear on our honeymoon out meeting at AK but we didn't stop to take a picture with him because it didn't even occur to me what a rare character he is. Still so mad at myself for that!

looks like a pretty fun time at Animal Kingdom - even if "leaving" too quite some time! Glad you got your meet in with Bre'r Rabbit - and those are some great solo photopass pics of your son!

Really like this one:

Seemed like a good time at EPCOT as well - gotta love a ride on SSE!

Sorry to hear things turned south though!

Sometimes it just takes SO long to leave a park once we decide to leave, but in this case, it worked out even better because we got to see some rare characters!

He did SO good with the solo pics! Which is great for him, considering how most of the time when we stop for Photopass he does this weird grimace thing, usually with his eyes looking off to the side. lol

It's so funny how things I thought were so boring and lame as a kid like the PeopleMover and SSE are now some of my favorite things to do in WDW!

Fun afternoon at AK! I agree - that park always seems so "hot" to me and it wears me out more than the other 3.

Glad you got a chance to see FOTLK. I love that show and Jake actually sat through it this past trip!

I love that you ended up at Epcot "accidentally" fun! SSE is one of my favorite rides so I love all of the pictures. We love playing those games after too. The boys love the energy shuffleboard and racing games but I've never seen that 3D one. I'll have to look for it next time!

Uh oh...hope things turn out ok that night!

I don't know what it is about that park, but maybe it's because there is so much foliage that the breeze can't come through?? I don't know, it just always seems 100 degrees hotter there than anywhere else. lol

Awesome that Jake made it through the whole show! It can be so tough for the little ones to sit through those longer shows unless it REALLY grabs their attention!

We have realized that accidentally ending up at a park can result in some of the best times!! This was especially true in February when we accidentally ended up at AK and had one of the best evenings of the entire trip. The 3D one is right by the exit doors to the left of that big screen of the map of the world that you come to when you exit. There's one on each side! DS likes the shuffle board one too, but I have always managed to keep him away from the driving one because then he would NEVER want to leave!!! lol
How cool that you got to meet Br'er Rabbit, and you were wearing a Splash t-shirt! You guys all got some lovely photo pass pictures that day. Your DS really has that surprise face down, love it!
Great pictures in that mix! Looks like everyone was having a lot of fun!

It ended up being a really fun day! Especially with the change of plans and heading to Epcot.

How cool that you got to meet Br'er Rabbit, and you were wearing a Splash t-shirt! You guys all got some lovely photo pass pictures that day. Your DS really has that surprise face down, love it!

It was perfect timing to see him for the first time ever while wearing my Splash shirt!

I was SO impressed with his surprise face! Usually trying to get him to take pictures is a real challenge since h likes to do some sort of grimace most of the time. lol


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