Yeah! I finally a deal!!!!


Earning My Ears
Mar 20, 2001
Yeah, I finally got a deal for the All-star resorts. I could only get 4 days, not the 5 I wanted, but I did get the 69.00 a day deal!!! Got a great CM at disney who helped me alot. Just to let ya know, they also quoted me Dixie Landing/Port Orleans for $119 instead of $159 and Wilderness Cabins for $169 instead of $254. This is in June too. Yeahhh.. thanks for all the help everyone!!! Now I can stay On Disney atleast most of the trip without it breaking me totally. lol.
Please e-mail me ( and let me know what code or discount did you use to get the offer of Dixie/Port O. for 119.00. If its the one I think it is, everytime I call and use it for that resort or CB,etc, they tell me it keeps coming up at the reg. price even when they put in the code. What dates in June were you asking for and what was the code or discount.

I got PO Riverside for $119 a night for November. I didn't have a code, just asked if there were any discounts. I had called a few days before and they quoted me a higher rate. :)


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