Would you/ Do you work for less because its something you really love?


Old timer
Nov 3, 2000
Ive been in the same field for over 15 years and Im burnt out but the money is pretty good. I have been involved in youth sports and have loved working with the kids and I love to organize things.

There is an opening at a Rec Dept in a town near ours that would have me working less hours (more time to volunteer) and doing what I think I really want to do. The big downfall is it is a big whack in pay. We have worked hard and have most things we want and need but would not be able to have a lot of extras from here on out if I were to change jobs. With my children being 8 and 11 I am looking at college and hoping/wondering how we will do it.

I know its not as simple as "What would you do?" but What would you do? I have a lot of questions to ask myself.
If you can financially afford to do it, I say go for it, and follow your heart. (I know that is overly simplistic, but it is what I think).

We are hoping in another 3 or so years to be at a place where one of us DH or myself can jump off the treadmill and do something we love.

Good Luck Kevin with whatever you decide, it's a tough one!
Hey Kev,
Boy do I know the feeling. I have been at my ame job for 15 years too. Lots of depressing events, lots of sadness and not enough rewards, and I do not mean monitary ones.

I could teach elsewhere for a big cut in pay..$15 to 20K and not have the problems, and safety risks. I can't because of money too. My oldest DD will enter private middle school next year, and me taking another job would mean much less travel and a lot less extras :( So unless something comes up, I wil still be there.

SO my answer...no I wouldn't... :(
I kind of do now. I could make a lot more money. With DW working full time though it would create huge babysitting problems.. plus I like the company I am with now.. it's very easygoing and how many jobs will let you leave at 2 once a week during soccer season to coach?
I do too. When I worked in a large hair salon, I charged a lot more than I do now. Of course, I'm not on commission either but we still charged a lot of $ where I used to be compared to what I charge. But I love my work and (sorry Dad) I ain't in it for the money. LOL

DH left his job 2 years ago for less money and then changed jobs again and was making less still. But in October, doors were opened and he was offered a higher paying job than the original. You never know what doors may be opened for you.
After 20 years of doing hair, I have had my own periods of burnout. They usually pass for me & then return but so far I have ignored them.

Good luck to you. Those are tough decisions esp. when you are providing for a family.
Yes. To me the benefits to my mental health and my families well being outweigh the money. I left a teaching job where I made quite a bit more than I do now (not that I made a huge amount:rolleyes: ) but it was a stressful situation and the time commitments and stress weren't good for either myself or my family. I changed jobs and while I make less I love my job and the people I work with.
I have a job that I absolutely love, which pays probably less than 1/2 of what I could be making. But the job is important to me - the personal rewards truly outweigh anything else. I am able to give something to my community. And it's a job I could not do somewhere else - at least not in the private sector.
My job makes me realize how very lucky I am. And I know that I'm doing the right thing with my life at this point.
I hope that you are able to figure out what is best for you in the long run.
Good luck!
Definately. I work in education...not the highest paying field out there. I do student activities and leadership training at a college. If I took what I do and did it out in the corporate world, (training and development or event planning) I could make a whole lot more. But I don't even though I have had some offers. Why, because I enjoy working with college students. I like helping them and feel that I can relate to them. I like watching them succeed and know I might just have a little to do with that success. To me, those are worth more than what a corporate job would pay.
HUGS kev! I'm sure it won't be an easy decision.

The only words of wisdom I can offer is something my dad keeps reminding me..... Growing up he worked a lot of hours and traveled a LOT. He made good money because of it. We had the material things we wanted. However, he missed out on spending time with us and us with him. He thought back then .....and mostly fueled by us kids and our mom as well that the big expensive vacations were much better than those less expensive camping trips. We were wrong........ My Dad has said repeatedly, now that both my brother and I are grown, if he could do it over again he'd work for less money and not worry about so many extras and worry more about the quality time spent together.

It's a tough call though especially if you're use to the extras. The only area that would concern me based on what you've said would be funding their college education. Then again.......my dad had the job he did with the extra money but they weren't good about saving. I was told he could afford approx 5 grand a year the rest was up to me. If I wanted a state school it would have been mostly paid for. I wanted a private school so finding the rest of the money to pay7 for it was up to me. It wasn't a bad way to go either because I really valued my education! If someone wants to go to school bad enough there are ways of finding funding.

I hope you find the answer to your dilema and that you are happy my friend!
Originally posted by NancyIL
Well, Kevin, I can recommend a book that your library probably carries: Your Money Or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/A...2513779/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/002-0653410-1060822

Good luck with your decision. :)
Yes, an AMAZING book! I loved that read!

Yes, I have heard of many people that stop the rat race and do what they love.. they are more productive at the job they love, are able to give back to the community, and better lifestyles.. mind you the lifestyle may not be better because of money, but in the things that count... more time with kids, etc.

I have heard countless stories in my church where successfull doctors throughout the world.. gave up the careers with all the trappings..(fancy house, import cars, etc...) and helped start up a hospital in Phenom Pehn Cambodia... and they are thrilled with their decision.. taking a 60-80% pay CUT!!!!

I know of someone who was a CFO of a major company in Tokyo, Japan.. you've heard of it. He had it all, fancy house, nice cars, money, etc.. but wasn't happy. He was recruited to become a development coordinator.. for a non profit firm. We all know what non profit pays... (thats why they are non profits... :) ). He makes piddly compared to what he was doing.. but he is THRILLED beyond belief!
I could get a job paying anywhere from 20-60K MORE than what I make now. But I'd have to travel (or move). The job I have now, the people really are appreciative of me and are great people. And I get lots of benefits (including being about to DIS as often as I want;) ). My job is very convenient for my kids schedules and is close to where I live. The downside is everyone knows who I am.:eek: If they say "see Shannon", people take that literally and come by to see me.:eek::teeth: Last week, I think everyone and their brother took it literally.:eek:

LOL! I heard a rumor a couple of weeks ago several people I work with (including my boss) are scared I'll leave soon for bigger and better job opportunities. I didn't realize I was looking.:confused::teeth: My boss was kinda upset about that prospect.
I did and still do.

I left a very high paying, high stress job for one with fewer hours, a lot less money but the same amount of responsibility because it was important for me to have more time at home and to work at a job I believed in. I stayed with it until the company folded because I believed in the mission.

The job I have now is great. Icould make lots more money than what I make now...but the hours would be longer, the stress level higher, less comp and benefit time, and less time with my daughter. I'll have plenty of time to make up for it when I feel compelled to do so. Currently I make a good living and have the time and energy to enjoy it so I'm not feeling pushed to change my situation.

I still make less money than I did 4 years ago but I enjoy my life far more now. And that's something I can't really put a price on.

Good luck on your decision.
I absolutely do! When I was in exile in Fort Worth, I had a job that paid a lot of money, but I was absolutely miserable. I had to stay on because we really needed the money. Since we moved back to Houston (almost a year ago, seems like last month), I got back with my old company, and got on with another division. I love my job, I love the girls I work with, but the pay is :( . I wouldn't trade it for the world, though, because I don't ever want to be stuck in such an unhappy situation again. It's a good thing that DH makes good money!
It's really golden when you love what you do for a living - too many people in the world are forced to settle for something that pays a lot, but is unfulfilling or unrewarding to them - my dad is one of those people. After growing up and seeing him come home from his job day after day, I swore I would always try to work in a place in which I was happy.
Honestly, if you had no kids I'd immediately say to go for it! But with two young kids the decision becomes much more complex. If I were you, I think I'd apply for the Rec job, and if you get it, I'd also try to pick up two nights a week at Lowe's or another easy-to-work-at retail place. My friends and I have done stints at Lowe's and found it a very easy, fun place to work. Take all the money you make there and immediately bank it long-term. It works out to about $320/month after-tax for 12 hours (2 nights, 5 to 11) a week @ $10/hr. If you bank that you'll save $3840/year. Continue working and saving until your 11-year-old is ready for college at 18, and at 5% return a year (probably an overly conservative estimate), you'll have $36,600 for tuition. There are definitely ways to work the job you love and save $ for college. Good luck Klombar!
I dont think this will be an easy decision. I recently took a job as a HS teacher and the whack in pay was incredible. But I am doing somehting I enjoy doing and have more quality time at home. I used to work 2 and 3 jobs to have things I wanted but now prefer to work less and make more productive use of my free time.

Anyway with the less hours couldnt you get a second job and myabe not volunteer as much if money is an issue???

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