worth it????


DIS Veteran
Dec 29, 2000
we have ressies at 2 hotels for our trip 3-3-01 thru 3-8-01. I have to decide this week which to keep and which to cancel. 1st is hawthorn suites orlando by sea world. we got a rate of 64.50/nite with free breakfast buffet each day. The other is doubletree suites at downtown disney. this rate is 134.10/nite and includes early entry into the parks each day. We have never stayed on site, and I would really like to, but I just can't decide if EE and being really close is worth the extra $$. We have 2 ad and 4 kids going. kids are ages 16, 13, 11, and 7. the rooms are very similar, so that isn't much of a factor. Any advice on this would be VERY welcome. also if anyone has any firsthand knowledge of either of these hotels, I would appreciate it. I have changed ressies about 6 times so far and I really need to finalize my plans. Also, how should the crowds be at this time of year? this may factor in to my hotel decision!! sorry this is so long and THANKS!!!
If my only choice was between the two I'd pick the cheaper and spend the extra $ on other things. Of course I rarely do early entry even when I stay on site.

I don't know what state you're from but with some of the great state discounts you could get two rooms at the All Stars for what the Downtown Disney hotel would cost. You'd have great transportation and all the perks. You might try a search.

Not much help am I!


Tact - A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense. Webster's Dictionary
AFAIC, the Hotel Boulevard hotels are not really "on-site". You don't get that same 24/7 Disney magic as a real Disney resort. EE and E-Ticket are nice perks, but not worth more than double the price. If you are "morning people", then maybe the extra 1.5 hours per day that you'll get from EE will be worth it. However, if you can't be at the parks at 7:30 am, then it's just like you're staying off-site. It's better to go to the non-EE park. Also, there is only 1 E-Ticket night and that'll cost you and extra $60 to attend it. I would recommend that you save your money and stay at the Hawthorne Suites. You have an excellent deal there.

-- Robin
You have a few teen and near teenage children. I have found that my children preferred the late nights to the early mornings. At the time of year you are going I don't think you will find too much traffic so traveling to and from the parks shouldn't be to bad. I would spend the extra dollars on good meals in the parks, you can probably stay in the resort area allday since it will not be terribly hot. The breakfast buffet is supposed to be great my girlfriend stayed with her family last summer and loved it. They went to Universal on that trip. She thought the hotel was great and would stay there again. She is pretty picky and only uses Disney resorts when going to Disney.


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