Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Jeanne: I think Tandy mentioned a clean eating least I hope so, I have given up my Special K bars this week. Actually has been pretty easy, as I don't use much processed food anyway. The hardest part is the darn Special K bar....

My weigh in is today at WW. The scale was still down here at home, but you never know how it will go. I am in NEW numbers as of yesterday, I just hope it shows up at WW!

I finally have time to post results. Maria is our biggest % loser with 2.9%, which gives her the extra point. So, in looking at the points, it's a 3 way tie for first place between Maria, Beth and Me!!!!!!

Maria: It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend. All kinds of fun things. Good job avoiding the candy monster! And congrats on the loss. It totally counts and enjoy it!:)

Beth: Welcome to the 170’s!!!!!! Great job! And, I’m routing for you at the WW weigh in! You are such a role model!

Vicky: I have a friend that I walk with that gets corns all the time. She puts these over the counter pads on them and 2 weeks later, they fall off. But, she’s in a lot of pain walking. So, I hope you get it taken care of.
I think both of those choices would be great for you, career wise. I would think you’d lean more towards the Culinary Mgmt, just because you really do seem to love cooking. If it’s your own business, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted, once you finish school.

Jeanne: Beth is correct. No exercise. Clean eating instead, which is no processed foods. You can do it!!!!:thumbsup2

Jackie: How did the blood donation go? You feeling okay? I’m actually kind of glad that basketball is over. I’m a newer fan, and there was just too much basketball in the last month! ;)

Manda: Great job on the weight loss! Also, sounds like your running is going really well. I’m not a facebook kind of girl, sorry! Oh, and absolutely, you can join the challenge. If you look back, you can see the points system. This week, instead of an exercise challenge, we are doing clean eating and we get 2 points for that.

Debra: I knew, from last year, that I shared a birthday with someone, but couldn’t remember who. So, again, happy bday!!!! Your vacation schedule sounds ridiculously stressful. Yikes!
Yes, Harrison has a little girlfriend named Elaina. She’s very nice, but I don’t like this whole thing!

AFM: I had an amazing birthday. I got to go for a walk and then, a short run before breakfast. The boys got me a few little gifts, nothing big (I don't like to get stuff). Then, we headed to my dad's house and picked up my dad and stepmom and went to lunch. This one was tough with the clean eating. I had some potato things that were baked and had nothing on them. I hope I stayed in the parameters. Then, we headed to the Kansas Cit Royals day game. I had kept Harrison home from school so he could go. ;)It started at 1:10. I had a few beers and nothing else because being a vegetarian and trying to eat clean made me nervous. The weather was perfect, we had amazing seats, and Harrison caught a fly ball!!!! It was just the best day ever! When we got home, I went to my free birthday zumba class and Frank went to get dinner. He got me a whole wheat vegetarian pizza and some all natural ice cream. I decided not to make the cake, although I will post the recipe when I can. I would have had to go to the store, and just didn't want to mess with it.
So, with the pizza, ice cream and beer, I didn't gain weight!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great day, and if I missed anyone, I'm sorry. There were 2 pages of posts to get caught up with in that short time. I'm so happy that everyone is posting so much!!!
Well, I had my first ah ha moment with the clean eating. I went to make my every day breakfast of Quaker instant low sugar oats and had to stop. Thank goodness I had some steel cut oats left over from the last time I ate clean. I guess I'll be going shopping after all! :)
Hi Hi Hi!

Well I am back, glad to see that I didn't stop after just one post like I did last time I tried to come back. I don't have a lot to report on. I have been able to do a little bit of work on my elipical this week, but not much else with the sore hamstring. I have a marathon relay coming up in about a month and I need the sucker to heal so I don't totally slow my team down (or hurt myself a ton either).

In January I joined a program put on by my health insurance provider. It was a nutrition and exercise class that lasted 3 months. We had a weigh in on the first day and I came in at about 226. I am hoping to show less than 200 (for the first time in YEARS) when we have our weigh in today. I talked my husband into coming to the class with me and I think he is down over 30 pounds so far. The classes have been weekly, but are going down to monthly after today. We have one more weigh and measure in July and I hope to be in the healthy range of BMI by that time (only 10 more pounds to go!) Actually I would like to be there by June. I have a trip to Vegas planned with my skinny sisters and I would love to not feel so much like the big chunky girl on our trip.

Great to be back!
Great day today!

WW weigh-in was a success! Weight was 178.8! 2.4 for this week. Down a total of 24 pounds in 12 weeks! I am very happy with that. With my running tabled, I didn't think things would go as well as they have. The last 4 weeks has been a total of 7.4 pounds.....anything over 5 is a bonus!

What ever is working, is fine with me! I will continue to do the same thing until it doesn't work anymore. I am really grateful for the success.

And, my dh has gotten the lawn man to do some work around the yard. He mulched today, and I am glad I don't have to haul mulch around to do it myself!
Good day!

Yes, I did see the thing about the clean eating, but didn't realize THAT was our challenge. Starting late so I guess I totally blew that point! popcorn:: I truly don't eat a lot of processed foods, but cutting them out entirely truly doesn't seem possible. I'll give it the old college try though in the spirit of being supportive. Should be interesting now that the weekend is approaching.....
Jeanne: It's actually 2 points. 1 point for 5 to 6 days (if I remember correctly), and the 2nd point for all 7 days. So, there's still hope to get the 1 point. :thumbsup2

Beth: :banana: You just skipped right over 179!!!!!!! :cheer2:

Manda: You have done an amazing job with the loss. And, congrats to your hubby too! It's great to have the Vegas goal. You are almost there!!!

AFM: I am officially back down to the weight I was when I left for marathon weekend! This is a big deal for me. Only 7 pounds to go til I hit those 120s that I haven't seen in forever! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm rushing around doing errands today so I can't do replies -- just wanted to quickly post I was down 3.6 at WW, so new low total of 17.4! Last week's gain is gone :woohoo:

Ran 5M this morning. I signed up for the WW 5K Challenge, but I felt a little silly...considering that's pretty much my short workout :rotfl: Somehow I think I'll manage to be ready for a 5K in 6 weeks. But, I do have to say I think it is great -- I was shocked at how many people in my meeting do absolutely nothing. If this gets them started, it's fantastic!

I am also thisclose to talking Dennis into the Hershey Half! That would definitely mean no Jan trip, but at least I would get to go to PA, where I've never been. Anyone know anything about this race? :confused3

Maria :upsidedow
Happy Monday morning ladies. I hope you all had nice weekends.

Maria: That is a fantastic weight loss!:cheer2: You are doing amazing.
I understand how you feel about signing up for the 5k challenge. It's kind of like my easy a in my running class. :rolleyes1 But, it is a wonderful thing for everyone else to get motivated. I am amazed at how many people don't do any physical activity. That's why I love everyone here. We are all, always moving! :thumbsup2

AFM: I had an amazing weekend. It was 90 on Saturday and 85 on Sunday. I really like it warm!
Frank was in the mood to spend money this weekend. We went out Saturday to buy a dress for a formal event. It's at our zoo, and it's creative black tie (remember the leopard shoes). So, I got what is basically a prom dress. It's strapless with a black bodice and a leopard print bottom that is really cool. It's kind of gathered at the bottom and hits me just above the knee. That's the only problem with it. My legs are just so muscular I wasn't sure. Then, when I got home I tried it on with the shoes and it looked great.
Then, on Sunday, we went shopping for Frank. He couldn't decide how he wanted to dress for the event, but we knew his suit didn't fit anymore. It's a 48. So, we went to the men's suit store in our area and walked out with a new suit, a new tux and a new shirt for each one. He is in a 44 now, and, if he loses more weight before the event, they'll swap him out for a 43 or 42. I was incredibly proud of him. I just can't believe he bought a tux. Now, we have to find a leopard or zebra vest and bow tie to go with it!:thumbsup2

Harrison ran his longest this Saturday. He did 3.9 miles in 45 minutes. He kept arguing with me about which way to go during our run, so I gave up and let him take a certain course that I knew was incredibly hilly. When he turned the corner and saw the hills, he freaked! But, he got it done. It also just so happened to be 85 degrees when we went, which wasn't fun. One more increase next Saturday, then he gets a week to recover, and then the race. I'm sure he can do it now. He looks so skinny too!;)

I have managed 2 pounds this week, which is my highest so far. :cool1:This clean eating is awesome! I'm not going to get the 2 points, because I cheated one day, but, getting 5 days so far of no processed foods has made me feel great!

Okay, enough rambling. Have a fabulous day, ladies!
Good morning Girls!

Maria: Great job on the 'recovery'! See, you lost that weight, plus an extra cushion! I knew you would. Sometimes it's just hard getting our head in the game....but you did IT! Nice job....

Tandy: I love when you try to 'guide' your kids, and they totally rebell against it....even though you know it will back fire! I am glad he was able to complete the 'hilly' course!

AFM: I am still on track for the 2 points for clean eating.....not hard with my cooking EVERY single meal, but not eating my Special K bars has been hard. They are delicious!

I got in several new weight watcher recipe was a big hit; twice baked potatoes! Everyone loved them.

I ran 4 miles yesterday (with intervels of walking) and not feeling too bad today. I had to concentrate on my left foot strike, trying to 'lighten' it up. Watched the movie 2012, which I haven't finished yet.

I should be down tomorrow on the scale, but not sure how much yet....we will have to wait and see!

Weigh-In Tuesday!

Weight: 179 (lost 1 pound) (((Tandy, didn't quite skip 179!)

Temptation: 1 pt
Dairy: 1 pt
Fruits/veggies: 1 pt
Exercise: 1 pt
Weight loss: 1 pt
Water: 1 pt
Eating Clean: 2 pt
New Recipe: 1 pt (Vegetable Risotto from WW)
New Food: 1 pt Spinach (my dh loves it, I never had was ok, not my favorite!)

Total: 10 total points for the week

Hope to see some more losses!

Happy Tuesday!

Weight: 141.1 (down .9 - I'll take it. We're moving VERY slowly this time around.)

Water: 1 pt
Fruits/veggies: .5 pt
Dairy: .5 pt
Exercise: 1 pt
New recipe: 1 pt (Tandy's Cracked Pepper Linguine - maybe less pepper, or more yogurt, since I only used a 5.3 oz container of Greek yogurt. Let's just say it was a little hot!)
New food: 1 pt (Can't even remember what I ate - but I sampled 2 or 3 new things on the hot bar at Whole Foods!)
Weight loss: 1 pt

Total points for the week: 6

Good morning. Once again a quick post. Life is so busy right now!!

Weigh in: 143.4 which is down 0.8 from last week!! I'm not expecting a loss this coming week with all the carbo loading for my race, but who knows.

Pts: 5 (dairy, fruits, new food (dried fruit crisps - eh), new recipe (tortellini salad - yum), weight loss)

I took my Tosca book out, but didn't really eat clean at all. I should have actually opened the book, that might have helped.

Early weather reports for the marathon next week is 55 degrees and partly cloudy. Perfect as far as I'm concerned.

Hope to be back to catch up soon.

Have a great day.
Good morning ladies.

Weight: 135.2!!!!! Down 2.6 pounds, which, I believe is my biggest weight loss.

Points: 7
1 point exercise
1 point water
1 point dairy
1 point veggies and fruits
1 point new recipe (stir fry again, but different ingredients and sauces that were new to the family)
1 point for temptation (didn't really set one, but I ate perfectly in every way, so I'm counting it)
1 point for clean eating (missed one day)

I am so happy to see that the first 4 posts are all losses!!!!!!!Will post more later.
Good Morning, Lovely Leanies!

I have become a very bad poster this last week -- just mostly reading and not getting into any threads. Bear with me a little -- today is the 9th anniversary of my mom's passing, and with everything going on (getting Dennis ready for the marathon, getting Ben and I ready to fly to St. Louis Saturday morning, plus Ben has his first Improv show Friday), I'm just not sure where to put the sadness...

Anyway for the Challenge:

Weight: 187.0 (down .6)

Water: 1 pt
Fruits/veggies: 1 pt
Dairy: 1 pt
Exercise: 1 pt
New recipe: 1 pt (Chicken with balsamic vinegar and thyme -- or some such thing, it's the recipe in last week's WW Weekly)
New food: 1 pt (Special K Cracker Chips, YUM!)
Weight loss: 1 pt
Eating Clean: 0 pt
Temptation: 0 pt

Total points for the week: 7

Cindy -- When are you going to the Expo? We will be there Friday after Ben's Improv Show, I expect we'll get there around 4:30 or 4:45. Dennis is enjoying his rest and carbo load. He feels he's earned it, and I have to agree :thumbsup2

Jackie -- I have this problem every week! I really have to think about what I ate that was a new food, even though I'm consciously choosing to try one. :rotfl:

Beth -- I am so proud of you for making the 170s! :banana: Fantastic accomplishment! I am going to get there, I just need to buckle down and do it. I think post-Easter is probably realistic for starting that new, extensive effort. :goodvibes

Tandy -- I love hearing about the preparations for your zoo event, and the great, new smaller wardrobe choices! It sounds like a really fun event, and I know you will both shine! :dance3:

Debra -- How was Seattle, the birthday, the visit? Enquiring Minds! ;)

Manda -- Ready to report how you did on the Challenge? I bet you :rockband:

Kim and Vicky -- Do you guys have Spring yet? I'm wondering how quickly it comes to the Great North? :flower3:

I bought a new blouse to wear to my Dad's surprise birthday party, and a new Vera Bradley Miller bag, and that's about all the thought I've put into it. I do have a birthday card, and Ben will make a gift certificate to announce the cruise present, but I'm not letting myself think too much about interracting with all the people I don't know for an entire evening, the food and how I'm going to control myself because I'll be totally stressed, or figuring out if we're even going to make our plane change in Baltimore. Our flight lands at 8am, and our next one takes off at 8:20. I'm not optimistic -- but this is the airline's packaging of flights. We are just doing carry-ons so I don't have to worry about luggage, but I'm still not feeling very good about it. I hope Southwest is on time...

My boss is about to take off for 3 weeks in China, and I have to meet with her this afternoon to receive a boatload of work. I cleaned my office out Friday, so it really looks like I need something to do :eek:

I am not looking forward to weighing in at WW tomorrow night (which I have to do, it's the only time I can before next week), as I'm sure I will have a little gain since it's night and I usually weigh in in the morning, and frankly, I don't usually see the loss until at least Thursday night or Friday. I'm going to have to work to not let that send me into a downward spiral of crazy eating. I really want to have a loss for the following Saturday.

Anyway, I guess that's about enough whining! On the bright side, :chewy:'s blood test came back negative, so it appears he is not a sick little kitty! Such a relief and blessing. ::yes::

Maria :upsidedow
Hi again, ladies. I just realized that I didn't give us an exercise challenge for this week. I'm trying to remember what we've done so far. How about calf raises? I think we can get 30 doing both legs at the same time. For anyone who doesn't know, if you need to do calf raises at home, just stand at the edge of a stair with your heels hanging off the edge and raise you heels up, basically standing on your toes as much as you can. Done. :thumbsup2

Maria: I'm sure you will get through the family visit with flying colors. The flight change is another story. That first one better be early! 3 weeks with no boss will be horrible and great. At least the office will be relaxed, right?
I'm happy that the kitty is healthy! :)

Cindy: Are you starting to get nervous yet? I'm so excited for you. What are your race goals, or do you have any other than finishing?:laughing:

Jackie: I'm glad you tried the recipe. Yeah, maybe less pepper. I wish I had a Whole Foods closer to me. I would love to just go in and get some lunch once in awhile.

Beth: 10 points! :scared1: I am afraid of you! Great job. I am a HUGE fan of spinach, cooked, raw, whatever. I just don't like the canned stuff that my husband loves.

AFM: I am feeling so amazing right now, that I'm sticking to the clean eating. I ran 10 miles yesterday, and just could have kept on going forever. In fact, I took the dog for a 1.5 mile walk, ran 10, went to zumba for an hour and then, walked the dog again. I do have to say that when I got home from the 2nd walk, I was tired. I am down to the lowest weight I have been in forever. :cool1: But, none of my clothes fit. Why? My butt is too big because of all the running!:laughing:Really! I have a big old J Lo butt now, and even my big clothes don't fit in that area. I guess I'm going to need a new summer wardrobe. Darn. :rolleyes1 These are problems I can definitely live with! :thumbsup2

I hope everyone has a fabulous day. Post your totals ladies!
Tandy: Calf raises I can do! NO problem with them, though I already have huge calves......too big for most boots! Keep up the clean eating.....but I am having myself a Special K bar today! I have missed them!

Maria: Good luck with weigh in......I am thinking that my 'streak' of losing big is over.....I so wanted another pound to get that first charm for 25 will have to wait another week. :(

Good luck to Vicky, Debra, Manda, Kim, Jackie!

Hello meanies,

Just a quick post to check-in.....

Weight: 204.4 (that's down 0.4 from last week but exactly equal to 2 weeks ago)

Points: exercise (1), dairy (1), fruit/veggies (1), temptation (1), new recipe (1) water (.5) and I suppose I still get a point for the weekly loss (1). I didn't try a new food this week and get no points for clean eating. (I tried, but got started late and wasn't able to control what I ate over the weekend.)
Total: 6.5

Just a quick shout-out to Maria about the Hershey half-marathon......I believe sign-up begins 5/1. You can go to the website and there is lots of information. John and I are planing to do it. I understand that part of the fee goes to a private event party at the Hershey theme park. Sounds like fun.
Also, John and I are signed up for Providence, R.I. just in case I didn't mention it before.

That's it for now....more later.
Cindy - I think simply having the book out should have worked. Just my opinion! You did better than I did, anyway. I didn't even try, although I have to admit, since I started the challenge, I eat much healthier as a rule. I actually cook! And in case I forget to say it in the next 5 days - GOOD LUCK! I'm so excited!

Beth - I can do spinach, but like it much more in salads and soups and dips than by itself.

Maria - So glad :chewy: is healthy. Our neighbors had to put their 9 year old shepherd down yesterday. We learned Friday that he had lymphoma and the vet had estimated 4 months. Apparently not. We're all heartbroken. They had 2 shepherds, and lost the other one within a couple of months of our losing Mystic, so we've been through a lot together. I'm glad to hear about healthy furry friends! :hug: for those anniversaries. Some years they seem so much worse than others. And I'm so glad you commented on the cracker chips - I saw a coupon for them and wondered if they were any good. I thought I remembered something you hadn't liked, and couldn't remember what it was!

Tandy - We are so lucky to have 3 Whole Foods in the area. And now 2 that are relatively close (15 minutes or less.) Unfortunately, any time we go for dinner, we end up spending a fortune, overeating, and always having a beer. :drinking1 Isn't nearly as healthy as it should be! And definitely less pepper. Had leftovers for lunch today. Might still be feeling the effects. :sad2: And finally - I can do calf raises. I do lots of them trying to rehab the PF.

I KNOW that slow is the best way to lose weight, but this is really ridiculous. In 6 weeks, I've lost 2.4 pounds. I'm desperate for the 130's. And to think that this time last year, I was looking for the 120's.

I realized that it's a good thing that DH is working really crazy hours, since he's rarely home in the evening. When he's around, we go out much more often. When I'm alone, I tend to cook more, and eat much healthier. Which translates to more veggies. Now I just need to get the miles back up. But I'm being very cautious about that. Last week I did a "long" run of 3.6 miles, so I think I'm going to shoot for around 4 this weekend. I'm trying to increase my run intervals a little more aggressively - the Galloway season starts on May 7th, and I'd really like to be able to keep up with at least the group I ran with last season. I was hoping to move up a group (which still puts me one pace group behind where I started last season,) but that would mean being able to run for 2:30, and since I'm only doing 1:15-1:30 now, I don't know if I can handle that much improvement that quickly. Lots to consider!

Very quiet around here.....

I have my weight watchers weigh-in today. It won't be good.......who knows why......changed up nothing this week. I'll call it an adjustment week!



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