Woo hoo!!!


I cant load my bobbin!
Nov 25, 2001
I just got off the phone with Jaki (atimeshare.com) and it looks like we are ahead of schedule for our closing! Disney worked some magic and cleared both sides of the deal..... now we are just waiting for some paperwork then..... WE WILL BE OFFICIAL DVC owners!!!!! :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsgirl:

:bounce: :bounce: Just had to share! :bounce: :bounce:

We just bought another hundred points ourselves !!!

WOO!!! HOO!!
Originally posted by jennybobenny
For where? What resort?
:) :) :)

430 glorious points at Old Key West! Yeee haw! (opps sorry about that.... took DD to see Toy Story 2 on Ice today lol)
Very nice.:)

Here's my wish for many years of magical vacations.

Hope to see you sometime, neighbor!;)

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