"Wonder"-ful is an understatement! 12/12/-12/16


<font color=green>I'll be happy to learn the secre
Apr 29, 2000
Hello all! Just returned from a great trip that included WDW (5 days), UO (5 days) and the Wonder (4 night)! I enjoyed reading trip reports immensely, so I swore to myself I would write one for the cruise as soon as I could. Hope anyone who reads it enjoys it!

Who: First DCL for all!
My parents (74 yos) - Cruised many times. Fave line is HACL.
Us (39 yos) - One RCCL prior
Kids 10 yo DD, 8 and 6 yo DS's

Rooms: Two Cat 10's connecting on deck 2 midship. GREAT location. No problem being interior cabins! Kids slept great, but it was a bit weird waking up in the dark! Brought our own nightlights and lighted clock. Made up all available beds (total 8) and kids rotated around each night who slept where. They enjoyed it. Watched several Disney classics on TV before bed/getting ready/etc. It was very handy. Everyone kept toiletries out of the bathrooms, so we had 4 areas to make-up/bruth teeth available at all times. Split baths (we have these in our house) are AWESOME!

Dining: First seating. PTAP rotation, which I wasn't thrilled with, but didn't try to change. It worked out just fine.

DAY ONE: Travel and embarkation
Extremely smooth and easy! Kids had NO CLUE we were cruising until the third person at the port asked us if we were passengers. Then all heck broke loose in the car. We had just finished 10 days with my parents, sister, her kids, etc., and told the kids we were using "another way" to get home when we left our rental house that morning. They are a box of rocks, let me tell you!!! LOL!!!

No problems with documents or immigration form. Arrived at terminal around 11:30 (later than I wanted) and the line kept us in the terminal until almost 12:30! Kids say Minnie and Mickey (separately), so they were happy.

Embarked, and went to BBB for a nice lunch outside. Kids were still kind of in shock from the whole surprise thing. Staterooms were ready by 1:30, and luggage was delivered by 2 pm. Registered the kids for clubs. Tried to get Palo, but the last night was booked already, and I didn't want to skip the first night's formal dinner with the fam. Saved it for next time...

Dinner was great. Servers were good, and PC was just fine. Kids ordered off the kids menu and appetizers from the adult menu, so they were happy. We aren't really "fancy food" people, so I won't write the details for every meal!

Sail-away party was fun. We went on Deck 10 and danced and danced! There was a scheduled launch from KSC at that exact time, so my dad and middle child were enthralled with watching the land instead of the party!!

Hercules show was well executed, but we had just had 10 nights in the parks, and it just didn't hold our interest. Played (and lost) at Bingo. Boys enjoyed the Club/Lab, but DD didn't care for it. After this first night, she didn't go back for any length of time.

Motion sickness: None of the rest of my fam gets it, but I always worry. (Don't do coasters, either!) I took a dramamine, and had no problems. Really, I expected worse after reading so many trip reports, but we had smooth seas leaving port. I'd still take it as a precaution, but was happy I didn't need it!

1. Get there earlier than we did! I know it sounds funny, but I missed almost a whole hour of cruise time!!! LOL!
2. Unpack right away, and bring those suction cup hooks, boy were they handy.
3. Register the kids early, like everybody suggests. It was nice to have it done. It was a zoo after dinner.
4. If you want Palo on the last night, run like you're carrying a hot TV set!
5. Order the Mickey bars the first night and impress your family! Kids felt like royalty laying on the bed at 11 pm, watching TV eating ice cream. DS 6 said "Boy, this is livin'!"

Will add the rest of the days onto this thread, so it stays neat!
Hi again!

Sleeping: GREAT! Slept like we were being rocked like babies! Oh yeah, we were!! LOL!! Beds are firm and comfy.

Cont. breakfast: Order it every day! We did a wake-up call for the beginning of our scheduled delivery time (delivery time 7:30-8, wake up call at 7:30), and had the tip out ahead of time. That way we were ready for him, and everyone had croissants and hot coffee and juice upon waking. Great treat!

Plans: Parents went their own way this day. They cruise once or twice a year for 7-14 days, so Nassau wasn't a huge draw for them. They shopped, then relaxed at the adult pool. We headed out around 10 am, after a nice buffet at BBB. They had bagels with flavored cream cheese. I had the shrimp and herb spread, which was GREAT!

Cable Beach: I read the directions here on the DIS for getting the public bus, but got turned around on one of the streets. We ended up walking to the Hilton and catching a taxi. $20 including tip, so I was fine with that. The Wyndham was very nice, and we had a great day on the beach. We ordered sandwiches from room service that morning, and I brought bottled soda and water on board just for this day, so we were all set! Spent a few hours on the beach, and an hour or so at their pool, which had a lovely rock slide the kids just LOVED! We felt very welcome and comfortable at the Wyndham, and it was a great day. VERY happy we did this instead of booking an excursion. We controlled the length, and got to do exactly what we wanted at a lovely resort: build sandcastles, swim and RELAX!

Met another DISer on the beach, but didn't exchange names! They were kind enough to tell us where to catch the bus, so we did that going back to the ship. $1 each, plus we tipped $1 (I'm from Vegas, remember!), so for a grand total of $26 we had a great day at a beautiful resort that included a box lunch.

Went to Del Sol on the way back to the ship, and I'm glad we did! Bought some hair clips for DD (and a few for her to share) and some color-changing nail polish she wanted. DH bought a had, which I really liked!

Back on the ship: We found my parents, went to see the Incredibles, and headed to dinner. Triton's was LOVELY! and we took great formal shots with Mickey and Minnie together prior to dinner. Our table picture also came out beautifully. We saw on photographer (Manny) several places, and bought just about every picture he took! If you see him, let him take a few, he is GOOD!

Boys were anxious to go to the Club/Lab, so we took them after they ate, prior to our meals. DS 8 is into video games, so the lab was great for him. DS 6 was anxious to play on the pirate ship, which was COOL! We didn't go to see the ventriloquist, but had fun exploring, did our souvie shopping early, etc.

After bedtime: DH and I headed to the Cadillac lounge for a nightcap, which was lovely! Relaxing and very comfy chairs/couches.

1. We packed $100 in singles, and I'm glad we did! Great DIS tip! We ended us using $50 of them between tolls and tips for room service/bellmen. Glad we had them on hand.
2. Order the cont. breakfast every day---it was great. Order Mickey bars/cheese and crackers every night---it was great, too!!!
3. Glad we didn't do an excursion on Nassau. We had a great day for a bargain price, and with a family of 5, that was a consideration. We didn't feel rushed or hurried, and could travel at our own pace.
4. Carry your Navigators! We didn't this day, and left "behind the 8-ball" on some activities. We learned our lesson, though!!!

For those of you still with me, tomorow is Castaway Cay, the day I've dreamed of!!!!!
Good morning! When I tell you the weather was perfect, honey I mean PUUUURRRR-FECT!!!!! Don't know the temp exactly, but I was comfy in my swimsuit and the water was cool but refreshing.

Went topside: Around 7:15, cause I had to get a peak at this fabulous island of mystery and dreams...pristine sand, sparkling water, peace and tranquility! Man, I'm ready to go back!!!

Breakfast: Went to PC for a buffet breakfast. Omelets were great, and I ate so much fresh fruit this trip, it made my nightly chocolate desserts (okay, two a night!) not so decadent!

Disembarked: Around 9:15, and headed for the family beach. Stopped for a couple of pictures, with characters and some of just the Holiday decorations.

Family beach: Staked out a great spot under an umbrella, and went to rent snorkel and tubes. Well worth the money, let me tell you! DH snorkeled as far out as possible, and had some great views---including a barracuda! DD and DS8 did a little snorkeling, but were just thrilled being on the beach and in the water on the "water playground".

We relaxed, swimming and playing until lunchtime. DS8 "lost" our tube (somebody grabbed it, on accident I'm sure). He was very upset, and he and DH went to get another one. The CM must have been able to tell he felt bad about losing it, and told him "if you lose one, we give you two!" so he came back happily lugging two tubes. It was kind of the CM.

Lunch: Was GREAT! Kids had hamburgers and hotdogs, but we had the ribs. Boy were they GREAT! I like ribs, and these were tasty and fell right off the bone. Lobster burgers were good, too. They had my fave ice cream (choc chip cook dough), so I had some of that. Okay, so I went back a few times, I was on vacation!!!

After lunch was some more swimming and snorkeling. DH said the water near shore was very cloudy, but the outlying areas were perfect all day. The "playground" was closed around 1:30 due to low tide. Keep this in mind for your kids! My kids would have been disappointed if they had waited to play on this until after lunch.

Around 2:30: We wanted to the Grouper Game pavilion to play. It wasn't crowded, and everybody had fun doing different things. They even had a few counselors from the Club/Lab there doing impromptu crafts, which DD liked. The hammocks near the bar in that area were completely empty, so we took them over for a little rest.

By 3:30: We were back on the family beach, and swam until the lagoon closed at 4 pm. Wandered slowly back to the ship, and embarked around 4:30.

Dinner: At AP was a highlight! We were seated near my girl, Ursula, and watching the colors change was a wonderful show. I, as a HUGE villains fan, was thrilled they included so many villains in the motif---they are usually pretty ignored. Food was good, and this was the one night the kids stayed with us through the entire meal.

Golden Mickeys: Was made even better was DD and I were interviewed by Rona Rivers prior to the show! I took her and left the theater, and nobody else knew why. All of a sudden---we were on the big screens! It was so much fun---DD loved it. GREAT show. Those are some talented people.

Late night: DD really wanted to go to family karaoke, and we took her alone. It was her "90 minutes of being an only child". LOL! She actually sang, up on the stage, with the spotlight. It was a moment, let me tell you. We then took her to Route 66 for late night snacks.

THIRD DAY COMMENTS: (There's a lot this time!)
1. We decided in advance we would keep the kids with us the entire time on CC, and were glad we did. It was an awesome family day. However, I do wish I had at least seen the adult beach, just to take a look.
2. Walk a bit further on the family beach to get good seating with plenty of room. The nearest section of the fam beach was PACKED, but the middle where we were, and particularly the far end were roomy all day.
3. Don't worry about shopping early on CC. We did (right after lunch), but when we were returning to the ship the shops were still open and relatively empty.
4. Eat lunch early so you have time to return for a snack around 1:30. I would have loved another lobster burger, but they stopped serving.
5. Don't leave early at AP! It was a neat show---very innovative dining experience.
6. Rona Rivers only interviewed about 10 people (Golden Mickeys). Get there early, and just wait for them to open up if it's something you want to do.
7. Do something just for your kid! My DD wanted to do that family karaoke so bad, and I'm glad we made it happen for her. It was late at night, she was starting to get a head cold, but she really wanted to do it. I was very proud of her---there were about 75 people in the audience and she was GOOOOD!
Breakfast: Woke up fairly late, and had promised the boys they could spend as much time as they wanted in the Club/Lab. I took the boys to breakfast alone that morning at PC. Parents were waking up slow, and DH stayed with DD (who had a bad night due to congestion in her sinuses!). They had their coffee/pastries in the room, so they waited a bit.

PC breakfast: Boys had a light breakfast of cold cereal and fruit. I wanted an omelet, so they waited with me. Good thing they did! All of a sudden Chip and Dale show up! Our own character breakfast---yippee! Boys had fun talking to them, and it really woke them up! I brought them to their club/lab, and returned to the room.

Activities: Today was our day to try things out, swim, investigate, whatever. DD wanted to do the Mickey 200 veggie race, which was really cute. They had to make cars out of a potatoe, a carrot, and some wheels. It was fun. We missed the matinee of Disney Dreams, because both older kids wanted to do Karaoke time with their lab. They had fun, and it was mostly "choral" type singing, with lots of kids getting up and singing mostly disney tunes, so we watched.

Celebrate the Journey: Was a great theory, but was almost 1000 kids on board (according to cruise director), it was a madhouse! The boys enjoyed it, and I love the mortarboard and free t-shirt, but it wasn't a really "good show". IMPORTANT: We played Bingo just before the show, and thought we were sitting pretty, cause we had second row middle seats, and thought we'd just stay in our seats. Wrong! They cleared the theatre after Bingo, and we ended up getting bad seats for the show. I was not happy. They cleared the theatre for exactly 1 minute, and I would have sat in the back for Bingo if I knew we would have to leave and re-line up.

Dinner: We returned to PC for the best of menu, which was really great! Very seafood driven, which is great by us! DS 8 really wanted to return to the Lab, even though he knew he would miss Disney Dreams. DS 6 wanted a little club time, but had to go to the show, since that morning Peter Pan had been in the club, and told them something to do at the end of the show (it was cute!)

Disney Dreams: Was outstanding. Just wonderful! We all enjoyed it immensely. After the show, we immediately went to the Atrium, to get ready for Til we meet Again.

Til we meet again: We ran into Manny (photographer) in the Atrium, and asked him if there was a good spot to stay for the "show". He shook his head, and said "The characters are everywhere, and it's a madhouse. There is really no place I can suggest that is better". Anyway, we were a bit pessimistic about how it would be with so many kids and no lines. Here is what we did, and I highly suggest it: Standing in the Atrium with Triton's and the staircase in front of you, there are elevators behind you. We sat down, leaning on the elevators. People were pushing to get near the Triton's entrance, where ropes and stanchions were set up. Don't bother! We weren't crowded, and remained comfortably seated until the "show" started. When the characters are introduced and come down, they fan out all over the place. From where we were, Aladdin went behind us, Minnie next to us, Peter Pan in front of us, and Pluto right next to us. They were COMPLETELY ALONE because everybody stayed against the ropes waiting for I don't know what! We got great time with all of those characters, then waited for Cinderella and Belle. There were separate lines for each, so I had one and DH had the other, that way we didn't wait twice! Right before 10:30 we staked out a spot against the front ropes (now completely empty), and had a great view of the ending and goodbye sequence, and the kids got some attention from Stitch and Chip and Dale.

It was the perfect ending to the cruise, and I love that Disney does it. It was VERY Disney, and a great culmination to the vacation.

1. Try to see the DD matinee and free up the evening! There is so much to do!
2. Don't miss Til we meet again, even if you don't have kids. It was not a madhouse! It was relaxing, everyon lined up politely, and it was relatively empty!
3. I really enjoyed the Best of menu, and was glad we didn't get Palo that night.
4. Let the kids order all of the toppings at Scoops at least once...it's vacation!
All I can say about disembarkation is EZ!!!!! Piece of cake getting out of there, let me tell you. We had a nice (relatively late) breakfast at BBB and strolled off around 8:45. Luggage was easy to find, got the porter and off we went. This time we really went to the airport and flew home!

At the last breakfast, DD went around the table asking everybody their fave and thing about the cruise. I'll share them briefly:

Parents: Spending time together. Being able to share the time with the kids.
Me: The sounds of the cruise. The horn, the characters and particularly the laughter from my children.
DH: CC snorkeling, and enjoying so many new things together.
DD: Family karaoke
DS8: The lab, and particularly when they went on the top deck and exercised with Goofy.
DS6: Playing in the lab with Captain Hook when Peter Pan and Tink came to help them.

1. I am thankful we could provide this opportunity for my children. Particularly including my parents in the plan. Since we needed two cabins anyway, the cost difference to include my parents was exactly $700. In the grand scheme of my life, that is pocket change, and I am so glad we invited them along.
2. I'm glad we waited until our youngest was 6. We are firm believers in taking the children away. Our kids were at DL and WDW as infants, toddlers, etc., and we believe in the value of doing that. However, we waited to take this cruise and we believe it was a good decision for us. The kids were old enough to enjoy a little independence, not need naps, and had the stamina and energy for different activities and to try variosu foods.
3. We would do this again in a heartbeat. Although we treated this cruise as a "once in a lifetime event", I am already checking AllSeas Travel and the calender to plot and scheme my way back to CC!
4. I'm glad we didn't overplan, which is my normal habit with Disney. We took things slowly, and responded to moods and unplanned activities.
5. We stayed within $100 of our budget, which for a 14-day trip is pretty impressive. I knew I'd buy a photo package, and budgeted extra on souvies for CC, as well.
6. Read threads you don't think you'll need on the DIS. I read everything I could find, and founds tips and budget ideas I never would have read otherwise. This place is a goldmine of information.
7. KEEP A JOURNAL! I didn't, and reading all of this mish-mosh you can probably tell that I didn't!

Thank you for making it this far with me. I hope I gave those of you with active countdown clocks something to whet your appetite. As for me, I'm on my way to the budget board...I've got to start planning SOMETHING for 2005.....
Thank you for an excellent report! You've given me many helpful tips to take along with me on our first Disney Cruise next year!
I enjoy all the trip reports that people so kindly take the time to post. I have to say, yours was particulary uplifting and positive! I can just feel the great time you had and there was no hint of stress whatsoever.

Sounds like the perfect family vacation. It will be the model for my upcoming 7 day on the Magic. I paid close attention to you being glad that you didn't overplan. I have to say, that is probably key. Thanks for all the tips!

Thanks again for taking the time. I smiled all the way through!!

Thank you for the kind words!

Frankly, I'm just shocked anybody made it through all my jabbering! LOL!!! True Disney addicts, just like me!!!!

Wish I had a cruise planned for next year...oh honey, can we talk.....
really enjoyed reading your report:) and your tips are valuable

glad you had a great time on your whole vacation!! & thanks for taking the time to post :flower1:
I loved reading your trip report on the 4-day Wonder cruise! Loved all the tips of the day, too. Hubby and I are on a 4-day cruise in late January of next year and could use the tips.

I want to do Palo's on the last night, so hopefully we'll be able to get a reservation. We'll be r-u-n-n-i-n-g once onboard. A fast walk. I don't want to get in trouble with the Captain for running. LOL!

Are they still doing a towel folding class on the last day of the cruise? I so love those things.

Thanks in advance.
Tina :earsboy: :earsgirl:

Yes, the towel folding was scheduled! We had some really cute ones in the staterooms---monkey (the best!), crab, swan, elephant. The bunny wearing my sunglasses and my mom's hat was adorable! I'm sorry we missed the bridge tour (we were at Cable Beach!), and the galley tour (we were somewhere doing something with somebody?????) would have been good, too.

On our next cruise (trying to sound optimistic!!!) we will try to do Palo brunch, since I've read it's nice to look out over the ocean. If you don't make it at a fast walk, you could waitlist for the last night and hope for pixie dust!
Hi, PattiPB!

Sorry we didn't get to meet you on the cruise! I have to agree, it was a great cruise! The weather at Castaway Cay was the greatest. While DH and Iwere at Serenity Bay, we had a sting ray swimming around our feet!

I'm working on my trip report now (unfortunately delayed by some computer problems which I have yet to resolve) and will post it as soon as possible.

I'm so glad you enjoyed your cruise!

Hi Beth!

Sorry we didn't meet! I may see you next summer...looks like we may be going to Wildwood for vacation! Back to my roots!!!
Wow! The 4 day sounds really nice in the winter. I guess it had a lot to do with the weather! Thx for sharing! :rockband:
You sound like you have fully enjoyed the 4 night--but didn't you feel like just when you had started to get the hang of it and learn what you liked, it was time to get off the ship and go home? I hope logistics, school calendars, budgets, etc., will allow you to take the kids on a 7 night
Thank for a great report. We are on the Wonder in February and I found your report very positive and well written.

Glad you had such a good time. I think it's so nice that you were able to include your parents in your vacation. Great memories for everyone.

Thanks again!
Glad to here you enjoyed your trip....

(Sorry we didn't get to meet....)

We went to Cable Beach too.... I loved it....Best $14 I ever spent on an excursion ($4 for bus for the two of us, which was an adventure itself, and $10 for some creamy mixed drink we got at the pool bar.)

We packed a lunch from the boat too...(Note for others: do not pack the sandwiches with tomotoes on them, makes it mushy. But do pack CC cookies.)

We started out at the beach, thought the water was chilly, and decided to swim in the pool instead.
Thank you all for your positive comments! I can't believe people actually waded through my rambling trip report!!! LOL!!!!

Beginning prep work (mainly prepping DH!!!) for 12/05 Wonder!!! I'll wait until New Year's Eve to seal the deal...a little wine, some auld lang syne and I'm there! LOL!!!

Would LOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE to do a 7-day! Budget will not (probably ever!) allow for the 7-day and a few days in the parks. If we didn't have to fly, maybe, but I can't imagine flying into Florida and not visiting WDW and UO. I didn't feel too rushed, probably because I was so well prepared for the cruise thanks to the DIS. I think going to a 3-night would be frustrating, though. But if a 3-night were my only option, sign me up!

Goofy---I really enjoyed our day at Cable Beach. DH and kids loved the water...I dipped my toes that day, although I swam at CC the next day. Definitely psychological! Bringing lunch from the ship was great! I even had soda and water bottles leftover from our 10-day land portion, so I didn't even spring for a drink at Crystal Palace.
I loved your trip report! I love when I see trip reports for the Wonder,
I always get some good tips when I read them. On you report, the Cable
Beach sounds great. I didn't know what we would do on Nassau day, and don't want to take two 5 yr. olds shopping. We want to spend as much
time on the beach!! So, how do you recommend getting to the beach for 4 of us? Should we try the bus, or just take a taxi? And, do we just ask to be taken to the Wyndham Hotel? Please give me more info !! And, as for Palo
reservations, what night do you recommend we go, if we can't get the last
night? I really want to try Palo's!! Thanks again for a great report !! :wave:
Hello LuvindisCruiser! Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed reading about our adventure.

Cable Beach was GREAT! I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone looking for a quiet beach day on the cheap! There are directions somewhere on the DIS for getting to the bus stop from the cruise terminal. Somehow we got turned around, and with 3 kids, I got annoyed pretty quick, and we grabbed a cab for a total of $20 ($18 plus tip) from the Hyatt near the terminal. At the terminal (roughly two blocks walk) we were quoted $25, non-negotiable, by every cab driver we saw. We asked for the Wyndham Crystal Palace, and were taken to the door. The bus stop is LITERALLY in front of the Wyndham, so we took the bus back to the terminal. It was $5 for us, and we tipped $1. The bus was empty going in that direction, and the driver was cordial. When we got off the bus, we walked back to the ship, stopping in only one store (Del Sol), which the kids really enjoyed. The day cost us $26, and included the following:
1. Lunch we brought from the ship
2. Drinks we had in our stateroom from our land portion.
3. Our own timetable. We left the ship when ready, and left the beach when ready.
4. A nice beach for the kids to play on, and calm water for swimming.
5. Opportunities to rent jet skis or other watercraft on the beach.
6. Great pool with rock waterslide, water volleyball, lifeguards.
7. Outside shower area to remove sand prior to trip back.

As for Palo, I'm sorry I didn't try for the brunch, and definitely will next time. It was too hard for me to predict whether the kids would like the clubs, what I'd feel like on any given night, and if I wanted to miss any of the menus. I predict on our next cruise (thinking positively) we will try Palo and skip Parrot Cay dinner, since we had breakfast there several times, so we won't be missing much.

Hope I helped you!


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