WLV to FW for Chip and Dale campfire


Jun 24, 2009
We are staying at the WLV for the first time in Oct. I read about the campfire with Chip and Dale and wanted to know the best way to get to FW. How far is the walk? Is it well lit to come back after dark with a stroller?

We will have a car so if it is easier to drive we can do that as well! I was hoping to plan an evening at FW for a haunted hayride and the campfire, but I read that the HH isn't happening this year. Is the campfire alone worth the trip to FW (with 3 small kids)? Thanks!!!
We are staying at the WLV for the first time in Oct. I read about the campfire with Chip and Dale and wanted to know the best way to get to FW. How far is the walk? Is it well lit to come back after dark with a stroller?

We will have a car so if it is easier to drive we can do that as well! I was hoping to plan an evening at FW for a haunted hayride and the campfire, but I read that the HH isn't happening this year. Is the campfire alone worth the trip to FW (with 3 small kids)? Thanks!!!

The path is not lit at night. You can take the boat, but it's usually the smaller boat that means the stoller will have to be collapsed.

Generally since other resorts have movies at night, and free marshmallows, we don't make the trip to the FW Campfire any more, we used to do it often.

If you take your car, you will have to take a bus to the campfire area. That's pretty convenient, but only you can decide if it's worth it! We often go to the Trails End Buffeteria for dinner, it has something for everyone in our family, so we often drive then take a bus there. It's the last stop for any of the 3 internal busses at FW. The camfire is off of one of the routes, you have to ask which bus to take.
Preferable method is by boat unless you are fine with walking about 3/4 mile including through areas not lit at night. Driving would be the longest trip. You cannot drive anywhere near to the area where the campfire is (in fact your car as parked at Wilderness Lodge is the closest parking space you are going to get to the activity area at FW where the campfire is). You have to drive to the front entrance of Fort Wilderness and park there and take an internal FW bus to your destination which is about a 1 1/2 to 2 mile trip with usually many stops on the way.
Boat will be perfect! I didn't realize that was an option to FW. Trails End Buffet sounds like a good choice to eat, we may just have to plan dinner and the campfire to make a night of it. Thanks!

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