Wk of Oct 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning TEAM:

Just a quick post from me. I'm swamped with work right now trying to get ready for a meeting I have in Atlanta this weekend.

After work I did 5 miles yesterday in 46:30 something for a 9:16 mpm pace. The first 3 miles were right on a 9 mpm pace, but then I needed to take a 1 min walking break before mile 4 and mile 5. I took the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, to the park and ran around the 1 mile trail around the perimeter. We took "walkie talkies" so we could keep track of each other, and DD8 princess: called me at least 1x/loop sometimes more than once. It actually took the wind out of me to keep answering the walkie talkie and answer questions like "Daddy, can we run UP the slide?" or "Daddy, I found a dollar bill, can I keep it?" or "Daddy, uuuum, I forgot what I was going to say."

This morning I got up early and went to the gym for x-training. It was crowded at 6am, and all the ellipticals were taken. I did 10 min on a bike before an elliptical opened up, and then I did 30 min on the elliptical.

I'm feeling kind of tired and low energy now, and just need to finish up my presentation.

Great job to all those who raced this weekend.

Denny- I was really impressed with your report. Great job! Especially in those adverse circumstances.

OK, back to work for me.
Christa, it is not how they look that is bad but how they smell. When I ran my last trail race in June - during our 8 inch rain day that is - my shoes smelled so bad after that I simply threw them out. No, they were not even going to the grass cutting/yard work pile; just into the trash and covered very quickly.

And the getting down thing is because I have been getting slower with each race because of my stubborness in going out way to fast. But, hey, I am still going out.
Christa - your pace was incredible for the trails. On the really technical trails i average bet 13-16mpm and on the ultra i was around 13:30 but that was 50k. It was not technical, it was just gravel and mountain. I am amazed at the people (including you) who can actually maintain a normal running pace!!!!

I think the bronc and i have finally made friends. I got her some new carbon fiber riser bars and loosened her suspension a little so that she is cushy for someone my weight. Anyway, I have been pretty upset w/ her since she threw me into that tree. My neck is still a little jacked up from that event. Ihave been trying to treat her nice and keep her clean and she is playing a little nicer. Seriously i think the riser bars made a huge difference in the way i'm riding.
Hi WISH Team!

I am not going to be able to catch up with everyone. I have read and am so amazed at our Team! We Rock!

Denny, and Rich, sorry I didn't make it to cheer you on the towpath. Denny, what a story! I am proud of you for digging away at it all as the things were really thrown at you. What a great time you had there!

Christa, I so love the shoe pic. It was all I could do to read the beginning of your post once I saw those shoes! Great job there.

Carrie, Whee! You were so flying! Good job!

Dave, you are doing so well now too it seems since you've got yourself thorugh the beginning problems. Keep up the great work! It is so fun to read your family support team stories!

Krista, glad you are still able to train with that ankle. What luck to have such a great doc to help you out there.

Paul, I know you wanted better, but you still are amazing in my book!

Kristi, good job on your pace.

MelR, sorry about the lonely runner you had to be.

Mel, good to hear things are coming together for ya.

We are leaving for 7-day WDW cruise followed by the 4-day DVC Member Cruise. Will be on vaca for 2 weeks IN-A-ROW! A never-before-attempted-fete! It's hectic with last minute things at work and home. Didn't get in my steps this weekend. Glad it was "only" 6 miles I've missed. I WILL make it on vaca to get those steps in somehow.

Keep up all the good work and great posts everyone.

I love reading how we are doing.

Oh and Welcome Stephanie! Great that you've come forward to join our merry group!
Melissa- it makes me feel better that you have to slow down when the trails are technical. The 1st ones were not that bad, but the 2nd half...OOOOO...lets just say I got my moneys worth on this race....BUT I :love: IT!

Stupid question...How do I clean my bike chain? It is dirty and needs a good cleaning.
Biked to DDs school...only 10 miles, but the staff at their school are impressed. :confused3
Just in case you changed your mind, I kept looking for green WISH shirts throughout the run on Sunday. Have a GREAT vacation. DW and I will be at WDW from the 14th through the 22nd.

I can't imagine running trails ON PURPOSE. I'm impressed. About your bike chain, if you can get your hands on a can of brake cleaner, I'd spray the dirt off of the chain with the spray brake cleaner. After you get it clean, you'll need to grease it again. A few dabs of automotive grease around the circumference of the chain, and then spin it slowly to allow the grease to distribute.
Hey guys!! Sorry I have been MIA. UNfortunately, I have been kind of down about the fact that I hurt my leg. I still have No Idea what I did to it. I think I somehow hurt it by walking around DisneyLand and DisneyWorld in cheap $20.00 Target running shoes. That'll teach me, huh? Due to the fact that my leg hurt so badly I missed my 16 miler that was supposed to be Saturday, instead I ran 3 and barely made it through that. I have been icing regularly and trying to give my legs as much as a break as possible, and I think it has started to help. This morning I ran 3 miles with almost no pain whatsoever, except muscle pain from squats yesterday. If I can get through with no pain again on Thursday then I am going to try and put in 8 on Saturday, and I think Ihave found a way to still get through my training sompletely. So here's to hoping I can get over this thing.

Christa - I can't believe how your shoes look. My goodness.

I will try to catch up with everyone a bit more later.

Take Care,
Christa - they actually make a little attachment w/ brushes that you can attach to the chain cleaner and crank while you spray. That way you don't have to get your hands too nasty. It catches the dirty greasy residue inside. Denny is right, you should lube it afterwards. You can get the products at the bike shop. I'll try to find link for you too.

This is perfect and easy

This would work too

good luck
Hi guys! :wave: I just got home from the community center, I did the stationary bike for 50 minutes to take the place of my 50 minute run I'm missing. Let me tell you, my booty hurts!!!! But my ankle doesn't. :goodvibes I go tomorrow to get my x-ray to see what's going on. I've been reading a little bit about high ankle sprains, and the outcome does not look good. If it is severe enough, it is only corrected by being in a cast for 6-8 weeks. :guilty: We are going to think happy thoughts! :wizard: Speaking of happy thoughts, I'm going to post a couple of pics from WDW last week. The first is Stephen and I at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. Don't you love our costumes????

And the 2nd is from the Race for the Taste:

Christa--Those shoes are lovely!! I bet they smell just as pleasant!

Lily and Denny--Have a wonderful time on your vacation (not together, of course :blush: ). I'm jealous of the both of you.

Dana-- :wizard: :wizard: for your feet. Hope they are feeling better soon.

Dave--You are flying!! Awesome job on your 5 miler! Your princesses sound adorable, chatterboxes, but adorable. princess: princess:
Krista: How is your ankle? The pain you have is in the exact spot as what I was dealing with! Mine ended up being tendonitis...although it sounds like yours is a direct result of the nasty fall you took. Anyway...the anti-inflammatories really helped me so I hope the x-ray shows nothing serious and you can get out there and train again. Oh, and thanks for sharing photos. Love the costumes ;) :goodvibes

Dave: Nice run! Your pace has been consistently excellent! Way to go!! :thumbsup2

Dana: So sorry to hear about your injury :(. It sounds like you did the right thing by staying off it and icing up! Take care of yourself and good luck when you get back out there!! :grouphug:

Mel: Sorry to hear your foot is giving you trouble again :(. I get fitted tomorrow for the orthotics. I'll let you know how that goes! I have a feeling they are going to be really difficult to get used to! But if in the end they lessen the pain and prevent further injury...I guess I can deal ;). I'll keep you posted on my progress with them!

Today was just a 75 minute yoga class for me, although wow she is a challenging instructor! Plus I also had PT which actually is pretty active. Yesterday was my 50 minute run...I hit 5.16 miles. A decent pace....I believe it was around a 9:45...it was dark so I was being careful! No more injuries needed! WIth that said, my knee began giving me some trouble yesterday (ugh!) so they worked on that as well during PT. I'm hoping my problems will be resolved once the orthotics are made. A lot of my problems come from my mechanics... essentially my inner ankles and knees take a great deal of stress when I run. We'll see how things go with the orthotics. Geesh...this "free" sport is costing me a small fortune. The physical therapist said to me today "how long do we have to keep you together before that marathon?". :lmao:
Morning Everyone,

I didn't get to say earlier in the week - I loved all of the race reports from the past weekend. It sounds like everyone had a great time.

This weekend is my half marathon - - looking forward to it! It shouldn't be that much hard than the 20k that I did this past September, only thing that I'm worried about is I didn't get much training in last week.

Work has been really hectic this week - - I'm really glad that I took off Friday of this week. :goodvibes

Well, I really should go and start to get ready for my day.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi everyone!

I am packed and ready to go. Just have to get through this last day and by this time tomorrow we'll be winging our way to WDW :banana: :cheer2:

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week/weekend. I'll "see" you all on Monday :teeth:

BTW - Does anyone know where Judy is :confused3 Hope it's just the office move and not the knee :wizard:
Jodi - Have a GREAT 1/2M. I'm sure you'll do well.

Minnie - Have a great vacation.
Krista - Thanks for the . I loved the costumes. It looks like I just missed a few of you guys while we were down there. I hope that the X-rays come out all right and that you don't have to wear a cast!!

Amy - "JUST" a 75 minute yoga class?! Then a 5 mile run. You go girl!! Let's hope that those orthotics help you out and you can begin running without the pain.

Minnie - Have fun!!

Well, I have no residual pain from yesterday's 3 miles. I still have some muscle pain from the squats and stuff I did the other day, but that I can deal with. Today I am resting, and tomorrow will be another 3 miles. If I can ge through that without pain, and then get through an 6 miler on Saturday I think I'll be back in the game. I still have to figure out how to get back on track since I missed my 16 miler last weekend. See, I ran my 14 miler on Sept 23rd, the next week my LR was only supposed to be 7 miles, but we were at WDW, so I just kind of canned it. I did ALOT of walking but no running. Then when we got back from WDW my leg was hurting to bad to run, so I took last week off, and started running again this week with little to no pain. So I am assuming I shouldn't have lost too much of my running ability since I took so little time off.

How does this look? These are just my LR's. My only other thought was to run 14 this weekend, then 6 the next, then 16. I am willing to listen to any and all advice you guys can offer.

This Sat: 6 or 14
Oct. 21: 14 or 6
Oct. 28: 16 or 16
Nov 4.: 7
Nov 11: 18
Nov 18: 8
Nov 25: 20
Dec 2: 8
Dec 9: 10
Dec 16: 23
Dec 23: 8
Dec 30: 10
Jan 7: Marathon

Take Care,
I'm writing to you from my new executive penthouse suite! :rolleyes: Yeah, right! I don't have a window. It could be raining, could be snowing, could be molten lava pouring down the side of the hill...I'd never know. Plus, it's FREEZING in here. Enough with the A/C already! :cold:

I'm sorry I haven't really kept up with the last two weeks posts. Now that I am all unpacked I will have more time. Congratulations to everyone who competed lately. :thumbsup2 I'm so proud to be associated with such an awesome group of athletes!

I'm really sticking to my MFM training plan. I'm determined not to miss a day of training. I went out Saturday for my first "fully equipped" LW/R. I had on my new Sauconys, my new AmphiPod and my new running tights. I also had my first gel right before I went out. It was a lemon/lime one, which didn't taste too bad but OMG the texture! :eek: It was like swallowing slime! Ewwwwww! I had not had breakfast and as I was stretching I could sense that perhaps with that glob in my gut, I had better eat something. So I grabbed a banana and stuck it in my AmphiPod belt. (Can you see where this is going?)

I had the Run Lite with two bottles, so after the first 10 minutes or so I went to grab a bottle and have a sip, and I couldn't get it out. So I'm walking along and tugging at the bottle and out falls the banana and I step RIGHT ON IT and it squishes all over my brand new running shoe and all up the inside of my brand new running tights! :rolleyes2 It was a really ripe and soft banana and I must have really stomped on it! What a mess!

And also what the neighbors must think! Here is this crazy woman, jumping and sidestepping then mumbling and cursing as she walked off. :crazy:

Geez, what a mess.

But I'll tell you, the gel must have kicked in because my second split was a 12:00 min mile. :banana: I really intended to just have a long slow easy W/R. But the road was flat, I was feeling good, and well, there you have it! :cheer2: I realize a 12:00 min mile is no big deal for most of you but for me it is nothing short of a miracle! :goodvibes

Dave - Glad you got them! I can't wait until you give it to her! I hope you intend to take pictures of all the excitement! :teeth:

Minnie - You're so sweet to ask about me! :blush: Thank you! I know you're probably already gone and I wish with all my heart I was going with you. I fully expect pictures when you return!

OK I'm off to find a mechanic to turn down this A/C before my hair freezes. :rolleyes:
Good Morning everyone. I still have not ran this week. My back is still a bit tender and I don't want to aggrivate it more. I was going to try to run at lunch today, but now my dad needs me to go shopping with him (men!). I usually have to do him Christmas shopping also, I have been doing this since HS.

Krista - I love your Castle pic. I have always wanted to the Halloween party. Was it fun???

Minnie - I am jealous... I want to go with you!

Jodi - Good Luck at your 1/2. I can't wait for the report.
Judy - Your knee must be feeling better...eh???? I was going to try my gel on Saturday, but I chickened out. I made it through my run and my time was what I expected. I know I will have to use one eventually, but I am a little concerned about squeezing slime down my throat. But I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! Oh and my "new" office of 3 years no longer has a window either, and it is smaller. Gahhhhhhh!!!
Hi Jen - My knees are still complaining but I am ignoring them. I see the doctor next Tuesday. Until then, when they start complaining I just remind them that we are now in an office on the 4th floor instead of the 1st. Would they prefer if I started taking the stairs instead of the elevator??? That usually shuts them up. :rotfl2:

Seriously, I really think it's arthritis. My mom had it very badly and I know I have it in my feet. I've seen it in x-rays. I think I can live with that, if I can just control it with pain meds. But I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Thanks very much for asking. :goodvibes
andromedaslove said:
How does this look? These are just my LR's. My only other thought was to run 14 this weekend, then 6 the next, then 16. I am willing to listen to any and all advice you guys can offer.

This Sat: 6 or 14
Oct. 21: 14 or 6
Oct. 28: 16 or 16
Nov 4.: 7
Nov 11: 18
Nov 18: 8
Nov 25: 20
Dec 2: 8
Dec 9: 10
Dec 16: 23
Dec 23: 8
Dec 30: 10
Jan 7: Marathon
Take Care,
Dana - Did you alter the plan b/c you are hurt? The shorter LRs are normally around 10-12 miles and run at a tempo pace...but if you are trying not to rehurt yourself, this looks cool...but what do I know? I would switch 12/23 and 12/30 run though to give more taper.

Krista - Love the pics!

Jodi - Have a GREAT 1/2M. We are all :cheer2: for you.

Minnie - Have a great vacation. Take me with you..... :lmao:

Just got back from a run...did 3.3miles on trails. Well that is what my GPS program on the computer measured it out to be...but my bike mileage thingie said it was closer to 3.8 miles. But anywhoo.........
Did the course in 25.57 min a 7:51.8 MPM if it was 3.3 miles. :Pinkbounc The guy I ran this last marathon with is doing Goofy for the 2nd time....last year he ran a 4:06 marathon (after the 1/2 on Sat.) He said he was going to try to break 4 hours and siad he would love it if I joined him. I told him that will run with him until he leaves me behind.
DUDE! :woohoo: What do you guys and gals think????? Am I stupid for even trying?
Christa: It probably depends most on whether you want to enjoy the race or suffer through it. :)

Lucky for me this is my first so I don't have any previous times to beat, or I'd probably die trying as well... With a 53:30ish 10k, 1:30ish 10mile and a 2:06ish half, I keep telling myself that 4:20 is reasonable if I train properly for the next three months as I plan to, but what do I know I'm a total noob. :)


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