Wk of Oct 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning everyone and welcome Stephanie! :sunny: :wave:

What fun is it to read about everyone's races over the weekend. You're all great inspirations.

Since I only post about once a week, I guess that means the next time you "see me" my first race will be over. I'm doing the Baltimore Half Marathon on Saturday and boy am I nervous. The weather (looks cold), the hills, being alone (DH and the kids can't be there)... I'm just a wreck.

At this point I just want it to be over. :worried: The deal I made with myself is that my Baltimore time must be good enough to beat the WDW sweepers. If not, no WDW for me.

Please cross your fingers and toes that I finish better than 3.5 hours.

ETA: I'm a walker.
wtpclc said:
OK, I only skimmed and I haven't read teh race reports yet, but I wanted to check in and tell my story. ;)

Congrats to all who raced over the weekend!

MelC - "Only" 50 miles???? :rotfl:

My Pre/During Eating Plan
Note: Everyone is different, but here's a start that works for me.

One hour pre-run - 20 oz. Powerade and Snickers Marathon Energy bar

Every 4 miles (40 - 45 min) - One Gu

Then I go btwn Powerade and water durign run. Also, 1.5 hours pre a LLR (20+), I eat and additional bar.

Remember: If you get hungry you've gone too long.

You should also note that I am on the low blood sugar side of things, so eat more than most people do. My stomach also handles running with food/water in it better than some.

Now, on to my story
Are you sitting down?
We went out Saturday to do our 6-miler at a local (to my parents) park. The best place is an 8-mile loop around a lake. We did 6 mile last time we were there (3 out and back) This time, we started the other way for 3 out an back. Well, I got just past the 2.5 mark adn my IC, whom I've never met before, asks dh, "So, are you having any thoughts about going all the way around?"

He replies,"I was thinking about it. We don't have to run the last 1 or 2, though."

OK, so we keep going at 3 miles. At 3.5, I am regretting it, because there are so many hills. Oh well, too late now. I hit 6 ok, and dh asks if we're goign to 6.5 Sure. At 6.5 he asks if we're going to 7. Sure. at 6.55, I start to regret that. These hills are killing me. I knew we should be primarily downhill from here out, though.

We were. At 7, I told dh I planned to go the whole 8. At 7.25, we realize from teh markings that it's going to be 8.5, not just 8. By then, though, my IC said I had to go for it. :confused3 We did 8.5 in 1:28, a 10:24 pace!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: Wow, I was thrilled with 10:48 for my 9 last week and this was even hillier.

All my hill muscles still ache, but at least it's an easy week.

So, I guess I'm not the biggest slacker to have ever run a marathon. Maybe just the 2nd or 3rd biggest. ;)

Another big victory for me:

As we were going through a drive through for lunch on our way to the Michigan/Michigan State game :teeth: , I decided that the x-tra cals from my run that coudl allow me to get teh Big Mac I craved would be wasted on that Big Mac. I went with grilled chicken! (that's HUGE for me) Step one in my goal to lose and not gain this training season!!!

PS - Listening to the Tigers and watching replays on teh big screen with 114,000 other fans was way cool. The fact that my football team won too was icing on teh cake! :cheer2: What an awesome day for me!!!
Carrie you Rock!!!! Great job on your run! Go Blue! Oh, my DW and I were watching the Mich/MSU game with our Michigan sweatshirts on. They looked awesome (Michigan that is - not us in our sweatshirts)! So that park you ran in, that wasn't Kensington MetroPark was it? I used to live in Brighton, MI, and I would drive to Kensington to run. They had an 8 mile loop around a lake, and that used to be my absolute favorite place to run. Especially around now with the leaves changing.
Mouse Skywalker said:
that wasn't Kensington MetroPark was it? I used to live in Brighton, MI, and I would drive to Kensington to run. They had an 8 mile loop around a lake, and that used to be my absolute favorite place to run. Especially around now with the leaves changing.
Holy small world Batman!!!! You know, I was going to add that I was at Kensington for Dian and Susan if they were reading, but didn't. Yes, it was Kensington, yes it was beautiful and I lived in Brighton from 1 to 22 years of age! WHile I was thrilled with the score, MSU had our number at times. They really just beat themselves. (Brainless kick returner, multiple penaties...) PM'ing you for home town details.
Oh man, I totally had to skim\. Almost time to pick up the boy.

Had a good LR today of 10 miles. no one to run w/ so it is lonely.

christa - awesome job on the trail marathon. your time was great!!!!!!!!

Krista - hope you get a good report from the md.

Cam - I rode the tour de cure (for diabetes)

Sara - way to go on the 1/2!!

Carrie - we'll have to start calling you speedy. and you were all worried about your pace this year.

OK - going ot be late. better run (and not w/ my running shoes!!!) :rotfl2:
For everyone that asked, thanks for keeping me and my first half-marathon run in your thoughts.

Well, at the risk of being redundant, many of you know this was my first half-marathon. So far, my list of runs includes one 5K and one 10K. I wanted to get in a half-marathon prior to WDW so that I could take WDW with my son and enjoy the experience, and not try for a specific time.

As a newbie to this whole running thing, I made some of the newbie mistakes. I pre-registered two months early :thumbsup2, so I thought I was all set. I wasn't nervous since I've had several 12 mile training runs already, so at the end of the day Saturday, after we finished with our day's activites, I looked on the internet website for directions. The location of the run was over an hour from my home (I kinda knew this already). The run was scheduled to start at 8am (so far OK). The website then spelled out that all packets had to be picked up on Saturday, and would not be available Sunday morning. :eek: At this point, it's Saturday, about 9 pm, and I'm totally SOL. So, I figure, if I show up, after having paid my fee, they can't not let me run, can they? :confused3 After all of this training, I can't not go, right? So, I set my alarm for 5 am, thinking that if I leave the house about 5:45, I should get there about 7 am, leaving them plenty of time to "help" me. I hit the rack about 10:30pm. I wasn't nervous, I swear, but I woke at 12, and 1:30, and 3. I finally put feet to the floor about 3:30am. I showered , had a light breakfast, and headed out. About 1/4 mile from the marathon parking lot, I hear my front tire making a strange sound. I pull over, and see it is flat. I don't mean kind of flat, I mean it was FLAT! So at 6am, in total darkness, not even knowing how close I was to the final destination, I try to remove the donut spare and jack from the trunk of the car. After several interations of trial, error, blood, sweat, more error, and a few very un-Disney like adjectives, I tossed the flat tire and the jack into the trunk and took off. The bad news was that my hands looked like I had been digging for coal. I took two tissues and cupped them in my hands so that I wouldn't "contaminate" the steering wheel.

When I got to the parking lot, I looked for the information tent. When I found it, I explained that I had pre-registered, but had not picked up my packet. The lady behind the counter told me that I was supposed to pick it up on Saturday (I already know this, but it's too late to do anything about it now :sad2: ) After some prodding, she explains that someone that may be able to help me should be showing up soon. So, while I'm waiting, I go looking for some way to clean my hands. The trailer selling coffee gives me a few paper towels, and a cup of water. This helped remove about 60% of the dirt from my hands, so now I just look like I've been living on the streets.
Well, when "the guy" finally shows up, he was able to give me my race number, and the chip for my shoe, so I'm in.

With my number on my shirt (BTW, it was my W.I.S.H. shirt), and my chip on my shoe, I can turn to my next level of priorities. I head to the port-0-lets. By this time, it's about 7:30. The line is so long that the people in the back of the line aren't even sure what line they're in. When I finally get up close to the front of the line, with only 6 people in front of me, the race announcer starts making last calls for runners to get on the road behind the rubber mats. I finally get my turn, and make a dash to the road. I'm getting into position as the national anthem is being played. I knew that my place was in the back of the crowd, and that was the only place that had standing room.

Well, the race commenced. The first 2+ miles were on a closed off road, with a few thousand (I'm guessing) marathon and half-marathon runners. Then we turned onto the towpath trail. The towpath trail is about 8 feet wide, with a crushed limestone base. We ran with the marathon runners until about mile 5. Here they split the marathon runners from the 1/2'ers. After the split, the running was much less congested. At about mile 7, we did a 180 turn, and ran back against traffic. At this point, I just tried to pick an appropriate pace person, and hang 10 yards behind them. As I ran, I received numerous comments from other runners about the back of my W.I.S.H shirts (well, actually, it was only from those runners who passed me slow enough to read it :rotfl2: ) but everyone liked the DLF>DNF>>DNS thing. Anyway, the last two miles, I noticed that I was passing a few of the runners who had passed me earlier ( of course, many who passed me were never seen by me again). When I saw the sign for the 13 mile marker in the distance, I tried to pick up my pace (I'm sure anyone other than me would never have noticed).
I crossed the finish line in an unofficial 2:12:10. The time is about what I had hoped it would be. In the run, the only times I stopped running was to grab a Gatorade twice, and then I walked while I tried to drink it. My goal was to run the whole thing, and so for that, I felt good. I was handed my medal shortly after crossing the line.

All in all, I feel my first half-marathon was successful. Unfortunately, due to my mishap with the packet pickup, I never got a race shirt, so the only souveneir from the race is my medal. Today, I'm kind of sore, probably because I pushed it harder than I would have in a training run, but it only reminds me that I finally completed my first half-marathon. All of those training runs finally led to something. When Carrie, back in February of this year, suggested that I sign up for the WDW 1/2M, I thought it was crazy. When I started running, at times, it seemed even more crazy, but I finally did it.

Sorry for being long-winded, but once I started typing, it all kinda flowed out.

Here's hoping that the rest of the weekend racers met their goals. :cheer2:
oh Denny - Talk about strtung behind the 8-ball!!!!! :guilty: Wow, you did great under any circumstances, but under those circumstances, I'll say you did a phenomenal job. So sorry that you didn't get your shirt, though. Way to go! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: See, I'm not as crazy as I sound! ;)

MelR - Thanks for the reminder about pace. We are really kicking hiney compared to last year now. Just have to both stay healthy. Sorry your run was lonely.
Stephanie - welcome!!!!! Nice to see another arkie!!!! If you decide you don't want to do LR marathon, come visit us up north to do hogeye. it is tiny and the hills are huge, but it is fun. Although, you don't get the worlds largest finishers medal like LR, so...... who could blame you if you decide to stay there. My husband and i will be in little rock for the raid the rock adventure race weekend after this. We lived in lr for 10 years (actually maumelle) so i always love coming "home" to do that race. Last year we finished in Gilliam park (which was never opened when we lived there) and the year b/4, we went through this huge culvert near the ark river that i had no idea was there. it is a great race to see parts of the town you never dreamed existed!
MelRhoads said:
Stephanie - welcome!!!!! Nice to see another arkie!!!! If you decide you don't want to do LR marathon, come visit us up north to do hogeye. it is tiny and the hills are huge, but it is fun. Although, you don't get the worlds largest finishers medal like LR, so...... who could blame you if you decide to stay there. My husband and i will be in little rock for the raid the rock adventure race weekend after this. We lived in lr for 10 years (actually maumelle) so i always love coming "home" to do that race. Last year we finished in Gilliam park (which was never opened when we lived there) and the year b/4, we went through this huge culvert near the ark river that i had no idea was there. it is a great race to see parts of the town you never dreamed existed!

We actually live in Maumelle now--I went to school in Fayetteville, so I know about the hills--the hogeye is a little daunting, at least for me--maybe next year after I have at least one other under my belt! Go Hogs!
wtpclc said:
See, I'm not as crazy as I sound! ;)

Carrie, I'm more than happy to give you the credit ( or maybe the blame, whichever is more appropriate) for pushing me into this. :rotfl:

I really do appreciate the support that you and others have given me over the past 8 months.
Dennyha said:
Carrie, I'm more than happy to give you the credit ( or maybe the blame, whichever is more appropriate) for pushing me into this. :rotfl:

I really do appreciate the support that you and others have given me over the past 8 months.
:rotfl2: I was thinking you wouldn't want to "blame" me after sucha great run, but I guess I did rope you into WDW, which caused you to sign up fro this other event that caused great grief in your life for a couple days. :confused3 What can I say? The harder I try the worse things turn out sometimes. :rotfl:

The support from here is great, but you put the steps in!!!
Denny - It's a good thing you were able to wipe the grease off. It wouldn't be too pretty to wipe your sweaty face with a greasy hand!! Congrats on the time. You did awesome!!!

Well, my back is officially killing me. I took today as another rest day so I don't cause a major injury. Well, it's already an injury, but the pain comes and goes. I guess it decided to come and not leave this time. And how dare it after I finally increased my mileage and did pretty darn good for me!!!! So today I rest again and hope that tomorrow I am well enough to hit the treadmill for a shorty. The funny thing is that standing doesn't bother me, it's the sitting.

Oh and I love the comments that everyone is getting on the WISH shirts. I only got one so far... at the Rump Roast Run a lady at the water stop yelled.... "I bet you WISH you were done" and then laughed. She emphasized WISH too. How odd!! Way to motivate me.

Yahoo... it's almost quitting time!
Denny congrats ran the full at the Towpath was a great day a little chilly to start. Let me know what your running in the future and maybe meet at the start. Rich
Stephanie... :welcome: Not too many nuclear pharmacists around these parts ;)

Kelley...Good luck at Baltimore! Even if you're not ahead of the WDW sweepers now, keep in mind you'd still have two months to train. But I'm sure you'll do great!

Denny...wow...congrats on your half marathon! What an amazing pre-race experience!

AmyBeth...congrats on your LR! Let me know how those orthotics work for you. Since my re-injury, i've been thinking about them a bit more.

Bill...Lenna didn't make the kids' races...she didn't wake up well after having to get up early to drive us to the start. Maybe next year she and Billy can run together. Congrats on your special 'dad' award ;)

Where's Rhonda? Did she ever get off that cruise ship?

Carrie...wtg on your LR, especially with hills! and congrats on conquering the Big Mac! I'm still floundering on the weight issue...I'm soooo tired of having to think about every bite of food that goes in my mouth :guilty:

Results are up for RftT. My official time was 1:18:25 for a 12:38 pace. My last race was Minnie which I finished at a 13:38 pace. I was happy with my time yesterday, but today it doesn't feel fast enough. Nancy reminded me Saturday that I've come a long way (first 5K was a 16:07 pace, one year before the Minnie) which is exciting, but I still feel like I should be better, stronger, faster by now. I think my brain 'runs' faster than my body can really keep up right now. Anyone else feel that way or am I just crazy? :joker:
Ok, I am way too excited! I just came in from my 32 mins. of MfM W3/R1:

Mile 1 11:56
Mile 2 11:52
.75 miles 8:12 (I know I could have pushed it & finished a 3rd mile under 12 mins.)

This is the first time I have been under 12 min/miles for the entire time! This W3/R1 must be good for me. That and my all-Goo mix on the mp3 player! :love:
chimera said:
Results are up for RftT. My official time was 1:18:25 for a 12:38 pace. My last race was Minnie which I finished at a 13:38 pace. I was happy with my time yesterday, but today it doesn't feel fast enough.
Ummm...I vote for crazy!!! Your pace came way down from teh Minnie even after all the time you've been struggling with injuries! You rock!!! :banana:

Jen - Hope your back's better soon! :wizard:

Stephanie - Welcome!!!

Kel - :wizard: Good luck, but I'm sure you'll do fine!!!
Hey all, I am back and thinking I need to post a lot more. I will not make any excuses for my abscence but sufice it to say things have been hectic. Kelly, you prompted me to post for the first time in a long time. I know in my heart that you are much better for being a, as you say in sigi, walker than a coucher and you will be successful for simply showing up on Sunday. Watch out Baltimore there is a walker coming through.

Denny, and I thought I was the only one with bad race-day luck. Great job at not letting it get to you and finishing in an awesome time.

Christa, nothing to say but isn't running in the mud a BLAST? Great job.

Sorry for not catching everyone but it has been a long time between posts and I am short on time.

I went out yesterday and ran the Deleware Distance Classic 15 k with every intention of trying to get some of my confidence back but my body didn't listen again. I finished in 1:14:58 or 8 MPM about 30 seconds per mile slower than usual. I know that this does not seem overly slow but it was not the time I was disapointed with but the splits. I go out trying to go easy and then pick it up in the second half. Wel I did mile one in 7:27 (Garmin pace), mile 2 in 7:47 (trying to slow down), mile 3 in ............... 6:27 (what was I doing), mile 4 pulled back to 7:50, and it was downhill from there. Every race I have run since WDW marathon in January - 7 and counting after Sundays 15 K has been the same. I have completely lost my confidence and can't get it back. I need to tie a big old weight to my butt and run back words for the first couple of miles. Not letting it get me down because I will push through and keep on keeping on.
Well, I'm back from the doctor. I have to go and get an x-ray done on my ankle, my doctor thinks I may have a high ankle sprain. Once he gets the results, he said we would go day to day on training for the marathon, although he thinks I will be okay. I can run as long as I can live with the pain; I have to ice it, take anti-inflammatories and wrap it with an Ace bandage. I think I may stick with cross training until I get the results from the x-ray, although it doesn't sound like I can do any more damage to my leg. I wish I weren't such a klutz!!!! :rolleyes1

Denny--Great job on your half! What a stressful morning! Hopefully the Disney 1/2 will get off to a better start.

Kelley-- :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for your half.

Jen--Hope your back is feeling better! I can sympathize with back issues.

Kristi-- :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: on your run! Awesome job!!
I'm baaaackkkkk!!!!!! We went camping this weekend. It was the weekend from you know where. I have decided I hate camping & never want to go again. It was against nature that I ever went in the first place!

Anyway, I did not get in my 6 miler but I am so focused on training now that I'm ready to kick booty! :cool1: I leave in 79 days for WDW :scared1: so I have no time to mess around. Mom & I have also started a weight loss dual to see who can lose the biggest % of weight. We havent decided what the winner gets, but its going to be good.

Kristi- Wow! You are flying! Great job :thumbsup2

Mel- That is an awesome improvement between Minnie & RftT. You should be very thrilled with that!

Denny-great job on your race! Most people would have thrown in the towel with all that going against you. You should be very proud of that accomplishment (even without the shirt :goodvibes )

Krista- :wizard: for that ankle! Hope it gets better soon.

Kelley- Good luck on your race. But no matter how you do , you still need to come to WDW. You have 13 weeks left of training. Alot can happen in that time.
Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post from me - - last night I ran 5 miles at a 12 min/mil pace. I really felt like I could do more but it was really starting to get late. Thank god, my stomach is some what normal now.
OK! I am starting to feel somewhat back to normal today! :surfweb: I can almost go down stairs and sit down on the tolet again...TMI, but girls, you know what I mean! :rotfl2:
I did swim for about 40-45 min yesterday...it felt good, but old ladies, and pregnant women were passing me left and right! :rotfl: Nah, I am JK! But all the good looking guys who were "real" swimmers were passing me...I don't like being passed! :crazy:

Krista - OUT OF CONTROL ON THE ANKLE! Lotts of :wizard: :wizard: and :love: :love: coming your way!

Jodi - Glad you are feeling better!

Denny - Can I just say that YOU ROCK! :cheer2: Great job on the 1/2....and after all the :crazy: :crazy: you had to go through!

Kristi - GREAT PACE! :thumbsup2

Melissa - Have to say, that you were thought of during the rainy trail run! You did your 1st ultra on trails! COOL! I think I have decided that I LOVE running trails...The miles just ticked away b/c you have to focus so much so you won't kill yourself! :teacher:

GoofyGuy - Don't be down! That is a good time, but I understand! Hope you feel better! BTW I Love the mud! Here is a pic of my shoes, but you really cannot tell how bad they are. I have washed them but still..........


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