Wk of March 8th - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Hi, all. I did the elliptical for 3.3 miles on Monday. Yesterday I was supposed to go a meeting but skipped it and went out to dinner instead. Need to get back to the TM today. That's my goal.

I have an 8k on St. Patty's day, but I've given up any hope of running it. I'll be walking it. Luckily the pace is something like 25 minutes, so I think I'll be okay!

I do, however, need to keep my eye on January and not lose sight of my long-term goal.
Hi all, I am new to the WISH site as well. I met alot of you at the Princess 1/2 this past weekend. I was the 5th Amiga that you didn't know. I was so welcomed by everyone, I had to come and join you all. Can't wait to know you better.

I have a 5K this weekend, should be interesting. I signed up for Goofy in 2010 so that is my new goal. I hope to get faster and lose some weight at the same time.
Woo Hoo! Much better work out today. 3.5 mile, 30-minute speedwork. 8:30 on the warmup/cool down, sub-7's on the intervals, and 9:30 recoveries. Now if I can only do that off the track.

I got back Sunday from the Princess. Monday I followed my son around for a 9 hole golf match. My quads were very tight. Yesterday I walked 9 hole and played like crap (can I say that) and then walked easy for an hour. Today I walked for an hour with a gal who wants to make some life changes. We started walking a few weeks ago, but since I was at WDW all last week, I wasn't here to help her. Then after some coffee, I went on a 40 min. run/walk-trying out the legs after Sunday. It felt good so tomorrow I think I'll run 4 or 5 miles. Oh it has been so nice to get all my exercise OUTSIDE for the past 11 days! :banana:
I. Am. So. Sore.

But I'll do it again!

I'l be back later to catch up with everyone!
Okay - so how do I get on a team?? I'd really like to be on one, pretty please!

oh, and I did 3 miles on the treadmill today. I would rather have run outside, but there was a potential downpour and I didn't have time to wait it out! Tomorrow I'll do 4, and then on Saturday I will be doing 8. It is hills, so I am a bit nervous!
Laurel: Thanks for the background--I love stories about the legal addiction to running. (Maybe I love the ones about illegal addiction to running. :confused3 Never heard one. :rotfl2:) Pedicures are definitely on the list of appropriate treats for running. Oh, yes. Just a FYI, those questions I post are for the 'Ohana Monday Mixer; on Mondays, just visit the Team 'Ohana thread. It's a kind of social event so that we get to know WISHers throughout the forum. We especially encourage new blood--er, newbies--to join us! :thumbsup2

Here's the link for joining a team. Just let Susie know you'd like to join a team--chances are you'll be placed with our newest team, the Rebel Alliance.

Mel: We missed you here, but are sooooo glad you had a good Princess.

Susie: I'm sorry to here you might be one of the victims of budget cuts. I'll keep crossing my fingers and sending you PD in hopes it won't come to pass. pixiedust: Pajama-bottom guy. Um, yeah. I'm one of those annoying people who name the people in my gym. He's the guy who hovers over those of us on bikes until we're finished, then marks his place with a newspaper & disappears for 10-20 minutes. Grrrrr. And yes, he wears pajama bottoms. I have a whole list of gym-etiquette abuses that I keep track of. I think anger fuels some of my TM workouts. :lmao:

Disney_Mommy: May the force be with you! Oh, it already is. Congrats on joining a team! I think it's great that you've signed up for an 8K. Walking or running, it's just the thing to keep you focused on January. I find friendly events very motivational. You can always do some intervals, too. And I probably shouldn't be telling another team member this, because we're oh-so-competitive with the challenge :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: , but you get to count race miles as double your regular miles for the challenge. That's to encourage us to get used to races and pushing ourselves for personal bests!

Jennifer: I'm so glad you had new shoes to brighten up an "okay" run (which in my world is a heart-attack-inducing one). Even better that you had a good run today. sub-7s? Whew! Have I told you that it's stories like yours that convince me that I can get faster if I really work at it? Not as fast as you, mind you, but faster. Thanks!

Aloha Jeff: And what kind of change did you have on your run? Two bits? A Buffalo Nickel? :lmao:

SurferMickey: So you are Brandie, right? :welcome: Have you been racing long? I mean, you're right back into a 5k this weekend? That's fabulous! And yeah for going Goofy! You'll be in fine company, if I do say so myself. (Ahem.)

Joan: I can just tell from your post that your trip to Disney, Princess included, was just the thing! :goodvibes And I just want to say how nice it is to help your gal pal make some life change. I just read an article that talked about how therapists are taking their sessions on the road, walking with their patients. The mind-body connection. So I thought of that when you mentioned it. You're probably helping her more than you know. :woohoo: And congrats for getting right back into 4-5 miles!

Megan: That's a good sore, right? I can't wait to hear the details!

Maura: I know you'll catch up here sooner or later...so I just want to say that I love, love, loved savethewords.org. It made me laugh. I sent the link to DOOD, and it was a welcomed addition to his bookmarks.

As for me: It seems like I'm only posting on XT days. Such is the schedule. I ran yesterday, avoided the rain but not the wind. More wind expected tomorrow. Whoopee. On the upside, I'm loving my new spring running gear. I seem focused on cleaning out Joe's New Balance Outlet. Today was XT, as I said, with intervals on the elliptical and what little strength training I can muster. You know, if you work at it hard enough, you CAN break a sweat on the former. :rotfl:
Hey all the WISHers!!

Back from the Princess and after PR'ing the course and my overall Half Marathon time, I am taking a bit of a break. No nothing until Saturday. I then start working on technique and speed for some racewalking events.

Here is a photo from the WISH meet at POR for the Princess Half Marathon...


Hi Brandie!! :welcome: to you and hope you enjoy your time here and being on a team will help you to keep motivated.!! Had a great time at the Princess and hope to do it again with everyone.

Hey look! That's me on the right! (far right). My BFF wants to join me next year. I plan on doing the Race for the Taste and *hopefully* the full marathon in 2010. All for the love of the Mouse...

My quads have been sore since Sunday, but today I was able to stand without pushing myself off my chair. It is all good though because I know I did to my body.

I finished in 3:30:47 officially. I think I could have been just under 3:30, but I stopped for the Lady Tremaine and the step sisters. I'll post pictures later! I need to upload them.
Squeezed in 3 miles yesterday after work & a short field trip with DS, and before dinner & TKD.
Ugh. I'm sorry I keep slipping into MIA.

I'm so jealous of all you princess runners and walkers! The pics look great. Congrats to all.

I'm keeping up with my wogging. I did 6 miles on the TM last Sat and 7 miles OUTDOORS on Sunday. That was my first outdoor wog/run/walk since 2007! It felt great to be out again. I can't wait 'till Spring.
Tracy Looks like you girls had an awesome time. My BFF and I hope to do the Princess either next year or the year after.

Debra Thanks for your compliments. I do some of training runs with an intermediate/advanced running group out of the local running store and I am the lower end of the curve there, so it's a nice ego boost.

Jeff The Swamp Romp may be the first pictures of a race in Hawaii that I haven't wanted to do!

Today I did 3.5 miles in just under 28 minutes. Yay for sub 8s!

Hello again all. It's been a while since I was on the weekly forum but since Deb gave me a shout on one of the other threads and my first race of the year is this weekend I figured why not get back on.

I hope everyone's winter running (for those of us not in a Hawaiian paradise) went well and you are all ready for a good spring race season.
Did my usual 8 1/4 miles.

Happy Aloha Friday, get some pupus and suds, you all deserve it.
Happy Friday, all.

Jeff Loved the photos. How long did it take to get all the mud out?

FireDancerWelcome back and good luck on your race this weekend.

Jennifer I know you're half my age, but your speed makes me jealous! But at least I am improving mine, so I'm happy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. My main goal is to find a tri plan that I can jump into now. Oh, and I should probably take a look at the taxes! And don't forget, Saturday is Pi Day--so eat some pie to celebrate the glorious day of.....

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I think I'll be making Caribbean Fudge Pie....

Hey, here's an idea based on Tracy's photos. Would it be a good idea to have a thread with WISH Team photos? We've got a lot of smaller, regional meets going on, and if we had team photos in one thread, we could put names to faces. Just a thought, as I'm not a big picture taker. (Because I'm not good at it.)

Tracy: Love the photo, and it's really great to see Butch, John and ??? (can't see male WISHer in the back) among the princesses. So many new faces. Thanks for recruiting Brandie--I know she'll love it here.

Megan: And here's the example from above. I love having a face to go with your voice! That's so cool that your BFF wants to play, too. And that you've got a race calendar full of Disney events. Great job on the race, btw. Well worth stopping for pictures of Lady Tremaine.

Aloha Jeff: You know what I've figured out with the pictures? You want to encourage us all to be your stalkers. :lmao: And we are! :thumbsup2 I'm enjoying a soda right now, because you encouraged me. (I don't do suds.)

Kristi: Excellent job on your run, especially with your hectic schedule these days. Field trips sound like fun, too.

Sunny: I'm so happy you were able to get outside for your LR. It makes such a difference, especially if the sun is shining. How are your runs/wogs feeling generally?

Jennifer: See, here's the thing. You haven't really been running all that long in your career, and you're already working with the intermediate/advanced group. You're only going to get faster, especially since you're hanging with the big dogs. So not only are you fast in my eyes, they know you're fast too. (But keep thinking you're slow--it'll push you. :worship: )

Frank: Frank, Frank, Frank. Quit teasing. You know I'm just going to ask you. What is your first race of the season? Place, distance, running partners. Do tell. I'm all ears. Seriously. I have large ears. Oh, and in other posts, I see you're doing CMM. That's looking like it's going to be a fun time. Are you running with a regular training partner or an occasional running buddy? (I'm not stalking you--just subscribed to all the race threads. Shame on you for thinking that I'm stalking you. I'm busy with Jeff. :rotfl:)

Maura: You had to go and mention the evil taxes. Now I do want a drink, or a slice of Pi. DOOD has been talking Pi Day about for the past week, and we're making Key Lime. (Tracy, you should appreciate that!) I should just send him to your place for a slice of the Caribbean Fudge Heaven. Mmmm. Need the recipe. What's your planned tri event? And will you be keeping up with your speedwork for that leg of the race?

As for me: Ran outside yesterday--thought it was warmer than it was, dressed too lightly, and got chilled. Resulted in a shot of scotch for medicinal purposes. Went out to dinner with people who just "don't understand" this whole running thing DOOD and I do, about how our schedules and lifestyles are geared around running. (In terms of eating, sleeping, travel, etc.) Ever notice that some people's (probably innocent) questions sound like interrogations? :confused3
I'm finally feeling okay. I'll probably go out for an easy 2 tomorrow (never thought I would say that a year ago!). I'm going to focus on C25K again so I can run the whole race for the cure this year. Just 2 short months away from the Philly race.
Yum Debra - I love making Key Lime pie (well I actually like eating it better but....) I have never heard of this Pi Day before. Don't have the ingredients on hand to make a pie I feel left out.

Sunny - Glad to see you back on the boards and getting out to do some wogging. We have missed you around here.

Frank - welcome back to the weekly thread - I guess I haven't been around here lately myself. I have been hanging out for too long on the Princess 1/2thread - LOL

Myself - I haven't gotten anything in this week but that is to be expected with just doing the half last weekend. I am wearing my I Did It shirt from this weekend (I was smart enough to pick it up at the expo even though I technically didn't do it yet at that point - I learned my lesson with the I Did It 26.2 shirt at the marathon.) I love that the I Did it shirt from the Princess says 13.1 Miles and looking FABULOUS. I had so much fun doing this race that I am sure I will have to do it again next year. Not sure yet if I am in for the full in January but I would love to just not sure if I will be feeling that way later this year when I have to start training - LOL

I plan to post this weekend with my race report and upload pictures so hopefully that will happen - you know what happens when LTO.

Everyone have a great rest of Friday!!!


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