Wk of March 29 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Big Vic

DIS Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
I have no training to report so far this weekend. Yesterday was busy...went to a humane society fundraiser in the morning, first anniversary celebration of the opening of our Legacy Trail (where DH and I ride n roll on Sun) at noon, then to the Sailor circus where DD16 is part of the circus band. Whew! Woke up this morning to rain which continues, but is a great thing as water is in short supply around here. Hoping the rain will slack off enough later to ride, roll or run.

Jackie...maybe you could try a 3:1 on your short runs during the week and see how you might do moving up.

Christa...are you still biking too? How's Bree?

Kristi...don't you hate those runs where nothing seems to go right? Great job hanging in there.

Vic...how have you been?

Frank...I did the Mayfaire Classic a few years ago...my very first 5K ever! It's a nice course and an evening race which was kinda cool. It's associated with an arts festival so had a really cool Tshirt when I did it. The course goes around a couple of the lakes in Lakeland. One of them, Lake Morton, my dad used to live up the street from, so it was very nostalgic for me.

Debra...I don't think I ever answered you about the intervals thing. I really go back and forth on it as well. I think I've tried just about every combination of intervals out there. The short answer this time around is speed. I'm really chasing the PR this year and find it hard to set pace goals when running intervals. I don't know how fast I need to do the running portions with the walking portions to achieve a particular pace. The long answer is brain training. Towards the end of a LR, it gets really hard for me to start running again once I stop on a set walk break. I think it's more mental than physical, but I'm definitely planning to work more on the 8 to 13 miles distances for this year's training cycle. My biggest concern...I'm not sure my ankle can hold up to continuous running, but it hurts when walking around WDW for a day, so I don't know if the level of pounding really makes a difference. We'll see how it goes...I can always drop back to a R/W if it doesn't work out.

Good training everyone!
Mel said:
Vic...how have you been?

Just peachy! :cool2: No training today. :rolleyes1

We just finished up with three days of rain. Some parts of the county measured over 13 inches. We received over 3 inches at the house. A couple of deaths, roads washed out, flooding, etc. It's been a busy end of the week.

Looks like the Space Coast 1/2 may be in the cards. Will have to start working on the logistics.

Hi Everyone!

After some end of spring break pampering (pedicure and massage) I'm back in Boston. I did 10 miles (first double digit run :cool1: ) in 85 minutes (8:30 pace). I now am confident that I can rock my half-marathon in another month. :cloud9:

Debra I forgot to respond last week, but yes, there is a super-secret goal. I like to refer to it as the goal-which-must-not-be-named.

Ran 30 minutes. I'm on pager duty this week, and it went off half a dozen times last night (there are really times when I regret being a geek) so I ended up getting up later than normal and it was DAYLIGHT when I set out (not something typical for me... I usually run at 5 am).

Was NOT expecting frost when I got ready to leave home, so I was in capri length leggings and a t-shirt. It was a chilly start and I realized that my 4 inch arm surgery scar itches amazingly when it is cold. It was a great run, though, and (because it was daylight) I got to run a different direction. I usually avoid running this direction when it is 5 am because I don't really trust the 'no street lights' stretch that has only fences abutting the street. I'm probably paranoid... but hey.

At lunch time, walked 3 miles round trip to the grocery store carrying my 10 pound laptop (I'm on pager duty... I can't be 20 min away from the computer during pager week).

It was a great day for being out (both times) though... got pictures of frost on the blue bonnet leaves this morning and then pictures of bluebonnets shimmering in the sunshine in the grocery store walk.

Tomorrow, First Day to 5k week 2... and weight training at lunch time
Just trying to catch up on the weekly threads....

Frank: It sounds like your CMM training is going very well. You must not be letting football interfere with it. Good for you. I'm currently trying to talk DOOD into a trip to see Chelsea when they play in the states. (I know, I know, it's Chelsea. But at the same time, it's CHELSEA!)

Lily: How is your hips and back pain, post shots/epidural? And epidural? :scared:

Maura: About the splash of water. I know it's supposed to enhance the experience by releasing the scent of your liquor of choice. But I don't think my olfactory works well enough for that to matter? :confused3 Either that or I haven't fully embraced the pretentious potential. :rotfl2: For most of what I drink, neat works. (I don't do ice, unless you count ice baths.) I will say, however, that I did find a splash of water in my Eagle Rare bourbon did enhance it taste, so maybe I'm must not drinking the good stuff.

FigmentFan: I love this statement of yours:
I'm not to where I want to be yet... but I'm working on it.
It's a great way of keeping the focus on our progress, a sentiment we can all embrace. :thumbsup2 What a great deal of a free gym membership. Thanks for the overview of the podrunner themes. I've listened to DJ Steve's mixes (briefly) but didn't know how the intervals were organized or to what extent. Good luck with your pager week--I take it you're on call for emergencies? I do think you've found the bright spot in your pager week, getting to run a new route and being able to take pictures in the daylight. Remind me to look for the silver lining the next time I start complaining. Which should be, oh, probably my next post. :rotfl2:

Kristi: Loved the detail on your 4.05 run. And you managed to squeeze in 4 miles in your really busy schedule. Woo hoo! :woohoo: P.S. Happy belated b-day to your mom. I hope/am sure you all had fun celebrating.

Jackie: That's great news about meeting the challenge of the pick-up-the-pacer in your Galloway group. You SHOULD be proud of meeting that challenge, and so well. I mean, you had enough energy left over to walk the pups. Why is your group considering altering its R/W pace--for the overall time on runs? How does one negotiate this change, anyway? (Again, the training solo leaves me strangely unaware of the social aspects of running. :confused3)

Christa: Too old to run every day? You're definitely not too old to do anything you set your mind to. I guess I was thinking about IM tattoos for some reason. :rolleyes1

Mel: I loved the sound of your weekend. Fun, fun, fun! How did the humane society fundraiser go? As for the interval response. Ah, brain training. It's the thing that slips me up almost every time. It still bakes my noodle that running is such a mental sport. I love that you're trying new things to achieve your PR goal & believe that you'll have quite a few this season! :thumbsup2

Vic: Great news about your possible registration for the Space Coast. It looks like there might be quite the WISH contingency there. That's a lot of rain you've had. Not Fargo flood levels, but still...

Jennifer: You rock, girl, and so will your half. If you've got that pace for your 10 miler you're going to reach your goals for the race, maybe even your super-secret one. (I knew you had one! But I won't try to name it because I respect the goals-which-must-not be named.) Oh, and I'm glad you had a relaxing, pampered spring break. It's just the thing you need and deserve. Be sure you have something extra-special planned as a post-race treat, too.

As for me: Saturday's LR, relatively speaking, on the TM went well. I didn't even need to fight the urge to run outside, as it was rainy and windy. Seeing as FigmentFan is so positive, a good kick-in-my-pants reminder, I can say one of the benefits of the TM is that I find it easy to concentrate on my form on the TM. Outside, it really depends on the dogs, conditions of the sidewalks/trails, traffic, etc. Does anyone else have this challenge?

And on an even more positive note, there are times when I can check out the other forms next to me. ;) Yep, I got to run next to "I can run backwards at 7 mph" hottie on Saturday. Hey, I'll take the motivation where I can get it.
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Wendy posted this on the Lean Meaner thread and her words resonated with me, so I thought I'd pass it along as it serves as the inspiration for this week's mixer. :flower3:

It feels like Spring in my head-- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me. It's a renewed hope thing -- Do you feel that way, too?

So, WISHers, springtime is in the air as well as on the calendar. And even if your neighborhood isn't enjoying springlike weather quite yet, it's fun to plan for that day that's just around the corner. So this week's set of related prompts are...

What outdoor activity (or activities) do you most look forward to in the spring, and why? What is an annual spring tradition for you? How do you enjoy that first, perfect spring day?

Feel free to talk about prepping the bike for the season's first ride or the first run in shorts. But we're also interested in hearing about other activities: gardening, kite-flying, spring cleaning, picnics, roller blading, hiking, and so on.

So tell us your stories. The 'Ohana Monday Mixer starts here.
WISHer's rock!

I got out for a 12 miler. Not the best run, but it's done and in the books.

Have a great week everyone.
Mel: Thanks for the info. I'm sure it will be a nice course. I looked at the area with the Live Maps birds eye view and it looks cool.

Tomorrow it should be nice so long run for moi.
Hi Wishers! I'm busy at work but I'll be back later with updates.
Hi everyone!

Cross-training yesterday; 90 minute dance class and a 60 minute strength training class.

Weather's nice today and I'll go for run after classes and then my friends and I are trying Zumba tonight!

Hi Everyone!!! Hope you are all having a great week so far. Nothing new and exciting here. I did an easy 2 miles last night, I was training a 11yo boy so we took it nice and easy. This morning I did 4 miles of pickups. I forgot how bad those hurt. All to get faster and a better corral in Jan. I want a good finish at the RNR Chicago, the heat shouldn't be a problem since I am going to train in SW Florida. :) Oh well, I am off to take it easy for the rest of the day, since my muscles already hurt.
Wow, a slow week on the boards, huh?

Aloha Jeff: I haven't been tracking closely, but it sounds like you've had a series of not-quite-stonker runs. I hope you're doing all right. Maybe you should have Guru Les chase you around a bit. ;)

Frank: What's this I've been reading on other threads? The marathon is up in the air for you because of cost, etc. :scared1: Not acceptable! I'm sure after the CMM you'll be willing to eat PB & J sandwiches and ramen noodles, just so you can get the opportunity to meet up with more WISHers. Seriously, though, it's one of the things DOOD and I complain about--the Disney races are expensive. But I'm going to continue to cross my fingers that you get a HUGE raise and your budget allows such extravagances.

Megan: :wave2: Wow, work must have been really busy...:rotfl2:

Jennifer: You must give us an update of Zumba. It's the one class at my gym that is always insanely, elbow-to-elbow busy! Good luck with today's run, not that I think you need it. The weather here was just perfect, and I hope the same for you. :cloud9:

Brandie: So, wait, you're training other people as well? That's incredible and wonderful! Is this hooked up with your job somehow, or are you volunteering through a program, or just a really generous person? Pickups. :scared: Always makes me feel horribly out of shape, so it's really cool that you're not putting them off. What's your routine for them with a 4 miler? Keeping track outside is always the challenge for me. I guess having the RnR Chicago 1/2 is good incentive, too. I never thought about it, but your FL will probably serve you well for Chicago in August.

Maura: I just want you to know I've been thinking of you, your job, and the corporation through all these news cycles. I hope your position is safe and that you won't go through too much turmoil in your office. I mean, it's all very turbulent right now, but I'm hoping for the best possible scenario for you. :hug:

Racey Tracy: How are you feeling today? Did everything go well with your appointment?

As for me: Had a perfect running day today. :cloud9: And the run wasn't half bad, either. :rotfl2: And I started out my day with Pilates, so it looks like I'm more well-rounded of an athlete than I am. Now, if I can only convince myself to complete strength training tonight, it will be a perfect trifecta.

And in news for April, there's a very special day that's coming up soon. Anyone want to guess what it is? Something that's very near and dear to my heart? :rolleyes1


Now, I know what most of you are thinking. And there is THAT day, the "all about me" day. :banana: But no, I'm talking about National Start! Walking Day, sponsored by the American Heart Association. I know we're all healthy and active, but this event encourages workplaces to get involved. It's a great excused to talk to our coworkers, friends, and family members of the benefits of activity, one step at a time. Check out the link for how to get your workplace involved! :thumbsup2
Debra Thanks for the thoughts. Work will be whatver it will be (somehow I can't picture Doris Day singing Que Sera, Sera with modified lyrics!) Anyway, since my computer is currently dead, I actually read a little at lunch of a book you might have seen entitled "Reading the OED--One Man, One Year, 21730 Pages" by Ammon Shea. As a language lover, you may appreciate. So far I am only up to F, but the words he has picked out to comment on are great, and even a few that are appropriate for the WISH board!

Jennifer I bet I can guess your goal! (said very sing-songy)

Speedwork today....manageable.

Off to fix dinner.

Wondering if anyone has a clue....After a little more than a year of running (yes, I'm addicted) I have suddenly gotten a pain in the back of my knee. It sort of radiates toward my hamstring and down toward my calf. It is worse on stairs and walking. It isn't quite as bad running especially if I can get past two miles. Does anyone have a clue as to what is going on?
Deb: I found someone who wants to do the race but I also have another dilemma. My first full is on October 25th and I don't know how I'll feel let along if I'll be able to do it again 2.5 months later. I am leaning towards maybe doing both the WDW and DL in 2011 to get the coast to coast. We had a pay freeze at work that isn't helping but seeing as I'm in the financial industry (don't blame me for any of the woes, I'm in IT) I can't complain with all the people loosing their jobs.

Joan: I am no doctor and I don't play one on TV (I would though if asked) but from what you are describing it could be as simple as a lack of streching pre and post run. We all like to slack on stretching but after pulling a muscle a couple of years back that bugged me for 8 months I decided I could no longer skip it.

As for me, I just got back from just under 8.5 and feel pretty good. I had a weird fatigue-like pain in my lower left shin that buged me from about mile 3 to 6 but it was gone by the end. I am thinking I was a little too tensed up. Once I loosened up a little it worked its way out. And yes, I did stretch.

All you Windows users make sure you are patched up. This conficker/downadup hoopla is mostly the media not understanding the worm and needing something cataclysmic to report about (we all remember Y2K right) but there are infected machines. Microsoft patched the hole in October and their MRT has been able to remove it since then.
Maura, Do not provoke the-goal-which-must-not-be-named?:scared1:

Debra Zumba was good. It reminds me of a salsa-robics class I've taken. Personally I expected a little more strength moves, but it's definitely fun. And I'm definitely a white girl with no Latin rhythm which makes it entertainig (at least most of the others in the class were as bad off as me). :banana:

As for me, 5 miles in 40 minutes on a perfect mid-50s and sunny day and a 45 minute Zumba class tonight.

So I tried out my skirt from running skirts and I have to agree with what other people have said. I ordered it a size smaller than what I normally wear and it fit comfortably, but there seemed to lack the compression that compression shorts should have. And when I was running, the shorts were riding up on me. I can only imagine that after a few wears, it would not fit so good at all. I'm going to see about their return policy.
Aloha Jeff: I haven't been tracking closely, but it sounds like you've had a series of not-quite-stonker runs. I hope you're doing all right. Maybe you should have Guru Les chase you around a bit. ;)

Deb, I've had tired legs the last 2 weeks. Not getting warmed up by the usual 2 miles. Now it's 4.

I'm running about 8:30-9 minute miles, and with Guru Les out a block ahead of me, means I'm still doing the chasing.

8 1/4 miles tonight, 1:14. The Guru is back at the car drinking his post race juice by the time I come trailing in.
Megan What kind of skirt did you get? New Balance makes running skirts with compression shorts,and the has short a small (ipod) pocket on teh right side. You can get a good deal on on at Joe's New Balance Outlet-just google to get to the site. He did have free shipping a while back.


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