Wk of March 29 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Thanks Joan! I'll take a look at them. My skirt was from Running Skirts. I had heard varying reviews on them tending toward bad recently. I decided to take a chance with them though. I'll be looking into returning them today.
Hey my WISHer people!!

Vic: Yeah, Vic may be coming to the SpaceCoast Half!!

Jennifer: Sounds like your training is coming along nicely! I think you will definately rock your Half Marathon with those times.
Can we guess on your "super Secret Goal" I have one also, but won't even think about it so I even forget about it from time to time! :lmao:

FigmentFan: It sound and looks like your training is coming along nicely also. Keep at it!!

Jeff: Your posts are getting kinda short and sweet (pancakes) wassup bro? You have tired legs!! Say it aint so JOE!!!! Maybe instead of chasing after Les get a rabid dog to chase you! :rotfl:

Brandi: Hey Amiga and my Spacecoast roomie!! How are you doing? Training an 11yo? Is this for running and how did this get started? Very cool.

Frank: You MUST come to WDW in Jan. Just do the Half instead of the Full and stay only for a few days. It is always well worth it to hang with WISHers!!! (and you know it!)

Joan: Hope you pain is going away and I would suggest the stretching thing also.

Debra: My Ice cream lovin friend!! Thanks for asking about me!!:love:

Tricia: I signed up for the Bull Run 10k. Of course you'll finish before me since I will walk and do some jogging from time to time!

AFM: I had been having some back pain since I went to WDW for my Birthday. I thought it would just go away on its own and it never really got any better. I would wake up fine but then it would get worse throughout the day. MIddle back on the right side. I kept doing my training (walking) as it didn't really seem to hinder me at all. I had a racewalk on Saturday and it was there but not a bother. I had a massage that day later and the Massage Therapist worked on it a bit. Later that day still the same and didn't get any better. I made an appointment with a chiro yesterday. I have a knot and spasms in the trapezious and rhomboid on the right side. I had some electric stem and heat. The and adjustment in the neck and back area. I love it when the chiro practically "sits" on you!! I have some stretching exercises to do. This is a area effected when you reach out to grab something and then pull back in. UGH!! I iced it yesterday afternoon and did my stretches. I am actually feeling much better today!! YEAH!!
I only did 3 miles last night due to weather and so I did an extra 2 this morning.

Have a great April 1st everyone!!

Racey Tracy
Tracy, Your welcome to guess at it but I'm not telling the answer until I get ready to leave for the race. My friends and co-workers already have a predict Jennifer's finsih time pool going (and some of them are kind of funny).
Oh and I forgot to mention, I noticed the Team Edward sticker in your sig. Have you seen the fan-made poster for New Moon? yummy

As for me, it was grey and chilly and I was babysitting this afternoon so I only did an easy 5k in 24 minutes.

Tracy: I already did 2 halves so my next Disney has to be the full. I think I found someone to come but we have to chose this year or next year (2010 or 2011). I am already doing the podcast cruise so I might want to do 2011. If we do decide it is 2010 I think I will just change the Niagara race to a half and do the Disney full.

Either way I am doing a WDW full by January 2011.

No training for me today because I have a wake to go to. If it gets out early enough I may hit the gym on the way home.
Decided to pull out the Wii and do some activity.
Not sure it was the best thing to do as I am right handed and that is the side that my back has been bothering me. Using the right arm for Tennis, Bowling and Golf kinda made the back pain come back. SO I stopped. DId some stretching sitting with the tennis ball against my back and will ice later. HEHE

Jennifer: I have not seen the poster. It's really yummy huh? Should I be drooling?

Frank: Glad you found someone to share with. I guess it will all work out for you.

Anybody else gona watch the ER finale episode??

Racey Tracy
Jeff: Your posts are getting kinda short and sweet (pancakes) wassup bro? You have tired legs!! Say it aint so JOE!!!! Maybe instead of chasing after Les get a rabid dog to chase you! :rotfl:

Who's Joe?

If I don't keep my posts short, then Deb's going to get on my case.
First, thanks Frank and Tracy for reminding me to stretch-probably don't do enough. I have spent the last two days (an hour each day) on the elliptical and it is a painfree activity. Think I will do it again tomorrow. Gave blood today-6 min. for a pint-to bad I can run that fast.
Hi everyone,

I did a fast/pace 4 mile run in 30 minutes today.

I'm going to go see Dirty Dancing: The Musical with friends tonight.

Thanks Joan! I'll take a look at them. My skirt was from Running Skirts. I had heard varying reviews on them tending toward bad recently. I decided to take a chance with them though. I'll be looking into returning them today.

I run in a skirt from SportSkirts. http://www.skirtsports.com/
I do everything from a 5k to marathons. I love it. I have the marathon girl and bike girl. My friend Bree has the Gym girl. We love them. I would never try another brand again.

Did speed work yesterday...WOW! I was timid and only did a 7 MPM at the 1st mile. I got faster as the session went on. Next week will be better. I love running on a track.

Jennifer, nice run. Have fun at Dirty Dancing.

Racey Tracy, I always hurt myself on the Wii...Hee Hee! My DD8 could hardly walk b/c her abs hurt so bad after a snow day of playing Wii.:confused3

FireDancer, have you ever ran a full? I think you will slam it! Good luck!

OK...gotta go...both my DDs are sick (nice).
Hey, folks! It's been a couple of days...

Maura: I haven't read "Reading the OED" yet, but I do remember reading a very positive review of it in the NYTimes Book Review. (A friend used to say reading the review was more time efficient, anyway, as you could pretend to have read a range of books and impress people.) I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll add it to my list as being recommended by a real person. (You are real, aren't you?) I hope your computer has been resuscitated or is enjoying a second life on Second Life. And that work will be BETTER if not perfect. (You're too good for them, you know that.) And your speedwork? More than manageable, I'll bet.

Joan: I'm late to the party for the question. Good thing I'm generally ignorant about such things, so my opinion isn't necessary. It doesn't sound like a hamstring injury, per se, but perhaps some kind of stress on the hamstring? Stretching, yes, and maybe a visit with a sports PT specialist. Or a massage! Yeah, that's it! :thumbsup2

Frank: I am confident you can do another full in 2.5 months, especially if you plan on one being an easier race (i.e. not all out). I don't have a training plan, but I can think of a lot of people who could advise you. Try the Bots thread, they have a lot of good people who might be crazy enough to try, oh, say Philly and then the January marathon. Or Duane--he's knowledgeable. And I know that Christa just posted here--she knows her stuff. Now, I know you were saying that you didn't know how you'd feel after October, and no one can answer that. And then there's the $ issue and the C2C medal. All very strong considerations. But then there's the WISH meet. Hmmmmm? Oh, and you already know the full doesn't fill up quickly, so you have some time to decide.

Oh, and bad news for me. The Niagara race conflicts with a conference in Dallas. And I don't see any 1/2 marathons in Dallas then, either. :sad2: (Can't do a conference AND a full.) About the podcast cruise--I hope you're planning on giving us a mini-TR for that, huh? Isn't Jeff going too?

Jennifer: Add me to the list of white girls with no Latin rhythm. (How old do I have to be before I get to call myself hag? :confused3 :lmao:) It's so crowded in my gym I don't think anyone can notice anyone else's moves. So at least Zumba isn't a pick-up class.

I won't ask you about your super-secret goal, because I respect the cloak-and-dagger idea behind having one. But I do hope you achieve it. (And I've got a super-secret goal for YOU, too. Bwa ha ha ha. I'm an evil genius.) And if I were with your friends & coworkers I'd so join that pool! Enjoy Dirty Dancing. The musical, of course!

Megan: Good to know about the runningskirts brand. I think the same thing about the NB Flare, although I'm less concerned about compression than I probably should be. I've only worn mine a few times, though. (Compression--so tight. Can't breathe! :scared: ) I like to hear reviews of gear before I buy, and this helps out a lot! :thumbsup2

Joan: What kind of NB skirt did you get? And I love, love, love Joe's New Balance outlet. :love: And I just got an email saying there's free shipping all this weekend! P.S. Thanks for donating blood.

Aloha Jeff: I know you know much more than I do about this whole running things--you've got years on me. (Experience, not age!) But is it possible you've been overtraining, what with your new group and pacing and all? Just thinking out loud.

About post length. Awww, come on, Jeff. You know you wanna be like me-e-e! :cool1:

Freckles: Just calling you that for variety, Tracy! My, you've certainly got a full racing schedule. You and Jeff--year-round events. Wowsa. I'm glad that your chiro worked some magic with you and you're feeling much better. Did he/she make any suggestions for stretching, exercises, etc.?

Christa: First, :hug: for the DDs. :sick: And congratulations on the speedwork! You're well on your way to meeting your speed goal. And I knew you'd get right on that one. :woohoo: Thanks for recommendation from skirtsports. I hear good things about them.

As for me: I got a short run in and pilates in before my doctor's appointment today. Turns out my new FP is a runner, so she's going to be very understanding of my needs. But she's running me through a battery of tests for my vegetarianism, just to make sure I'm getting enough iron, B-12, etc. Needles, ick, ick, ick. (What is she, a doctor or something?)
Hi All! Nothing exciting here in my world lately. I have been increasing my training, need a good time for Goofy. I am going to try and use my results from RNR Chicago. We did alot of speedwork on Tues and then a hard 5K last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with sharp pains in my shin and hips. Guess I over did it. I decided to take 2 days off, so I can hopefully go for a long run on Sat. It will all depend on how I feel. I am hoping for a PT next weekend in a 5K so going to rest then push myself for that.

Tracy: As with everything it just happens to me. The 11 yo is wanting to start running, in addition to his swimming, so he came to the store. I was available and agreed to help him with pacing and endurance. Not just the sprinting. He will give me something to push myself for.
So I guess I'll jump in here...I've been here on the W.I.S.H. board off and on for a few years, but I should be here to stay for a while.

By January 2010, I'll either be in the best shape of my life...or dead. Ok, not really, but I may feel like it some days. After much contemplation and some inspiration, I now have an amitious, yet not impossible plan. OK, more goal right now than plan, but here it is (tri distances are swim,bike,run):

June 7 - Mini Tri (250 meter, 4.3 mile, 2.3 mile) with DS10
July 12 - 1/10 Iron Man (.24mile, 11.2 mile, 2.6 mile) Totally signed up for this because it makes me laugh! Can't wait for my 14.06 sticker.:)
Sept. 12 - Nation's Triathlon (1500 meter, 40K, 10K) Just about double the distance of my longest triathlon.
Sept. 26 - Expedition Everest Challenge with DH
Jan. 2010 - Waddle for a Donald (DH is Goofy)

There is my plan. Out here for everyone to see. So far this week, I'm on week one of Couch to 5K, a rite of spring for me. I've wogged 2.5 miles each 30 minute session.

Two years ago, at almost 35 years old, I stood at the start of the Gold Nugget Women's Tri in Alaska, never having been in a swimming, biking OR running race in my life! A few months before that, I bought a W.I.S.H. shirt and started training. Since then, I've completed 2 triathlons and a 5K. Thanks for the inspiration. Please keep it comin'

Is this where I should mention that I've always hated running??
Nice to have you hear Sk8ingmom!!
Yep, this is THE right place to mention you hate running. It's like in January we all meet and and have a good time, too bad we have to stop and do races!:lmao:

I got out to my FAVORITE place tonight after work... can you guess??....

Vista View Park! Or as I call it Mount Trashmore.

Yeah. I saw a lady there that I use to see last year before the time changed. She went by me and commented on how good I looked and that I lost some weight!! That was cool. Later, she came up to me as I was going up the hill to talk. Her name is Jeanette. Very nice lady and told me I was looking very "Fit" . Kinda made my day if you know what I mean.

Here are a few photos:


I also ordered some trail shoes, so can't wait to really try out the Horse Trail and not have to be "careful".

Have a good Thursday Evening everyone, I am watching the final espisode of ER and boy is it good!

Racey Tracy
Aloha Jeff: I know you know much more than I do about this whole running things--you've got years on me. (Experience, not age!) But is it possible you've been overtraining, what with your new group and pacing and all? Just thinking out loud.

About post length. Awww, come on, Jeff. You know you wanna be like me-e-e! :cool1:

1) Not enough ice cream or Thin Mints. :mickeybar

2) No. :scared1::lmao::rotfl2:
Jeff.....I'm sad.:sad2::sad1:noreply for me?? I feel left out!


You posted at the same time as me, and I was out the door from work to get my run in. You were a victim of "gotta shut the computer down and get out the door."

So, RT, well done on your reps today, and take care of your back!!! :thumbsup2

AFM: 8 1/4 miles, 1:12:50. I have Deb to thank for making me think "run fast, run fast, run fast." Either it was her, or the bag of popcorn I ate for my afternoon snack. popcorn::
Checking in. Hope everyone is doing well! :thumbsup2
I have been given the all clear from my doctor and will attempt to start back running next week while on vacation. It will have been six weeks since my surgery! :eek: I'm excited and a little scared at the same time! :lmao: I'll be curious to see exactly how much I have lost. My plan is to try to get in a few two mile runs. I need to go back to laundry and possibly some packing. I always wait until the last minute. :sad2:

Hugs to all my fellow WISHers! :grouphug:
Christa: No, I haven't done a full yet. I will be doing one in October if all goes to plan.

Deb: Yes, I do want to come down in 2010 but who knows. I could probably do the full 2.5 months later as long as I don't pull or sprain something in October. I'll just make sure my training miles are up high. If I don't do it this year though I will try for the coast to coast in 2011.

I did a quick 3 miles yesterday before attending a funeral. Tonight the weather is garbage so I think I am just hitting the gym. I also signed up for the Sunburst 10K at the University of Notre Dame. One of my friends keeps telling me he wants to do a 5K and is huge Notre Dame fan so this should help motivate him. He is doing the 5K and I am doing the 10K. There is also a half and full marathon.


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