With so many closings,what am I paying for?

I sort of feel your pain since Swiss Family and BTMRR are our favorites, both of which were closed when I was there in early Sept. Dino was closed as well but we don't ride that any more due to back problems so that wasn't a big deal. I actually thought about skipping MK since the two that were closed were my do multiple times attractions and MK is normally only a half day park for me any way. I ended up going twice in the trip and did attractions I either hadn't done in a long time or had never done (and I've been going at least every other year for over 33 years). I don't ride RNRC for the same reason we don't ride Dino and Space Mountain - back problems and I don't ride Star Tours - or Mission Space for that matter - because those kinds of rides make both my son and I sick. So taking out the two headliners at HS and yet I was still there twice during my trip and would have stayed longer but had F&W seminars I had booked so I had to leave. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan and thought I'd hate the addition to HS but I'm actually enjoying it even if I don't know all the characters. I even did a character meet and greet and I have never, not once in my entire life done one. It's frustrating when refurbs happen on your trip but let's face it, they have to happen and they are going to happen on someone's trip. The fact that Dino didn't open on time is just bad luck, no one knows why it didn't open but if I did ride it, I would want it to be in top shape. As far as hiring more people to work on the rides, if they did that I would think they would have to raise prices and then that would cause the whole money sucking argument. WDW is a huge place and even with rides down there is more to do than you could possibly do in one trip. Just have an open mind and you might just find yourself having fun in spite of yourself.
Because it's that easy to cancel a $3k vacation the week before. Honestly if we didn't have non-refundable military tickets I would have just switched our vacation to US, but that's not possible. It's really frustrating when you have to change plans - last minute - that have been set for almost 2 months.

I don't get the "just don't go" comments either. Maybe these are people who live close enough they drive? Or go often enough that their kids wouldn't be devastated by clawing back a Disney trip at the last moment.

I understand some disappointment when a favourite ride is down for refurb during your vacation, but I don't understand questioning the value of the WDW experience. You either think it's worth it or you don't and if the closure of a handful of rides tips the scale for you, then you're probably better off vacation elsewhere. WDW is open 365 days a year, every attraction requires maintenance and the only way to do that is close them temporarily. I actually think they do a pretty decent job of spreading around the closures between parks and different times of the year. Our trip this year had BTMRR, Dinosaur and IASW all down for refurb. BTMRR is my DS favourite ride and other than a brief "that's a bummer", it wasn't even part of the conversation for the rest of the trip.

Of course the problem is that when people buy their plane tickets and park tickets, they don't have this information.

The people complaining in this thread aren't complaining about a single ride being down. They are complaining about a growing list that includes 3 headliners and a major piece of entertainment in the MK.

I'm sure they will have a lot of fun once they get there. But completely understand venting here as the list continues to grow leading up to their trip.
Some of Disney's announcements come long after commitments have been made and money spent -- in some cases (like today, for instance) less than two weeks before the trip. Thus, statements such as "Go somewhere else" do not account for the reality of the situation. If all of the information were available when the plans were made, it would be different.

"Go somewhere else" is not the answer when replying to a frustrated persons post, I agree. But I will say that I am of the opinion that when you make a commitment to stay at any Disney resort, not just a deluxe, you really need to be okay with the cost of the resort and stop looking at it as an entry fee to the parks. Yes, there are benefits to onsite stays, but you need to be realistic about what you are paying for. And full freight??? WHo does that? That is where I am perplexed, there are always discounts to be had, and as much as I love s WDW vacation, no way will I pay full price. No discount? No trip.

AS to the construction, the refurbishments, etc. DHS was not a secret, not for years, If you are feeling buyers remorse over that, you did not research. Frankly, I like the park and plan to visit, and I will be occupied, but that is me. For your family's, if you cannto find enough to so there, do nto waste a park ticket. Use it elsewhere.

I know that there are multiple closures that have cropped up, but even if you have not taken advantage of teh discounts that have been offered, many did, and know that the reason there are discounts is becuase this is a season that refurbs may take place.

It is too late for you to change your dates, but it is not too late to adjust your plans. It looks like DAK hours have been extended, and I assume that means there will be more to do.

That might be true. Or maybe they told their kids months ago about the trip and can't pull back now. Or maybe they have non refundable park tickets and plane tickets already?

Yes, it is too late to change course, I bet. Best to adjust plans and to go with an open mind because going mad can set the entire trip to fail.
"Go somewhere else" is not the answer when replying to a frustrated persons post, I agree. But I will say that I am of the opinion that when you make a commitment to stay at any Disney resort, not just a deluxe, you really need to be okay with the cost of the resort and stop looking at it as an entry fee to the parks. Yes, there are benefits to onsite stays, but you need to be realistic about what you are paying for. And full freight??? WHo does that? That is where I am perplexed, there are always discounts to be had, and as much as I love s WDW vacation, no way will I pay full price. No discount? No trip.

AS to the construction, the refurbishments, etc. DHS was not a secret, not for years, If you are feeling buyers remorse over that, you did not research. Frankly, I like the park and plan to visit, and I will be occupied, but that is me. For your family's, if you cannto find enough to so there, do nto waste a park ticket. Use it elsewhere.

I know that there are multiple closures that have cropped up, but even if you have not taken advantage of teh discounts that have been offered, many did, and know that the reason there are discounts is becuase this is a season that refurbs may take place.

It is too late for you to change your dates, but it is not too late to adjust your plans. It looks like DAK hours have been extended, and I assume that means there will be more to do.

Yes, it is too late to change course, I bet. Best to adjust plans and to go with an open mind because going mad can set the entire trip to fail.

I actually think that venting here is the first step in adjusting plans. Just because someone posts their frustrations here does not mean they are going into it with a bad attitude, won't adjust and have fun. Venting is just the first step in adjusting. I don't blame them one bit. And I bet they will go on to have a fun trip.

I agree DHS is what it is. You get what you get there since that info has been out there for some time. Same with BTMRR. That's been on the schedule for a long time. But I think a fair number of people went into it thinking "OK, I can deal with those. It's not great but we'll adjust." But then as the other closures have piled on since then, their frustrations have multiplied.

Here's the best post of the entire thread. It's all that's needed, and I bet all that most posters here were looking for:

Unexpected closures blow. I get what you're saying. Hugs...try to keep your chin up and I'm sure your trip will still be a blast.
I can understand the closures for refurbishment, even if it causes me to miss going on a ride. Rides need periodic maintenance.

However, what has started to bother me is the closures that are for good with no replacements. For example, the performers in World Showcase Italy or the MSEP or the actors in DHS.

When I hear about another closures like those, I have to ask myself "why am I paying more for less?"

And FWIW, our upcoming trip to Disney will be the last for a while.
I actually think that venting here is the first step in adjusting plans. Just because someone posts their frustrations here does not mean they are going into it with a bad attitude, won't adjust and have fun. Venting is just the first step in adjusting. I don't blame them one bit. And I bet they will go on to have a fun trip.

I agree DHS is what it is. You get what you get there since that info has been out there for some time. Same with BTMRR. That's been on the schedule for a long time. But I think a fair number of people went into it thinking "OK, I can deal with those. It's not great but we'll adjust." But then as the other closures have piled on since then, their frustrations have multiplied.

Here's the best post of the entire thread. It's all that's needed, and I bet all that most posters here were looking for:

I agree that venting a way to begin making adjustments. My concerns from the OP stemmed from the resort costs vs value. Once you begrudge the cost of lodgings, you are in trouble. THe resorts themselves are not tied to park prices, so as far as I am concerned you really need to take them out of the picture. I traveled last August, and I stayed at the Grand. Now I am not a trooper, so the torrential thunderstorms that lasted hours impacted my park time. Add heat and humidity that was way more intense than other times I was there during that timeframe, and Holy Smoke....which was literally rising off off me....I was either so hot or so wet! LOL! Bottom line is that I knew paying for a deluxe was what it was....so we needed to make that part of the trip. Park tix and costs need to be looked at as seperate, IMO to avoid the reality that Park Problems happen.

I get it, I had two little girls with me, first trip. They suffered the heat and we missed a lot. SO I understand that frustration.
You're hitting the parks at a really unfortunate time. My friend is heading there the same time. By the time they added MSEP and Stitch to the "closed" list she was just as frustrated as you. I'm sure she'll have fun once she gets there, but her anticipation has not been anything like it has been on previous trips.
This is how I feel. While I am excited to go, loosing MSEP really gutted me and then finding out about Dinosaur last night nearly sent me into a rage. I have no issue with "all the closings" (its not really that much) at HS because it makes my planning easier since none of the headliners will be closed and takes away variables. But no MSEP and Dinosaur are really bumming me out this morning. On the positive side, there are new things I will be trying this trip that I am really looking forward to, one being Club Villain. Yes, I paid extra for that, but its most definitely a highlight and fair trade off (at least in my mind) for missing Fantasmic! Another thing I never did before that I am looking forward to is also Illuminations. So, there are ways to make your vacation worth it even with the closures.
I can understand the closures for refurbishment, even if it causes me to miss going on a ride. Rides need periodic maintenance.

However, what has started to bother me is the closures that are for good with no replacements. For example, the performers in World Showcase Italy or the MSEP or the actors in DHS.

When I hear about another closures like those, I have to ask myself "why am I paying more for less?"

And FWIW, our upcoming trip to Disney will be the last for a while.

I won't say that I am there yet, but I will say that I know I need to have a goal for each trip now. I do wish that when WDW makes a change, it does not always seem to translate into a reduction, I understood losing the Lights, but I do nto understand not adding something elsewhere to make up for the loss. Instead of cutting entertainment for whatever reason, move it. For me, the changes I notice the most and feel the most strongly about are the Holiday decorations. They are removed and never replaced. One here, one there, and then all of a sudden you notice what is gone.

I think we all have our own personal line in the sand, FOr me it would be adding resort fees. I know other places do that....I just watched my cost jump A LOT for a July stay at the resort my niece chose to get married at due to the additional fees. I want to stay where her wedding is located so I will pay, but I am not sure that I would at WDW. It is an additional cost that bothers me.
And full freight??? WHo does that? That is where I am perplexed, there are always discounts to be had, and as much as I love s WDW vacation, no way will I pay full price. No discount? No trip.

I have a full freight trip booked for the second week of May. No discounts have been announced for that timeframe yet. If there are discounts to be had, they probably won't be announced until after Christmas. I want to be able to book ADRs more than 180 days out...I'm going to try for BOG on the 4th day of the trip. I had a budget in mind and found a room I'm happy with at that price point. If a discount comes out later, that's a bonus. Also, there are some rooms/resorts which are very seldom included in the discounts (POFQ and AOA LM rooms come to mind). If you want those rooms, you pay full price.

While I understand OP's frustration, Disney does have a lot to offer, even with some things closed. Try to stay positive OP! I'm sure there is still more to do at Disney than you can fit into an entire trip!
It does stink. Unfortunately you're traveling during a known refurbishment period.

While there really isn't any "down time" at Disney anymore, this month is, comparatively speaking, a low-crowd time. Even if there are crowds, they're usually preoccupied with the F&W and MNSSHP.

With the holidays coming up, Disney usually uses this time really get everything in order. The only time I've experienced a ride going down during the holidays was Pirates a few years ago, but that proved to be part of a larger problem.

Honestly, not to sound brash, but if it's gonna kill your trip that much don't go. You're right—you pay BIG BUCKS to go to Disney. It's a trip that some people plan and save for for years. Don't go. Save the money and put it toward a trip when everything is up and running. My cousin wants to take her kids soon. I tell her all the time "it's a good time for a regular Disney fan, but if this is the one trip you can go on for a long time, hold out till 2018 or 2019 when most of the construction is done."
OP came back and said, it's a multi-family trip. No real way to get out of it now.

Refunds would be impossible for everything.

The point of my question was not to ask why OP doesn't cancel but more why OP even decided to go in the first place if they are soooooo unhappy with Disney.
They could have planned a vacation to somewhere else to begin with.
Visiting at the end of this month. As was the case many times before, paying full freight, including for deluxe resort accommodations. Today we receive notice that, on top of everything else, our Dinosaur fast passes are replaced. Thus, a given snapshot of our all-in Disney vacation most likely will reflect (1) half of Hollywood Studios closed; (2) Thunder Mountain closed; (3) Rock-n-Roller Coaster closed; and (4) Dinosaur closed. Not a single concessions by Disney, even though all of this is down. What, exactly, are we paying for? And do they think that biting the hand that feeds (big-time) is good business practice?

You are suppose to happily pay lots now on the "promise" that someday Disney will have new attractions open..

And you are not suppose to complain because the "cheerleaders" get upset if we don't all go "Disney can do no wrong and no price is too high"

(There's a reason I am not going near as much as a I used to.. I no longer drink the Kool Aide)
The point of my question was not to ask why OP doesn't cancel but more why OP even decided to go in the first place if they are soooooo unhappy with Disney.
They could have planned a vacation to somewhere else to begin with.

I think the point is that the closures the OP is unhappy about were not announced before they booked. The latest in a long line was just announced yesterday I believe.
You are suppose to happily pay lots now on the "promise" that someday Disney will have new attractions open..

And you are not suppose to complain because the "cheerleaders" get upset if we don't all go "Disney can do no wrong and no price is too high"

(There's a reason I am not going near as much as a I used to.. I no longer drink the Kool Aide)

That plays right into my point. If you don't find it worth going then don't.
Personally I still love it and I will still go. I certainly am not happy about prices so that has modified the way I go but I still go.
I certainly don't think I'm a "cheerleader that thinks Disney can do no wrong" though.
I think the point is that the closures the OP is unhappy about were not announced before they booked. The latest in a long line was just announced yesterday I believe.

That happened to me as well.
Things like BTMRR, IASW, Dinosaur... were announced after I booked.
Disappointing? Sure, but I still wanted to go and spend my money for the dozens of other attractions I like.
That happened to me as well.
Things like BTMRR, IASW, Dinosaur... were announced after I booked.
Disappointing? Sure, but I still wanted to go and spend my money for the dozens of other attractions I like.

My point all the way through has been that it's disingenuous to tell the OP they shouldn't have booked or shouldn't go. Once you book non refundable tickets and tell the kids, you're mostly stuck.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand now Star Wars fireworks will be gone for my trip. As I posted in another thread, I'm done. No, I'm not cancelling this trip. I've made reservations to kennel my dog, I have non-refundable plane tickets, tickets are bought, I have paid the full balance on my room, and my partner and I have requested the time off and been approved. After all the hours I've put in planning this trip, damnit, we're going. But no more. I really couldn't care less about Avatar. I WILL go back and see Star Wars at some point, when it's open, but I'm going to be in no hurry. I'm not recommending Disney to friends and family anymore. I'm not helping plan anyone's trips anymore. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I feel your pain, OP.
My point all the way through has been that it's disingenuous to tell the OP they shouldn't have booked or shouldn't go. Once you book non refundable tickets and tell the kids, you're mostly stuck.

Not really.
As a child my parents had to cancel last minute.
Was I upset? Yes, but got over it.
My sister's coworker just had to tell her kids they coudln't go last week because SWA cancelled flights to and from MCO for several days.
Things happen. Kids are resilient.


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