WISH Away the Pounds July Challenge - Everyone Welcome!!

QOTD: Well, I've got the exercise down and staying hydrated. I love water--straight from the tap. There's always a full glass on the counter. I drink it all day long. DH on the other hand can't stand the stuff. He sucks down the Diet Coke like it is water. :crazy2: I cannot get him to stop! so frustrating Oh well, it's not vodka all day long!! :rotfl2:

Going to pick blueberries here in a bit (the farm isn't open yet!). A fella from the Y put in a plug for a friend's farm. He thought it'd be fun to get a group of us together and pick, but nobody's available times overlap. I have my regular farm I usually go to (picked strawberries there earlier!), but thought I'll try these guys for a change. Dh and I usually eat blueberries every morning but we've been out for a bit now. It'll be good to have them again. Today's weather is cooler, so that's good, too!
I think prioritizing exercise and not eating after a certain time I'm doing well on. Staying hydrated is just about there. I want to start doing smoothies but I dont like shakes ( its a texture thing)but I know it will be good for me.

Everything else is a work in progress.

I am using the scale weekly but seeing it not move much is discouraging.
Home from the visit with my NP. Their scale read 316.4 so it really is coming off. :yay: She was proud but we decided to over all wait on more labs for a few months to see what it really does on those. She told me what to look for as far as Metformin and trying to cut carbs back. She said if I get shaky or dizzy that I may want to start backing off on the Metformin. She fixed the mistake and got me switched back to twice a day. So now I get to look up and call to confirm which meters my health plan covers. She wrote it for once a day checking to be curious. She only does a quick scan always states me as high cholesterol and diabetes. It will get there if I'm not changing some things so I'm not angry. The first time I met her I was completely angry and upset but I've grown to like her well enough. :goodvibes She was very encouraging on the weight loss that has happened so far. :thumbsup2

Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, July 17, 2014:

I know I said I was using my Made to Crave book as inspiration, but I found this online yesterday and knew it was perfect to share with you all........

15 Habits of People Who Have Effectively Lost Over 20 – 30lbs and Kept it Off

1. Do not eliminate foods or deem certain foods as bad or “off limits”

With all the restrictive diets flooding our tv’s and computer screens you would think the only way to lose weight would be to completely eliminate food groups and only live off kale and water. Well that is not the case. Most people who lose weight and sustain their weight loss do not do so by removing certain foods completely from their diet but finding a way to fit them into a healthier lifestyle. For weight loss to be sustainable your lifestyle needs to be sustainable.

2. Develop routines and make it your lifestyle

Losing weight has everything to do with creating healthier habits. To do this you need to switch up your routines. Basically, if you do what you always do then you are going to get what you always get. Once you have created new routines and stick with them those routines will eventually turn into habits and become your new lifestyle. Keep in mind that it takes 21 days to form a new habit so don’t give up on those new routines so quick. Also, don’t try to overhaul your life in one week. Slow and steady friends. Too much to soon will cause you to burn out and get discouraged.

3. Eat clean (er) foods

Basically clean eating means eating foods that are minimally processed, if processed at all, and closest to their natural state. When you eat clean foods your body receives more nutritious foods, which means it will be nourished and statisfied longer.

4. Have an accountability system

Accountability systems are so important with losing weight. They help you measure success, identify issues, and motivate as you move forward. I personally use my scale to hold me accountable. That is what works for me. I also pay attention to the way my clothes fit and how I look in pictures. I know the picture thing might sound weird but for many years I hid behind my kids in pitcures because I hated the way I looked. One reader suggested always looking at yourself in a mirror, front and back. I think the picture and mirror tip comes down to not hiding from yourself. Hold yourself accountable. Now I am not suggesting that you become obsessive with the scale or mirror. Not at all. But having an accoutabitly system is very effective in helping to lose weight and sustain that weight loss.

5. Practice portion control

Once you embrace and learn the concept of portion control is when you realize no food is truly off limits. The saying “everything in moderation” absolutely rings true in the world of sustainable weight loss.

6. Tracking food

Next to portion control, tracking food is one of the most powerful tools with losing weight. In order to make any changes with food you need to know what you are eating and more importantly how much. Some people will say that counting calories or tracking food is tedious and too time consuming. Yes it does take a little time up front however the rewards in my opinion far out weigh any inconvenience. Plus, once you become more aware of the food you are eating you may not need to track as much. However, I have ALWAYS found it helpful to fall back on tracking whenever I have gotten off track.

7. Prioritize exercise

In order to reach your goal weight and sustain that weight loss you have to prioritize exercise. When you combine a healthy diet with exercise you will see results. Not only will your body change and look better but your mood will change and you will have much more energy. Now don’t get scared cause I am not saying you need to run marathons or spend hours in the gym. But you do need to get sweaty a few times a week. Find what works for your lifestyle and make a commitment to exercise 3-4 times a week.

8. Eat every few hours

I hate being hungry. When I am hungry I tend to get headaches, crabby, and become totally fixated on food. It really is not a pretty sight. So I have learned that instead of eating 3 bigger meals with long periods of time in-between I do much better with eating 5 smaller meals a day. This helps keep me satisfied all day and prevents me (most of the time) from making bad food choices.

9. Find healthy substitutions for favorite foods

I think the biggest myth with losing weight is you must give up your favorite foods. This is not true at all. In fact, I have found it to be the exact opposite. If you want to lose weight and sustain that weight lost you need to find a way to continue enjoying the foods you love. Once you start to feel deprived is when your efforts to create healthier habits will crumble. You want to create eating habits you can live with forever.

10. Stay hydrated

I never really concerned myself with hydration. I always thought I drank enough water. However, once I started drinking smoothies in the morning I realized that maybe I was not properly hydrated before. Because when I drink smoothies I feel alert all day, never get headaches, and have a ton of energy that lasts me all the way till night. When I don’t drink them I feel the opposite. Drinking my smoothies not only give me a good dose of fruits and veggies but it also gives me a lot of water and liquid to hydrate my body. For me it is difficult to fully hydrate my body with just drinking water all day. If that works for you great but I have found smoothies to really help with hydration. If you find yourself tired all the time and not having energy try doing more to hydrate yourself because that could be the issue.

11. Meal plan along with preparing meals and snacks ahead of time.

Creating a menu plan and preparing your foods ahead of time helps you become more intentional with the food you are eating. When you are intentional you think before you eat and most likely will make better food choices. Both of these tools – used together – serve as the roadmap and vehicle for a healthy lifestyle. Without either of them I would never know what I am eating and certainly would not have the food available when I am ready to eat. And you know what happens next? Yep, take out or quick unhealthy snacks. Taking the time to menu plan and then preparing the foods that you can ahead of time will make such a big difference with your weight loss efforts.

12. Have a cut off time everyday with eating.

This has been one of my go to weight loss habits. Late night eating has always been an issue for me as I am sure it is for other people too. By giving myself a cut off time I am able to control my night time calories. This habit, as with others I have mentioned, keeps my intentional with my eating. My personal cut off time is 7:00pm so I know if the clock says past 7pm and I am eating more than likely I am eating unnecessary calories. Now your cut off time can be whatever works for you. I know some people work crazy schedules and 7pm does not work for them. The point is to stop eating by a certain time to prevent overeating. It has work wonders for me and I believe it can really help you in meeting your weight loss goals.

13. Have a max weight for the scale

This is not something I have practice but I think I will start. I know some people do not like using the scale but for me it works. I weigh myself every week to keep me in check. I try to post my weekly weigh in on my FB page and blog every week or so. Sometimes I am a slacker and go a few weeks without posting. But I will tell you when I start to see the number go up and up that is enough incentive for me to refocus and get back on track. I love the idea of having a max weight because then it gives you a little flexibility but always you are giving yourself a limit.

14. Cook at home

One OYS reader wrote “weight loss begins and ends in the kitchen”. I absolutely loved this and couldn’t agree more. Early on in my weight loss journey I learned that if I wanted my weight loss to be sustainable I needed to learn to cook real food at home. Trying to lose weight and survive off boxed diets meals was not sustainable. When you cook at home you control the ingredients, portions, and are able to prepare food that you enjoy.

15. Never stop

Even though I did not put the other habits in any kind of order I did want to put this one last. I want you to leave with this. Losing weight and sustaining that healthy lifestyle is a process and journey. It is never over. I have said this many times before but I will say it again – there will be times where you think you got this whole weight loss thing down then there will be other times where you eat a box of thin mints and feel like you lost all control. But no matter how bad you think you “slipped up” never stop trying. Always keep moving forward.

Here is a link to the full page. If you have the time I strongly encourage you to check it out. She definitely has some other suggestions and lots of links if you struggle with one or more of these things. http://www.organizeyourselfskinny.c...fectively-lost-over-20-30lbs-and-kept-it-off/

Anyhow.... the QOTD is..... tell us which one (or more) of these you've really got a handle on and which one of these you really struggle with and why and HOW are you working to get PAST that struggle?

I like the Made to Crave series. I have the emails but didn't read through all of them. I don't have the books though. I've done some other faith based ones but barely got into week 2-3. I like the other one that concentrated on fasting dinner to dinner one day a week. So you can learn TRUE hunger cues. It was interesting.

But I'd say I really got the hydration part down 99% of the time and not eliminating foods though I am trying to cut back on some carbs and chose cleaner options. I will be continuing my working on consistent tracking of food. Prioritizing and keeping a routine for exercise is definitely two areas to work on.

I think prioritizing exercise and not eating after a certain time I'm doing well on. Staying hydrated is just about there. I want to start doing smoothies but I dont like shakes ( its a texture thing)but I know it will be good for me.

Everything else is a work in progress.

I am using the scale weekly but seeing it not move much is discouraging.
You might like juicing better then. I like smoothies but they get costly and if I have to fight with the blender and then clean up the mess it discourages me often.

I know how the scale not moving is. Or even worse when I lose and gain the same 3-5 lbs over and over again. Its been more of a steady drop the last couple months. Maybe partly with giving up soda(carbonation bloating might be less) I was usually only having one a day but with it there it leads to some temptation to have more.
In case you need more info, After you click the button with the + sign at the bottom of the posts, you just click to the next page. At the end, just hit the reply button at the bottom left of the thread. It will multi-quote everything. Hope that's not too confusing!


Thanks! I didn't realise this website was smart enough to multi quote over a number of pages :teacher:

Here is today's QOTD!

Accountability is crucial in this weight loss journey.

"Consider these statistics about goals and accountability from the American Society of Training and Development.

The probability of achieving a goal is.....

10% when you hear an idea

40% when you decide you will do it

50% when you plan how you will do it

65% when you commit to someone else you will do it

95% when you have an accountability appointment with the person you've committed to......

What is the biggest challenge you face in making accountability part of your healthy eating [and exercise] plan?"

What could you GAIN if you added some/more accountability??

I'm always in two minds about committing. I want to bring someone into my accountability, by telling them what my weightloss / health plans are, but then I want to be able to change my mind without having to explain myself to anyone :rolleyes: which I know is a major cop out.

Good morning all! Here is your QOTD for Thursday, July 17, 2014:

15 Habits of People Who Have Effectively Lost Over 20 – 30lbs and Kept it Off

1. Do not eliminate foods or deem certain foods as bad or “off limits”

2. Develop routines and make it your lifestyle

3. Eat clean (er) foods

4. Have an accountability system

5. Practice portion control

6. Tracking food

7. Prioritize exercise

8. Eat every few hours

9. Find healthy substitutions for favorite foods

10. Stay hydrated

11. Meal plan along with preparing meals and snacks ahead of time.

12. Have a cut off time everyday with eating.

13. Have a max weight for the scale

14. Cook at home

15. Never stop

Anyhow.... the QOTD is..... tell us which one (or more) of these you've really got a handle on and which one of these you really struggle with and why and HOW are you working to get PAST that struggle?

1. I did some work on taking a mindful approach to eating, and so really make an effort to not categorise foods as good or bad. And I need to not set anything off limits, as it just makes me want it more.

2 and 3. I'm working on, sort of at the same time. I'm experimenting with different fresh foods, some that I've never tried before. One of my biggest stumbling blocks is the cost. I can afford to spend on healthier food, but I love and will chase a bargain, and for food that usually means buying lots of processed stuff. So I'm trying to get into the routine of buying fresher foods and preparing more myself.

4 and 6. Well, see previous post. I'm seriously considering if I need to start tracking food, at the very least as a way to really know what I'm eating through the day.

5. The lap band does most of the heavy lifting on portion control, but I do need to still pay attention. Having lived with it for so long, I know if I eat slowly enough, I can put through quite a bit.

7. I'm usually ok on the exercise front, but I'm struggling with motivation lately. Is it just the cold weather? Maybe.

8. Another way to 'cheat' the band is to graze too much, so for me it's a balance between eating regularly but not slipping things through all day long.

9. I'm really trying on this one! I love chocolate flavoured milk, and could drink it all day long, but it's so high in calories. So I'm experimenting. I've been eating more fruit this week, and I've noticed the sweetness of the fruit has reduced my craving for things like chocolate. So I'm trying a routine of, I'm hungry (and particularly at work, I'm surrounded by less healthy options) so eat something healthy first, and if I still really want to, I can move on to other temptations.

Another thing I'm trying to replace is my morning chai. I have a packet mix (all sugar and milk added) that I like, but I ordered a caffeine free, just tea and spices version that arrived yesterday and it was delicious! Didn't even need sugar added. So I'm pretty pleased with that.

10. An easy one to fall away during winter. I've noticed I have been drinking less, and my head and skin feels worse for it.

11, 12 and 14. I have a long commute between home and work, so I've relied too much on food I can just stick in the oven when I get home, take the dog for a walk and then eat. I'm clearing those out of the freezer, and am starting to cook on the weekends again. I used to be pretty good at this, but got lazy I guess.

The cut off time is difficult for me. I usually don't eat until 7:30 on a weeknight, 8:30 on a weeknight I go to the gym. This probably isn't good for my metabolism, as I usually then go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00, but there's not much I can really do.

15. Definitely agree with this.


Well, I have a massage booked in just 40 minutes from now and I still need to have a shower...! I'll leave a last little message of yesterday's weigh in was a shock, with the scale going in the wrong direction by 1.5 times it dropped the week before. I was so mad. I really don't like the scales, because the fluctuate so much for me, even if the overall direction is down (eventually). So...yeah, I wasn't impressed. And like a pp said, it's really discouraging even if you think you're doing everything 'right'. Luckily, I had an appointment booked with my therapist last night that helped talk me through it, so today is a new day.

Thanks for the QOTD, the last two have been great!
So, so sorry for the skunk incident, Jill! :flower3: I've heard Dawn dishwashing soap (the kind for doing dishes in the sink) works because that spray is somewhat oil based. That happened to us once with our dog Charlie the night before MIL came to visit. :sad2: We had a friend who had a skunk follow the cat into the house through the dog door and then spray in the house. :scared1: Hope things are clearing out now.

That has always been a BIG reason why I never wanted a cat door..... I didn't know what else would come wandering through!! The Dawn is a great idea!

I hope the weather gods hear you, Pamela! :rotfl:

Out of time to answer the QOTD for now.

I hope for your sake they do too!

QOTD: Well, I've got the exercise down and staying hydrated. I love water--straight from the tap. There's always a full glass on the counter. I drink it all day long. DH on the other hand can't stand the stuff. He sucks down the Diet Coke like it is water. :crazy2: I cannot get him to stop! so frustrating Oh well, it's not vodka all day long!! :rotfl2:

Have you ever given him anything to read about what aspartame does to your brain? I'll tell you, that pretty much stopped me COLD TURKEY on Diet coke. And honestly, I told DH that I love him too much to buy it for him any more. He still buys it for himself sometimes and stops for a fountain soda at the convenience store when he goes into town, but we no longer have an entire refrigerator door shelf dedicated to the 3-4 bottles a day that we used to consume together! Try having him read "Sweet Poison" by Dr. Janet Starr Hull. It is a real eye opener.

Going to pick blueberries here in a bit (the farm isn't open yet!). A fella from the Y put in a plug for a friend's farm. He thought it'd be fun to get a group of us together and pick, but nobody's available times overlap. I have my regular farm I usually go to (picked strawberries there earlier!), but thought I'll try these guys for a change. Dh and I usually eat blueberries every morning but we've been out for a bit now. It'll be good to have them again. Today's weather is cooler, so that's good, too!

YUM! I had planned to pick berries yesterday, but it was raining when I got up. So hopefully after breakfast I can head out today for a bit of picking! Enjoy your berries!

Home from the visit with my NP. Their scale read 316.4 so it really is coming off. :yay: She was proud but we decided to over all wait on more labs for a few months to see what it really does on those. She told me what to look for as far as Metformin and trying to cut carbs back. She said if I get shaky or dizzy that I may want to start backing off on the Metformin. She fixed the mistake and got me switched back to twice a day. So now I get to look up and call to confirm which meters my health plan covers. She wrote it for once a day checking to be curious. She only does a quick scan always states me as high cholesterol and diabetes. It will get there if I'm not changing some things so I'm not angry. The first time I met her I was completely angry and upset but I've grown to like her well enough. :goodvibes She was very encouraging on the weight loss that has happened so far. :thumbsup2

So glad that the news at the doctor was good and that she was encouraging!

I like the Made to Crave series. I have the emails but didn't read through all of them. I don't have the books though. I've done some other faith based ones but barely got into week 2-3. I like the other one that concentrated on fasting dinner to dinner one day a week. So you can learn TRUE hunger cues. It was interesting.

I had never heard of the books until it was offered as a Bible study with my Tuesday morning womens' group. I really enjoyed it.... it gave me some HUGE insights into some BIBLICAL reasons to stay at a healthy weight and most especially how the scale, no matter WHAT it says, doesn't measure my worth as a PERSON in the eyes of God. If you would like it, I will send you my book. I didn't mark it up very much... I mostly wrote in the Participant's Guide, which I want to keep. But the book still has plenty of good reading left in it if you would like it! Just PM me your address and I'll send it on its way!

But I'd say I really got the hydration part down 99% of the time and not eliminating foods though I am trying to cut back on some carbs and chose cleaner options. I will be continuing my working on consistent tracking of food. Prioritizing and keeping a routine for exercise is definitely two areas to work on.

Glad you have so many parts committed!!

You might like juicing better then. I like smoothies but they get costly and if I have to fight with the blender and then clean up the mess it discourages me often.

I know how you feel.... the fresh produce does get expensive and the blender is always dirty it seems! But then I realized that cleaning the blender doesn't really take any longer than scrubbing the egg pan. And I definitely feel better MENTALLY starting the day with a super healthy fruit and veggie filled smoothie! It just gives me that right MENTAL BOOST to have a great day of healthy eating. That being said, it does get tiring to DRINK my breakfast every day, so I definitely switch it up. Juicing is great and can be super healthy and definitely SMOOTHER than a smoothie.... but it leaves me hungry!

I know how the scale not moving is. Or even worse when I lose and gain the same 3-5 lbs over and over again. Its been more of a steady drop the last couple months. Maybe partly with giving up soda(carbonation bloating might be less) I was usually only having one a day but with it there it leads to some temptation to have more.

We certainly can ALL relate to the scale not moving in the right direction when we feel like we have done all of the right things!! Sometimes there is NOTHING MORE to be done but to keep on keeping on!! Giving up the soda is a HUGE step in the right direction.... stick with it!

I'm always in two minds about committing. I want to bring someone into my accountability, by telling them what my weightloss / health plans are, but then I want to be able to change my mind without having to explain myself to anyone :rolleyes: which I know is a major cop out.

When you say "change your mind".... do you mean about your eating plan or about committing to lose weight? Honestly, have you ever "changed your mind" about wanting to lose weight and get healthier, or do you (like the rest of us) just tend to give up or peter out over time? Would having an accountability partner/coach/leader/group help with that? Someone to encourage you when you are ready to throw in the towel? Someone to push you to continue on the right path when you just want to spend a weekend with your head in a bag of potato chips? Someone to remind you WHY you are doing this??

1. I did some work on taking a mindful approach to eating, and so really make an effort to not categorise foods as good or bad. And I need to not set anything off limits, as it just makes me want it more.

Good!! Honestly, that is a HUGE key in Weight Watchers.... NOTHING is off limits!! Sure you have to have some control, weigh/measure your portions and track it.... but NOTHING is a no-no food! As such, you don't end up spending your days just DREAMING about eating cake! And it takes the POWER AWAY from the food!!

2 and 3. I'm working on, sort of at the same time. I'm experimenting with different fresh foods, some that I've never tried before. One of my biggest stumbling blocks is the cost. I can afford to spend on healthier food, but I love and will chase a bargain, and for food that usually means buying lots of processed stuff. So I'm trying to get into the routine of buying fresher foods and preparing more myself.

I am a bargain hunter as well, so I can totally understand what you are saying. As such, I tend to be the one filling my cart with the marked down bruised bananas.... but you know what??? A bruised banana is still a MUCH HEALTHIER CHOICE than the cheaper HFCS-filled snack bar!! And bruised bananas make GREAT smoothies!!:p If you are having trouble committing to buying the healthier (but sometimes more costly) foods, try doing some reading up on WHY healthier foods are better for you. Read about what HFCS, white flour/white sugar, preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings and sweeteners are DOING to our bodies! I promise you, you will THINK TWICE next time you go shopping. And if you don't do it already, become an avid LABEL READER!!! Is that box of white flour pasta mac and cheese such a bargain if it means it could shorten your life because it contributed to Type II diabetes? I think you know the answer to that.

4 and 6. Well, see previous post. I'm seriously considering if I need to start tracking food, at the very least as a way to really know what I'm eating through the day.

Tracking has remained a HUGE KEY for me in losingweight and maintaining my weight loss. No tricks, no gimmicks, no cheating (most of the time anyway;) ).... just honest food journaling. Nothing fancy or elaborate.... notebook paper and a pen sitting on the counter and I've developed my own tracking shorthand to make it a bit easier. But it gets done.

5. The lap band does most of the heavy lifting on portion control, but I do need to still pay attention. Having lived with it for so long, I know if I eat slowly enough, I can put through quite a bit.

Can't comment here, as I have no experience with the lap band. But if you know what a healthy adequate portion of something is, then you are on the right track.

7. I'm usually ok on the exercise front, but I'm struggling with motivation lately. Is it just the cold weather? Maybe.

Again, I struggle with exercise motivation too.... wish I could help you more.

8. Another way to 'cheat' the band is to graze too much, so for me it's a balance between eating regularly but not slipping things through all day long.

Maybe you could decide your foods and portions ahead of time... weigh/measure them out, put them in a serving dish and put the larger container away.... and then when the serving dish is empty, they're gone and you're done eating! Do this for things that are particularly "graze-easy" like chips, crackers, nuts, grapes, etc.

9. I'm really trying on this one! I love chocolate flavoured milk, and could drink it all day long, but it's so high in calories. So I'm experimenting. I've been eating more fruit this week, and I've noticed the sweetness of the fruit has reduced my craving for things like chocolate. So I'm trying a routine of, I'm hungry (and particularly at work, I'm surrounded by less healthy options) so eat something healthy first, and if I still really want to, I can move on to other temptations.

Great idea! Another idea is to start with a cup of hot tea.... then if you are still "tempted" move on to fruit.... and then wait 30 minutes after eating the fruit. If you are STILL tempted/hungry, then have a small bit of the temptation!

Another thing I'm trying to replace is my morning chai. I have a packet mix (all sugar and milk added) that I like, but I ordered a caffeine free, just tea and spices version that arrived yesterday and it was delicious! Didn't even need sugar added. So I'm pretty pleased with that.


10. An easy one to fall away during winter. I've noticed I have been drinking less, and my head and skin feels worse for it.

Drink up!! :drinking:

11, 12 and 14. I have a long commute between home and work, so I've relied too much on food I can just stick in the oven when I get home, take the dog for a walk and then eat. I'm clearing those out of the freezer, and am starting to cook on the weekends again. I used to be pretty good at this, but got lazy I guess.

Having something ready to eat or stick in the oven isn't a bad idea, but perhaps you are questioning the HEALTH of those things? Cooking on the weekends and having your own healthy "frozen dinners" to pull out and warm on busy days it probably the best solution!! Great idea! Do you all have crockpots there? My crockpot saves me on busy work days.... it is kind of like having a cook preparing dinner for me while I'm at work. I come home and dinner is warm and nearly ready and the house smells delicious!

The cut off time is difficult for me. I usually don't eat until 7:30 on a weeknight, 8:30 on a weeknight I go to the gym. This probably isn't good for my metabolism, as I usually then go to bed around 10:30 or 11:00, but there's not much I can really do.

I struggle with this too....I've worked on pushing back the time that I STOP eating a little at a time.... my cut off now on a pretty regular basis is 8:15 pm. I'm aiming for 7:30 pm, but I REALLY LIKE a bowl of popcorn or a snack with my 8pm tv show!!

15. Definitely agree with this.

NEVER GIVE UP!! That's our motto!


Well, I have a massage booked in just 40 minutes from now and I still need to have a shower...! I'll leave a last little message of yesterday's weigh in was a shock, with the scale going in the wrong direction by 1.5 times it dropped the week before. I was so mad. I really don't like the scales, because the fluctuate so much for me, even if the overall direction is down (eventually). So...yeah, I wasn't impressed. And like a pp said, it's really discouraging even if you think you're doing everything 'right'. Luckily, I had an appointment booked with my therapist last night that helped talk me through it, so today is a new day.

Thanks for the QOTD, the last two have been great!

Hope the massage was delightful and relaxing!!


Morning all! Had a nice visit yesterday with DH's extended family. Saw his niece and her family PLUS my DSIL and nephew that we haven't seen in 2 years.... and of course my two other SIL's plus assorted nieces and their kiddos and my dear sweet MIL! And I made the extended drive and picked up DD for a homecooked dinner and some love!

Dinner however, was tough. There is ALWAYS salad with DH's family, which is great, but dinner itself was lasagna, spaghetti, meatballs, and sausage. A total crapshoot and calorie bomb. I had a serving of salad and one small meatball and decided it wouldn't kill me to be a bit hungry..... especially since it was the night before weigh-in AND I'm currently doing a clean eating challenge and meatballs and sausage and white flour pasta are definitely NOT exactly my definition of "clean eating". Thank HEAVENS dessert saved me.... they had a big platter of cut fruit (along with cookies and brownies, of course). I was pretty hungry on the ride home, but DH stopped for a soda :sad2: and a bag of peanuts, so I had a few peanuts and called it a night. Even fell asleep before I drank the big glass of water I brought up to bed.

All of that restraint was rewarded on the scale this morning with a 1.7 weight loss. I'm sure it is due in part to how very active I have been around the house this week AND my clean eating challenge AND my smoothies. Now to stick with it for another few weeks so I can go on vacation nearer the BOTTOM of my maintenance goal and have a bit of wiggle room!

Off to post the QOTD!......................P
Here is your QOTD for Friday July 18, 2014:


Name your....

favorite book/book series:

favorite indulgence food:

favorite vacation spot (other than DISNEY):

favorite T.V. show:

favorite color:

favorite song:

favorite way to RELAX:

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself:

favorite vegetable:

favorite time of year/season:

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!
Anyhow.... the QOTD is..... tell us which one (or more) of these you've really got a handle on and which one of these you really struggle with and why and HOW are you working to get PAST that struggle?

I think I've definitely got a handle on exercise, hydration and not eating after a cutoff time. I need work on the food part especially portion control and tracking. I need to break out my measuring stuff again because I'm certain my eyeball portions are not cutting it. Thanks for sharing that article, Pamela! Lots of interesting stuff to check out and thing about! :cool2:

Going to pick blueberries here in a bit (the farm isn't open yet!). A fella from the Y put in a plug for a friend's farm. He thought it'd be fun to get a group of us together and pick, but nobody's available times overlap. I have my regular farm I usually go to (picked strawberries there earlier!), but thought I'll try these guys for a change. Dh and I usually eat blueberries every morning but we've been out for a bit now. It'll be good to have them again. Today's weather is cooler, so that's good, too!

A visit to the berry farm sounds like fun, Linda! :cool2: Hope that you are not socked in with terrible smoke like we are.

I think prioritizing exercise and not eating after a certain time I'm doing well on. Staying hydrated is just about there. I want to start doing smoothies but I dont like shakes ( its a texture thing)but I know it will be good for me.

Everything else is a work in progress.

I am using the scale weekly but seeing it not move much is discouraging.

Sorry that the scale is not moving like you hoped! :flower3: Don't give up and your hard work will be rewarded soon. :cheer2:

Home from the visit with my NP. Their scale read 316.4 so it really is coming off. :yay: She was proud but we decided to over all wait on more labs for a few months to see what it really does on those. She told me what to look for as far as Metformin and trying to cut carbs back. She said if I get shaky or dizzy that I may want to start backing off on the Metformin. She fixed the mistake and got me switched back to twice a day. So now I get to look up and call to confirm which meters my health plan covers. She wrote it for once a day checking to be curious. She only does a quick scan always states me as high cholesterol and diabetes. It will get there if I'm not changing some things so I'm not angry. The first time I met her I was completely angry and upset but I've grown to like her well enough. :goodvibes She was very encouraging on the weight loss that has happened so far. :thumbsup2

:woohoo: for a great report from the doctor, Melissa! It's good to have someone that you feel that you can work with and supports you.

Here is your QOTD for Friday July 18, 2014:


Name your....

favorite book/book series: Anything by Jane Austen

favorite indulgence food: popcorn::

favorite vacation spot (other than DISNEY): ???? :rotfl2:

favorite T.V. show: Downton Abbey

favorite color: Blue

favorite song: Europa

favorite way to RELAX: read

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself: New sparkleskirt

favorite vegetable: cauliflower

favorite time of year/season: summer :beach:

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!

Have to think about the surprising fact for a bit.

Pamela, glad that you had a good visit with family and thanks for coaching! :flower3:
QOTD for Friday July 18, 2014:

Name your....

favorite book/book series- Tuesdays with Morrie

favorite indulgence food- pizza

favorite vacation spot-Thailand

favorite T.V. show- don't watch tv

favorite color:teal

favorite song- too many to just pick one

favorite way to RELAX- on a beach

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself- get a massage

favorite vegetable- pea pods

favorite time of year/season- SUMMER

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!
I only like Disney World and nothing else Disney

Good luck with every ones weight loss.

Name your....

favorite book/book series:
So hard because there are so many. Harry Potter, Song of Fire and Ice, Elizabeth George (Inspector Lynley) are top 3 probably.

favorite indulgence food:
Cheese fries.

favorite vacation spot (other than DISNEY):
Southern Maine! (our future retirement home)

favorite T.V. show:
Amazing Race

favorite color:

favorite song:
Another hard one as I like everything. I always answer The Eagles, "One of These Nights," to this question because it contains the most perfectly interwoven tracks (keyboard, percussion, vocals, guitar, bass line) ever.

favorite way to RELAX:
Read a book (preferably on beach in Maine).

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself:
New books or new clothes.

favorite vegetable:
cucumbers or peppers

favorite time of year/season:
autumn, hands down!

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!
I did not know how to drive until I was 24 years old. City kid! Now even after 15 years of driving I am still a terrible driver.
Here is your QOTD for Friday July 18, 2014:


Name your....

favorite book/book series: Three Pine Mysteries by Louise Penny

favorite indulgence food: Costco's chocolate covered almonds

favorite vacation spot (other than DISNEY): beach

favorite T.V. show: Doctor Who

favorite color: don't have one

favorite song: don't have one--I listen to classical but mostly silence!

favorite way to RELAX: read a book

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself: ha! I never do that

favorite vegetable: artichoke

favorite time of year/season: summer

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!! I've been chased by a moose (more than once)

Not a good day today and I have to weigh in tomorrow (always do it on Saturday). Woke up to a visit from every gal's favorite friend. Was so ticked off as I thought I'd made it over the hump with seven months no visit! grrr Oh well, it does explain why I was so cranky the last two days. :rotfl: In good news I did get up and ride my bike to meet friends. I groggily told myself I could drive instead, but was good and cycled. DH laughed at me later in the day, "I thought you took a long time to get up!"

My blueberries are so yummy. I froze yesterday's berries (minus a big munching bowl) and then picked some more this morning! Pureed enough for two batches of jam which I will make tomorrow or the next day. The rest are in the freezer.

Art fair is going well. People are buying our product and using our parking lot. Yippee for successful fundraising!

Have a great weekend!
Here is your QOTD for Friday July 18, 2014:


Name your....

favorite book/book series: Was always the Chronicles of Narnia but really liked The Hunger Games and Divergent series. Hard to pick just one. :confused3

favorite indulgence food: chocolate or cheesecake.

favorite vacation spot (other than DISNEY): Like there is something else. :lmao: Florida but no Disney. Does that count??? :beach:

favorite T.V. show: Grey's Anatomy

favorite color: blue

favorite song: Again hard to chose just one. I'd saying Chris Tomlins Amazing Grace my chains are gone.

favorite way to RELAX: knitting/crocheting while watching old reruns of some of my favorite shows. Or just browsing the web, looking up stuff, of course.

favorite way to SPLURGE on yourself: Buying the GOOD shampoos. :goodvibes

favorite vegetable: broccoli or asparagus

favorite time of year/season: Fall

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!
Hmm I don't know if many remember but I worked at Disney All Star Resort when I was an older teen(18-19).

Not a good day today and I have to weigh in tomorrow (always do it on Saturday). Woke up to a visit from every gal's favorite friend. Was so ticked off as I thought I'd made it over the hump with seven months no visit! grrr Oh well, it does explain why I was so cranky the last two days. :rotfl: In good news I did get up and ride my bike to meet friends. I groggily told myself I could drive instead, but was good and cycled. DH laughed at me later in the day, "I thought you took a long time to get up!"

My blueberries are so yummy. I froze yesterday's berries (minus a big munching bowl) and then picked some more this morning! Pureed enough for two batches of jam which I will make tomorrow or the next day. The rest are in the freezer.

Art fair is going well. People are buying our product and using our parking lot. Yippee for successful fundraising!

Have a great weekend!

Last week's weigh in for me was during my friends visit too. :crazy2: I was trying to drink extra water in the days before I knew it was coming so maybe that helped or maybe just that I've been more consistent with tracking lately. 7 months wow that is lucky. I used to go months without but it got fairly regular at 30-35 with the occasional longer cycle.

I was 2 lbs down from the 11th. :cheer2: So exciting! I was even motivated to ride the exercise bike tonight for 15 minutes after a day of little food but not good food and then pizza my brother brought home for dinner tonight. My hot wings were so good but my G.I. system is not happy with that hot sauce. :( Sorry for TMI.

My daughter wants me to do the fit test for Insanity. I found out my brother had them. I'd be doing some major major modifications at my weight but I don't want to discourage her in her goal to get stronger and more endurance for gymnastics. She has done 30 Day Shred but she doesn't like Jillian. She watched a few to preview and said he is much nicer.
And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!! I only like Disney World and nothing else Disney

Good luck with every ones weight loss.

That is an interesting fact! :cool2:

And share ONE FACT about yourself that would probably SURPRISE us!!
I did not know how to drive until I was 24 years old. City kid! Now even after 15 years of driving I am still a terrible driver.

Totally makes sense since living in the city you could get around easily without a car.

DS is in drivers ed now and will be able to drive on his own after the first of the year -- we are counting the days until he can get himself to school and back on his own. :drive:

Not a good day today and I have to weigh in tomorrow (always do it on Saturday). Woke up to a visit from every gal's favorite friend. Was so ticked off as I thought I'd made it over the hump with seven months no visit! grrr Oh well, it does explain why I was so cranky the last two days. :rotfl: In good news I did get up and ride my bike to meet friends. I groggily told myself I could drive instead, but was good and cycled. DH laughed at me later in the day, "I thought you took a long time to get up!"

My blueberries are so yummy. I froze yesterday's berries (minus a big munching bowl) and then picked some more this morning! Pureed enough for two batches of jam which I will make tomorrow or the next day. The rest are in the freezer.

Art fair is going well. People are buying our product and using our parking lot. Yippee for successful fundraising!

Have a great weekend!

Glad the art fair is a success! :cool2: Hope the weather is a bit cooler, too.

I was 2 lbs down from the 11th. :cheer2: So exciting! I was even motivated to ride the exercise bike tonight for 15 minutes after a day of little food but not good food and then pizza my brother brought home for dinner tonight. My hot wings were so good but my G.I. system is not happy with that hot sauce. :( Sorry for TMI.

My daughter wants me to do the fit test for Insanity. I found out my brother had them. I'd be doing some major major modifications at my weight but I don't want to discourage her in her goal to get stronger and more endurance for gymnastics. She has done 30 Day Shred but she doesn't like Jillian. She watched a few to preview and said he is much nicer.

Congratulations on a great loss this week, Melissa! :yay: Nothing motivates like success for sure! ::yes::

Hope everyone is off having fun this week-end! :cool2:

We are in desperate need of coaches for the rest of the month and hostesses through the rest of the year. If these challenges are important to you and you want to see them continue please volunteer. Or if these challenges have run their course maybe we should discuss some alternative formats. :confused3
Morning all! Didn't mean to completely bail out on you yesterday! I thought I would pop on during my car ride to the Cape but I forgot!

Here is a super easy QOTD for Sunday, July 20, 3014:

If you were gifted $10,000 to spend on an adventure for yourself, what would you do and where would you go?

I'll try to pop on later to check on you all! ......P
Morning all! Didn't mean to completely bail out on you yesterday! I thought I would pop on during my car ride to the Cape but I forgot!

Here is a super easy QOTD for Sunday, July 20, 3014: If you were gifted $10,000 to spend on an adventure for yourself, what would you do and where would you go?

I'll try to pop on later to check on you all! ......P

This is a tough question because there's so much I'd like to do! Maybe I would try to get the longest cruise around the world I could get for about $8000 (which may not be far but maybe I could get a whole area like the Mediterranean & Baltic or Asia) then spend $2000 on activities in ports. That way I can see more places :)

I also think it would be awesome to go to areas that are in need and teach. I actually looked into teaching abroad, but I think it would be hard with DSs.


Well I'm a bit behind. With the kids at bible school, painting, the arts festival yesterday and me not feeling too well, I needed a break. The dog is smelling less skunky so that's a plus. DS8 wanted his room to be orange. Yes, bright orange. So we compromised & one wall is Cincinnati Bengals Orange & the other 3 walls are a nice grey. It looks really nice & he loves it. This week we are going to paint the trim.

I am also going to start sorting stuff for a garage sale. I think it'll be Aug 8/9. I pretty much have everything set aside on our 3rd floor, but it needs organized & priced. I'm hoping to make enough from the sale to pay for snorkeling in Nassau on our cruise.

Speaking of our cruise, our 4th day was supposed to be a sea day but it's now changed to a port day in Freeport (Grand Bahama Island). Our cruise & the one the week before have it added in, so I'm wondering if it's a new itinerary they are testing out? Either way, we get another island & didn't pay port fees :) Anyone been to Freeport & have any suggestions on what to do there? I think we have it narrowed down to kayaking or renting a Jeep for the day.

I'm not sure why, but I'm really tired today. I think I'll be in bed early & try to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Have a great night!

Morning all! Didn't mean to completely bail out on you yesterday! I thought I would pop on during my car ride to the Cape but I forgot!

Here is a super easy QOTD for Sunday, July 20, 3014:

If you were gifted $10,000 to spend on an adventure for yourself, what would you do and where would you go?

I'll try to pop on later to check on you all! ......P

Love this question as well! It would be a hard choice - Japan or northern Europe (Netherlands/Belgium/Sweden/Finland/Norway). Probably Europe because I have been there, not to those places, and it is a little more my comfort zone. I would love to see aurora boreaulis (sp?) in Scandanavia. Great question!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm Lisa and I will be your coach for the next few days. There is still a coaching slot open for the end of the month so please PM Flossbolna if you would like to take a shot at coaching. It's a lot of fun! :cool2:

QOTD Monday, July 21, 2014: It's Motivational Monday! Share your favorite motivational quote or mantra.

Morning all! Didn't mean to completely bail out on you yesterday! I thought I would pop on during my car ride to the Cape but I forgot!

Here is a super easy QOTD for Sunday, July 20, 3014:

If you were gifted $10,000 to spend on an adventure for yourself, what would you do and where would you go?

I'll try to pop on later to check on you all! ......P

No worries, Pamela! :goodvibes Enjoy the Cape! :beach:

I would go to London and maybe a little trip to DLP if I could stretch the budget. :cool2:

This is a tough question because there's so much I'd like to do! Maybe I would try to get the longest cruise around the world I could get for about $8000 (which may not be far but maybe I could get a whole area like the Mediterranean & Baltic or Asia) then spend $2000 on activities in ports. That way I can see more places :)

I also think it would be awesome to go to areas that are in need and teach. I actually looked into teaching abroad, but I think it would be hard with DSs.


Well I'm a bit behind. With the kids at bible school, painting, the arts festival yesterday and me not feeling too well, I needed a break. The dog is smelling less skunky so that's a plus. DS8 wanted his room to be orange. Yes, bright orange. So we compromised & one wall is Cincinnati Bengals Orange & the other 3 walls are a nice grey. It looks really nice & he loves it. This week we are going to paint the trim.

I am also going to start sorting stuff for a garage sale. I think it'll be Aug 8/9. I pretty much have everything set aside on our 3rd floor, but it needs organized & priced. I'm hoping to make enough from the sale to pay for snorkeling in Nassau on our cruise.

Speaking of our cruise, our 4th day was supposed to be a sea day but it's now changed to a port day in Freeport (Grand Bahama Island). Our cruise & the one the week before have it added in, so I'm wondering if it's a new itinerary they are testing out? Either way, we get another island & didn't pay port fees :) Anyone been to Freeport & have any suggestions on what to do there? I think we have it narrowed down to kayaking or renting a Jeep for the day.

I'm not sure why, but I'm really tired today. I think I'll be in bed early & try to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Have a great night!


Hope you are feeling better today, Jill! :flower3: You have been very busy all summer -- I think you need a vacation. :beach:

Your cruise sounds fabulous! I know you are going to have a blast!

Glad the skunkiness is abating.

Love this question as well! It would be a hard choice - Japan or northern Europe (Netherlands/Belgium/Sweden/Finland/Norway). Probably Europe because I have been there, not to those places, and it is a little more my comfort zone. I would love to see aurora boreaulis (sp?) in Scandanavia. Great question!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Seeing the aurora borealis is on my bucket list too. :cool2:

Have a happy Monday all!
I love water--straight from the tap. There's always a full glass on the counter. I drink it all day long.

I always drink water straight for the tap. I can't stand bottled water, it tastes funny to me. People look at me like I am crazy for drinking unbottled water. I was raised on tap water. Hasn't killed me yet.....
Good morning all! :goodvibes I'm Lisa and I will be your coach for the next few days. There is still a coaching slot open for the end of the month so please PM Flossbolna if you would like to take a shot at coaching. It's a lot of fun! :cool2: QOTD Monday, July 21, 2014: It's Motivational Monday! Share your favorite motivational quote or mantra.

"You must do the things you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

I don't have a favorite quote but stumbled across this one & thought it was perfect :)

Crazy weekend. Gabe had his tubes put in Friday. He did great and seems to be fine now. Since I was out for the day Friday, my backup did some of my stuff. Now I have to go back and fix everything he did because he isn't very detail oriented and most of it is wrong. I hate that I will be worried for the whole week I am at Disney world, wondering how much I will have to fix when I get back.:worried:

I have become allergic to something in my house. I know I am highly allergic to cats but we don't have one. We do have a dog that we have had for about 4 years now and I am hoping that it isn't suddenly an allergy to her. Having someone come in and clean our sofa and rocking chair to see if that helps. Spent all afternoon yesterday sneezing like crazy and scratching my eyes. Pulled a muscle sneezing so much so now I am miserable. Finally took a Benadryl last night before bed because if I take it any other time it knocks me out. Only problem with take it before bed is that I am extremely drowsy the next day so I am sitting at my desk trying not to let my forehead hit the keyboard.

The previous owners of our home put in expensive light fixtures. The bulbs put off a crazy amount of heat and instead of being screw in, they have these little prong things. We started pricing light bulbs and to change/replace all the bulbs in the house it is close to $1000. :furious: We had to break down and replace the ones in the living room and it was $400. :(

Lost another 1.4 lbs this week which puts my weight loss at 14.2 lbs since June 1st.

Food choices weren't great this weekend but considering everything that was going on, I didn't do too horrible.

Sorry for all the complaining. Maybe now that I got it all out I can have a better day....here's to hoping. :confused3


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