WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Rose thanks for the explanation..and sounds like you are at a good place and why rock the boat! GF is difficult but I totally get if you feel significantly better than it's not such a hard decision anymore

well gang, I'm on for coaching starting tomorrow and my days have filled with activity so I hope I don't forget!!! I will be able to post a QOTD in the morning, but Friday I'm going to be at a friends house (thurs night/Friday) and since I really liked the list from last Friday...well that's too much to do on my phone!! If I make a list to post, would anyone be willing to post it Friday morning? i'll PM it to you tonight

our new ARIA scale arrived!! my DH got a fitbit force as he's in a challenge with some work buddies and his boss is really into fitbit. I'm just glad it's inspiring him...so I rationalized the cost of the scale divided by two was still outrageous and ordered it anyhow :teeth:
Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)

Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)

Oh no! Feel better. :hug:

I had my stitch removed today and thought I would get to see the doctor, but I wasn't scheduled. :( But they were so very nice to me and could tell I was stressed out so they worked me in a little later in the day. I basically have a very clean bill of health and don't need to come back for a year.:goodvibes My doctor was pretty awesome and took the time to answer all my questions and explained everything. Such a relief.:goodvibes

We are away for the weekend visiting DS so I might not be around much for a few days, but I plan to be back next week as a better participant and not just wrapped up in my own little world. :)

Thanks for putting up with my worrying over the last week or so. :hug:
Good morning all! :goodvibes

I know you know what day it is and you have been looking forward to it . . . ;)

QOTD Wednesday January 15, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday -- give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did today week to help you with your goals. :woohoo:
3 days strictly on plan and already I can feel a difference. :woohoo:

DD is coming home Thursday night! She has a job interview here at my school on Friday. :rolleyes: Anyhow, if she gets hired, she can work a bit during spring break and then again in late May/early June for a bit.... and she will be all set to work next year during her breaks. It isn't much, but it will help. I despise the woman she is interviewing with (as do many folks here), but I see no reason why DD won't get hired... they have hired plenty of college freshman in the past.

Good Luck to your DD! Our district takes FOREVER to hire subs. Everyone I know (including me) waited months to get in. And our district is very picky. To be a teacher sub you have to have a 4 year degree (more pay if you have a license) and to be a para you have to have had some training. And unfortunately they don't distinguish between the para and secretary subs. So the Principal's Secretary at our school that has been in the district for over 20 years, is the mentor for all secondary secretaries etc.. won't be able to sub when she retires at the end of this year unless she goes to para training. And she would never even want to sub as a para, just as a secretary!:rolleyes2

Today is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day! It is also National Hat Day - in recognition of the first Top Hat in 1797, where James Heatherington (what a name!) in England left his shop wearing this hat that he created.

Today is also MLK Jr.'s birthday and Tu B'Shevat begins tonight!

A tradition I find even cooler is to eat a fruit that you have not eaten that entire year - either one you've never tried, or one that you simply forgot to eat since last January.

Anyway, the holiday starts tonight at sunset and lasts until tomorrow, so technically its tomorrow's holiday but I thought it might inspire some people to add some extra fruit into their diet tomorrow!
I found the PERFECT thing for today!

What cool lesson! I miss fruit. That is one thing that I am not allowed but really it is also something I tend to overindulge on so probably best to avoid it for now.

This week has been a bit of a strugglebus for me, as I've been transitioning from a 3 meal schedule to snacks in between. Not for any particular reason, but in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner, I am always STARVING! I can last, but that feeling just eats away at me. Since work has been slow lately, its not easy. So, I decided to try it for awhile. Regardless, I'm only adding some cheese and crackers in the afternoon and some greek yogurt in mid-morning. It has definitely improved my energy level - I don't rush home and HAVE to eat as soon as I walk in the door! I'm able to go about my day, not worried about how long it is until lunch.

The problems are two-fold. One is that I have trouble remembering to eat smaller meals for my lunch and dinner. I actually have found myself getting full faster on smaller things than I normally am, so that's good. But, it takes some reminding sometimes. The other problem is that in getting healthy, I was always trained to "ONLY eat when you are HUNGRY," rather than just because. Well, at 10:30, I'm not hungry, but by 11, my stomach is rumbling away. So, I try to eat at 10:30 so I can prepare for that. But, its an inner conflict that I definitely am trying to deal with haha
You sound a lot like me, especially with your need for a delicate balance of protein and carbs. All of the plans that I have been successful on have stressed the importance of eating regularly, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY. Sounds counter-intuitive but by the time you feel hungry it is too late. Your body is already almost at the point of no return and you will have to eat more to feel full again. And when you are hungry you tend to give in to bad choices. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. Some people actually set an alarm or a timer to remind them to have their snack. I really do eat much less and feel better all day when I "snack". I think it has to do with keeping a constant blood sugar level (again, protein really helps with this) and not having an "empty" stomach.

University is fine, they have healthy choices available all over the place, salad bar, subs, baked potatoes etc......in fact I could easily eat there every day! I had a little sneak on the scale this morning and saw a figure I haven't seen for a looong time......not putting it out there yet, will wait to see what it says on Friday morning!!
pixiedust: for that number sticking!

well gang, I'm on for coaching starting tomorrow and my days have filled with activity so I hope I don't forget!!! I will be able to post a QOTD in the morning, but Friday I'm going to be at a friends house (thurs night/Friday) and since I really liked the list from last Friday...well that's too much to do on my phone!! If I make a list to post, would anyone be willing to post it Friday morning? i'll PM it to you tonight

our new ARIA scale arrived!! my DH got a fitbit force as he's in a challenge with some work buddies and his boss is really into fitbit. I'm just glad it's inspiring him...so I rationalized the cost of the scale divided by two was still outrageous and ordered it anyhow :teeth:
Love my ARIA!

I can try to post the QOTD for you on Friday if you want to PM it to me. I can't promise it will be up super early but maybe I can sneak in on Thursday night right before I go to bed.

Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)

:hug: Glad you were able to get the Tamiflu started. Flu is hitting hard around here. I am so hoping that none of us get sick in the next 10 days! We would all be so disappointed to have to cancel or shorten our trip. If anyone so much as coughs or sniffles I will have them at the dr so fast the germs won't even be able to catch us! :car:

Another good today, despite the fact that I have been fighting a migraine since last night. :headache: Left eye is still fuzzy so probably another early bed time as soon as I am done posting.

Tomorrow I have to be at school ALL day. And I mean ALL day! I get off work at 3:30 but DD13 has to be there to check in and set up for Science Fair at 4 so we won't even go home. She may have about an hour between set up and when she has to be back if she gets in line early (I told her to just go sit in the hall next to the sign in table at 3:00!) I will probably have to try to grab some dinner for her and I then because she has to be back at school from 5:15 to 9pm with no break to eat. Not sure who figured out this schedule. :rolleyes: Subway is pretty much right across the street so I can get a chopped chicken salad and hide out in my office unless DD needs me for anything.

Starting to stress about everything that I need to do to get ready for my trip. Usually by this time I am almost packed and have lists and bags of stuff ready to go. I have pretty much nothing. And I have to figure out what is even going to fit! I figure I will start out the first few days with the jeans that fit now and after about 4 days of Free Dining switch to the larger ones! :rotfl: I hope that the WDW Outlet store is well stocked when we get there because I plan to do some major SHOPPING! I need all new t-shirts and sweatshirts in smaller sizes. I live in my WDW sweatshirts in the winter so hopefully I can find 2 or 3 at reasonable prices.

Better pack my lunch bag. Everyone have an awesome ON PLAN day tomorrow. And send my DD pixiedust: for the Science Fair!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day. Can't wait to see all the great progress you are making. :thumbsup2

this week I took my dog out on a walk two different days despite the chill and the fact that I really didn't want too. I know it's good for her, she's only 2 so being cooped up so much brings out her orneriness. and the extra mile or so sure makes my fitbit numbers improve!! oh that wasn't today...it was this week. :teeth: today I'm going to workout! and then go to GW later this afternoon to look for capri's from my FL trip in a few weeks


DD is coming home Thursday night! She has a job interview here at my school on Friday. She was hoping to stay home and sub during the Christmas break and she got her application in in October, but they just called her this week for an interview. And then they seemed annoyed that she wasn't available immediately.... well, DUH.... she needed a job so when you didn't call, she took one on campus!! :rolleyes: Anyhow, if she gets hired, she can work a bit during spring break and then again in late May/early June for a bit.... and she will be all set to work next year during her breaks. It isn't much, but it will help. I despise the woman she is interviewing with (as do many folks here), but I see no reason why DD won't get hired... they have hired plenty of college freshman in the past.

pixiedust: for DD and her job interview!

This Sunday I was so exhausted from working 8am to 11pm on Saturday, that I slept really late (unintentionally). My whole system was all screwed up, and I had so much to do that I just forgot about my workout that day. Instead of freaking out and waiting a whole nother week to start over, I just did twice the workouts the next day and kept moving! I worked out in the morning and in the evening. It was hard, but I really felt like I needed to do it. It felt really good to just keep going. I missed a day, but I made up the time and I've never done that before. :yay:

That is a great :woohoo:!

Hi Guys

I'm back. Not had chance to catch up yet, but I've been working away for a few days where I only had very sporadic wifi in the hotel (couldn't open DIS or FB!!) and now I am in University full time for the rest of the week studying my law cases for my environmental course....should be doing homework right now but it's so long since I've looked in here I decided a few minutes won't hurt!!

Eating wise, I have been quite good whilst away...breakfasts and lunches were easy as I took a lot of stuff like energy bars with me, and just bought bagged salad and cold meats from the supermarket for lunches. Evenings were harder as the hotel meals were facny and calorie laden......even the salads had bed stuff added...sadly UK restaurants are not as accommodating to special requests as you guys are.

University is fine, they have healthy choices available all over the place, salad bar, subs, baked potatoes etc......in fact I could easily eat there every day! I had a little sneak on the scale this morning and saw a figure I haven't seen for a looong time......not putting it out there yet, will wait to see what it says on Friday morning!!

Hope you re all doing well and are feeling positive, best get back to my homework now, but will try to look in on you all again tomorrow........hoping to be let out of class early tomorrow as we stayed late tonight to get in front a bit.

:woohoo: for making healthy choice even when you are travelling for business!

Something kind of fun. I ordered a pair of wind chime earrings off amazon for me and for my mom for christmas because I have noticed in the last few years when I wore my bell earrings to work during the holidays I was always in a much better mood.

A fun and pretty :woohoo: -- I love it!

our new ARIA scale arrived!! my DH got a fitbit force as he's in a challenge with some work buddies and his boss is really into fitbit. I'm just glad it's inspiring him...so I rationalized the cost of the scale divided by two was still outrageous and ordered it anyhow :teeth:

Thanks for coaching for the next few days, Molli! :thanks:

Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)


I'm so, so sorry that you have the flu, Jill. :hug: Thank goodness you were able to get the Tamiflu started in time. pixiedust: for speedy healing. Take care!

We are away for the weekend visiting DS so I might not be around much for a few days, but I plan to be back next week as a better participant and not just wrapped up in my own little world. :)

Safe travels and enjoy your visit with DS! :goodvibes

3 days strictly on plan and already I can feel a difference. :woohoo:


pixiedust: to your DD for her science fair today.

QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?

for me, I also frequent my consignment store, I take in clothing from my whole family and use the money that I make on those sales to purchase gently used clothing there. the prices aren't as good as GW, but it's a tiered pricing depending on how long it's been in the store. and then there's the $2 clearance rack :yay:

well my ARIA scale is my new best friend!!!! OMG it weighed me lower than the WW scale I've been using! I did my WI this morning as I won't be home tomorrow. as of today I get to change my clippie!!!!!!!!

what are you doing today to help you reach your goals?
Hi Guys

I'm back. Not had chance to catch up yet, but I've been working away for a few days where I only had very sporadic wifi in the hotel (couldn't open DIS or FB!!) and now I am in University full time for the rest of the week studying my law cases for my environmental course....should be doing homework right now but it's so long since I've looked in here I decided a few minutes won't hurt!!

Eating wise, I have been quite good whilst away...breakfasts and lunches were easy as I took a lot of stuff like energy bars with me, and just bought bagged salad and cold meats from the supermarket for lunches. Evenings were harder as the hotel meals were facny and calorie laden......even the salads had bed stuff added...sadly UK restaurants are not as accommodating to special requests as you guys are.

University is fine, they have healthy choices available all over the place, salad bar, subs, baked potatoes etc......in fact I could easily eat there every day! I had a little sneak on the scale this morning and saw a figure I haven't seen for a looong time......not putting it out there yet, will wait to see what it says on Friday morning!!

Hope you re all doing well and are feeling positive, best get back to my homework now, but will try to look in on you all again tomorrow........hoping to be let out of class early tomorrow as we stayed late tonight to get in front a bit.

Take care y'all

You are taking such great care of yourself! And good job on the planning ahead! I am so impressed. You have TRULY made some real life changes in the past year! And it will definitely pay off on the scale! Sorry that you can't pop on more often, but we understand.

From someone who works at a major grocery store I'd say it's pretty stupid of them to get rid of any gluten free products right now as it is the trendy food thing right now. I'd keep bugging them to get it back. It must be really hard for you to have to diet and also be gluten free.....

I agree... it is crazy when stores stop offering foods that are "hot". Maybe if Rose speaks to the owner, they could stock it on a minimal level.

Well I think I'll go and clean the kitchen today the fridge needs a good going through plus I need to figure out dinner with what I have around as my husbands car is in the shop to the tune of $1,200 and I'm stuck here at home today with no vehicle. I will reward myself after doing that though with reading my book, and go work out after dinner. I know it's sadistic but I really enjoy seeing all the strangers huffing and puffing and not happy while I just sail through my workout lol. Plus there's more cute guys around.

Enjoy your clean kitchen.... and your evening eye candy!:rotfl2:

Rose thanks for the explanation..and sounds like you are at a good place and why rock the boat! GF is difficult but I totally get if you feel significantly better than it's not such a hard decision anymore

well gang, I'm on for coaching starting tomorrow and my days have filled with activity so I hope I don't forget!!! I will be able to post a QOTD in the morning, but Friday I'm going to be at a friends house (thurs night/Friday) and since I really liked the list from last Friday...well that's too much to do on my phone!! If I make a list to post, would anyone be willing to post it Friday morning? i'll PM it to you tonight

our new ARIA scale arrived!! my DH got a fitbit force as he's in a challenge with some work buddies and his boss is really into fitbit. I'm just glad it's inspiring him...so I rationalized the cost of the scale divided by two was still outrageous and ordered it anyhow

WOOHOO for the new scale! And I'd be happy to post for you on Friday morning if need be! Just let me know!

Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone


Oh no! Feel better! Take care of yourself... tea with honey if you have a sore throat is nice. Snuggle down with a good movie or brainless tv show and relax and rest!

I had my stitch removed today and thought I would get to see the doctor, but I wasn't scheduled. But they were so very nice to me and could tell I was stressed out so they worked me in a little later in the day. I basically have a very clean bill of health and don't need to come back for a year.My doctor was pretty awesome and took the time to answer all my questions and explained everything. Such a relief.

We are away for the weekend visiting DS so I might not be around much for a few days, but I plan to be back next week as a better participant and not just wrapped up in my own little world.

Thanks for putting up with my worrying over the last week or so.

Double woohoo on clean bill of health! Answered prayers, for sure!!

Have a great visit with DS!! ANd that is OKAY if you are a bit wrapped up with your world.... you definitely had some TRUE WORRIES and CONCERNS recently. Glad we were here to help you vent!

3 days strictly on plan and already I can feel a difference.

Isn't that a WONDERFUL feeling? I have had a great week as well and I am prepared to be happy with this week's choices, even if the scale doesn't have great news.

Good Luck to your DD! Our district takes FOREVER to hire subs. Everyone I know (including me) waited months to get in. And our district is very picky. To be a teacher sub you have to have a 4 year degree (more pay if you have a license) and to be a para you have to have had some training. And unfortunately they don't distinguish between the para and secretary subs. So the Principal's Secretary at our school that has been in the district for over 20 years, is the mentor for all secondary secretaries etc.. won't be able to sub when she retires at the end of this year unless she goes to para training. And she would never even want to sub as a para, just as a secretary!

Some states definitely make it more difficult. In NH as long as you are an 18 y/o high school graduate who is NOT a felon, you can potentially get hired as a sub! :scared1:

It did not take me long to get hired when I originally applied 10 years ago, because they were DESPERATE for subs at the time. My first sub gig ended up lasting over two weeks (would have been longer, but there is a limit as to how long a non-teacher-certified sub can do a single class). But obviously they aren't so desperate right now and things are moving slowly in the SAU. But it is crazy how they manipulate the "rules" so that people can't even sub for the job they have been effectively doing for 20 years!!??

I found the PERFECT thing for today!


What cool lesson! I miss fruit. That is one thing that I am not allowed but really it is also something I tend to overindulge on so probably best to avoid it for now.

Oh my! I would DEFINITELY miss it greatly!

You sound a lot like me, especially with your need for a delicate balance of protein and carbs. All of the plans that I have been successful on have stressed the importance of eating regularly, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY. Sounds counter-intuitive but by the time you feel hungry it is too late. Your body is already almost at the point of no return and you will have to eat more to feel full again. And when you are hungry you tend to give in to bad choices. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. Some people actually set an alarm or a timer to remind them to have their snack. I really do eat much less and feel better all day when I "snack". I think it has to do with keeping a constant blood sugar level (again, protein really helps with this) and not having an "empty" stomach.

Great explanation!

:hug: Glad you were able to get the Tamiflu started. Flu is hitting hard around here. I am so hoping that none of us get sick in the next 10 days! We would all be so disappointed to have to cancel or shorten our trip. If anyone so much as coughs or sniffles I will have them at the dr so fast the germs won't even be able to catch us! :car:

Haven't heard about any flu around here recently, but that doesn't mean it isn't circulating. I kept washing my hands yesterday at school.... but thankfully none of my students seemed overly sick (meaning over and above the usual January sniffs and coughs).


Another good today, despite the fact that I have been fighting a migraine since last night. :headache: Left eye is still fuzzy so probably another early bed time as soon as I am done posting.

Hope you woke feeling better with no migraine hangover!

Tomorrow I have to be at school ALL day. And I mean ALL day! I get off work at 3:30 but DD13 has to be there to check in and set up for Science Fair at 4 so we won't even go home. She may have about an hour between set up and when she has to be back if she gets in line early (I told her to just go sit in the hall next to the sign in table at 3:00!) I will probably have to try to grab some dinner for her and I then because she has to be back at school from 5:15 to 9pm with no break to eat. Not sure who figured out this schedule. :rolleyes: Subway is pretty much right across the street so I can get a chopped chicken salad and hide out in my office unless DD needs me for anything.

Sounds like a plan! Good luck to her!

Starting to stress about everything that I need to do to get ready for my trip. Usually by this time I am almost packed and have lists and bags of stuff ready to go. I have pretty much nothing. And I have to figure out what is even going to fit! I figure I will start out the first few days with the jeans that fit now and after about 4 days of Free Dining switch to the larger ones! :rotfl: I hope that the WDW Outlet store is well stocked when we get there because I plan to do some major SHOPPING! I need all new t-shirts and sweatshirts in smaller sizes. I live in my WDW sweatshirts in the winter so hopefully I can find 2 or 3 at reasonable prices.

Don't panic.... it will get done! And woohoo for trip prep!

Better pack my lunch bag. Everyone have an awesome ON PLAN day tomorrow. And send my DD pixiedust: for the Science Fair!

pixiedust: and prayers going out!

pixiedust: for DD and her job interview!



QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?

I haven't done it before, but I've considered talking to my WW members about an informal clothing swap. ANd I've seen folks talk about doing a "girls' night" swap and things like that. I don't have enough real life friends to do anything like that though.

I've also tailored clothing as I have lost weight. I even took a dress I really liked and paid to have it taken in. I had worn it at 200 pounds to a wedding in 2005 and really liked it. I had a nice purse, wrap, jewelery, and shoes to go with it and when I finally got to goal, I never got rid of it. Needed a dress for a wedding again about 2010 and pulled it out and of course it was waaay too big. But I took it to a tailoring shop I had used in the past for DD's prom dresses and Rainbow girls dresses and they were able to do a great job taking the dress in (I am an adequate seamstress myself, but this was a bit too involved for me to be able to do a good job). It cost me a bit (about $50 as I recall.... more than I originally paid for the dress :rolleyes2), but I didn't have to spend any other money on accessories and I still have the dress for another time if need be.

I have taken in pants and even cut down a t-shirt that I loved! The only thing I haven't had much luck with is jackets. I have a WONDERFUL WDW denim jacket that has a bunch of princesses on the back. It is an XL and I am now a sm/med. But there is almost no way for this jacket to be taken in. I've been hanging on to it for YEARS, but I think it is time to pass it along. :sad:

for me, I also frequent my consignment store, I take in clothing from my whole family and use the money that I make on those sales to purchase gently used clothing there. the prices aren't as good as GW, but it's a tiered pricing depending on how long it's been in the store. and then there's the $2 clearance rack :yay:

well my ARIA scale is my new best friend!!!! OMG it weighed me lower than the WW scale I've been using! I did my WI this morning as I won't be home tomorrow. as of today I get to change my clippie!!!!!!!!

what are you doing today to help you reach your goals?

I'm going to eat a near-perfect OP day (meaning sticking with WW Simple Start). I'm going to limit my caffeine, drink plenty of decaf green tea and water, and NOT have a car snack while driving DD home later tonight! I also have a dental cleaning today, so I won't want to eat for a while when my teeth feel so nice and clean!:teeth:

Congrats on changing up your clippie!!!!!


Okay... it has been a morning full of distractions! I started this post over 2 hours ago! And I told myself I would have my morning fruit AFTER I posted.... but now it is nearly lunch time!!

Busy day here.... morning orthodontist appointment for DS (nearly done with braces and we made our last payment this month!!:cool1:), home for the usual (email, dishes, breakfast, etc) and then I will leave here about 2pm, hit the library for a new audiobook, have my 3pm dentist appointment, and then make the 2.5 hour drive to pick up DD. Once I have her, we need to stop to buy her some decent pants for her interview tomorrow and then hopefully be home before 11pm!! And of course, somewhere in there I need lunch for myself and DH and dinner for myself and DD!

Off to have my fruit! TTYL...................P
Good morn- AFTERNOON! My goodness, the time is flying by today. Lots of morning meetings and look at the time!

Happy International Hot and Spicy Day! Some hot foods can actually be very good for you! Some spices, like garlic, allspice and oregano, actually kill bacteria and make your food safer to consume! Fun fact - the hottest pepper in the world is the Naga Jolokia and it is 170 times spicier than a jalapeno pepper... So, throw some spices in your meal tonight - but not those.


It is also National Religious Freedom Day - so ensured by a proclamation from the President! This holiday celebrates the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom in this country in 1786. The President encourages us every year to observe your own events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship with no fear.

It is also National Fig Newton Day and Appreciate a Dragon Day... because... well, those are pretty self explanatory lol

Had a great workout this morning! Finally got a good mix between the right about of sleep, the right amount of pre-workout food and the right amount of time between when I ate the food and when I started working out. I'm getting the hang of this! :cool1:

DD is coming home Thursday night! She has a job interview here at my school on Friday.

Luck luck luck!!!!

We are not Jewish but we do have Jewish friends.... but I'm not at all familiar with this particular observation/celebration. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I'll go text my Jewish friends a "Happy Tu B'Shevat" (if that is appropriate). They'd be so impressed!!

They would! There's really no traditional greeting for Tu B'Shevat because it isn't a "big" holiday, so to speak. If you really wanted to impress them, though, you should say Chag Sameach, because that means Happy Holidays in Hebrew. :cool2:

Sometimes it needs to be a finer definition.... not just "hungry" or "not hungry". WW teaches us to rate our hunger between 1 and 5 (or maybe its 0 and 5??) anyhow and to try to stay in that 3-4 zone most of the time.... not so starving that you'd want to eat a rock and not so full that you need to loosen your belt! When you let yourself get too hungry, you can easily fall into the trap of making bad food choices.... both with types of food and with quantities. Sounds like you are working on it and it will definitely become more "normal" after some time! I am guilty of letting myself get faaaar too hungry, especially on work evenings and if I don't have a meal planned, I fall into the trap of grazing and eating too much.... not necessarily bad stuff, just too much.

I like that! I'm definitely making it my goal next week to never go above a 3-4!

Something kind of fun. I ordered a pair of wind chime earrings off amazon for me and for my mom for christmas because I have noticed in the last few years when I wore my bell earrings to work during the holidays I was always in a much better mood. Well I only got one. Normally I'd probably have avoided hassle and just ordered another pair and kept the one as spare, but this time I looked up the process of sending the item back and contacting the seller. I always have a lot of anxiety something like this will happen but so far it hasn't. Contacted the seller and she said she'd just send me another pair and I could keep the one for spare...:)

I know it's sadistic but I really enjoy seeing all the strangers huffing and puffing and not happy while I just sail through my workout lol. Plus there's more cute guys around.

Isn't it great when sellers are so accomodating? So glad you were able to have a great experience. And I totally agree about the gym, but from the other perspective - that's why I work out at home!!!! I am so self-conscious that people will judge me for being a "newbie" and huffing and puffing! Hopefully next year by this time, I'll be on the other side of things! :thumbsup2:

Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)


Feel better!!!! When I had the flu last year, Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu was my savior at night!!

I basically have a very clean bill of health and don't need to come back for a year.:goodvibes

YAY!!! :cheer2: What great news!!!

3 days strictly on plan and already I can feel a difference. :woohoo:

That's awesome!!! WTG!

I found the PERFECT thing for today!

What cool lesson! I miss fruit. That is one thing that I am not allowed but really it is also something I tend to overindulge on so probably best to avoid it for now.

Hahahah! That photo is great! I cannot imagine wearing that out in public! :rotfl: What diet are you on that you can't eat fruit?

You sound a lot like me, especially with your need for a delicate balance of protein and carbs. All of the plans that I have been successful on have stressed the importance of eating regularly, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY. Sounds counter-intuitive but by the time you feel hungry it is too late. Your body is already almost at the point of no return and you will have to eat more to feel full again. And when you are hungry you tend to give in to bad choices. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. Some people actually set an alarm or a timer to remind them to have their snack. I really do eat much less and feel better all day when I "snack". I think it has to do with keeping a constant blood sugar level (again, protein really helps with this) and not having an "empty" stomach.

What a great idea! Setting alarms now as we speak!!! I'm sure it will become natural over time, but right now, I am terrible at remembering. Thanks!

Another good today, despite the fact that I have been fighting a migraine since last night. :headache: Left eye is still fuzzy so probably another early bed time as soon as I am done posting.

Starting to stress about everything that I need to do to get ready for my trip. Usually by this time I am almost packed and have lists and bags of stuff ready to go. I have pretty much nothing. And I have to figure out what is even going to fit! I figure I will start out the first few days with the jeans that fit now and after about 4 days of Free Dining switch to the larger ones! :rotfl: I hope that the WDW Outlet store is well stocked when we get there because I plan to do some major SHOPPING! I need all new t-shirts and sweatshirts in smaller sizes. I live in my WDW sweatshirts in the winter so hopefully I can find 2 or 3 at reasonable prices.

And send my DD pixiedust: for the Science Fair!

Sorry about your migraine. They run in our family and they are the WORST! Hope you are feeling better today! And I love packing for multiple sizes! When I did my road trip this summer, I was not only packing for 80 days, I was packing for 80 days of eating LOTS AND LOTS of food!

By the time I got home, I was wearing an entirely different wardrobe! :rotfl:

And lots of pixie dust for your DD!!!


QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?

what are you doing today to help you reach your goals?

What a great QOTD! I borrow from my friends/siblings. I know its silly, but there are a lot of people in my life who have always been meaning to donate that shirt or jacket that they don't wear anymore, and every once in awhile, I need something to wear because nothing fits! Last summer, before I went on my trip, I had just lost 20 pounds, and did not want to spend any money on clothing because I was saving it all for my trip! So, I asked my sister, who is relatively my size, if she had any remaining shorts that I could borrow, and I got loads! Best thing I ever did. Of course, for Xmas this year, she got me gift certificates to clothing stores so that when I do lose the weight for good, I will have nice clothing to wear that maybe doesn't have her kid's stains on it. :laughing:

I haven't done it before, but I've considered talking to my WW members about an informal clothing swap. ANd I've seen folks talk about doing a "girls' night" swap and things like that. I don't have enough real life friends to do anything like that though.

I've also tailored clothing as I have lost weight. I even took a dress I really liked and paid to have it taken in. I had worn it at 200 pounds to a wedding in 2005 and really liked it. I had a nice purse, wrap, jewelery, and shoes to go with it and when I finally got to goal, I never got rid of it. Needed a dress for a wedding again about 2010 and pulled it out and of course it was waaay too big. But I took it to a tailoring shop I had used in the past for DD's prom dresses and Rainbow girls dresses and they were able to do a great job taking the dress in (I am an adequate seamstress myself, but this was a bit too involved for me to be able to do a good job). It cost me a bit (about $50 as I recall.... more than I originally paid for the dress ), but I didn't have to spend any other money on accessories and I still have the dress for another time if need be.

I have taken in pants and even cut down a t-shirt that I loved! The only thing I haven't had much luck with is jackets. I have a WONDERFUL WDW denim jacket that has a bunch of princesses on the back. It is an XL and I am now a sm/med. But there is almost no way for this jacket to be taken in. I've been hanging on to it for YEARS, but I think it is time to pass it along.

A clothing swap sounds like an awesome idea!!! And I know what you mean about hanging on to things. I have this winter jacket that is like a sleeping bag. It goes all the way down to my ankles. Seriously - I've used it as a blanket several times! It is a little too big for me already, but mostly, it just makes me look like an oompa loompa no matter what size I am. :rotfl2:

I promised my friends that this would be the last season I would wear it, as I've had it for about 7 years now, and they've had enough of the coat lol That's the biggest problem with losing weight - losing clothing!!!

Have wonderful days, everyone!!! And lots of pixiedust: for everyone's W/I tomorrow!
Good morn- AFTERNOON! My goodness, the time is flying by today. Lots of morning meetings and look at the time!

Happy International Hot and Spicy Day! Some hot foods can actually be very good for you! Some spices, like garlic, allspice and oregano, actually kill bacteria and make your food safer to consume! Fun fact - the hottest pepper in the world is the Naga Jolokia and it is 170 times spicier than a jalapeno pepper... So, throw some spices in your meal tonight - but not those.

Nope... not doing it. NOT a spicy person! When we visited New Mexico a few years ago, I spent every meal explaining to the servers that I wanted NOTHING SPICY! Most of them kind of laughed at me (in a polite way, of course). I explain it this way....."I grew up in New England. Every kid in New England, at some point in time, gets their tongue stuck to a metal post in the winter. When you pull your tongue off the post (OUCH), all of the 'spicy' taste buds get pulled off and you no longer want to eat spicy foods." :rotfl2: That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!:rotfl:

It is also National Religious Freedom Day - so ensured by a proclamation from the President! This holiday celebrates the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom in this country in 1786. The President encourages us every year to observe your own events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship with no fear.

I pray in school every day during our moment of silence before the Pledge of Allegiance.... and I am THANKFUL that I live in a country where I can do that without fear!! :thumbsup2 (BTW, I'm usually praying...."Lord, give me patience today with this group!" ;) )

It is also National Fig Newton Day and Appreciate a Dragon Day... because... well, those are pretty self explanatory lol

We might have to find a package of Fig Newtons to celebrate!! DH used to LOVE those before he changed to a low carb lifestyle!

Had a great workout this morning! Finally got a good mix between the right about of sleep, the right amount of pre-workout food and the right amount of time between when I ate the food and when I started working out. I'm getting the hang of this! :cool1:

You are!!!!

They would! There's really no traditional greeting for Tu B'Shevat because it isn't a "big" holiday, so to speak. If you really wanted to impress them, though, you should say Chag Sameach, because that means Happy Holidays in Hebrew. :cool2:

OOOOhhh... gonna add that to my book of tricks!! Thanks!

I like that! I'm definitely making it my goal next week to never go above a 3-4!

Glad to hear it! :thumbsup2

What a great QOTD! I borrow from my friends/siblings. I know its silly, but there are a lot of people in my life who have always been meaning to donate that shirt or jacket that they don't wear anymore, and every once in awhile, I need something to wear because nothing fits! Last summer, before I went on my trip, I had just lost 20 pounds, and did not want to spend any money on clothing because I was saving it all for my trip! So, I asked my sister, who is relatively my size, if she had any remaining shorts that I could borrow, and I got loads! Best thing I ever did. Of course, for Xmas this year, she got me gift certificates to clothing stores so that when I do lose the weight for good, I will have nice clothing to wear that maybe doesn't have her kid's stains on it. :laughing:

Great that you have someone who you can borrow from! DD and I do some swapping, but it is tougher now that she is away.... and her swimmer shoulders are SO MUCH broader than mine.... it really only works to share knit tops and scarves and shoes.

A clothing swap sounds like an awesome idea!!! And I know what you mean about hanging on to things. I have this winter jacket that is like a sleeping bag. It goes all the way down to my ankles. Seriously - I've used it as a blanket several times! It is a little too big for me already, but mostly, it just makes me look like an oompa loompa no matter what size I am. :rotfl2:

I promised my friends that this would be the last season I would wear it, as I've had it for about 7 years now, and they've had enough of the coat lol That's the biggest problem with losing weight - losing clothing!!!

Put it away in the back of the closet and save it for the next "Polar Vortex"! DD and I are actually BOTH looking for long winter jackets right now! Her legs get cold walking around campus in the cold wind and I would like one for recess duty!

Have wonderful days, everyone!!! And lots of pixiedust: for everyone's W/I tomorrow!

Hope your day is great as well!


Lunch is partially consumed (had a salad and some leftover roasted broccoli, but no protein yet), laundry is moving, bed is stripped and sheets are in the dryer. I am hoping to get them back on the bed before I dash out about 2pm!

Off to finish my lunch and do my "daily purge" (trying to get the basement cleaned out!). Probably won't make it back on here today. TTY tomorrow...........P
Hello all! I am so sorry that I've been MIA. I started getting sick with which I thought was a cold Sunday night. Monday night I was much worse with aches, shivering, and fever :( So, yesterday at 9:00 am I ran to the local Med Express place and got a flu swab which came back positive. So, I started on Tamiflu and as of now, I am feeling a little better. I am off of work until Friday, so I plan to just keep resting. So, I will probably try to catch up this weekend. Hope all is going well with everyone :)

Poor thing. Lots of fluids and stay warm...


QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?

for me, I also frequent my consignment store, I take in clothing from my whole family and use the money that I make on those sales to purchase gently used clothing there. the prices aren't as good as GW, but it's a tiered pricing depending on how long it's been in the store. and then there's the $2 clearance rack :yay:

well my ARIA scale is my new best friend!!!! OMG it weighed me lower than the WW scale I've been using! I did my WI this morning as I won't be home tomorrow. as of today I get to change my clippie!!!!!!!!

what are you doing today to help you reach your goals?

I like Ross for coats and swimsuits and Costco is great with clothing mark downs. Anything ending with a 7 or 0 is mark down at Costco.

I thought about swimming today since I've worked out every day and was feeling a little sore yesterday but then I realized I'm out of swimmers conditioner so I think I'll just ride my bike today to work. It's foggy but not raining, cold but I get warm when I ride. Plus I have to be at work earlier so it's less time at the gym. Think I'll get over to Goodwill Sunday as it's tag change day plus there's a Sally Beauty supply right next to it where I get the swimmers shampoo and conditioner. Plus there's a liquor store there-- I'm out of Rum. I like to use coconut water as a mixer these days, it's pretty low calorie and good.

QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?
I have gotten a lot of really cute things at JCPenney and Target (on sale or clearance of course). The prices are usually pretty reasonable so that even if it only lasts a season or two I am ok with it. I have gotten many compliments (like strangers stopping me in a parking lot or at a store or on a Disney bus:) and saying something) from some of the Joe Fresh (I think that's the brand) stuff that I found at JCPenney. I never pay full price, just wait for a coupon, clearance or really good sale.

Am I the only person who really, really, really is not fond of packing? I don't mind actually putting it in the suitcase but for some reason picking stuff out just overwhelms me. It is so silly! We have a 6am flight and we want to go to the Y tonight so I need to get off my butt and do something!:)

It looks like I am going to be a maintainer this week (I think) but all in all I am really happy! Have a great night!

QOTD for Thursday Jan 16: the term "thrifty Thursday" popped into my mind this morning, it's a sale day at my local consignment store. We've talked about our :love: for GW, are there other ways you can be a thrifty shopper for those sizes you temporarily need on your weight loss journey?

Love my Goodwill, the clearance racks at Walmart and like P I have also had a lot of stuff taken in by a good friend of mine that is an excellent seamstress.

I also Freecycle. Mostly I use it to give away clothes I don't need but occasionally I will ask for things or if something is offered that I want I will try to get them. If you are frugal then find your local Freecycle list! There is one located just about everywhere! I have been on them in every place I have lived since they started and it has been a great and easy way to pass things on and receive "new" things.

well my ARIA scale is my new best friend!!!! OMG it weighed me lower than the WW scale I've been using! I did my WI this morning as I won't be home tomorrow. as of today I get to change my clippie!!!!!!!!

what are you doing today to help you reach your goals?
:banana: on the new clippie!

Staying on plan.

Happy International Hot and Spicy Day! Some hot foods can actually be very good for you! Some spices, like garlic, allspice and oregano, actually kill bacteria and make your food safer to consume! Fun fact - the hottest pepper in the world is the Naga Jolokia and it is 170 times spicier than a jalapeno pepper... So, throw some spices in your meal tonight - but not those.


It is also National Religious Freedom Day - so ensured by a proclamation from the President! This holiday celebrates the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom in this country in 1786. The President encourages us every year to observe your own events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship with no fear.

It is also National Fig Newton Day and Appreciate a Dragon Day... because... well, those are pretty self explanatory lol
I don't think I can find a photo of a Religious Dragon eating a spicy Fig Newton.:confused3

Had a great workout this morning! Finally got a good mix between the right about of sleep, the right amount of pre-workout food and the right amount of time between when I ate the food and when I started working out. I'm getting the hang of this! :cool1:
Awesome! Be sure to write things down and make comments so you can narrow down what works and what doesn't work. That can really help in the future if you are having problems to go back and see what worked before that you may not be doing now.

Hahahah! That photo is great! I cannot imagine wearing that out in public! :rotfl: What diet are you on that you can't eat fruit?
I am doing Medifast right now so the only foods I have other than theirs are a protein and veggies (and coffee!). But even before I lost about 60 pounds on South Beach and didn't have fruit. I have found that low carb is what works best for me. Lots of Protein, lots of fiber from veggies and limited carbs.

And I would TOTALLY wear that hat! To a strawberry ice cream hat festival. . .

And I love packing for multiple sizes! When I did my road trip this summer, I was not only packing for 80 days, I was packing for 80 days of eating LOTS AND LOTS of food!
I really want to hear more about this road trip! It sounds so cool. :thumbsup2

Am I the only person who really, really, really is not fond of packing? I don't mind actually putting it in the suitcase but for some reason picking stuff out just overwhelms me. It is so silly! We have a 6am flight and we want to go to the Y tonight so I need to get off my butt and do something!:)

It looks like I am going to be a maintainer this week (I think) but all in all I am really happy! Have a great night!
I hate it. It stresses me out. Not just the picking everything out (how am I supposed to know what I want to wear a week from now? I can't even pick a sweatshirt right away when I get cold) but also trying to make it all fit. So glad we are driving. I am a total overpacker. So pick everything out, then have to figure out what I really don't need. I am the kind that plans for the "what ifs" so I end up with a lot I don't need if the "what if" never happens!
OK, I'm stuck. Does anyone else that's doing this have experience with losing weight while on prednisone? I'm stuck at 155, and want to get down to 130-ish (maybe 125, depends on how 130 looks on me, but certainly not below 120). I just need ideas of what to do, because apparently watching what I eat (about 1100 calories a day) and 30-45 min on the exercise bike a night (depending on how long my knee holds out) isn't cutting it. :confused3

Sitting in my office enjoying the peace and quiet. Don't get that around here much! It is broken occasionally by the door buzzer. HELLO-- it is after 5pm, do you really think that there is someone in the office to open the door? And by the way-- IT IS UNLOCKED! :rotfl2: I feel weird DISing from my work computer, I never use it for nonwork purposes (much) :teeth:

I missed one of my snacks today and didn't realize it until over an hour later. But I had a good reason. I was sitting at my desk and all the sudden heard a light thumpa, thumpa, thumpa, thumpa across the ceiling beind my desk--:scared1: I jumped out of my chair and ran to the office behind me! We came out and could hear :mickeyjum going all around the ceiling in my office. :scared1::scared1::scared1: I know we have mice in the school, it is just a fact of life, you can't get rid of all of them. And if they are on the ground I don't mind so much. But over my head? Where I can't see them? Where they could fall through a ceiling tile at any moment and land on my head? :faint: I use way too much hairspray for that-- we would never get the thing out!!!:rotfl:

It went away after a few mins but for the next few hours my heart was racing and my stomach was in knots, wondering if I was going to get to meet ::MickeyMo sooner than I had planned! I think tomorrow I am bringing my :cat: to work!

I am going to go and clean out my personal drawers I think. I never get time to do that and I am not allowed to work off the clock so that seems like a good use of my time. DH is bringing dinner for us in about an hour.

Everyone have a fabulous ON PLAN Friday, and don't forget to take a moment to make your plans for the weekend so you can stay on track!:cheer2:
OK, I'm stuck. Does anyone else that's doing this have experience with losing weight while on prednisone? I'm stuck at 155, and want to get down to 130-ish (maybe 125, depends on how 130 looks on me, but certainly not below 120). I just need ideas of what to do, because apparently watching what I eat (about 1100 calories a day) and 30-45 min on the exercise bike a night (depending on how long my knee holds out) isn't cutting it. :confused3

Hmm, that is a tough one. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Also have you tried upping your calories? You may actually not be eating enough, especially with that level of activity. If your body thinks it isn't getting enough calories then it will hold on to everything it has.

I am a fan of low carb (NOT no carb) diets and depending on what you are eating now cutting down on the carbs (even high carb veggies) could help things move along.
Hmm, that is a tough one. Have you talked to your doctor about it? Also have you tried upping your calories? You may actually not be eating enough, especially with that level of activity. If your body thinks it isn't getting enough calories then it will hold on to everything it has.

I am a fan of low carb (NOT no carb) diets and depending on what you are eating now cutting down on the carbs (even high carb veggies) could help things move along.

I've never really been a big eater, so 1,100-1,200 is about normal for me. If I'm hungry, I wait 15 minutes (to see if I'm actually hungry or if I'm just bored). If it's close to meal time, I'll cook something (and most of my meals are the frozen dinners by Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, stuff like that ... basically forced portion control and a known entity when it comes to nutrition; cooking for just one is difficult to judge portions sometimes) and eat it. If it's not close enough to eating time, or I'm not home, I'll have one of my SlimFast meal or snack bars (which, holy cow, the chocolate chip cookie dough meal bars are 200 calories and so rich I can barely finish them, but so yummy that I do :rotfl:).

My medications will be changing in 6 weeks (I'm adding Humira to my current medical cocktail), so he doesn't want to change anything. I tried weaning myself off prednisone, but he won't let me, I'm still on 10mg/day, and may go up to 15 or 20 in 6 weeks, depending on how the 800mg ibuprofen 3x a day works (and from the first week of doing it, it doesn't look like it's working at all).

I guess I'm just kinda in limbo right now. I'm supposed to be doing my couch to 5k training, but with my foot hurting like it is I've been converting it to bike time. I know it's not the same as running, but it's the closest I can do, and I vary my pace on the bike just like if I was alternating walking/jogging, so at least I'm getting a cardio benefit. Although now that school's back in session, I'm going to be doing more walking around campus and such, so maybe that will help.
I've never really been a big eater, so 1,100-1,200 is about normal for me. If I'm hungry, I wait 15 minutes (to see if I'm actually hungry or if I'm just bored). If it's close to meal time, I'll cook something (and most of my meals are the frozen dinners by Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, stuff like that ... basically forced portion control and a known entity when it comes to nutrition; cooking for just one is difficult to judge portions sometimes) and eat it. If it's not close enough to eating time, or I'm not home, I'll have one of my SlimFast meal or snack bars (which, holy cow, the chocolate chip cookie dough meal bars are 200 calories and so rich I can barely finish them, but so yummy that I do :rotfl:).

My medications will be changing in 6 weeks (I'm adding Humira to my current medical cocktail), so he doesn't want to change anything. I tried weaning myself off prednisone, but he won't let me, I'm still on 10mg/day, and may go up to 15 or 20 in 6 weeks, depending on how the 800mg ibuprofen 3x a day works (and from the first week of doing it, it doesn't look like it's working at all).

I guess I'm just kinda in limbo right now. I'm supposed to be doing my couch to 5k training, but with my foot hurting like it is I've been converting it to bike time. I know it's not the same as running, but it's the closest I can do, and I vary my pace on the bike just like if I was alternating walking/jogging, so at least I'm getting a cardio benefit. Although now that school's back in session, I'm going to be doing more walking around campus and such, so maybe that will help.

A lot of the frozen meals have high sodium and that can cause problems. They also tend to be carb heavy.

Are you snacking ? (we have been talking about that in other posts--eating every 2-3 hours even if not really feeling hungry) Even if you don't think you are "hungry" your body may still need more calories than you are taking in. If you eat small, frequent meals that pack a punch of protein (a cheese stick, greek yogurt, handful of almonds) it will increase your calories without really trying.

Having taken prednisone I know that it is really a pain. It may be that for now as long as you are maintaining you are doing all you can.
I know the frozen meals aren't the best option, but they're something I can stick with, and its not a long term solution. I do cook for myself occasionally, easy stuff like spaghetti or grilled fish and veggies, but when I want something "fancy" like the ricotta spinach pasta I had today, the frozen dinners do it.

I've never been one to be able to eat if I'm not hungry. I do have snacks that I take to school (limited in what I can bring, since it seems silly to bring a lunchbox just so I have an ice pack so my string cheese is OK). But its healthy snacks, like beef jerky and 100 calorie granola bars, not junk like chips and candy. I typically eat one "real meal" a day, have a smaller one at night, then snack 2 or 3 times during the day.

As promised, a message from our awesome coach OhMom:

FUN FRIDAY QOTD for Friday January 17, 2014 and happy birthday to my DH! (that is OhMom's DH, not mine :thumbsup2 )

Princesses or villains?

Morning or evening workout?

Call or text?

Chocolate or caramel?

Pinterest or Twitter?

Tower of Terror or Rock-n-Roller coaster?

Drama or comedy?

Beatles or Rolling Stones?

Sedan or SUV?

Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon?


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