Will this trip ever happen???February 2020. It will..just not the way it started..


DIS Veteran
Jul 18, 2011
Hi all, i wasn’t going to post a PTR as I never finished my report from January. But this has been months of ups and downs planning this trip.
First I’ll intro my self. I‘m Missy ...mother of 3 boys. Grandmother (VoVo) to seven awesome grandchildre.26AFEC23-D772-4F99-B189-7AD990FB8851.jpeg

our last Disney trip was in January...2 of my 3 DS and their families. 10 in all....as my DH ended up not going the week we were supposed to go.
so fast forward to this trip...pull up a chair. Grab some coffee or wine. It’s a long story. I will have to write this in sections. Unfortunately work gets in the way of Disney
This years cast of characters are me, DH? DS1,DIL1 and their 4 kids...sadly DS2 and family are not coming. DIL2 is not the fan we are and said she needs a break from Disney. GASP...yes she said that. Hard to believe ...so it’s just us or is it..?..stay tuned9D13D1C0-DC54-4580-A421-B7BED9CD636E.jpeg

This is DS2 and DIL2 and my grandson Jackson...don’t they look like that are having fun...shouldn’t they come we us.
so just in case they change their minds ..I have a room booked at the Dolphin.
fingers crossed.

DS1 is a DVC member so they have a 2 bedroom at the Beachclub..when they booked in July I wasn’t sure if I could go...we were in the process of selling my business and wasn’t sure if the time frame.
well a month later tried to get the Beachclub for me and all sold out..
so I then booked a studio villa at the Boardwalk...
So as of now we have rooms at the Beachclub for DS1 and family

and The Boardwalk for me and DH81D95C4E-B110-4D35-AA31-193474226BC4.jpeg

and the Dolphin ...if we can convince DIL2 to come
And that brings me to DS3 and family....who think their kids are to young to go....is that such a thing. ......to young..... to old.... so sadly they won’t be coming with us..
So..it looks like DS2 is definitely not coming..so now we are down to 8. So now I need to cancel the Dolphin....move around our ADR ..ugh. This is a process...others just do not understand what goes into planning or at least trying to plan a Disney trip.
No as I mentioned before this past trip DH decided not to go last minute..he has not been well for a few years..and is not a Disney fan at all ......he leaves that to me and DS1.
so now he is up in the air as to coming with us..ugh. 8B8BA9BB-96EC-4B91-878F-2E131A188E18.jpeg

now he keeps saying he doesn’t think he wants to come...flights booked. Rooms booked. Ugh ugh ugh
and on another note. How to I turn these pics facing the correct way. They are right in my photos but when I upload them they are sideways
Well as you can see by my title. Will this trip ever happen..well on to ano reason why it may not.

like all of us who are OCD about planning we do so in grand fashion...months and months ahead ..
my DS1 booked in July ...I booked in August ...
well here we are less than 6 weeks away .....
and not only is my DH on the fence ...but my ExDIL now says the 2 girls can’t come with us ....are you kidding me..

mind you this is part of their Christmas present.2CC2AA40-7655-4D67-8760-33641D2ECF84.jpeg
So the reason the girls Age 7 and 11 can’t come with. Is because they now have a cheerleading competition

Now mind you. They don’t cheer professionally. But for some unknown reason, we are told they can’t miss it. Huh. What. Are you kidding me
Now I had all boys. So this is not my wheelhouse. But. Again are you kidding me
So we have 3 hotels booked. 8 flights. Tickets ect. Now what do we do. I can’t believe this. ADr’s. FP. Done this is horrible...And with Christmas and their birthdays. This was all 4 kids presents

So Happy New Years Eve all...hope it’s a safe happy fun filled year. And of course lots of Disney...
as I said. This trip started off with 11. Not anymore
the new plan:

DS2 definitely out. DH still on the fence.
as far as GD1 and GD2...
well the new plan is. We fly out on Friday the 7th of February...still do not have a hotel room for that night. Yikes

the new plan is...the 2 GD’s will fly out on Monday morning (so they don’t miss their competition). Yes I said that. I can’t believe that they are not coming with us. But they
will fly out with their mother ...who will then turn around and fly back home. Ugh
lots of extra expens that was not necessary...but it was that. Or they wouldn’t come.

we have cancelled the Swan. And I now canceled my Boardwalk studio. Since the girls won’t be here till Monday..I will stay in the 2 bedroom with DH 1 till Monday and I booled a 1 bedroom at the Beachclub till Friday
then we check out and move to the Swan for 2 nights.
3 hotels. Ugh. But what can we do
So my wish is that this trip goes off better than it started. Our plan was to get the dining plan. But since the girls won’t be there. not an option now.

I know blended families are hard to manage. It’s just a shame when the kids are in the middle...

but some Disney Days are better than no Disney days.

You have beautiful family, the grands are all adorable!
You seem like you're rolling with the punches pretty well, I commend you, I would have lost my mind by now, LOL!!

Somehow, I believe it will all come together the way it's supposed to and those who are in attendance will have a great time!
You have beautiful family, the grands are all adorable!
You seem like you're rolling with the punches pretty well, I commend you, I would have lost my mind by now, LOL!!

Somehow, I believe it will all come together the way it's supposed to and those who are in attendance will have a great time!
Thank you. Believe me. I lost it a few times...just trying to make it work. Now to find a hotel for our arrival night.
Happy New Year all..
Is everyone else planning their trips like me...reading others PTR and TR.
also I am changing ADR with the change of plans..trying to wait a do character meals once the girls arrive ...
Trying to get T Rex now. Don’t think they will mind missing that.
Happy New Year all..
Is everyone else planning their trips like me...reading others PTR and TR.
also I am changing ADR with the change of plans..trying to wait a do character meals once the girls arrive ...
Trying to get T Rex now. Don’t think they will mind missing that.

Happy New Year to you! It sounds like your trip has been crazy to plan with all the dynamics of who is going to go and when.
Ugg! Frustrating for sure! I am trying to plan a trip for this summer for my family and possibly my brother's family as well. I was last at WDW in 2014 so lots have changed since I went. Thankfully, I have stayed aware of all things happening through the Dis. The Dis has been my way of getting my Disney fix and just my way to destress from work. I like to plan trips and think about what places I would eat at and when.

With this trip, I originally had planned it for New Years to tag along with my daughter's marching band trip to Orlando and Tampa and the Outback Bowl. I booked my own room at Disney and made plans then the trip was cancelled! UGG! So, I just decided it was time to go back and started the summer trip planning. But even the plans for that trip has changed several times and may or may not happen now. I am waiting word or whether or not my brother and his family will be able to go.

So, to answer you question simply now that I have written a novel response, yes, I have been making and then switching ADRs depending on when and who I think is going. But at least I am planning a trip that I might actually get to take this time. My Pre-trip TR is definitely changing too, even the title as my plans shift.
It’s so hard planning...the others don’t realize how much we put into this. And how long...they think it’s nothing to just change. We have changed hotels 3 times. Planes. ADR’s , FP. had to give up the dining. Ugh. I feel you...good luck. I am heading over to your PTR
Well. Not that this has anything to do with our trip..but my DS1 turned 40 today. I can’t believe it,I feel that age myself..he shares my love of Disney. He says I share his ..lolE1446322-C102-4B2F-A56B-C02AA0CFF471.jpeg

this was him and his 4 kids and my oldest grandson from DS 2


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