Will not stay at Poly again

Any similar experiences at Poly?

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You didn't say what time you thought was OK to start. And you can't just compare price. It's like complaining that the $9 hot dog at the movie theater doesn't taste as good as the one you make at home.
First, I can do whatever I want. You don't have to man-splain to me, my dear. But I would say, I would go with what the City of Orlando has on the books in terms of noise ordinances. From my brief reading it looks like temporary construction and maintenance noise (which is what we are talking about here, I think) is excluded from the law but they do state that 7am and a certain decibel level of the noise seems to be when a citizen could make a complaint to the authorities. Obviously WDW is not in the city of Orlando, but I am just using it as an approximation. Looks like other municipalities have similar statutes. So 7am would be about right, I think. IMHO.
First, I can do whatever I want. You don't have to man-splain to me, my dear. But I would say, I would go with what the City of Orlando has on the books in terms of noise ordinances. From my brief reading it looks like temporary construction and maintenance noise (which is what we are talking about here, I think) is excluded from the law but they do state that 7am and a certain decibel level of the noise seems to be when a citizen could make a complaint to the authorities. Obviously WDW is not in the city of Orlando, but I am just using it as an approximation. Looks like other municipalities have similar statutes. So 7am would be about right, I think. IMHO.

As you say WDW is not in the city of Orlando so they don't have to follow that noise ordinance. We all probably have our own ideas of what is the right time to start work, and we all won't agree. My hometown starts at 6 am, so anything around that time seems right to me.

I guess the best thing is to be aware that they do start work early, and plan accordingly. Download a white noise app on your phone. Wear ear plugs. Pack a fan. Those are things we can do to mitigate the noise.
Just a side note, the city of bay lake and the city of lake buena vista and the reedy creek improvement district are all run Disney cities and governing bodies so they set the noise ordinances and enforce them.
right, like I said: I was just using Orlando as an example because I didn't want to spend any time doing legal research this am on noise ordinances in Reedy Creek. I would note that even the city of Orlando has a bunch of exceptions for noises related to fireworks, amusement parks and sports arenas where there is not a cause of action for noise violations. I would assume the same is true for WDW.
First, I can do whatever I want. You don't have to man-splain to me, my dear. But I would say, I would go with what the City of Orlando has on the books in terms of noise ordinances. From my brief reading it looks like temporary construction and maintenance noise (which is what we are talking about here, I think) is excluded from the law but they do state that 7am and a certain decibel level of the noise seems to be when a citizen could make a complaint to the authorities. Obviously WDW is not in the city of Orlando, but I am just using it as an approximation. Looks like other municipalities have similar statutes. So 7am would be about right, I think. IMHO.

So, 7am is your answer. But you said that it was "insane" that they started at 6:50am and you wouldn't stand for this at the Four Seasons. Seem a bit of an over-reaction for 10 minutes, no?

"You know if you were staying at any other luxury hotel, I am not sure that any one of you would stand for being awoken by maintenance noise in the morning. Can you imagine this happening if you were staying at the Four Seasons in Maui for example? At the price point they are charging, this is insane."
Consider that BCV, VWL and PVB all sent out letters regarding construction and determined that 9am was the earliest they would have work and noise start it's not unreasonable to think they would apply similar sorts of times to every day maintenance that would cause noise right outside the rooms. Yes, there's a difference but it shows they apparently do care about the guest consideration. I think this is just a case of different order to grounds work.
I can see where it would be annoying, but I agree with this. The earlier the better for the workers' comfort. I stayed recently in one of the non-DVC areas of the Poly, and we had no noise at all other than the monorail gliding by, so I can't speak to the noise by the beach.
Seriously, "better for the workers comfort" We are paying for a vacation at a resort and I would think that my comfort would be more of a concern than the comfort of an employee who took the job in an outdoor environment in Florida. I would love for my boss to let me work the hours that are best for my comfort but reality is that I am there to deal with clients and I work for their happiness. I know they want to make it pretty but then notify the guests that on specific days we will be working at a specific time so they can be prepared for the time and maybe plan their early days for those days. Everyday is beyond ridiculous and completely uncalled for at a deluxe resort/villas
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Let me first say that we have spent a total of 11 nights at Poly this year on two different trips one in July the other this past week during Thanksgiving... I must point out that the room renovations are fantastic, they are spacious, the second shower is extremely convenient and the over all property looks amazing. However the level of noise before 9am from the Maintenance and Landscape departments shocking. During our stay this past week we were in room 1036, first floor Lake view. EVERY morning at 6:50am there was a worker riding a small tractor raking the beaches!! He started on the Ticket and Transportation side of the property and worked his way to the boat landing. Took him about an hour. Then around 8:15 am he started his Leaf blower and blew the sand that was tracked on to the sidewalks from his Tractor wheels and blew it all back to the beach. Now, I completely understand maintaining the property to our expectations, but starting at 6:50am in my opinion is unnessasary. During our stay in July, our family was woken 5 consecutive days before 9am with these landscaping and maintenance activities. Grass mowing, tree trimming, pressure washing our sliding glass door on a Sunday morning, which startled each of us when the pressure washer come across the door, ear blowers.
I'm sharing our experience because if you are a family who takes advantage of the late night extended Magic Hours, you might want to book another property other then Poly, because you will be awakened early the next morning.
And yes, I brought our experience to the Manger on Duty as well as an email after our visit. We received no return email.[/

I'm sorry you had that experience. I have always wanted to stay there, I guess now I will rethink that.
So, 7am is your answer. But you said that it was "insane" that they started at 6:50am and you wouldn't stand for this at the Four Seasons. Seem a bit of an over-reaction for 10 minutes, no?

"You know if you were staying at any other luxury hotel, I am not sure that any one of you would stand for being awoken by maintenance noise in the morning. Can you imagine this happening if you were staying at the Four Seasons in Maui for example? At the price point they are charging, this is insane."
so nice that you care about my every word so deeply! Thanks for the complement! But then again, that happens to me quite often! Cheers!
I've stayed at the Poly twice. Once was for Christmas 2001 and the last was PVB opening April 1 - 3, 2015.
Funny enough I was in the same building both times. Moorea? the closest building to the TTC.
Noise never bothered me - but then again you could line up a marching band playing John Philip Sousa at the foot of my bed and I would sleep through it.

I will stay at the Poly again - as a matter of fact I will be there starting New Year's Day 2016.
We just returned from our second stay at Poly, this time in lakeview, Moorea 2027. We had no problems with noise from workers or construction equipment, lawn mowers/blowers, etc.... We did (obviously) hear the ferry boat horns every day. We had no problems sleeping through it, except one night I had trouble falling asleep, and the horns did not help that:) I am an early riser usually by 7:00-7:30 anyhow, so morning noise would not bother me personally.

Our previous stay in June was in Pago Pago standard view (room faced Moorea) and we could hear the horns as well, just a little less so.

However, with that being said, we would return to PVB again and again. We feel that the convenience of the monorail (and view of fireworks from lakeview room) well outweighs the noise of the ferry boat horns.
I only noticed the noise when our balcony door was open in our 3rd floor Moorea villa. When it was closed we didn't really notice it.
We did see lots of landscapers out early - the beach tractor guy would start just at dawn (I know because that when I wake up anyway). I can't say that it bothered us - maybe because we were on high floors. Walking by the CRO long houses to the pool we noticed the building facing the beach was being power washed one day and painted the next. At first we assumed it was empty but it wasn't. I remember thinking that if I was paying $400+ per night and smelling paint fumes
We had 5 morning awakenings like you describe with the beach combing operation and the "sand blower". We were actually on the 3rd floor and it was still loud enough to wake you up...
I think the answer would be to use quieter equipment. (Re: Electric tractor and/or blowers.) It is the gas engines that are so noisy. We actually had fun watching the tractor driver one morning because he got stuck in the sand with the tractor. Instead of smoothing the beach he dug a pit, which he had to go back and hand fill in!
We stayed in room 3036 in October and could not agree more with OP comments! We felt it was one of the best views and loudest room at WDW.

I can appreciate the landscapers wanting to start early in the Florida sun. I don't blame the person who is doing the work. I do blame management for not providing quieter equipment and/or more personnel to complete the tasks and coming up with the proper procedures to minimize the impact on the guests vacation.

A few things that came to my mind while I was trying to enjoy the morning on the balcony with my cup of coffee:

1-The landscapers should have an electric cart instead a loud gas powered cart.
2-They could use the electric cart to rake the beach and use a hand rake next to sidewalks.
3-On the back of the loud gas powered cart there was another gas engine that powered a pump that dispersed chemicals into the lake to deter the algae that is growing in the lake. Instead of gas powered pump go to an electric pump using batteries.
4-Train the workers not to drag the hoses so sand goes onto the sidewalks,perhaps, take the cart onto the beach at one entry point and exit at another point. This way the sand isn't dragged onto the sidewalks along the entire length of the beach. The sand would be minimized to the entry and exit points. Also, the should rinse the tires after leaving the so they don't drag sand on the sidewalks.
5-Take a push broom and sweep any sand back onto the beach that has gotten onto sidewalks.

I am sure there are even better ideas than these. The technologies exists to quietly handle the tasks they need to handle. Disney needs to invest in them. Instead of one guy perhaps they need two guys for the morning tasks.

These rooms are signature rooms at WDW going for $600 night for a studio to $3,500 a night for a bungalow. There is no excuse for this amount of noise at this 6:50 a.m. If Disney wanted to figure it out they could.

Why aren't they using a Beachbot that they developed for Aulani??

Or they could soundproof the rooms . For the money they are charging I cannot believe they did not do this when they did the refurb.
We just got back from a split stay at PVB, 2 nights lake view and 3 nights standard. The two nights of lake view were December 30th and 31st. At the outset I will say we loved the resort and the rooms. While the lakeview was incredible for the New Years Eve fireworks (shown both nights of our stay) the ferry horns are ultimately a deal breaker for us in booking this category again except for an exceptional firework show, such as on New Year Eve or 4th of July.

As to the New Years Eve fireworks - amazing from our second floor balcony. In addition to the perimeter fireworks, they do mirror fireworks, which essentially is everything that is launched from behind the castle also launches from over the lagoon. Wherever they are launching those from, they also have loudspeakers set up, so you can hear the music crystal clear from anywhere at the Poly. On the first night I saw the fireworks from the MK hub, and the second night from my balcony and I enjoyed the experiences equally.

We did not experience any noise related to landscaping, but those ferry horns...
I don't know what hours are right because it is personal. Some people wake up early to watch the sunrise and Disney wants to have the resort ready for breakfast so it looks its best. Other people sleep late past 8 am and it is their right on vacation. Others take midday naps or go to bed early. They can't please everyone.

December our baby was 13 months and was taking naps and sleeping by 8 pm so we brought a white noise machine. We stayed at akl and bcv and didn't really need it but it helps. If you are a light sleeper I always suggest bringing one baby or no baby! Even hall noise (from people returning to their rooms after very late nights) can wake me up.

We are staying at Poly in June and dh wants to request first floor so the baby can play outside while one of us gets ready. Now I am wondering if the first floor location has the worst sound issues with this, although we are usually up by 7:30-8 even on vacation but if the baby wants to sleep in I let him.


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