Will I regret.....


<font color=teal>Lovin' Disney<br><font color=red>
May 1, 2000
We are going to do the four day cruise next year with a two day drive there and back. I am trying to decide whether we should head on over to WDW for a few days either before or after the cruise. Will I regret it if we don't? Has anyone just done the four day cruise and not gone to WDW? Is the four day cruise enough to make you feel like you've been on vacation? All opinions are appreciated! Thank you.
i would if i could stay at wdw before the cruise for a couple of days , dont think 4 day cruise is enough. we r doing 7 day and stayying a t wdw after
I also recommend going to WDW <b><i>before</i></b> rather than <i>after</i> the cruise for a few reasons:

<nl><li>If you encounter delays in your trip to Florida, all you miss is some time at the park... you don't have to worry about missing the boat.

<li>If you get to Florida and discover that you forgot to pack something, it's not a problem to run out to Wal-Mart and buy a replacement.

<li>It's so easy to get used to the "all the food is included" lifestyle of a cruise, it would be a letdown to go from the cruise to the parks and have to pay amusement park prices for food.

<li>There's no location on the bed that's more than a five-minute walk from anyplace else. No worries about driving, traffic, or waiting for the WDW buses. If you decide you want to take a nap, you can take a nap. This is a wonderful luxury after you've been at the parks.</nl>

As for whether four days will be long enough... most cruisers find it takes two or three days to <i>really</i> get into cruise mode after they've come onboard. It would be a shame to achieve that level of relaxation only to have the cruise almost over. The 7-day cruise is wonderfully relaxing with the three days at sea. Of course, four days is better than three days or no days.
We are visiting WDW after our 4 night cruise, simply because that's the schedule that worked out with school being out, discounts, etc..At first, we only had the cruise booked, but after hearing people say it went by too fast, and we'll be driving from Indiana, we decided to add 3 nights on. I was able to get a code and get POR for $94/night, so that cinched it.
Originally posted by snowball22
We are going to do the four day cruise next year with a two day drive there and back. I am trying to decide whether we should head on over to WDW for a few days either before or after the cruise. Will I regret it if we don't? Has anyone just done the four day cruise and not gone to WDW? Is the four day cruise enough to make you feel like you've been on vacation? All opinions are appreciated! Thank you.

We spent 4 days at the DVC-Vero Beach resort prior to our 4-day DCL cruise 2 years ago. We decided it was a mistake--we should have gone to WDW instead of Vero. It would have been nice to run around and burn some energy at WDW before relaxing on the ship. As it turned out, 8 straight days of relaxation was too much (LOL)! We're doing the 7-day DCL in June and will spend 4 days at WDW before the cruise. After the cruise, we'll head home fully relaxed and refreshed.

Happy planning,


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