Will dogs be allowed at a DVC resort??

You'll be limited to two smaller dogs.

From the information I have read Disney has not said there is a size limitation...do you have something different In writing?

And I also got a reply from a Disney senior VP on my email in support of the trial policy in which I also said I do agree they could have given a longer notice than two days on implementation.
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There is a difference between a pet friendly building at SSR or OKW and the single building structure of BWV - and that is what I suspect Disney is getting at with how they selected resorts. With BWV, you'd need to have dogs in the public areas - even if you restricted them to the first floor - in order for them to get outside to do their duty. The first floor is used for pool access. Same thing with all of the other completely connected resorts - the hallways are shared. With the resorts where their are separate buildings (even the Poly would qualify, but the Contemporary and BLT wouldn't), you could have entire pet friendly buildings.

And I don't think they will, but I think they could. And if it did, I'm not sure it would be horrible (although I'd prefer no dogs myself). No reason to worry about it until it happens though.

True, but OKW is not well suited for pets. Since all but 3 buildings have no elevator, they would likely require a ground floor room. And at OKW ALL ADA rooms, except in the 3 elevator buildings, are also on the ground floor.
I will say that OKW is not particularly pet friendly, given that only 3 buildings have elevators. So pet owners would probably want 1st floor. That also means that in all but the 3 elevator buildings the ADA rooms are on the first floor. That would certainly likely cause booking issues. My guess is that the trial resort selections were based on the occupancy rates of those resorts. They probably had lower occupancy than other resorts in their class. DVC resorts, on the other hand, routinely operate at near 100% occupancy levels year round. The only DVC resort that I would consider even remotely pet friendly would be SSR, and then maybe starting out with only one building as a trial. And ironically, I would not consider Animal Kingdom Lodge (cash or villas) pet friendly because of over stimulation from the other animals (and their associated calls and scents) onsite.
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doesn't really matter... if the pricing is consistently increasing as they are right now... If YachtClub is $75 a night then you are looking at probably $100 to $125 a night for a DVC resort. Which is WAY MORE than the Best of Friends resort per night/day... and BoF feeds and waters and allows you to stop by and visit your pup. While I love having my pet travel with us... Disney is more using this as a phishing attempt to see who would be willing to pay that much for an animal in their room. They even say that if you are spending days at parks then BoF is available for day care... so you are spending $50-$75 PLUS day care prices when you could just board your animal at BoF for less than the room night with DVC discount.
I think DVC should be more worried about what people won't spend for a room that has had a pet in it. This is a long term commitment on the owners part and changing condominium agreement after just a few years will make people really wonder what is going on with their timeshare and can you trust the company that is running it.
The panic is amusing. Stay at more hotels in the world and your’ll realize this isn’t the end of the world. And spare deathly allergic to dogs argument. People are actually deathly allergic to peanuts, Hell, I’m allergic to cats and yet we all fly to Disney on planes full of all three and here we are.
The panic is amusing. Stay at more hotels in the world and your’ll realize this isn’t the end of the world. And spare deathly allergic to dogs argument. People are actually deathly allergic to peanuts, Hell, I’m allergic to cats and yet we all fly to Disney on planes full of all three and here we are.

The peanut thing on the plane is something I puzzle about everytime it's announced. I guarantee there is zero chance that those planes are cleaned well enough to remove every trace of peanut. And then people bring snacks etc with peanuts on all the time - I suspect even after an announcement that many wouldn't even think to look at wrapper ingredients. On one flight I did have 3 flight attendants in my row who all pulled out their snack bars and then put them back in their bags but I don't think the average traveler would think of it.
The panic is amusing. Stay at more hotels in the world and your’ll realize this isn’t the end of the world. And spare deathly allergic to dogs argument. People are actually deathly allergic to peanuts, Hell, I’m allergic to cats and yet we all fly to Disney on planes full of all three and here we are.

I stay at plenty of non-Disney hotels. All of them pet-free.

I think most reasonable people would understand that nobody wants to feel "sick" while on vacation regardless of the cause. Does it happen.....yes. Is there anything wrong with trying to prevent it....no.
This isn't a hotel. It's a timeshare, purchased with very clear no pet rules, whose members would be adversely affected by 1. Less inventory for people who didn't want a dog room. 2. More dues due to more wear and tear. 3. More dues due to more cleaning. 4. Potentially fouling of outdoor areas- see Yacht Club where the 'relief' i.e. pee and crap area, is adjacent to the quiet pool. 5. A hotel guest can take their business elsewhere , we cannot. We have to sell up.
The rules were clear when we bought in. Don't like them, then sell up and take your dog elsewhere as they shouldn't be changed to keep the minority happy.
As to a new resort, if they wanted dog rooms in Riviera I have no objection if this is brought to buyer's attention before they buy in. Then people like me would be unreasonable to complain.
I first heard about the dogs at POR thru a Facebook page that I "like". Yesterday, they gave an update and said that originally the only areas that were going to be restricted for dog access were basically food court and pool areas and guests with dogs could be assigned to any room, but the immediate "public outcry" has them trying to change things up to contain the dogs to limited areas and keep them in specific buildings, room types, etc. (I'd just link it, but not sure that's allowed)

I'm glad people spoke up. I'm glad they made adjustments quickly. It's all a good sign.
The panic is amusing. Stay at more hotels in the world and your’ll realize this isn’t the end of the world. And spare deathly allergic to dogs argument. People are actually deathly allergic to peanuts, Hell, I’m allergic to cats and yet we all fly to Disney on planes full of all three and here we are.

Since you have allergies as well, you should understand the concern that people have. I'm not sure it would be considered panicking if you don't want the possibility that the resort you purchased could become pet-friendly when you have allergies. Until we get all the facts, I don't believe anyone has yet to sell their membership because of this...this is what I would consider panic.

I think we've all stayed in numerous resorts and hotels. My family has stayed in resorts where they have assured us that there would be deep allergen cleaning after each pet stay and, in all cases, this was insufficient. I have always asked to be guaranteed a non-pet room or we choose another hotel. I think most are seeing the possibility that even with a request for non-pet rooms, there is still a possibility of getting one, especially at Disney. I think a lot of us have purchased into the membership for that reason. We all understood that perks and benefits may come and go, but this is not the same thing.

As for flying with allergens, I think most people who would have issues do bring some form of medication or pack some wipes to clean their area in the case of peanut allergies. Even if anyone is deathly allergic, you may not notice any issues because they are well prepared.
There’s a thread pages deep with more panic about ac on the gondolas. It seems to be an epidemic, all these hypothetical problems.
I own points too. I’m happy to wait and see. I personally find crowds so deep at DL that it’s literally impossible to move let alone escape a problem an actual, current problem but has Disney curbed attendance in anything but the slowest most measured ways in order to maximize profit? No. Apparently, all the faux outrage on message boards from Disney fans who clamor to book vacations the moment they become available hasn’t seemed to reach the decision makers. Weird.
I'm going to encourage DVC OWNERS to examine their "Declaration of Condominium". MANY of these are similar, across existing DVC Resorts. They are NOT identical.

In the case of the "Declaration of Condominium" for VWL (now BRV), the pertinent section is article 12.9. I've enclosed a screen cap of the article, as the "Declaration of Condominium" for VWL is large.... most Websites will refuse to upload it.

YOUR "Declaration of Condominium" is part of your existing CONTRACT. Unilateral changes to a CONTRACT can indeed be made - they may also be CHALLENGED in a Court of Law, as a Contract Violation.

Phone calls with Member Services: Yes, these have occurred. As with any Phone Call? They can not be documented. I've encouraged WDW to POST a public Statement on this issue, for THEIR benefit. MANY people that MAY be potential DVC buyers are WAITING to see what the real DVC Contract will be.

It's really a bad idea to muddy the Contract, with a number of new DVC Property sale offerings pending....
Confusion on the part of the buyer often results in "I'm going to wait" situations. Bad for potential buyers, WORSE for the seller.

Please - examine the "Declaration of Condominium" that YOU accepted, as part of YOUR DVC Contract.


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All the angst about dogs!? There is no indication that this will be allowed in DVC. And if it was I am sure it would be dealt with by additional fees etc. I agree that the condo should not pay for the people who would want to bring dogs....for those who do...i am sure they would gladly pay cleaning fees etc. For me...i love my dog....he is the best!....but I would never put him through taking him on vacation....to stressful!....for him! Before we start pulling out our contracts and talking about class action BS....lets take a chill pill and see what happens....if Disney wants this...its gonna happen....and if you as an owner don't like it....you know what ya gotta do....
All the angst about dogs!? There is no indication that this will be allowed in DVC. And if it was I am sure it would be dealt with by additional fees etc. I agree that the condo should not pay for the people who would want to bring dogs....for those who do...i am sure they would gladly pay cleaning fees etc. For me...i love my dog....he is the best!....but I would never put him through taking him on vacation....to stressful!....for him! Before we start pulling out our contracts and talking about class action BS....lets take a chill pill and see what happens....if Disney wants this...its gonna happen....and if you as an owner don't like it....you know what ya gotta do....
Well no chill pill here. The squeaky wheel get the oil, so now is the time to speak up. No, Disney does not always get thier way ( ie: OKW extension debacle). Plenty of lawyers that are also DVC members. We are not just gonna roll over.
Well no chill pill here. The squeaky wheel get the oil, so now is the time to speak up. No, Disney does not always get thier way ( ie: OKW extension debacle). Plenty of lawyers that are also DVC members. We are not just gonna roll over.

Who is We?

Lol....roll over.....good pun right there!
Which seems to bug them less than it does you or I; I think we see the logistics issues of too many categories in a timeshare, and Disney doesn't think that's a big deal.
I don't necessarily agree. I can't think of a category they've changed (micromanaged) off hand such that it makes it unworkable in this area. Plus it creates more work for them if they make it too restricted with their current setup.

I utilize other timeshares and I'm thinking of one with Bluegreen that has at least 9 different 1 BR booking categories and six 2BR categories. The difference is they actually make direct reservations to specific units though you don't know what unit you're getting. They can change them around and often do but this is how the system keeps up with what's available and what's not. You know if you're getting a 1 BR with 538, 590, 602, 863 or 920 sq ft. You know if you're getting a King or 2 doubles in the 1BR and if you're getting a jetted tub or not. Obviously it'd take an overhaul of the reservation system, one that's unlikely to happen short term, but it's certainly very workable to even track it down to a single room without too much trouble from a reservation standpoint.
I with you.. voice your opinion during the trial period.

Yes, exactly. Even though DVC resorts are not included in the trial period, it's very important for them to hear from members. It's much better to voice your concern now than to wait until it's too late and DVC has invested a lot into its implementation and, therefore, would more reluctant to back out of the idea.

I think a kindly worded email about your concerns would be appropriate during a trial period. This is the whole point of a trial period.

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