Why is Poly so expensive


Apr 3, 2010
Sorry, this is more of a rant. I know why it's expensive. I am just astounded at the prices Disney charges. We are looking to go to Disney summer 2025 and I checked prices for a basic resort view room, and it was $842 a night. How does everyone afford this? I know these resorts stay booked up. We make good money, but this is a big stretch for us. I can stay offsite in a 4-bedroom new house for a week for $1500. Ok, sorry for my rant. My flabbers are gasted right now. :oops:
This. OP, keep your eye open for discounts. They tend to be few and far between for Poly, however. Poly prices really went up once they converted some of the resort buildings to DVC.
They sure did. I'll keep my eyes open. Thanks!
Prices probably went up probably due to date booking plus since of the renovations I feel those hotels went up in general
To me the only perks for the poly are the theming and the proximity to MK. Having to walk around in the weather to get to and from my room and walk around the resort to QS or other dining options is laughable to me for $800+ a night. Its so bizarre to that GF and poly can have their rooms spread out across the resort in all these individual buildings. Thats something I would expect with a motel not a luxury priced resort.
Keep looking. Last Summer we had a trip to Pop Booked Sunday thru Friday with 4 day park hoppers. We found a deal to stay at The Poly Monday thru Friday for $500 more total if we only took 3 Day Park Hoppers. We jumped on it with zero regrets of missing one day in the parks. Sunday was arrival day anyway so no big deal staying at Pop which we enjoy. We did the parks on Monday and our luggage was transferred to The Poly. With the missing park day we stayed at the pool pretty much the entire day. My daughter who was 11 last year said that was one of her favorite all time Disney Days. Hands down my favorite resort. Every single day while my family was showering and getting ready for bed I hung out in the lobby and just took it all in. It was a great time.
Its so bizarre to that GF and poly can have their rooms spread out across the resort in all these individual buildings. Thats something I would expect with a motel not a luxury priced resort.
I'm surprised that many guests look at the map of the Poly and don't immediately make the connection.

The location and name of each long houses moderately corresponded with the islands on the map of Oceania, with Rarotonga being part of Cook Islands, and Aotearoa (which should be named New Caledonia or Kanak) being the current New Zealand.


In order to follow the Polynesian theme, they need to have multiple long houses on dark grounds, illuminated only by torches. I'm surprised that people also complain about the darkness at this resort.
842 is high I would expect a cigar and it lit upon arrival.
Any Hotel in this class outside of Disney will be over 500+ night these days Hotels have gone up everywhere. Disney does discount closer to the standard asking price everywhere.
200-300 in most big tourist areas will afford you a clean room in a remote area with some seedy places/people. One I know of in Seattle area is next to a strip club and that was the discounted price paid non holiday non anything.
The Contemporary USED to be more expensive than Poly but not anymore. I would assume due to higher demand, Disney has adjusted prices up to try and level out the demand across the various hotels. I would rather rent a nearby home then pay the Disney prices when mostly it gets you proximity to MK (or one of the Epcot/HS resorts on that side of the property).

Hotels rates at many other popular vacation locations are nowhere near what Disney now charges.


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