Who's sailing April 18-22, 2004 - gotta start this sometime!!

Welcome a"board." I'm glad you're daughter's feeling better and you were able to change your travel plans (and get to plan an extra cruise as well!!).

It seems like the trip will be here before we know it!!!:Pinkbounc
Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been around. I am kind of freaking about the balance due date coming up in 3 weeks. We can afford the cruise from our tax refund, but we won't get that until March, so until then I have to figure out how to pay Disney. It's only money, right? LOL.

sopandbass...welcome! I think you were lucky to get on our cruise. I had heard it was sold out. Where are you from? Most of us here are from New England, with one Ohian. My nmae is Marie, and i have a 7, 5 and 4 yo. (well, he is still 3, but will be 4 Feb 26)
This will be mine and my husbands 2nd Disney cruise. We loved the 1st time we went, so this time we are bringing the kids!

Bostonlass, after April, you will be cancelling your other Cruise and booking with Disney again! LOL Ho wbout that snow storm???we got slammed! NOT. I am beginning to hate the weathermen in Boston.

Well, I am going to grabbed a quick nap while my husband is home.

Who else is looking forward to Survivor Sunday night??? WOOHOO
Glad to have you on board. :wave:

I must admit, I am getting rather sad about cruising in April:( . We have usually gone to FL during Feb break. That will be here in two weeks and we will not be going. I hope I can make it through March!! DH and I will be going to Boston for our weekend away Feb 20-22:hug: . This will be the first time away since my cancer. I am sure we will have fun:happy1:, but it would be the best if we were in warm, sunny :sunny: FL!!

Everyone stay warm..........Lee
Disneyfan - have you ever tried to do your taxes via hrblock.com? I have been using them for about two years now and I get the money within the week. I think there's also an option to get it the next day but I believe it depends on the type you're filing, i.e. short vs long version. You might want to look into it.

Lee - I have to admit that I'm pretty swamped lately but I apologize.....I have never really looked at your signature before. I'm so very glad that you have recovered. I knew a woman that I used to work with who went through the whole surgery/radiation/chemo and I have to say she had the best attitude in the world. I don't know if I could be as uplifted, though I think that when you have kids sometimes you do it for them when you don't have it in you.

Well I ordered three bathing suits via landsend from their overstock section.............good thing I haven't quit my diet yet!!!!

We booked our honeymoon two days ago and we'll be shipping on the Celebrity Century :) He was definitely NOT doing Disney!! lol. I will, however, be going on Disney again if the kids enjoy it. I'm already saving for a possible trip next February.

less than 80 days you guys!!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Well, I didn't realize the cruise was almost sold out - I'm even more thrilled that we got on the ship, then!

Disney1fan2002 - We're from Michigan but we visit relatives in Boston every year so we're "part-time" New Englanders. :jester:

Does anyone have an idea of what the weather will be like mid-April? I'm ready to pack. :Pinkbounc
What part of Micigan are you from My DH is form the thumb area and we now live in Maine thanks to the US Navy! I need the sun...:cool:
Hey! I just remembered something from our Wonder cruise in 2000 that I wanted to share. The tv's in the stateroom had a channel that shows the cam on the deck with the basketball court. It was about midnight one night, and I put the TV on and it showed Goofy playing basketball with some kids. My DH thought it was a pre-recorded tape they put in so as not to show an empty basketball court, and quite frankly, I was too tired to walk up and see for myself. But the point is, Goofy DID play basketball at some time with the kids, for them to have it on tape. I thought that was really cool. The kids looked older, like 13/14, but they still must of thought it was great to play ball with Goofy!

Also, it was super windy one night, you were literally thrown back by the wind, it was fun watching people challenge the wind and try to beat it!

Ok, I can't wait for April. The anticipation is killing me! I was putting laundry away last night, and the urge to pack was overwhelming. I think I am going to at least pack the kids suitcase. It will make me feel better! LOL:hyper:
ok Is anyone going to do any excursions in Nassau? If so, whichones are you thinking about? I am thinkg of the dolphin one because I can take my DS 3 and DD7 that is if they want to be with us and not with the other kids...

The Thomas family is going too! Scott 40, Julie 39, Mindy 11, and Ryan 6.

We are planning to fly in from Canton, Ohio on Saturday evening. We have our reservation for Raddison resort at the port, so maybe we'll run into some of you there.

We're booked into room 6041. We are also planning to take the Blue Lagoon tour when in Nassau. We went to the Blue Lagoon 17 years ago on our honeymoon, and we went there again 4 years ago. This is our fourth cruise and third time Nassau, but our first on Disney.

After the cruise we're planning to go to the Magic Kingdom, Typhoon Lagoon, and Universal. This will be our thirteenth trip to the "world".

January weather for Ohio has been COLD. We have been surfing these cruise reviews to keep our minds off it!

Hope to hear from all of you soon!
We are driving from Maine. Dh likes to drive!! We, too will be going to WDW after the cruise. Disney1fan2002 and her crew will be there also.

Are you Main seating or Late seating?

Yes, it has been cold this winter. We have February break soon from school. It will be hard not to go south.

Stay warm:sunny: and welcome the board!.........Lee
Wow! I just read over the last week of postings..I sounded really depressed last week. I am not. Just a little upset that I am going to be here in Maine for February Break. Actually, we are going to visit my Father-in-law in NY Feb 13-16 and the then Dh and I go away for our getaway weekend Feb 20-22.:hug:

How is everyone doing after the Super Bowl? I completely missed the half time show. My ds,13 was entertained!!:eek:

It is late....I still have school work to do and I havn't eaten dinner yet!! ..........Lee
mouse attack - We live near Pontiac but I grew up in the "thumb".

For those of you who have been on Disney Cruises before, will the ship being full detract from anything? Should we do anything differently?

April 18th seems so far away. pirate:
Mouse - My dd's (7 and 8) and I will be going to the Atlantis excursion in Nassau. I forget which one it is but it's the shorter one that is offered. I want to get in some shopping too!!!! Thought it would be neat to get matching jewlery of some sort for the girls and I.
ok gals! I am haveing a severe blue hair moment!(as I call them) Where can I find out what excursions are available to us? I never heard of the atlantis one! OMG I am so confused the ice is geting to my brain...:crazy:
You can find the shore excursions listed on the Official Disney Cruise Line website. I think you start by clicking the "fun onshore" link on the ribbon at the top of the first page. The prices are also listed. They also have a form you can download that you fax to them to reserve excursions as much as 60 days early. I don't know about most of the excursions, but the Dolphin one sounds like it sells out fast, maybe even before anyone sets foot on the boat.

We have late seating. Early seating was sold out when we booked in September. Can't wait to see what our rotation will be. Looks like everyone goes in the same order - T.A.P. -Tritons, Animator's, Parrot. We might try the first night at Palo, but we are still undecided.
WOW! We've added so many new people! Welcome! This is excellent! It's hard to believe that we are almost down to the single digits on our weeks count! We are paying our final payment tomorrow. We did our usual rapid refund with HRBlock - and WOW - it came the next day!!

I've been going through the children's clothes trying things on and deciding what is worthy of the ******. My poor oldest DS had only 2 outfits left after last season - so he got a new wardrobe - ****** worthy and for the rest of the summer!! DH keeps threatening me with how much NOT to pack!! But, the baby needs cute little dresses, and bows and ribbons and short sets and and and...I'll be good!!

I've got to get moving on my ribbons. We've added so many new families -- yeah!! I am trying to locate someone with a button maker - to make a cute button about us - the discussion board going on this ****** on these dates...anyone have one...I have ribbon and ideas -- but really want to get buttons made - with maybe our characters...and our disney computer names...sound good? Let me know! I've got lots of work to do!

Well, welcome again to everyone new! It's only a short time until we meet...

Oh, on the excursions - go to the Disney******.com site and it will take you to excursions for Nassau and Castaway Cay. Oh, and for my question on paying taxes to get off Nassau - it is definately included in our fees...just be certain to have a card (given to you by the ****** lines) and your passport or birth certificate and photo id on you at all times if you get off the ship (except for the private island - of course).

Gonna run - just got finished working - want to get a shower before I have to head out and pick up the little 2, pick up the oldest at school and get home before the middle one gets off the school bus -- it's a challege that only a mother can handle!:smooth:

See you all soon!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Lee: I noticed that in our posts! That is really strange - it's as if that has suddenly become a bad word. I guess if your going to use it you have to put it in "....." Very strange...I'll have to check around and see if the moderator will tell me why! Is it April yet? We're expecting rain that turns into freezing rain that turns into snow that covers ice...now that sounds like fun! NOT! Stay warm and healthy - our cruise is coming!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
I guess that cruise was only a bad word yesterday...in my previous post - it worked! Must of been a bad day for someone! Talk again soon!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Ok so I think I am being a little compulsive here! I just purchased the new passporter deluxe edition ,well you know I have to have it all or I think I am missing something! So, I have read through the one guide I have and I felt it wasnt enough information!OMG! I am losing it... WEll I am now waiting patiently by the mailbox well not by the mailbox its 27 out but still patiently for my new present. Ok I am getting excited for April can yo tell? I have a wicked bad cold and I am taking the real estate course and exam this month as well as all the other crstuff! With the little ones HELP! CALGON take me away...I seem to keep missing the cabana boy for my order!:wave2:


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