Who is there now?


What is a Tag?<br><font color=blue>dang no TAG
Feb 22, 2004
Just wondering about crowd levels this week....lines etc...thanks
I am not there now. Usually, even before 9-11 the crowds are light. The weekends are a little heaverier due to locals. Most lines should be less than 15 mins. Alot of stuff should be more or less walk on.
Not me! Wish I were though! Generally no crowd though.
I was just curious...we were there around this time last year and had no crowds to really speak of...but all this talk of higher attendance I was just curious how true it is and to put peoples minds at ease...
We were there from 11/23 to 11/30 (last evening). We expected large crowds from Tues to Sunday, so we did the MK late at night. It was deserted! Everything was a walk on. We went after wishes and stayed til midnight. Epcot was pretty crowded when we went Friday, Saturday, and again on Sunday. :guilty: I kind of expected things to taper off - the UOG lists Monday and Tues 11/29 and 11/30 at a 1 or 2, the lowest levels of crowds. They were way off. I am not going to go by their numbers again. MK was a zoo on monday. It was a sea of people in fantasy land and I overheard many people that were surprised at the wait times and crowds. That was disappointing, On Tuesday 11/30 we went over to MGM. It wasn't actually too bad. My girls wanted me to extend our stay because due to the crowds we still had so much we wanted to do and see. (We were there in August and it was much more crowded this past week) I tried to get a deluxe room - any deluxe for 3 or 4 more nights through CRO and the only thing I could get was WL for the 3 nights. That made me think the crowds were there to stay so we came home. We will probably return end of January for a quickie trip.

We also did MVMCP on 11/28. It was a bust. So crowded it wasn't fun. More crowded than August. We managed to see one show, wishes, and had to stay for the last parade at 10:45 which was still packed!! We never got the cookies and cocoa or the family photo. It took so long to make it from one place to another we didn't do any rides at all. The parade was terrific, but it was one expensive parade. I was very disappointed in the party crowd. I really thought there would be less tickets available. I feel very sorry for the people going on the "sold out" dates. They are in for a major crush of people.

Sorry to hear about your experience on the 28th at MVMCP. We, too, were there. And, while it was very crowded (especially compared to the 10/24 MNSSHP we attended) we had a great time and saw everything we wanted to see.

Right at the start (about 6:50p), we headed for Splash/Big Thunder and rode each three times. We then wandered back through Frontierland and stopped at PoC, Aladdin and Jungle Cruise. That gave us plenty of time to get our spot at the beginning of the parade route (right in front of Harmony) just before the first parade started. We then moved over to the bridge to Tomorrowland and got a great spot for the fireworks. As they ended, we darted to the Galaxy Palace Theater to catch 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Then there was time for a couple of TL attractions before we once again got our front row seat for the 2nd parade. We then headed for Space Mountain for several rides before ducking into the Timekeeper for our family photo (no line at 11:45 pm) and then on to the Midnight showing of Celebrate the Season. All along the way we had way too many cookies at all three locations. And we enjoyed strolling Main Street in the snow both before and after each parade.

It was the plan we went in with and it worked out. We got there early and watched the tree lighting ceremony as well. The only thing we opted out of was the Diamond Horseshoe show.

Oh, and yes, those midnight closings at MK were a dream come true. We took advantage Thu, Fri and Sat night.
Went over to Epcot on Monday evening, watched the CP and Illuminations, was able to get a seat for both without too much advance waiting. Went to MGM yesterday afternoon, was able to walk onto GMR and RNRC (the only 2 attractions I wanted to do), and this afternoon AK (at least, as much as I could tell at work) was pretty slow too.
\I got home late last night. Sunday it was dead at the AK. We walked on Dinosaur and could have stayed on Kali Rapids without getting off all day if we wanted (twice was enough). Monday we walked on everything at Epcot. At Test Track there was a 50 minute wait listed outside but the fast pass line was longer than the walk on line. Yesterday we were at MGM. There was no waits for Tower and Rockin Roller Coaster at 1pm. It was great!!!
I totally agree that MVMCP on Nov. 28th was VERY crowded. And they say only 20,000 tickets are sold? So not true! Still had a great time though. Saw the parade from Frontierland because we wanted to avoid the Main Street crowds. We found a spot right before the parade reached us and had a great view. Watched Wishes by Tomorrowland, and rode many rides. We did the family photo right at the end so there wasn't a long line. The snow on Main Street was my favorite part!!
We got bad/incorrect info from the concierge member on the CR 14th floor. He told me that the park would close from 6 to 7 and actually the people would be cleared out !!!! He wouldn't even check on a PS for 5ish for me as he said that when we were done in the restaurant the park would be closed. I had read on these boards that that wasn't the case, but figured he was in a position to know what goes on!!! WRONG! We got the program when we arrived and it showed a couple of shows that started after 6pm. I was miffed, because due to taking advantage of the great late closing time of the MK for the previous few days my 4 and 8 year old were pooped out and it would have worked out so much better for us to go earlier!! I sat at LTT hearing "I want to go back" from my two girls so many times it made for a stressful night. :guilty:

People need to know they can go earlier than 7pm. Don't listen to anyone that says differently!!!! Go early!!

I don't understand how people thought it wasn't crowded!! I guess it's like childbirth and everyones' experiences are different. :rolleyes:

You never know!

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