Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 3

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Pozey- Great pics!

Lyzziesmom- It's tonight, I had to have it frosted for tonight so I could put a flower design on it.

QOD- Not really. I rarely ever eat breakfast.
lyzziesmom said:
pozey: your house looks so festive! Is that a real tree? It's lovely. The outside lights look really nice - lots of fun!

Donna: thanks again for the breakfast. I love the Fountainview! That inspired me...

Cliqueless Question of the Day:

Do you usually eat a big breakfast?
No, not normally. During the week, it is usually a bowl of cereal. Sometimes just a granola bar.

On weekends, a big breakfast is pancakes or waffles and sausage.
pozey, love the pictures. The stockings are too cute; I especially like the Mickey with Sorcerer hat.
It's too bad Chase and Colton didn't win anything; it doesn't seem fair to judge everyone together, but at least they can move on.

lyzziesmom, :grouphug: you did the right thing. If he wasn't giving what you needed, then he isn't right for you. Maybe he will realize that he missed out on a great thing and you can get back together. If not, there is someone great out there for you.

Nicole, I also want to see your cake.

QOD: I don't usually eat breakfast. If I do, it's something quick, because I don't have time. On weekends, Mike does make a big breakfast.
QOD: Nope, I usually don't eat anything for breakfast.

Ugh, I woke up this morning at 6 and felt horrible! I got sick for a while and went back to bed...now I feel a little better and I don't have a temperature so its off to work I go anyway.

Everyone have a good day!
By the way......In this picture Colton and Chase made the 2 "snowmen" on either side of the fireplace mantle. Colton made the "vampire" on the left, and Chase made the "cowboy" on the right:
Hello cliqueless friends. Whew...we had a peaceful night last night. NO sick kids, dog or parents. :Pinkbounc DS has recovered as quickly as he got sick...so for that we are thankful!

QOD...no big breakfast here. Lately I've been hooked on hot tea with milk and sugar and sometimes I will eat a bowl of cereal. I do love breakfast food...yum...bacon, sausage, potatoes, bicuits...pancakes...waffles...you get the picture. I think I'm a little like lyzziesmom...do a lot of grazing...

Glad to see everyone is up and running for this Monday morning(oops afternoon). Yolanda, how sweet of you to cover for your sick friend. Hope he is doing ok. :goodvibes

Just wanted to say I'm hoping my Christmas cards will be to your homes sometime next week...hopefully before Christmas. :blush:
Ok guys, I just need to vent for a minute. I am having a downright rotten day. As I was on my way to WalMart for my lunch break (mistake #1) I called my mom (mistake #2). I just needed to ask if she bought boots for Lyzzie, I knew she mentioned them but couldn't remember if she got them or not. (Not). Out of nowhere, she tells me she thinks I should cancel my Feb. trip. No reason, other than "you were just there and you don't need to go again, it's too much money, I just don't think you NEED to go." (Keep in mind this is coming from a woman who takes a minimum of 3 cruises per year, and usually doesn't even know where the boat is going.) I told her I'm sorry but I'm going, I am 32 years old and don't need my mother's permission to take a vacation. Next, she starts talking about how she guesses I didn't know I had a copay when I went to the surgical center. Offhandedly I said yes I knew. Then it hit me: I just received a bill for $200 from the surgical center, from my injection in October. This was not a copay, it was a portion that insurance refused to cover. (Apparently anesthesia is optional for injections, but I digress.) How did Mom know this?? She WENT THROUGH MY MAIL while she babysat Emma yesterday while we went to the Nutcracker. This is not a new issue with us, in fact, I moved out of the house at 17 because of my parents reading my bank statement and questioning EVERY line item. If they receive my mail at their house, she will open it, read it, and sometimes even photocopy it. This makes me SO ANGRY!! You'd think after 15 years of arguing over this, she would make an attempt not to do it. Then today, she also questioned me about a check I received from my last job, from cashing out my stock plan (which was required upon leaving the company). I had deposited the check several weeks ago, and "filed" the stub in a basket on the kitchen counter. This means it was under several weeks worth of other "filed" items to be permanently filed later. She purposely rifled through all my important, personal paperwork and READ EVERYTHING!! She also saw some receipts and told me I should return a bunch of the kids' Christmas presents because I spent too much money. I am so flaming mad right now, I am tempted to tell her she's not allowed to babysit in my house anymore. However, she also did about 5 loads of the kids' laundry - I was a little behind - but she also questioned why there were only 2 pairs of Lyzzie's undies in the laundry!! Insinuating that I don't keep my kids clean! (It was because I had just done a load of whites/underthings.)

I ended up hanging up on her and proceeded to shop. 10 minutes later, she called back as if nothing was wrong and invited us to stay for spaghetti for dinner!

Then at WalMart of course I couldn't find anything... I mean how hard is it to find a simple coloring book these days? And the self-checkout did not recognize the boots, it took the lady 10 minutes to fix it which made me late coming back from lunch.

I realize none of this stuff is really THAT bad, it's just really irritating. This is how my relationship with my mother has always been. In fact, she has taken me to family counseling not once but twice (I don't mean individual sessions), and she just doesn't understand why we can't have a "Norman Rockwell family." Both counselors told her that it was not my fault/problem. Both times, she decided they don't know what they are talking about and she didn't need to go anymore - but I did.

Thanks for reading, if you didn't skip it. I feel slightly better after the vent. The good news is, my day can only get better!
Lyzziesmom- :grouphug:

I'm so sorry you are having a bad day!! I know just what you are going through. Jeremiah's aunt is the SAME WAY except we don't even live in the SAME STATE as her, but she still checks his bank accounts,etc. When he lived with his Grandparents after graduating college and looking for a job, she would come over (she lives next door :rolleyes: ) and go through all his personal stuff, reading the letters I wrote him, etc. She would confront him with things I wrote about her (done on purpose because I knew she would read them :teeth: ) and its just a mess. I'm actually terrified of what is going to happen when we move back home to Florida because I don't want her at my house everyday! Anyway, I do feel for your situation. :grouphug: :grouphug: And you are a great mother! You don't have to justify every Christmas present you get your children. Give me a break!
Lyzziesmom...I don't know what to say except :grouphug: I can't imagine why she thinks it's OK to go thru your mail :confused3

We cut down our tree yesterday. It was a lovely day for it, around 50 degrees and sunny. The only thing was, it made for a lot of mud! I haven't decorated it yet. I should be getting the lights on now so we can work on it tonight.

Blake's Christmas party was Sat night. There are 2 plants for his company. One here in the city and one it the thumb, remember Michigan is a mitten, that is very rural. Since he is one of the bosses we have to get there early to get everything ready, centerpieces in place and all the gifts brought in. I am always assigned to the entrance table. I get their nametags and each person gets 2 drink coupons. Now this is at a lovely hall in a golf club about 1/2 way between the 2 plants. As each couple comes in I ask which plant so I can find the correct nametags. I ask but usually I can guess. :rolleyes1 Now this has nothing to do with money but what is appropriate. The people from Blake's office come in suits, or shirts and ties with the women in dresses or suits. The folks from the other plant were in ripped jeans, muddy boots and a lot of flannel. This year they brought in a professional photographer who set up and took portraits of each couple for free. Blake's boss made a comment about one couple as they were up there that she must have worn her 'good jeans' For Heaven's Sake they were skin tight and must have had a 1/2 dozen holes in them, and she was older than I am!!! :confused3 You don't have to spend a lot of money to look appropriate! At least clean up!

I did discover, yet again, that I am no longer cut out for high heels!!! :teeth: My feet still hurt!!

When it was time for the gifts they played a version of Deal or No Deal. They had a bunch of little silver cases that they placed envelopes in with your gift written on it. It varied from laser stud finders (?) to iPods to TVs, DVD players to vacation days to gift cards that went from $50 to $500 in value. It was funny, esp when Blake won a karaoke machine!!! You have to know that Blake was asked to sit in the hall during music class in elementary school and still can't carry a tune in a bucket, none of us can!! We hid it from the kids! I told him to see if he can get a receipt, if not we are saving it for Matt's senior all night party and donating it for their gift table!!

I have to get busy on my Christmas cards. I have to finish my shopping soon, I get to the stores, get overwhelmed and leave!!
Happy Monday everyone!!

Donna- those pastries look so good!!! Thanks for breakfast!!

QOD: I don't usually eat breakfast, usually because I never have time. But when I go to Disney I love to have a big breakfast because I always feel better when I eat. I should eat breakfast more than I do because my blood sugar tends to get low and I start to crash, but I guess I haven't learned my lesson!!

Pozey- LOVE the Christmas lights!!

YM- So glad DS is feeling better!
Lyzziesmom - :grouphug: I just signed on to check in on the day's chatter and read your post. That is totally inappropriate and inexcusable. Just because you're her daughter, doesn't give her the right to go through your accounts/receipts/bills and so forth and try to make your decisions for you. You're a big girl now!
Lyzziesmom- :grouphug: I can't believe your mom still reads your mail! Your an adult! About the trip, go and have fun! My mom told me yesterday that her and my dad are going to Las Vegas yet again on Thursday for a weekend trip. I got after her a little bit, because they just got the heater fixed and had to get my dad's car fixed unexpectedly. I told her she was there last month! She said that they had gotten a free room and cheap airfare. Then I thought about it, if Disney offered free rooms and I could find good airfare, I would go to WDW more then once a year too.
Michele: it sounds like Blake's Christmas party was a lot of fun. I really like that Deal or No Deal idea for the Christmas gifts! He got a karaoke machine... how funny! That's a great idea to save it for Matt's party, I'm sure the kids would have a blast.

Ashley: when you move back to FL, don't forget to get locks on the doors, and use them! I don't understand why some people need to be so nosy and intrusive!!

In my earlier vent, I forgot to mention how my rotten day started. Have you all seen the "faces of meth" thing, where they show mug shots of people before and after meth use and how much it messes up their face in such a short time? Well... I woke up this morning looking like an After mugshot. Ok ok, maybe not quite THAT bad, BUT... I sprouted a huge zit on the bridge of my nose right by my eyebrow. I mean the thing has its own zip code. And of course, it's been bleeding, so it looks like I have this big open sore right in the middle of my face. AND, I get really bad dry chapped lips, especially this time of year. Woke up and my bottom lip had cracked and bled, hasn't really stopped all day because it keeps recracking. And of course my eyes are red from the unexpected crying. So I look like I've either been beaten up, or taken up a nice little meth habit. Lovely way to start a Monday morning.

Anyone want to set me up with a date?? ;)
lyzziesmom.........Others have said pretty much what I was going to say.

The only thing I would add is that I would advise you to go out and find yourself a fireproof safe. This would come in handy for 2 reasons………first, and foremost, you should have such a safe to keep important documents in. Such as birth certificates, wills, valuable jewelry, and anything else that would be important to have just in case such a horrible tragedy did occur. Then, if you did have such a box, you could throw some of your mail or “un-filed” items in it until you had time to file them away. The safe we have has a special key, and you could keep a spare key in a bank safe deposit box or somewhere safe and secure.

Just a suggestion.
Tough TV choice tonight.......

Mary Poppins on ABC Family......

Wizard of Oz on TNT High Def.....

We're on Wizard of Oz...
We own Wizard of Oz (don't have HiDef tv) so are recording Mary Poppins. Missed the 6pm showing so are recording it at 9pm. Also recording Year w/o a Santa Claus for the kids. I'll probably watch it too. I think it's based on the old Rankin-Bass special which I've always liked.
Evening everyone. I started to feel a little better during the day but I think I'm about to head to bed, I work at 7:30AM tomorrow and need to sleep!

Well, they adjusted the shipping on Chris DVD to what it would be if they had calculated the shipping right, but totally ignored what I said about being misleading. I went ahead and paid for it but sent them a nasty gram explaining that I would never again use their company and was going to forward my emails to ebay customer service. Oh well, it was only 7 dollars more than I originally budgeted and now I dont' have to think about it anymore.

Lyzziesmom, so sorry your day was so tough! My mom can be the same way. I have to hide things from her because she is so nosy. Truth is she is a very lonely woman who doesn't make friends easier...she smothers me to death because "I am her only friend" You are in my thoughts!!!!
Good evening everyone! :wave2:
Not much happening here. DH had to work late tonight...a technical crisis of some sort. Nathan and I had a frozen pizza for supper. He's watching "The Year Without a Santa Claus" now.

QOD= I always eat a small breakfast...cereal, english muffin or peanut butter toast,etc. I hope that doesn't ruin my cyber-breakfast personna! :teeth:

April:: I guess you are leaving tomorrow!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: I know I don't have to tell you to have fun, but ..........HAVE FUN!!! :yay: :dance3:

Yolanda:: So how was your day of teaching?? I'm sure it went off without a hitch! :thumbsup2 You are a braver woman that I. :worship:

Nicole:: So, how did the cake decorating class go? We want to see those pictures....and samples!! Yummm!!!!!!!!

pozey:: Great pics of your outdoor/indoor decorations!! :thumbsup2 I just love this time of year and all the georgeous Christmas decorations. :goodvibes

lyzziesmom:: I'm sorry for the problems with your mother. I don't know what to tell you except we are here if you need to talk, you know that. Your mom going through your personal papers is quite out of line. Pozey's sugestion of a safe may be your answer.
Get some rest and soon that "Zit from heck" will be a thing of the past. :goodvibes

Ashley:: HI!!! :wave2:

Michele:: sounds like Blake's christmas party was interesting to say the least! Why is it such a big deal to wear anything but jeans anymore for crying out loud!!! :rolleyes:

Lin:: Glad you're feeling better, but i'm sure you're probably very tired from being sick.
Yeah!! You got the shipping costs adjusted. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Well, Gary just drove up the driveway. Home at last. :goodvibes

Before I turn in for the night I wanted to tell April to have a super vacation!!
April, there's someone waiting in florida for you........

April: Bon voyage, ma cherie! Have fun!!!

pozey: thanks for the advice! I can just imagine if I had a safe sitting in the house, "What do you need a safe for? What's in it? Where is the key? Why won't you tell me? What do you have that's so important you need a safe?" and so on & so forth. My brother had a small safe in his room when he was in high school. Mom copied the key while he was asleep and broke into it.

Donna: you can continue making us cyber breakfasts, even if you don't eat a big real one! Neither do most of the rest of us, it seems.

Lin: Glad you got the DVD thing straightened out. It still sounds shady to me. I am just not very trusting and hate paying for shipping.

Poor Lyzzie is coming down with quite the cold. Her little nose is completely clogged. She was snorting so much yesterday at the Nutcracker that the lady in front of her turned around a couple times and shot her a dirty look. I shot the daggers right back. If you don't like kids, don't go to the flippin Nutcracker, lady! Anyway, I dosed her with Benadryl tonight and set her up with a ton of pillows so she's sleeping almost upright, and I can still hear her snuffling in her sleep. I hope we can get this contained before she gives it to Emma and I! Emma just got over a runny nose thing and I don't have any sick time yet - and when I do, I'm using it to go to WDW in Feb!!

Got my gas bill today and promptly turned down the heat on the programmable thermostat. It went up 3x since last month!! Yikes!

Well hooties, I'm off to sleep. Sweet dreams, goodnight, don't let the bedbugs bite! *Has anyone heard this next part?* If they do, you know what to do: just hit them with your shoe! (I think my mom may have made that part up but I don't really know.)
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