Which would you choose?


Mar 26, 2001
Which would you pick? Would you go mid-June, with slightly lower crowds but the parks closing at 8....or would you choose to go the end of July. More crowds, hotter weather...but the parks are open until 10 (according to the Universal site). We are planning to stay at one of the Universal hotels and are a family of 5. :D
That's a tough one because as I recall, June, the past couple of years has been extremely hot (don't know if it was last year, but I remember a LOT of talk about it on the boards, etc)

Is Mid-late August a possibility? :(

I guess mid-June would be my choice given what you have to work with...2 extra hours isn't that much...although there would probably be fireworks, etc. in July...

It's a tough call! Are you staying onsite?

I'm sure others who have traveled during those times will be of more help! :rolleyes:

Depends on a lot of things... You know your family best, if they are early risers or if your kids are very young you'll all probably be pretty beat by 8 pm regardless of the closing time, don't forget there is still plenty to do at Citywalk after the park closes, including taking in the lastest movies. We also enjoy swimming in the Hard Rock pool after a long hot day.
Even if you did stay the whole day till 10 you'd have to stop at some point for dinner, so if you plan your dinner for after the 8pm close I don't think the extra 2 hours will really make a big difference.
I would say go with the better bargain or whatever suits your schedule.
We were there last summer during the week of July 4. It was pretty crowded, but staying on-site gives you that wonderful express access. We just went early, then went back to the pool during the heat of the afternoon, and then went back to the parks for dinner and more attractions. The advantage to the late park hours is being able to experience the parks when it's dark. IOA takes on a somewhat different persona. Riding Hulk and Dr. Doom in the dark is REALLY GREAT! You can't lose no matter when you go. It's great any time!
Thanks everyone! Your input is really helpful. My DH is thinking we should go mid-June....so now I need to wait to see how many snow days we will need to tack on to the end of the school year. So far we only have one....and today it is going to be in the 60's! Do you think I can make 2 reservations and then after winter is over and we know how many make-up days we have, I can cancel one of them?:)


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