Which is the best size stroller?

Abby's MoM

Earning My Ears
Aug 17, 2000
Which is the best size stroller to take for my soon to be 2yr old? Dear hubby wants to buy a small size folding stroller (its light wt.), the kind that just has a scoop for a seat. I want to take our big stroller, it has a little pull out shade, a large carry pouch (to put all of our rain coats etc..) and the seat recline for Abby's naps. Its kinda bulky and sometimes gets heavy to push when you carry alot of stuff. Thanks in advance for your comments.. Abby's MoM

Going to WDW for the first time in Sept. 2001. I have one quest in life and its to go to Walt Disney World.
I would take something that reclines. If you can find an umbrella stroller that reclines, I would opt for that, but if not - take your big one.
My dd still took lots of naps at 2, and they look terribly uncomfortable to me when they aren't reclined at least a little bit.

If you do opt for a cheaper stroller, make sure the wheels swivel as well, otherwise you will hate pushing it for any length of time.

I would opt for the big comfy stroller. We've been to WDW several times and we've taken the big double as well as a reclining umbrella double that we bought especially for the trip. The big double gets the thumbs up all the way around. Sure, it is a bit bulky and heavy, but that allows for more comfort for our girls - and that's what's important. It also has tons more storage space which is important when carrying rain ponchos, diapers, diaper bag, video camera, etc.
Go with the stroller your daughter is most comfortable in. She will be spending hours in the stroller and hopefully catching quick naps there too. You will all be happiest if she is comfortable and happy too! Have fun planning your trip! :)
Think about it -- would YOU want to be sitting all day in a small, umbrella-type stroller or a nice cushy one that reclines?? I would think sitting in an umbrella stroller when it's 90 degrees outside would be like being wrapped in canvas - hot and sticky! I, personally, would not like to be sitting in something that was enveloping me. A 2 year old will be spending most of the time strolling, rather than walking and I think the big one is much better. We took two regular sized strollers when we went (1-1/2 and 3-1/2 y/o). It was nice, also, because they had the tray on the front for the boys' snacks, etc. Plus, my little one liked to keep his water bottle and toys next to him and that would not have worked in an umbrella stroller. PLUS...all the room in the basket underneath is reason enough to bring the bigger one

[This message was edited by pstepka on 03-23-01 at 01:43 PM.]
Although your big stroller is the better choice for comfort, they can be difficult to fold up when you get on the monorail. If your husband wants to buy an umbreela stroller anyway, you should buy one that reclines and has a tray in front and a BIG basket underneath. We bought one for our trip when my daughter was 14 mos and it was well worth it. We will be using it again this summer and she is going to be almost 3. She is very comfortable and can nap in it and it folds quickly and easily. They only cost $40-$50 but they are so much more comfortable than the other type of stroller that you pay$20 for. Good luck!

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