Which is better-- April or June?


Earning My Ears
Mar 26, 2001
Hi everyone! :)

We are planning our second Disney trip, and now that my son is in school, we are planning to join the crowds either over spring break 2002 (first week of April) or in June 2002. I am wondering which you feel is better, as far as crowds, weather, park hours, etc. Also, we are planning to hit the Space Center for a few days afterward, and wonder if an impending shuttle launch April 4 will effect WDW crowds in any way? Thanks for your advice!
I have never been there in April. I was there in May last year and the weather was great. We were there over Mothers day, and it didn't seem to be too crowded, but April is still Spring Break time so I couldn't tell you. I do know the parks start to stay open later after the first weekend in June. Just to let you know that weekend, June 2, is unoffically Gay Day, so if that is a problem for you go after that weekend. It does start to get warm, but I like it hot, so that doesn't usually bother me. But if you want the parks to be open later I say June.

We are going to be there the second week in April and I've done a ton of reading and from all I've come up with I have to say April would be perfect weatherwise, less humid, less rainfall, etc. As far as the park hours, the first week of April they are as follows - Magic Kingdom 9am-9pm, Epcot 9am-9pm, MGM 9am-8:30pm, and Animal Kingdom 8am-6pm. The parks start staying open later the weekend I get there (April 8th) and are that way for 2 weeks (I'm assuming because that will be the busiest time during "Spring Break") Anyways hope this helps - have fun!


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