Where to find Toy Story Characters ?


<font color=purple>Carry ponchos, not umbrellas!<b
Apr 1, 2001
Been to Disney many times and never have seen the Toy Story guys walking around.... anyone know where to find them ??
My son just loves Buzz and I want him to see him other than the Buzz ride.
Thanks so much !!
They use to be kept near Pizza Planet at MGM, but on my last trip they were kept in the building (were they do photos) near the honey I shrunk the ...playground, where the props are kept. The soldiers can be found throughout the park.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86
We walked past Al's Toy Barn at the studio on March 31st and saw the Toy Story characters there. They had specific queues (with roped off areas and everything) set up to wait for each character.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
We also saw Buzz and Woody out side Al's Toy Shoppe.It's near the Muppet Stuff shop and the Christmas Shop at MGM.
My DD didn't like that they stamped her book instead of signing it!! :eek:

We just had the kids pictures taken with them the other day at the "Al's Toy Barn" near the Muppet 3D movie, my 9 year old son loved the way they slapped down his book and stamped it, he got the biggest kick out of that! When you wait in the line you get to visit both of them at once, you don't have to wait in line seperately for them.


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